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        검색결과 13

        2023.02 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background/Objectives: 본 연구의 목적은 복부 브레이싱 운동과 복부 할로잉 운동을 결 합한 요부 안정화 운동프로그램이 20대 정상성인의 폐기능에 미치는 영향과 흡연자와 비흡 연자를 비교하여 그 차이를 알아보고자 하는 데 있다. Methods/Statistical analysis: 이를 위해 20대 정상성인을 대상으로 흡연집단(n=16)과 비 흡연집단(n=16) 두 그룹으로 모집하여 동일한 중재를 실시하였다. Findings: 흡연집단은 집단 내 기간 지남에 따라 폐기능 요인 중 FVC과 FEV1/FVC를 제 외한 FEV1과 PEF가 운동 전보다 유의하게 증가하였다(p<.05). 비흡연집단에서 기간 지남에 따라 폐기능 요인 중 FVC과 PEF를 제외한 FEV1, FEV1/FVC가 운동 전보다 유의하게 증가하 였다(p<.05). Improvements/Applications: 본 연구 결과, 복부 브레이싱 운동과 복부 할로잉 운동을 결 합한 요부 안정화 운동프로그램은 흡연집단과 비흡연집단 두 그룹의 폐기능 향상에 효과가 나타난 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 본 연구의 목적은 운동심상 훈련이 심폐 기능에 미치는 효과를 확인하는 것이다. 방법: 본 연구는 20대 성인 남성 26명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 참가자는 각각 13명의 참가자를 고려하여 운동심상 훈련 군과 대조군으로 무작위로 할당되었다. 측정 방법으로는 트레드밀에서 심장부하 검사를 실시하였고, 최대산소섭취량, 운동 시간 및 회복 심박수를 측정하였다. 운동심상 훈련군은 일주일에 5번 운동심상 훈련을 적용하였다. 본 연구에서는 군 내 결과를 확인 하기 위하여 대응 t 검증을 하였고, 군간 비교를 위하여 독립 t검증을 실시하였다. 결과: 최대 산소 섭취량은 각 군의 전후 비교와 각 군 간의 비교에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 운동심상 훈련군은 대조군에 비해 운동시간에 유의한 변화가 있었다. 회복 심박수에는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결론: 본 연구에서는 운동심상 훈련군에서 최대산소섭취량 및 운동 시간을 개선하지만 회복 심박수에는 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 운동심상 훈련은 심폐 기능 강화를 위한 프로그램으로 고려할 가치가 있다
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 만 40-60세 비만 중년여성을 대상으로 10주간 스마트머신 순환운동이 체조성, 폐기능, 혈중지질 및 인슐린 저항성에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 운동군(n=8), 대조군(n=6)으로 구분하여 실시하였다. 스마트머신 순환운동은 주 3회, 회당 55분으로 유산소 운동의 강도는 스마트머신과 POLAR T31이 연동 되어 스마트머신에 적용되며, 1-4주차는 40-50%HRR, 5-8주차는 50-60%HRR, 9-10주차는 60-70%HRR을 적용하였고, 저항성 운동의 강도는 스마트머신을 이용하여 등속성 운동 기반으로 대상자들의 1-RM test의 데이터 값을 이용하여 1-4주차는 1-RM의 40%, 5-8주차는 1-RM의 60%, 9-10주차는 1-RM의 80%를 적용하여 실시하였다. 그 결과 체중, 체질량지수, 체지방율, 허리-엉덩이둘레비율에서 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났다. 폐기능의 FVC는 시기 간 주 효과와 사후 그룹 간 유의한 차이가 나타났으며, FVC 및 FEV1은 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났다. TC 및 TG는 시기 간 주 효과가 나타났으며, TC, TG 및 HDL-C는 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났다. Insulin, Glucose 및 HOMA-IR은 운동 전·후 시기 간 차이에서 운동군이 유의하게 감소한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 10주간 스마트머신 순환운동 프로그램이 비만 중년여성의 체조성, 폐기능, 혈중지질 및 인슐린 저항성에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤으며 이는 중년여성의 비만을 개선하거나 비만을 예방할 수 있는 운동 프로그램이라고 사료된다.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 복합운동이 여성노인의 폐기능, 혈중 비타민 D, 칼슘 및 골대사호르몬에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위해 만 65세 이상 여성노인을 대상으로 운동군(n=13), 대조군(n=17)으로 구분하여 주 3회, 회당 60분의 복합운동을 실시하였다. 유산소 운동 강도는 1-4주는 40-50%HRR(RPE 12-13), 5-8주는 50-60%HRR(RPE 13-14), 9-12주는 60-70%HRR(RPE 14-15)의 강도로 설정하였고 저항 운동 강도는 1-4주는 OMNI-RES(3-4), 5-8주는 OMNI-RES(5-6), 9-12주는 OMNI-RES(7-8)강도로 설정하였다. 그 결과 폐기능 중 FEV1은 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났고 운동군의 FVC/FEV1이 유의하게 증가하였다. 비타민 D는 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났고, 운동군과 대조군 모두 유의하게 증가하였다. 칼슘은 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났으며 대조군이 유의하게 감소하였다. 