For fast-built and safe precast concrete (PC) construction, the dry mechanical splicing method is a critical technique that enables a self-sustaining system (SSS) during construction with no temporary support and minimizes onsite jobs. However, due to limited experimental evidence, traditional wet splicing methods are still dominantly adopted in the domestic precast industry. For PC beam-column connections, the current design code requires achieving emulative connection performances and corresponding structural integrity to be comparable with typical reinforced concrete (RC) systems with monolithic connections. To this end, this study conducted the standard material tests on mechanical splices to check their satisfactory performance as the Type 2 mechanical splice specified in the ACI 318 code. Two PC beam-column connection specimens with dry mechanical splices and an RC control specimen as the special moment frame were subsequently fabricated and tested under lateral reversed cyclic loadings. Test results showed that the seismic performances of all the PC specimens were fully comparable to the RC specimen in terms of strength, stiffness, energy dissipation, drift capacity, and failure mode, and their hysteresis responses showed a mitigated pinching effect compared to the control RC specimen. The seismic performances of the PC and RC specimens were evaluated quantitatively based on the ACI 374 report, and it appeared that all the test specimens fully satisfied the seismic performance criteria as a code-compliant special moment frame system.
This study presents a dry precast concrete (PC) beam-column connection, and its target seismic performance level is set to be emulative to the reinforced concrete (RC) intermediate moment resisting frame system specified in ACI 318 and ASCE 7. The key features include self-sustaining ability during construction with the dry mechanical splicing method, enabling emulative connection performances and better constructability. Test specimens with code-compliant seismic details were fabricated and tested under reversed cyclic loading, which included a PC beam-column connection specimen with dry connections and an RC control specimen. The test results showed that all the specimens failed in a similar failure mode due to plastic deformations in beam members, while the hysteretic response curve of the PC specimen showed comparable and emulative performances compared to the RC specimen. Seismic performance evaluation was quantitatively addressed, and on this basis, it confirmed that the presented system can fully satisfy all the required performance for the intermediate RC moment resisting frame.
Recently, interest in OSC(Off Site Construction) is increasing due to the trend of a decrease in skilled workers and an increase in labor costs. In this regard, PC(Precast Concrete) is being reviewed for apartments, the most common type of housing in Korea. As the biggest concern for PC apartment houses, civil complaints such as inter-floor noise and leakage were presented. In this study, the details of the joints were reviewed based on the past cases of PC apartments, and the details of the recently constructed or planned PC apartments were investigated. Through this, the leakage path in the past was analyzed through the existing research literature and data. And wall type RC and PC apartment joint leakage test was performed and we found the needs for a detail of waterproof steps, sealant. Also, joint details were investigated for a rahmen type apartment housing under construction. At last, A discussion was conducted on the direction for a detailed proposal of an improved joint in the future.
The flat plate slab system have many good features, which are design flexibilities, saving of story-height and economy of construction etc. But the study of flat plate slab system for H-steel column have been rare both at home and abroad. Recently high-rise residential and commercial buildings have been constructed in urban areas in Korea. The suggested dowel connection system is more likely to adoptable because it remarkably contribute to save inter story height and also to have many advantages compared with conventional steel works such as H-Steel frame + Deck plate slab system. This study aims at developing design method and program for connection between H-Steel column and flat plate slab system, which contribute to save significantly inter-story height.
본 논문은 기존 RC 보강방법인 철골프레임 적용방법의 단점을 보완하고자, 접합철물을 최소화하고 팽창형 모르타르를 사용하여 H형강 프레임을 기존 RC 골조에 보강하고자 하였다. 철골프레임 적용 유․무를 변수로 RC 골조에 대한 반복가력실험을 실시하여 내진성능을 평가하였다. 철골프레임을 적용한 RC 골조의 최대내력이 기존 RC 골조에 비해 약 1.4배 향상되었으며, 등가점성감쇠비 평가결과 또한 평균 2.4% 향상되어 에너지 소산능력이 개선되었다. 유한요소해석결과 해당 실험결과가 신뢰성을 가질 수 있는 것으로 판단된다.
