
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        비래해충 개체군은 중국 남쪽에서 제트기류를 타고 한국으로 유입되는 해충이다. 애멸구(Laodelphax striatellus), 벼멸구(Nilaparvata lugens), 흰등멸구(Sogatella furcifera), 멸강나방(Mythimna separata), 혹명나방(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis)은 주요 비래해충 5종으로 주요 작물인 벼에 피해를 주기에 중요하다. 이 연구는 2016년 7월 하순에서 9월 상순, 2017년 7월에서 8월까지 전라도의 벼논에서 하였다. 멸강나방과 혹명나방은 페로몬 트랩을 사용하여 채집하였고, 벼멸구, 흰등멸구, 애멸구는 육안 조사, 포충망 조사, 끈끈이 트랩을 사용하여 채집하였다. 비래해충을 분석 하기 위해 공간통계학 중 SADIE (Spatial Analysis by Distance IndicEs)를 사용하였다. SADIE는 사용하여 공간분포 및 집중지수 Ia를 분석 하였고, 클러스터지수 Vi, Vj를 사용하여 공간분포를 조사하였다. 또한, 클러스터지수는 red-blue plot를 사용하여 지도 위에 나타내었다. 멸강나 방과 혹명나방은 SADIE 공간 집중 분석, red-blue plot 분석에서 다른 분포를 보였다. 애멸구와 다른 멸구의 초기 공간분포는 표본 추출 위치와 시간이 다르게 나타났다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between HbA1c level and health risk factor. For analysis, 330 elderly women aged 65 years and over were recruited in Jeonla province, Korea. The subjects were classified into two groups according to their HbA1c level; the diabetic group (HbA1c level≥6.5%, n=68, 20.6%) and control group (HbA1c level< 6.5%, n=262, 79.4%). Demographic characteristics were collected, as well as information on physical measurements, blood tests for biochemical indicators, a health status and health-related life style, dietary behavior, favorite food groups, consumption frequency of food groups and nutrient intake. Educational level of the diabetic group was significantly lower than that of the control group. The height of the diabetic group was shorter, and percentage fat of the diabetic group was higher than those of the control group. In the diabetic group, the higher concentrations of creatinine and activity of alkaline phosphatase were found to be significantly unfavorable factors. Therefore, the diabetic group was assumed to be at risk of decreased liver and renal function. The self-rated health level of the diabetic group has a declining tendency, while the medicine intake was significantly higher than that of the control group, but there are no significant differences in visiting frequency of hospital and community health center. The distribution of physical activity showed a significant difference between the groups. Although there are no significant differences in nutrient intake, the diabetic group had relatively inferior nutrient intake of diet, especially vitamin C, as contrasted with the control group. In conclusion, the weight control and increasing physical activity may be effective in the prevention of the diabetes and continuous education and intervention by specialized nutritionists will be needed for diabetic patients. These results could be useful to plan effective strategies to increase the health-life expectancy and the prevention of the diabetes of Korean elderly people living in rural areas.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the dietary and other factors affecting bone mineral density (BMD) in older Korean women. A total of 340 women aged 65 to 74 were recruited from the Kugoksoondam area (Kurye, Goksung, Soonchang and Damyang counties), known as the longevity-belt region in Jeonla province, Korea. They were categorized into two groups according to bone status by T-score : a nonosteoporotic group and an osteoporotic group. Demographic characteristics were collected, as well as information on physical measurements, blood tests for biochemical indicators, health status health-related life style, dietary behavior, favorite food groups, nutrient intake and mini nutrition assessment (MNA). The results are as follows: The mean age of 185 nonosteoporotic women was 69.6 years and that of 155 osteoporotic women was 70.9 years (p<0.001). The mean T-score of the nonosteoporotic group was -1.5 mg/cm3 and that of theosteoporotic group was -3.2 mg/cm3 (p<0.001). Height and body weight in the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher than in the osteoporotic group (p<0.001, respectively). There was no significant difference in BMI, although the BMI in the nonosteoporotic group was slightly higher. Waist and hip circumferences in the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher than in the osteoporotic group (p<0.01, respectively), and the mid upper arm and calf circumferences were also significantly higher than in the osteoporotic group (p<0.001, p<0.01, respectively). The 5 m walking ability was significantly superior compared to the osteoporotic group. Serum levels did not show any significant differences between the groups and were within normal range. The serum total protein, albumin and Insulin-like growth factor (IGFs) levels of the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher than those of the osteoporotic group (p<0.05, p<0.05, p<0.001, respectively). IGF was 104.7 ng/mL for the nonosteoporotic group and 88.1 ng/mL for the osteoporotic group. Physical activity and appetite in the nonosteoporotic group were significantly higher (p<0.01, p<0.05, respectively). The favorite food groups of the nonosteoporotic group comprised more meats and fish than those of the osteoporotic group (p<0.05, respectively). Nutrient intake was not significantly different, with the exception of niacin intake (p<0.05), but the nutrient intake of the nonosteoporotic group was slightly higher than that of the osteoporotic group. The niacin intake of the nonosteoporotic group and the osteoporotic group were 11.4 mgNE and 10.0 mgNE, corresponding to 103.6% and 90.9% of the Korean EAR, respectively. The MNA score of the nonosteoporotic group was significantly more favorable than for the osteoporotic group. In conclusion, it is necessary to maintain adequate body weight and muscle mass. Habitual physical activity may have a beneficial effect on BMD for older women. Dietary factors, such as meat and fish, higher intake of niacin rich foods and nutrient status for older women also appear to have favorable effects on bone mineral density.