본 논문에서는 15차 bézier 곡선을 사용하여 기존의 연구보다 더 유연한 빔 형상을 설계하고, 더 넓은 설계 공간에서 최적 설계를 수 행하여 최적의 열전도도를 갖는 빔 형상을 설계한다. 설계 공간이 넓어지면 그 만큼 계산양이 증가하게 되는데, 고차원 변수 공간에서 효율적으로 작동하는 인공신경망을 사용하여 최적 설계를 가속화하여 계산 한계를 극복하였다. 더 나아가 최적의 탄성계수를 갖는 빔의 형상과 비교하였으며 열전도와 탄성학 사이의 수학적 유사성을 이용하여 빔 형상을 설명한다. 본 연구에서는 인공지능을 활용 한 형상 최적설계를 통해 기존의 한계를 뛰어넘는 격자구조의 빔 형상을 제안한다. 먼저, SC(Simple Cubic), BC(Body Centered Cubic) 격자 구조 빔 형상을 bézier 곡선으로 모델링하고 bézier 곡선의 제어점 좌표를 무작위로 설정하여 학습데이터를 확보하였다. NN(Neural Network) 및 GA(Genetic Algorithm)를 통해 우수한 유효 열전도도를 가진 빔 형상을 생성하여 최적의 빔 형상을 설계하였 다. 본 연구를 통해 추후 다양한 열 조건에서 격자구조의 적절한 구조적 해답을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
High-temperature and high-pressure post-processing applied to sintered thermoelectric materials can create nanoscale defects, thereby enhancing their thermoelectric performance. Here, we investigate the effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) as a post-processing treatment on the thermoelectric properties of p-type Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3.0 compounds sintered via spark plasma sintering. The sample post-processed via HIP maintains its electronic transport properties despite the reduced microstructural texturing. Moreover, lattice thermal conductivity is significantly reduced owing to activated phonon scattering, which can be attributed to the nanoscale defects created during HIP, resulting in an ~18% increase in peak zT value, which reaches ~1.43 at 100oC. This study validates that HIP enhances the thermoelectric performance by controlling the thermal transport without having any detrimental effects on the electronic transport properties of thermoelectric materials.
본 논문은 에너지를 실시간으로 저장할 수 있는 저장장치 중 열에너지 저장 콘크리트를 대상으로 재료의 미세구조와 물성(열전도 도)의 상관관계를 분석하는 연구를 수행하였다. 에너지 저장 콘크리트의 열전도 성능을 증가시키기 위해 혼화재인 그라파이트 (graphite)를 사용하였다. 그라파이트가 시멘트 질량의 10%와 15%를 치환한 시편과 일반 콘크리트(OPC) 시편을 제작하여 그라파이 트의 혼입에 따른 미세구조 변화 및 열전도도의 영향을 마이크로 스케일에서 분석하였다. 마이크로-CT를 활용하여 OPC와 그라파이 트를 사용한 콘크리트의 공극률을 비교하였으며, 확률함수를 사용하여 미세구조 특성을 정량화하였다. 미세구조 특성 차이가 열전도 도에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위해 3차원 가상 시편을 제작하여 열해석을 수행하였으며, 이를 열평판법을 사용하여 측정한 열전도도 실험 결과와 비교하였다. 열해석 수행 시 그라파이트 재료가 지닌 열전도도 성능을 반영하기 위하여 해석 결과와 실험 결과를 기반으 로 고체상의 열전도도를 역해석을 통해 계산하였으며, 그라파이트가 시편의 열전도도에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하였다.
We investigate the effects of Yb2O3 and calcium aluminosilicate (CAS) glass as sintering additives on the sintering behavior of AlN. The AlN specimens are sintered at temperatures between 1700oC and 1900oC for 2 h in a nitrogen atmosphere. When the Yb2O3 content is low (within 3 wt.%), an isolated shape of secondary phase is observed at the AlN grain boundary. In contrast, when 3 wt.% Yb2O3 and 1 wt.% CAS glass are added, a continuous secondary phase is formed at the AlN grain boundary. The thermal conductivity decreases when the CAS glass is added, but the sintering density does not decrease. In particular, when 10 wt.% Yb2O3 and 1 wt.% CAS glass are added to AlN, the flexural strength is the highest, at 463 MPa. These results are considered to be influenced by changes in the microstructure of the secondary phase of AlN.
Effects of Sc addition on microstructure, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of the as-cast and as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-xSc (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5 wt%) alloys are investigated. The average grain size of the as-cast Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg alloy is 2,334 μm; however, this value drops to 914 and 529 μm with addition of Sc element at 0.25 wt% and 0.5 wt%, respectively. This grain refinement is due to primary Al3Sc phase forming during solidification. The as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg alloy has a recrystallization structure consisting of almost equiaxed grains. However, the asextruded Sc-containing alloys consist of grains that are extremely elongated in the extrusion direction. In addition, it is found that the proportion of low-angle grain boundaries below 15 degree is dominant. This is because the addition of Sc results in the formation of coherent and nano-scale Al3Sc phases during hot extrusion, inhibiting the process of recrystallization and improving the strength by pinning of dislocations and the formation of subgrain boundaries. The maximum values of the yield and tensile strength are 126 MPa and 215 MPa for the as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-0.25Sc alloy, respectively. The increase in strength is probably due to the existence of nano-scale Al3Sc precipitates and dense Al2Cu phases. Thermal conductivity of the as-cast Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-xSc alloy is reduced to 204, 187 and 183 W/MK by additions of elemental Sc of 0, 0.25 and 0.5 wt%, respectively. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity of the as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-xSc alloy is about 200 W/Mk regardless of the content of Sc. This is because of the formation of coherent Al3Sc phase, which decreases Sc content and causes extremely high electrical resistivity.
