
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to categorize consumers using super app functional characteristics to identify demographic differences, and analyze shopping orientations by consumer type. This data can be used by fashion and beauty companies for product planning and marketing strategies. To categorize super app consumers, data were analyzed with SPSS v.26.0 software using frequency, factor, reliability K-mean cluster, and distributed analyses, one-way-ANOVAs, and Scheffe verification. Cross-analysis was conducted to correlate super app consumer types with demographic characteristics. One-way-ANOVAs and Scheffe verification were used to analyze the differences in shopping preferences between super app consumer groups. As a result of our analyses, super app consumers were classified into four types: the ration type, the low-use type, the multifunction type, and the habit type. There were statistically significant differences between these types in age, occupation, marital status, average monthly household income, and shopping impact factors. Five super app user shopping orientations were identified: brand pursuit, pleasure pursuit, trend pursuit, risk perception, and economic orientation. The differences in the preferred orientation between super app consumer types were found to be statistically significant. The majority of respondents were multifunction type consumers. This group used the super app most frequently and effectively. They also demonstrated the highest scores for all five of the shopping orientations. The classification of consumer types in this study will allow the fashion and beauty industries to utilize super apps for more targeted product design and marketing.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 난온대 도서지역을 광범위하게 조사해 TWINSPAN분석을 통해 식생을 유형화한 후에 유형별 입지환경과 군집구조 특성을 밝혔다. 이를 바탕으로 식생유형별 복원전략을 도출하여 난온대림 복원계획의 방향성을 제시하고자 했다. 식생유형은 명료하게 8개로 나뉘었는데 군락Ⅰ∼Ⅳ는 후박나무, 구실잣밤나무 등이 우점한 양호한 상록활엽수림 이었다. 반면, 군락Ⅴ∼Ⅷ은 곰솔림과 낙엽활엽수림, 인공조림지로 난온대 지역의 퇴행천이 식생이었다. DCA분석 결과로 도출된 환경요인은 해발고(최한월 평균기온)와 해안선에서 거리(내염성)였다. 2가지 환경요인에 따라 후박나무 림, 구실잣밤나무림, 가시나무류림 유형으로 난온대림 분포패턴이 명료해졌다. 3가지 식생유형을 복원대상지의 입지환 경을 고려해 복원목표 식생으로 적용하는 것이 합리적이다. 군락Ⅴ∼Ⅷ에는 곰솔, 낙엽활엽수 등이 수관층을 형성했는 데 종자 확장력이 강한 상록활엽수종이 하층에 빈번하게 출현해, 상록활엽수림으로 식생천이 가능성이 컸다. 도서지역 에 산림이 사라진 황폐지는 협소하지만, 곰솔림과 낙엽활엽수림 등의 퇴행천이된 식생이 대면적을 이룬다. 이곳을 상록활엽수림으로 갱신하는 복원전략이 탄소중립 실현과 생물다양성 증진 측면에서 효과성이 더 클 수 있다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships among English learners’ motivation, strategies and achievement, with a group of 51 Korean three-year college students. The students responded to the questionnaire of learning motivation and strategies. Also they took a mock TOEIC. Multiple regression analysis allowed for the analysis of learners’ motivation and strategies to predict a single dependent variable, their English achievement. The findings revealed that, first, ‘internal motivation’ was found the highest predictor of their English study, while ‘instrumental motivation-individual’ was the lowest motivation type for students. Second, participants used ‘social strategies’ most frequently in studying English, and they used the others in the order of ‘compensation strategies’, ‘affective strategies’, ‘cognitive strategies’, ‘memory strategies’ and ‘metacognitive strategies’. Last, the impact of learning motivation and strategies on the TOEIC scores was not statistically significant, but the relationship of learning motivation and strategies was found to be positive. Implications for the practical classroom and suggestions for further research are suggested.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 북한 핵전략의 유형적 특징과 전망을 분석하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 핵전략의 개념과 유형, 북한의 핵능력과 선언적 핵전략, 북한 핵전략의 운용상의 특징과 전망을 살펴본 후 결론에서 우리의 대응을 도출해본 것이다. 최근 북한의 핵무기 배치와 핵능력 증강은 우리의 안보와 군사적 대비태세에 매우 심각한 문제를 제기하고 있다. 핵전략이란 핵무기 의 구성·배치·운용을 둘러싼 군사전략을 의미한다. 북한의 핵전략에 대한 연구는 북한의 핵무장이 실체화되었다는 매우 현실적인 가정에서 출발한다. 우리 국방당국이 북핵에 대한 대응책으로 선제공격, 미사일방어, 대량 응징보복 개념을 제시하고 그 도입과 전개를 서두르는 것은 북한의 핵무장을 전제로 한 조치이다. 