Recently, as the level of treatment at animal hospitals has improved, there has been tremendous growth in the number and types of laboratory tests for accurate diagnosis. Laboratory testing is critical for disease diagnosis, follow-up, and appropriate treatment implementation in veterinary hospitals. It occupies an important aspect not only in the diagnostic aspect but also in the income of hospitals. Accordingly, the role of veterinary nurse in conducting clinical pathological tests is emphasized, and they must be performed in the quality control and accurate methods of various laboratory equipment, and maintain a safety laboratory environment, medical waste treatment, quality control of test value, and record keeping. Institutions that train veterinary nurse should focus on nursing and medical assistance and other hospital management tasks such as guardian counseling, management of supplies, drug management, waste management, and various clinical pathological tests to help diagnose, so increase their treatment efficiency of animal hospitals and veterinarians.
This study was aimed to compare the thoughts differences about the abandoned dog protectorate facility according to the presence of dog ownership. We evaluated 100 people who have dog ownership and 100 people who have not dog ownership by questionnaire survey including14 questions. The authors present the thoughts differences about the abandoned dog protectorate facility between people with or without dog ownership. These results may be used for the fundamental data for the establishment of strategy on the improved management of abandoned dog protectorate facility.
Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, animal research, and in vivo testing, is the use of non-human animals in experiments. The research is conducted inside universities, medical schools, pharmaceutical companies, farms, defense establishments, and commercial facilities that provide animal-testing services to industry. The authors present the thoughts differences between people with or without animal experiment experiences.
Smilax china L. rhizome extract(SCE), called ``Tobokreung`` in Korean traditional medicine was investigated the influence on heavy metal contents(particularly Pb, Cd, As, and Hg) in Sprague-Dawley rats for 3 weeks. The test groups were divided into 4 group, normal, control, and SCE feeding groups, SC1(13 ㎎/㎏) and SC2(26 ㎎/㎏), respectively. The three group except normal group, were fed heavy metal such as Pb, Cd, As, and Hg. Body weight gain and the weight of target organs (liver and kidney) were determined and had not shown significant differences. Pb, Cd, and As contents in the kidney of SCE feeding groups were tended to decrease after 3 weeks, and SC2 group showed remarkably decrease of them. In the liver, the 3 heavy metal contents except Cd of SC2 group, were decreased rather than that of control group. Pb contents in the serum and the hair of the SC2 group showed significantly decreasing. All the taken together, we investigated the effect of SCE on the 4 heavy metal contents in rats for 3 weeks, and found out that more dosage of SCE made lower heavy metal contents in vivo, for the first time.
목이버섯으로부터 항혈전물질을 추출하여 제품화하기 위한 대량생산공정을 다음과 같이 확립하였다. 즉, 건조된 목이버섯을 분쇄하여 75% ethanol로 추출하여 원심분리한 침전물에 증류수에 첨가한 후 76oC에서 2시간 추출한 후 압착여과하여 여과액을 얻는다. 이를 감압농축한 후 여기에 최종 농도가 80%가 되도록 ethanol을 첨가하여 추출한 침전물을 동결건조한다. 제품의 소비지 기호도 조사를 통해 부재료의 종류와 첨가량을 결정하여 배합비를 목이버섯 추출물 90.5%, 고과당 2.0%, β-cyclodextrin 1.5%, 올리고당 2.0%, 배 농축액 4.0%로 결정하였다. 제품을 포장하여 25, 37, 45oC에서 저장하였을 경우 저장 8주에서도 수분활성도, 수분함량, pH, 산도에 큰 변화가 없었다. 미생물 생균수는 25oC와 37oC에서 저장하였을 경우 저장기간이 지남에 따라 약간 증가한 반면, 45oC에서 저장하였을 경우에는 저장 2개월 후에는 대부분 사멸하였다. 제품을 쥐에 정맥투여하였을 경우 1,000 mg/kg 투여 시 APTT 활성, TT 활성, PT 활성, FIB 활성이 대조구와 비교하여 유의적으로 높았으며 500 mg/kg을 경구투여하였을 경우 항혈소판활성이 아스피린과 동일한 수준을 나타내었다.
Osteoarthrosis in TMJ is known to accompany characteristic features of the craniofacial malformation and malocclusion. In order to explain the mechanism that brings about the typical mandibular changes relating to the frequent clinical symptom, i.e., the limited mouth opening in TMJ patients. The present study investigated the mandibular morphology of the rabbit, also intentional TMJ osteoarthrosis was performed on the TMJ of the rabbits and their morphological changes were observed. A total of 12 New Zealand house rabbits weighing an average of 3 kgwere used and all left side joints were surgically meniscectomized and right side joints were used as controls. The rabbits were sacrificed in one week, two weeks, one month, three months and 5 months after the menisectomy, and the removed TMJs were examined by histological and radiographical methods and analyzed statistically. It was found that the mandibular morphology caused by osteoarthritis in the TMJ was characterized by the decrease in size of the ascending ramus, posterior ramus bowing, deep antegonial notch and thickening of the cortex in inferior and posterior borders of the mandible, that the similar features were also observed in the rabbit mandible. When the menisectomy was performed in the unilateral side of rabbit TMJ, the mandibular changes including the increased depth of antegonial notch and posterior ramus bowing occurred only on the affected side. These data suggested that the limitation of the mandibular movement and altered masticatory pattern by meniscectomy affects the structural remodeling of the mandible and TMJ likely the TMJ osteoarthrosis
Animal experiments need numerous kinds of animal which are suitable for every research. About 300 mouse strains are developed up to the present, but they do not give satisfaction to every researchers. So we must build up the methods of breading animals which are newly developed and of maintenance of characteristics which were developed before. To maintain experimental animal is not only proceeding the generation but also increasing the animal populations, it needs geneticai control. Genetic factors which influence to reproduction are very important to maintain colony. These factors include lethal gene, chromosomal abberation, sterility gene, etc.. With the recent development of transgenic technology, scientists now can deliberately creat numerous specific animal models. To know how to manage the colony which has genetic defect on reproduction and transgenic mice is one of the key to study in vitro fertilization.