고준위폐기물을 심지층에 처분하기 위한 공학적방벽의 구성 요소로는 처분용기, 완충재, 뒷채움재 등이 있다. 이 중 완충재는 처분용기와 근계암반 사이의 빈 공간에 설치되는 물질로써, 주변 지하수로부터 처분용기를 보호하며 방사성 핵종의 유출을 저지하는 등의 역할을 한다. 또한 처분용기에서 발생하는 고온의 열량은 완충재로 직접 전파되기에 완충재의 열전도도는 처분시스템의 안전성 평가에 있어 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 국내 경주산 압축 벤토나이트 완충재의 열전도도 특성을 규명하였으며 실제 처분용기에서 발생되는 고온의 특성을 반영하여 상온에서 80~90℃까지의 범위에서 압축 벤토나이트의 열전도도를 측정하였다. 온도증가에 따라 압축 벤토나이트의 열전도도는 5~20% 가량 증가하였으며 초기 포화도가 클수록 열전도도 증가는 더 크게 나타났다.
In this study, the effects of Sm addition (0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.5 wt%) on the microstructure, hardness, and electrical and thermal conductivity of Al-11Si-1.5Cu aluminum alloy were investigated. As a result of Sm addition, increment in the amount of α-Al and refinement of primary Si from 70 to 10 μm were observed due to eutectic temperature depression. On the other hand, Sm was less effective at refining eutectic Si because of insufficient addition. The phase analysis results indicated that Sm-rich intermetallic phases such as Al-Fe-Mg-Si and Al-Si-Cu formed and led to decrements in the amount of primary Si and eutectic Si. These microstructure changes affected not only the hardness but also the electrical and thermal conductivity. When 0.5 wt% Sm was added to the alloy, hardness increased from 84.4 to 91.3 Hv, and electric conductivity increased from 15.14 to 16.97 MS/m. Thermal conductivity greatly increased from 133 to 157 W/m·K.
Thermal management is a critical issue for the development of high-performance electronic devices. In this paper, thermal conductivity values of mild steel and stainless steel(STS) are measured by light flash analysis(LFA) and dynamic thermal interface material(DynTIM) Tester. The shapes of samples for thermal property measurement are disc type with a diameter of 12.6 mm. For samples with different thickness, the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity are measured by LFA. For identical samples, the thermal resistance(Rth) and thermal conductivity are measured using a DynTIM Tester. The thermal conductivity of samples with different thicknesses, measured by LFA, show similar values in a range of 5 %. However, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester show widely scattered values according to the application of thermal grease. When we use the thermal grease to remove air gaps, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester is larger than that measured by LFA. But, when we did not use thermal grease, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester is smaller than that measured by LFA. For the DynTIM Tester results, we also find that the slope of the graph of thermal resistance vs. thickness is affected by the usage of thermal grease. From this, we are able to conclude that the wide scattering of thermal conductivity for samples measured with the DynTIM Tester is caused by the change of slope in the graph of thermal resistance-thickness.
In this study, MgO–CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 (MCAS) nanocomposite glass powder having a mean particle size of 50 nm and a specific surface area of 40 m2/g is used as a sintering additive for AlN ceramics. Densification behaviors and thermal properties of AlN with 5 wt% MCAS nano-glass additive are investigated. Dilatometric analysis and isothermal sintering of AlN-5wt% MCAS compact demonstrates that the shrinkage of the AlN specimen increases significantly above 1,300oC via liquid phase sintering of MCAS additive, and complete densification could be achieved after sintering at 1,600oC, which is a reduction in sintering temperature by 200oC compared to conventional AlN-Y2O3 systems. The MCAS glass phase is satisfactorily distributed between AlN particles after sintering at 1,600oC, existing as an amorphous secondary phase. The AlN specimen attained a thermal conductivity of 82.6 W/m·K at 1,600oC.
In this study, cladding materials were prepared by explosion pressure welding of materials with different thermal conductivity to fabricate heating block for 3D printing. The following conclusions were obtained as a result of measuring the thermal conductivity of the clad material. Experimental results show that the lowest thermal conductivity of aluminum and titanium is 116.3 ± 0.4 W / mK.