표출된 북한의 선언적 핵전략은 ①‘핵보유국법’ 상의 핵억제·보복전략, ②핵선제공격론, ③제7차 당대회에 나타난 ‘핵선제 불사용원칙으로, 그리고 북한 핵전략의 저의 및 운용상의 특징은 ①기존핵 국가 관행모방을 통한 비난회피, ②선언적 핵전략을 통한 자신의 핵전략의 호도, ③핵전력과 핵태세간 격차로 인한 핵전략의 미정착 등으로 각각 요 약해 볼 수 있다. 북한은 개정헌법(2012.7), ‘핵무력과 경제건설의 병진노선(2013.3),’ 그리고 핵보유국법(2013.4) 등을 통해 스스로 핵보유국임을 규정·선언하고 있다. 하지만 ‘핵보유국(핵국가)’ 지위는 오로지 NPT만 부 여할 수 있는데, 이것은 이미 닫힌 시스템이다. 현실적으로 우리가 당면한 북핵위협을 억제·극복해 나가기 위해서는 튼튼한 한미동맹과 긴밀한 한미 공조하에 북한핵의 억제는 물론 비핵화·무력화를 위한 우리의 단․중․장기적인 정치․군사적 대응책의 수립·이행노력이 긴요하다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As information system is getting higher and amount of information assets is increasing, skills of threatening subjects are more advanced, so that it threatens precious information assets of ours. The purpose of this study is to present a strategic direction for the types of companies seeking access to information security. The framework classifies companies into eight types so company can receive help in making decisions for the development of information security strategy depending on the type of company it belongs to. Paired comparison method survey conducted by a group of information security experts to determine the priority and the relative importance of information security management elements. The factors used in the security response strategy are the combination of the information security international certification standard ISO 27001, domestic information protection management system certification K-ISMS, and personal information security management system certification PIMS. Paired comparison method was then used to determine strategy alternative priorities for each type. Paired comparisons were conducted to select the most applicable factors among the 12 strategic factors. Paired comparison method questionnaire was conducted through e-mail and direct questionnaire survey of 18 experts who were engaged in security related tasks such as security control, architect, security consulting. This study is based on the idea that it is important not to use a consistent approach for effective implementation of information security but to change security strategy alternatives according to the type of company. The results of this study are expected to help the decision makers to produce results that will serve as the basis for companies seeking access to information security first or companies seeking to establish new information security strategies.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempts to analyze the characteristics of parent's perception types of online game and suggest personalized intervention strategies for improving parents' perception of online games. The data was collected through the online survey from 345 parents. First, the parent's perception types of online game were classified as 4 types through online game perception scale. Second, the characteristics of parent's perception types of online game were analyzed by integrating the results of this research and previous study. As a result, each type of perceptions has differences in the criteria of positive-negative perception of online games, the attitude and reaction to children’s gaming, game familarity, Internet literacy of parents and etc. Third, based on the characteristics of perception types of online game, we suggest intervention strategies for improving parents' perception of online games. This study holds its significance in suggesting the personalized intervention strategies based on the characteristics of perception types of online game.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Corporation’s valuable intelligent asset is being threatened from the skills of threatening subject that has been evolved along with the growth of the information system and the amount of the information asset. Domestically, attempts of various private information attacks, important information extortion, and information damage have been detected, and some of them have abused the vulnerability of security of information system, and have become a severe social problem that generates security incident. When accessing to the security, most of companies used to establish a strategy with a consistent manner and a solution plan. However, this is not a proper