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the degree nutrient intake, health status and other characteristics of females aged 65 years and over in a longevity area according to family arrangement. For analysis, 585 female elderly were recruited from the Kugoksoondam area (Kurye, Goksung, Soonchang and Damyang counties), known as the longevity-belt region in Jeonla province, Korea. The subjects were categorized into three groups according to family arrangement (living alone, living with spouse only and living with family). Demographic characteristics were collected, as well as information on physical measurements, blood tests for biochemical indicators, health status and health-related life style, dietary behavior, favorite food groups, consumption frequency of food groups, nutrient intake and mini nutrition assessment. In the group living with their spouse only, the highest education, physical activity, diverse food intake, frequency of eating meats and fish, energy and nutrients intake, and score on the mininutrient status assessment (MNA) were found to be significantly favorable factors. Taken together, these results demonstrated that the group living with their spouse only had relatively superior nutrient intake and the quality of diet. In contrast, the group living alone showed the lowest self-rated economic status, diversity of food intake, and physical activity, with the highest frequency of drinking, smoking and regular exercise for almost everyday compared with the other groups. On the other hand, those living with family demonstrated the lowest intake of supplements or functional foods, and levels of hemoglobin hematocrit MCH, but the highest HBA1c and blood sugar. Therefore, the group living with family was assumed to be at risk of anemia and diabetes. These results could be useful to plan effective strategies to increase the health-life expectancy of Korean elderly people living in rural areas, according to family arrangement.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to search Mattie Ingold’s life, the first lady missionary doctor served in Jeonla province. She is known as a founder of the Jesus Hospital in Jeon Ju, 108years old teaching hospital with 600 beds. But her contribution and limitation as a lady doctor was not properly evaluated. She was very well prepared medical missionary graduating Women’s Medical College in Baltimore with the first prize. She had passion for mission to Korean so much that she would not return home for this people. The Rock Hill First Presbyterian Church as a sending church was also very mission oriented enough to take care of her medical education for 5 years before sending her to Korea. However her ministry period as a medical missionary was only from 1898 to 1904. It seems not so long as to raise question if there were any reasons to quit medical ministry while serving in Jeon Ju until 1925. This study traced the Mattie Ingold’s life and circumstances she had faced at the end of 19th century and early 20th century during the Japanese colonialism. As other medical missionaries did in many area of mission fields she played an important role in introducing the Christianity by bridging the gap with the traditional worldview or with the Confucianism. Her warm hearted medical care was definitely contributed to get rid of xenophobia prevailing in those days just few years after the Donghak farmer’s revolutionary movement. Even though, as a lady doctor, her medical work was restricted to caring ladies and children, her zeal for evangelism made her translate the Christian Cathechism Primer into Korean which has been used by all missionaries in Jeonla area. She rather used her limitation as a merit by involving more actively in home visiting and providing medical care for ladies and children which was not easily available to men. She must have struggled with xenophobia, male superiority complex and the health issue of herself which could have shrink her back from active medical work. But most depressing factor might have been the mission policy based on dualistic view on the Christian mission that medical ministry was just subordinate to the evangelistic ministry and that the medical care was just a bait for evangelism. This policy could have resulted in restriction in allocating resources for medical ministry. Moreover, at that time, even mission agency had male dominating atmosphere that ladies could not have a voice in decision making. This study may provide a lesson which is worth in helping individual missionaries of today’s mission by revealing that how the policy of a mission society and the contemporary worldview affects on the individual missionary’s ministry.