The effect of CNT diameters on properties of CNT-polyamide composites was investigated such as electrical conductivity, tensile strength and thermal conductivity. To get different diameter distributions of CNTs, several portions of Mo and Fe in Mo-Fe/MgO catalysts were synthesized by a combustion method at 600℃. And all CNTs growed at 900℃ with 3 SLM methane and 1 SLM hydrogen for 40min. Four kinds of CNTs with different diameter distributions, such as 1~3nm, 3~7nm, 7~13nm, and 10~30nm, were selected to make CNT-polyamide composites. Each composite was manufactured by a solution mixing using bar-type ultra-sonicator in the CNT portions from 1phr to 50phr. And electrical conductivity, tensile strength, and thermal conductivity were measured. Three properties of CNT-polyamide composite, manufactured with 10nm diameter, were more excellent compared to other composites, with electrical conductivity Ω at 7phr, thermal conductivity 2.4.W/mK at 40phr, tensile strength 60MPa at 30phr. CNTs with a diameter of 10nm were superior to other diameters for the multi-functional composite such as CNT-polyamide composites.
The monolayer engineering diamond particles are aligned on the oxygen free Cu plates with electroless Ni plating layer. The mean diamond particle sizes of 15, 23 and 50 μm are used as thermal conductivity pathway for fabricating metal/carbon multi-layer composite material systems. Interconnected void structure of irregular shaped diamond particles allow dense electroless Ni plating layer on Cu plate and fixing them with 37-43% Ni thickness of their mean diameter. The thermal conductivity decrease with increasing measurement temperature up to 150oC in all diamond size conditions. When the diamond particle size is increased from 15 μm to 50 μm (Max. 304 W/mK at room temperature) tended to increase thermal conductivity, because the volume fraction of diamond is increased inside plating layer.
현재 고준위 방사성 폐기물 심층 처분 시스템에서 기본 완충재 물질로서 건조밀도 1.6 g/cm3의 경주산 칼슘 벤토나이트 를 사용하고 있으나, 열전도도가 낮은 단점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기준 완충재의 열전도율을 0.8 W/mK에서 1.0 W/mK로 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 다양한 첨가제를 다양한 혼합 방법을 통해 배합하고 열전도도를 측정하였다. 첨가제는 CNT(Cabon Nano Tube), Graphite, Alumina, CuO 및 Fe2O3 등을 사용하였다. 혼합 방법의 경우, 핸드 믹서기를 통한 건식 혼합, 습식 Milling 혼합, 건식 Ball Mill 혼합 등을 실시하였다. Ball Mill 혼합의 경우가 가장 균일하게 혼합되었기 때문에, 값 의 편차가 가장 적었고 열전도도 증가율이 가장 좋았다. 지금까지 수행된 시험에서 소량의 고열전도 물질의 첨가로 경주산 칼슘 벤토나이트의 열전도도를 1.0 W/mK 수준으로 용 이하게 증가시킬 수 있음을 실험적으로 확인할 수 있었다. 결론적으로, 본 연구에서 제시된 열전도 향상 방법은, 첨가제 혼합 이 벤토나이트의 기본 성질인 팽윤압과 수리전도도에 미치는 영향까지 제시된다면, 국내 고준위폐기물 처분장의 개념 설계에 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
With increase in operating temperature of gas turbine for higher efficiency, it is necessary to find new materials of TBC for replacement of YSZ. Among candidate materials for future TBCs, zirconate-based oxides with pyrochlore and fluorite are prevailing ones. In this study, phase structure and thermal conductivities of oxide system are investigated. system are comprised by selecting as A-site ions and as B-site ion in pyrochlore structures. With powder mixture from each oxide, oxides are fabricated via solid-state reaction at . Either pyrochlore or fluorite or mixture of both appears after heat treatment. For the developed phases along compositions, thermal conductivities are examined, with which the potential of compositions for TBC application is also discussed.
This paper reports the microstructures and thermal conductivities of -SiC composite ceramics with size and amount of SiC. We fabricated sintered bodies of -x vol.% SiC (x=10, 20, 30) with submicron and nanosized SiC densified by spark plasma sintering. Microstructure retained the initial powder size of especially SiC, except the agglomeration of nanosized SiC. For sintered bodies, thermal conductivities were examined. The observed thermal conductivity values are 40~60 W/mK, which is slightly lower than the reported values. The relation between microstructural parameter and thermal conductivity was also discussed.
고준위폐기물처분장의 설계 및 장기 성능평가를 위한 입력 자료를 확보하기 위해, 한국원자력연구원 지하처분연구시설 부지에서 실시된 경사시추에서 얻은 암석 코어를 이용하여 화강암의 열전도도를 측정하였다. 열전도도에 미치는 함수비의 영향을 조사하기 위해 여러 가지 함수비에서 화강암의 열전도도를 측정하였다. 화강암의 광물 조성, 결정구조 및 이방성의 영향을 고려하지 않고, 비교적 측정이 용이한 유효공극률과 함수비를 이용하여 화강암의 열전도도를 예측할 수 있는 간단한 실험적 관계식이 제안되었다. 이 관계식은 지하처분연구시설 부지에서 채취한 유효공극률 2.7% 이하인 화강암의 열전도도를 10% 오차 이내로 예측할 수 있다