way. The order of priorities vary depending on the types of business. Also, the scale of damage varies significantly depending on the types of security incidents. And method of reaction and critical control point vary depending on the types of business and security incidents. In this study, I will define the security incidents by their types and preponderantly examine how one should react to those security incidents. In this study, analyzed many types of security accidents that can occur within a corporation and an organization considering various factors. Through this analysis, thought about factors that has to be considered by corporations and organizations when they intend to access to the information security. This study focuses on the response methodology based on the analysis of the case analysis of the leakage of industrial secret and private secret other than the conceptual response methodology that examines the way to prevent the leakage of the industry security systems and the industry information activities. And based on these factors, want to be of help for corporations to apply a reasonable approach when they establish a strategy to information security.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study proposes multiple TRIZ contradiction solution strategies for addressing PC (Physical Contradiction) and TC (Technical Contradiction) by implementing TRIZ cause-and-effect tree. The problem associated with TC of the ends is solved by PC of means which employs a causal relationship between causes and effects. The TRIZ contradiction solution strategies demonstrated in this research are classified into 3 types of combined strategy as follows: 1. To-Be PC and AS-Is PC, 2.To-Be PC and As-Is TC, 3.As-Is PC and To-Be TC. The combined strategy of To-Be PC and As-Is PC is similar to a divide-and-conquer technique. This strategy adopts parallel strategies using 4 separation principles in time, in space, between parts and the whole, and upon condition of two reversed-PCs. Moreover, its application elucidates the conflict relationship of two TCs from the study. The integrated 4 separation principles and 40 inventive principles present an effective synergy effect from the combination, and further addresses the problems in the TRIZ contradiction resolution strategies. Combined strategy of To-Be PC and As-Is TC implements the 40 inventive principles that To-Be PC of the means resolves the As-Is TC of the ends. Combined strategy of As-Is PC and To-Be TC also uses inventive principles to the As-Is PC of the means to solve the To-Be TC of the ends. In addition, propositional and logical relationship of necessary and sufficient conditions between TC and PC is used to support the validity of 3 TRIZ contradiction solution strategies. In addition, 3 other strategies of necessary and sufficient conditions validate the contraposition relationship of the truth table. This study discusses TRIZ case studies from National Quality Circle Contest from the years between 2011 and 2014 to provide the usage guidelines of TRIZ contradiction solutions for quality purposes. Examining analysis from the case studies and investigating combined strategies allows the users to obtain comprehensive understanding.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세계 공간정보 인프라 환경은 급격하게 플랫폼 기반으로 변화하고 있으며, 우리나라가 구축 완료한 공간정보 오픈플랫폼은 세계 각국의 공간정보 인프라 구축을 위한 대안이 될 수 있다. 다만 수출 대상 시장을 확장하고 수출 대상 국가에 성공적인 공간정보 인프라를 구축하기 위해서는 각 국의 국가 특성에 적합한 수출 전략의 마련이 선행되어야 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 국가 특성을 반영하는 다양한 대리변수들에 대한 전문가 AHP 조사 및 통계 분석을 통해 진출 대상 국가의 우선순위를 산정하였으며, 진출 대상 국가를 각각의 특성에 따라 5개의 범주로 분류하였다. 또한 이를 기초로 하여 수출 전략 수립을 위한 이론적 기반을 제시하였으며, 이론적 기반을 토대로 5개 국가 분류 각각에 대한 공간정보 오픈플랫폼 수출 전략을 제시하였다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        국립생태원에 조성된 한반도숲은 기후에 따라 우리나라 에 자생하는 대표적인 식물군락을 그대로 옮겨 복원한 생태 식재림이다. 본 연구는 2013년 4월부터 8월까지 12개 군락 으로 구성된 한반도숲에서 발생하는 외래식물들을 조사하 여 그 현황과 귀화율 및 도시화지수를 분석하였고, 지속적 인 모니터링을 통하여 외래식물을 관리하기 위한 기초 자료 로 활용하고자 수행되었다. 한반도숲의 외래식물은 총 72종 류로 26과 57속 62종 10변종이 확인되었으며 그 중 귀화식 물은 18종으로 확인되었다. 외래식물은 큰비짜루국화와 망 초 등 국화과에서 15종으로 가장 많았고 벼과 12종, 콩과 9종 등의 순으로 많았다. 