Connection details for RC column-steel beam (RCS) moment frames were developed to improve the productivity and constructability. To strengthen the beam-column joint, transverse beams, studs, and U-cross ties were used. Four 2/3 scale interior RCS connections were tested under cyclic lateral loading. The specimens generally exhibited good deformation capacity exceeding 4.0% story drift ratio. Ultimately, the specimens failed due to bearing failure of concrete and shear failure of the joint panel.
In this study, experimental research was carried out to study the high strength RC exterior beam-column joints regions using reinforcing detailings and high ductile fiber-reinforced mortar.
Test results showed that specimen BCJISP were increased th maximum load-carrying capacity and showed stable hysteresis behavior and satisfactory crack pattern in comparison with th standard specimen BCJC.
복합 병렬 전단벽(Coupled shear walls)은 커플링 보와 철근콘크리트 벽체로 구성되어 바람이나 지진 등의 횡하중으로부터 유발된 전도모멘트의 상당 부분을 철골 연결보의 커플링 작용에 의하여 골조 작용(Frame action)을 의하여 횡력에 효율적으로 저항하게 된다. 본 연구에서는 접합부 상세에 따른 복합병렬 전단벽의 접합부 강도에 대한 규준식을 정립하기 위한 선행연구로서 병렬 전단벽 접합부에서 커플링 보의 매립길이 및 벽체 두께를 주변수로 실험적 연구를 수행하여 접합부 상세에 따른 복합 병렬 전단벽 시스템의 거동특성을 규명하고자 하였다. 본 실험결과, 실험체의 거동 및 내력은 매립길이 및 접합부 상세에 많은 영향을 받는 것으로 나타났으며 향후 설계시 이에 대한 영향을 반영해야 할 것으로 판단된다.
근래에 들어 공기단축 및 녹색 성장에 대응하기 위한 교량 건설 기술이 다양하게 개발되고 있다. 교량 건설 공기의 약 50%를 차지하는 교각의 경우, 모듈화를 통한 시공 방법의 개선은 공기 단축을 통한 녹색성장의 주요한 원동력으로 평가 될 수 있다.
교각의 조립에서 기초와 기둥 연결부 및 기둥과 기둥의 연결부는 여러 차례 수행⋅검증되었으나, 코핑과 기둥부분의 경우에는 조립 성능검증이 부족하여 이에 대한 연구가 필요하다.
본 연구에서는 조립식 기둥과 코핑 접합부의 축소 모델을 제작하여 접합방법에 따른 성능검증 실험을 수행하였다. 기존의 조립식 교각 타설방법인 현장타설방법(원덕희,2012)과 비교하기 위하여 현장타설 시험체 3개, 직경이 동일한 철근(Deformed bar, Headed bar, Circle bar) 및 Sub Tube의 종류(파형이 작은 쉬스관, PVC 재질의 파형관, Flat Hole), 그리고 Sub Tube의 직경(100mm, 80mm, 65mm)을 변수로 하여 27개의 시험체를 제작, 조립부분의 접합성능을 보기위해 하중의 방향이 바뀌는 양진 반복하중을 재하하여 상세거동 및 균열특성을 분석하였다.
실험 결과, 쉬스관에 비하여 파형이 큰 PVC 재질의 파형관 시험체(CP 모델) 가 가장 우수한 성능을 나타냈고, 철근 튜브 직경 비 40%의 모델(Sub Tube 직경 80mm)이 가장 우수한 성능을 보였다. 그리고 Headed bar의 성능이 Deformed bar에 비해 우수할 것으로 예측하였으나, Sub tube 내의 Headed bar와 Deformed bar의 인장·압축 강도의 차이가 없음을 확인 할 수 있었다.