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims at exploring the nature of the traditional Korean wines brewed throughout the Southern Region of Korea-Chulla-do, Kyungsang-do and Cheju-do describing their varieties and brewing methods and also comparing the similarities and differences of their features. When compared with the wines produced in the Central Region, the Southern varieties are very fastidious and complex in their brewing methods, which in turn show a wide range of diversity. First of all, all the 29 kinds of wines investigated, not a single one shows any resemblance to any one of the remaining, each exhibiting peculiar and particular characteristic features of its own. Especially, the distilling methods demonstrate very complex processes. Secondly, the majority of the Southern spirits are made from grains, added with fragrant flavor of pine tree, wormwood, chrysanthemum leaves and other medicine herbs such as Chinese matrimony vine and tankui. Thirdly, they are brewed with yeast made from wheat into kodupap(steamed rice) type of spirits, emerging as in the form of blended liquor. Fourthly, in brewing, different fermenting temperature and duration are required. Typewise, the temperature required for the basic spirit is 15~20℃ or 25~30℃ : in the case of blended secondarily fermented liquor, from the minimum of 0~5℃ to the maximum of 75~80℃. The brewing duration is 3~5 days for the basic spirits. In some cases, from the minimum of 3 days to the maximum of 100 days are consumed for fermenting. Fifthly, the wine extraction gadgets are yongsu (wine strainer), the sieve, filter paper, Korean traditional paper, the utilization of which implies that the brewers endeavor to observe and preserve the traditional and indigenous methods of wine making.
        1988.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A feature of present fomula of dietary habitus is the result of its traditional succession, as like as the newly established culture is rooted in the inherited traditional culture. So, it is very important to discriminate the kind of korean traditional foods and to discuss the historical background of the foods in use, since they have to develope better dietary conditions in furture by using modern theory of dietetics. But there are few literatures concerning to korean traditional foods clear at a glance. However, some traditional foods including technology of cultivation and processing have been transmitted from generation to generation in some districts. Therefore, author has attempted to investigate the history of traditional foods. The results obtained were as follows. 1. A lots of traditional foods which were gifts to imperial court alloted to districts or civilian foods during Choson dynasty have been transmitted up to date, and the method of cultivation and processing are well preserved. Among them out standing examples are: 1) persimmon and its processed goods. 2) red pepper and malted pepper catchup. 3) ginger and its processed goods. 4) honey, bean sprouts etc. 2. It has been reported that ginger was cultivated in China in 5th century B.C. and in Korea early in 16th century. But historical relationships between them could not be confirmed. However, from SAMKUKSAGI and the report by Lee, Suk Woo(1754-1825) who was governor of Chonla province and remarked ginger as a sacred herb at Wanju county, Bongong town, it is suggested that ginger is a natural growing herb in Korea. 3. Soonchang malted pepper catchup is one of outstanding traditional foods which our ancestor have processed with red pepper. Peru is the place of origin, where they have cultivated pepper from 1st century. It is conceivable that pepper was transmitted from Europe to korea late in 16th century, and the first report on existence of pepper in korea was written in 1613. Therefore, it seems that malted red pepper catchup was processed 30 or 40 years later.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The rapid increase of naturalized plants causes disturbance of the ecosystem. The purpose of this study is to identify the reality of naturalized flora in Jeolla-do. A total of 830 sites were studied in 2016. These naturalized plants consisted of 189 taxa in total, belonging to 38 families, 116 genera, 181 species, 2 forms and 6 varieties. According to the results of the analysis based on place of origin, 75 taxa were from Europe, and 59 taxa were from North America. According to the analysis of the ecological characteristics, compositae had the highest diversity among 31 families, with 44 taxa, followed by Gramineae, with 24 taxa, and Leguminosae, with 10 taxa. Naju-si had the highest diversity among 36 counties, with 77 taxa. This study identified 37 (Jeollanam-do) and 30 taxa (Jeollabuk-do) not listed in the preceding literature in Jeolla-do. We found a lots of differences between flora's databases of previous studies resulting from the naturalized plant definition.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        물류환경의 급격한 변화와 함께 항만을 둘러싼 환경도 빠르게 변화하고 있다. 이와 같은 항만환경의 급격한 변화는 동북아지역을 중심으로 한 전 세계 컨테이너 물동량의 급속한 증가, 정기선사의 경영전략 변화, 부두운영업의 글로벌화, 물류중심화 선점을 위한 경쟁 격화, 선박기술의 혁신 등으로 나타나고 있다. 항만의 운영 관리 책임자들은 이러한 변화를 예측하고 이에 신속히 대응하여 항만경쟁력을 확보하기 위하여 노력을 경주하고 있다. 국내외를 연결하는 항만 간 경쟁은 국제적인 것이 일반적이어서 우리나라 항만뿐만 아니라 이웃나라 항만과의 경쟁에서도 우위를 확보해야만 한다. 특히 우리나라 항만은 전 세계적으로 항만 간 경쟁이 가장 치열한 동북아 지역에 위치하고 있어 더욱 강력한 경쟁력을 확보하지 못한다면 항만 간 경쟁에서 뒤처져 국제무대에서 사라질 수밖에 없다. 이에 본 논문에서는 일반적인 항만을 중심으로 이루어진 항만선택결정요인에 대한 기존 연구들을 살펴보고 이를 재고찰하여 중소형 항만에 적용시킬 수 있는 요인을 도출하여 향후 이들 항만의 경쟁력 확보 방안을 제시하고자 한다.