귀화율은 28.1%로 신갈나무군락 (냉온대낙엽활엽수림)에서 가장 높았고 전나무군락(22.0%, 아한대침엽수림), 소나무군락(15.2%, 난온대낙엽활엽수 림), 붉가시나무-동백나무군락(15.1%, 난온대상록활엽수 림), 잣나무군락(12.5%, 냉온대낙엽활엽수림), 졸참나무군 락(11.6%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 구상나무군락(11.1%, 아 한대침엽수림), 신갈나무군락(10.0%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 과 개서어나무군락(10.0%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 서어나무 군락(9.8%, 온대낙엽활엽수림)과 소나무군락(9.8%, 온대 낙엽활엽수림), 굴참나무군락(9.6%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 순 이었다. 한반도숲 전체의 귀화율은 6.7%였다. 도시화지수 는 3.1%로 신갈나무군락(냉온대낙엽활엽수림)에서 가장 높았고 구상나무군락(2.8%, 아한대침엽수림)과 붉가시나 무-동백나무군락(2.8%, 난온대상록활엽수림), 소나무군락 (2.4%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 소나무군락(1.7%, 온대낙엽 활엽수림)와 굴참나무군락(1.7%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 그리 고 졸참나무군락(1.7%, 난온대낙엽활엽수림), 잣나무군락 (1.4%, 냉온대낙엽활엽수림)와 서어나무군락(1.4%, 온대 낙엽활엽수림) 그리고 개서어나무군락(1.4%, 난온대낙엽 활엽수림), 신갈나무군락(1.1%, 온대낙엽활엽수림) 순이었 다. 한반도숲 전체의 도시화지수는 6.3%였다. 외래식물의 귀화율과 도시화지수는 군락의 유형에 따라 경향이 없는 것으로 판단되었고 활엽수와 침엽수에 따른 경향도 없는 것으로 판단되었다. 그러나 온대낙엽활수림대의 신갈나무 군락, 서어나무군락, 소나무군락, 굴참나무군락의 귀화율과 도시화지수는 다른 군락들과 비교하여 상대적으로 낮은 것 으로 나타났는데, 이는 온대낙엽활엽수림대의 식물군락들 이 직선상인 한반도숲의 중심에 위치하고 있어 외부로부터 의 식물 유입에 영향을 덜 받기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 한반도숲의 식물군락은 생태식재 후 약 1년이 되어 완전히 활착되지 않은 상태이며 가지와 잎이 적어 임상으로의 빛의 투과가 많은 상황이다. 장기적으로 한반도숲의 지속적인 관 리로써 식물군락이 활착하여 수관이 더 풍성해지면 빛에 민감한 외래식물의 발생이 점차 제한될 것으로 사료된다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        점차 가속화되고 있는 세계화 과정 속에서 대외개방은 자원이 제한적인 중소기업들에게 기회 혹은 위협으로 다가오고 있다. 특히 대외개방에 대한 경영자들의 인식은 향후 중소기업의 대외개방에 대한 대응 방안과 전략을 결정하게 되므로 매우 중요하다 할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 어떤 종류의 전략과 관련된 혁신활동을 수행하는 중소기업이 대외개방을 보다 긍정적으로 인식하는지 고찰하였다. 또한 이 관계가 중소기업의 외부 지식 탐색 전략과 시장 진입 전략에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 관찰하였다. 한국 과학기술정책연구원(STEPI)의 기술혁신조사를 바탕으로 실증 분석을 수행한 결과, 차별화 전략을 위한 혁신활동을 수행하는 중소기업이 대외개방에 대해 긍정적으로 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 대하여 외부 지식 탐색의 폭과 깊이로 인한 조절효과는 음의 방향으로 나타났으며, 시장 최초 진입 전략으로 인한 조절효과는 양의 방향으로 나타났다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, most Christians in Korean have felt shame at watching the status quo of Korean protestantism. Almost everyday, we Christians faced unpleasant news about churches and clergies. At the same time, Christians feel the crisis of church growth and mission. At this moment, it would be significant and meaningful to search for the church reforms in the history of Christianity and to be taught from the past. For this reason, the writer investigated several historical events which caused the church reform consciously or unconsciously. As a result of this research, several types of church reform in the church history could be described as follows. The first case of church reform was accomplished for the purpose of the ecclesiastical and the social change by means of the political struggle. Second, for the purpose of the ecclesiastical and the social change by the revolutionary method. Third, for the purpose of structural subversion by the political struggle. Finally, for the purpose of structural subversion by the revolution. Among these four, because the second type of reform is illogical, the writer would consider the others. The rest of three cases of reform, however, whether it would be successful or not, had the limitation that could not have accomplished the fundamental reform of problems in their own era. For this, the writer has looked for the another way which was named as the fifth way of reformation and the writer considered it as true church reform. Also, it was regarded a genuine church reform as the most effective way of mission. As the fifth way of reform in the church history, the writer analyzed three historical events: the way of St. Francis and his mendicant movement in the twelfth century; the way of religious movement of Beguine in the thirteenth century; and the way of methodist movement of John Wesley in the eighteenth century. The characteristics of these movement would be as follows. First of all, these movements did not happen to struggle or criticize the existing church power and social structure directly. Secondly, even though there were leading persons in these movements, these movements were empowered by the anonymous laities. Thirdly, the participants of these movements proliferated and flourished very rapid within very limited times. Finally, They were so creative that they created new idea, theology, philosophy, and life styles. In conclusion, the writer proposed the fifth way as the ideal both for church reform and growth simultaneously. Through the fifth way, the people who are sick and tired to churches and protestantism in Korea might come into the world of hope, new spirituality, and creative life that they have never felt in the existing ecclesiastical structure. Then, new Christian communities will proliferate such as the above creative religious movements.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 국내 제조업에 진출한 121개 외국인투자기업을 대상으로 해외자회사의 전략적 역할과 성과간의 관계에 현지 네트워크 활용정도가 미치는 조절효과를 분석하였다. 이는 해외자회사의 전략적 역할에 따라 현지에 더욱 적합한 네트워크 유형이 있다는 가정 하에, 현지 네트워크를 크게 현지 공급자 또는 판매자가 주축이 되는 시장 네트워크와 제휴·협력기업, 공공기관 또는 관련협회 등이 주축이 되는 비즈니스 네트워크로 구분하여 분석하였다. PLS기반의 구조방정식모형으로 분석한 결과, 국내에서 활동하는 실행자 역할의 자회사 성과는 시장 네트워크 활용정도에 의해 양의 관계로 조절되지만 비즈니스 네트워크 활용정도와는 상관이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 기존의 우위를 현지 시장에 그대로 활용하면서 운영의 효율성을 달성하려는 실행자는 현지의 공급자 또는 판매자로 구성된 시장 네트워크를 통해 맡은 역할을 더욱 효과·효율적으로 수행할 수 있다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was an exploratory research to classify the types of green fashion marketing of the fashion companies in South Korea and analyse the present cases of each type. To analyse the current cases of green fashion marketing strategies, we researched all sorts of newspapers, magazines, publications of fashion companies, and web sites from 2008 to 2009. As a result, we categorized 5 types of green fashion marketing as follows ; eco-friendly fabrics (natural fabrics, recycled fabrics, biodegradable fabrics), re-use or re-form(reuse after cleaning and/or repairing and reformation through transformation and combination of raw materials), green certifications(ISO 14001, GOTS, OES, etc.), eco-friendly management and operation, and green marketing promotions. Based on the results, we proposed the green marketing strategies for fashion companies to progress toward the proper direction of green marketing. First of all, companies should escape from the narrow view point limited to the product itself. Then they have to focus on developing and execution of sustainable merchandising, manufacturing, logistics, and waste strategies.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the relationship between multiple sales force management practices and performance within each of Miles & Snow (1978)'s strategy types and Walker & Ruekert (1987)'s strategy types. The findings are as follows First, Prospectors seem to
        2003.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the relationship between multiple sales force management practices and performance within each of Miles & Snowꡑs strategy types(1978) and Walker & Ruekertꡑ s strategy types(1987). The findings are as follows : First, Prospectors seem to be associated with increased performance when they are utilizing a relationship selling strategy, internal sales force, moderate levels of supervision, outcome-based control system and incentive-oriented compensation system. Second, Analyzers seem to be associated with increased performance when they are utilizing a relationship selling strategy, internal sales force, outcome-based control system to deal with the instability in their strategic focus. Third, Low Cost Defender seem to be associated with increased performance when they are utilizing a relationship selling strategy, external sales force, low levels of supervision, outcome-based control system and salary-oriented compensation system. Fourth, Differentiated Defenders seem to be associated with increased performance when they are utilizing a relationship selling strategy, high levels of supervision, balanced(outcome+behavior) control system and salary-oriented compensation system.
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