골대사호르몬 중 칼시토닌과 오스테오칼신은 그룹×시기 간 상호작용 효과가 나타났고, 오스테오칼신은 대조군이 유의하게 감소하였다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과를 통해 12주간의 복합운동이 여성노인의 신체활동을 활발하게 하여 폐 기능을 개선하고 혈중 비타민 D의 결핍을 완화할 수 있다고 생각되지만 칼슘 및 골대사호르몬에서는 유의미한 결과를 나타내지 못하였다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background:Research efforts to improve the pulmonary function of people with limited chest function have focused on the diaphragmatic ability to control breathing pattern. Real-time ultrasonography is appropriate to demonstrate diaphragmatic mechanism during breathing.Objective:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of diaphragmatic breathing training using real-time ultrasonographic imaging (RUSI) on the chest function of young females with limited chest mobility.Methods:Twenty-six subjects with limited chest mobility were randomly allocated to the experimental group (EG) and control group (CG) depending on the use of RUSI during diaphragmatic breathing training, with 13 subjects in each group. For both groups, diaphragmatic breathing training was performed for 30-min, including three 10-min sets with a 1-min rest interval. An extra option for the EG was the use of the RUSI during the training. Outcome measures comprised the diaphragmatic excursion range during quiet and deep breathing, pulmonary function (forced vital capacity; FVC, forced expiratory volume in 1-sec; FEV1, tidal volume; TV, and maximal voluntary ventilation; MVV), and chest circumferences at upper, middle, and lower levels.Results:The between-group comparison revealed that the diaphragmatic excursion range during deep breathing, FVC, and middle and lower chest circumferences were greater at post-test and that the changes between the pretest and post-test values were greater in the EG than in the CG (p<.05). In addition, the subjects in the EG showed increased post-test values for all the variables compared with the pretest values, except for TV and MVV (p<.05). In contrast, the subjects in the CG showed significant improvements for the diaphragmatic excursion range during quiet and deep breathings, FVC, FEV1, and middle and lower chest circumferences after the intervention (p<.05).Conclusion:These results indicate that using RUSI during diaphragmatic breathing training might be more beneficial for people with limited chest mobility than when diaphragmatic breathing training is used alone.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to compare 2 protocols recommended to patients with chronic cervical cord injury: each protocol included breathing exercises (inhalation-oriented or exhalation-oriented) and facilitation maneuver for the accessory respiratory muscles. Seventeen patients with chronic cervical cord injury volunteered to participate in this study, and we randomized these patients into 2 groups: the inhalation-oriented breathing exercise group (IOBEG) and exhalation-oriented breathing exercise group (EOBEG), consisting of 8 and 9 patients, respectively. Patients in the IOBEG performed inspiratory exercises using intermittent positive pressure breathing devices, while those in the EOBEG performed expiratory exercises using incentive spirometry. All exercises were performed by the subjects twice a day for 4 weeks, with each session lasting an average of 20 min. The outcomes were assessed on the basis of the pre- and post-treatment values of vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and FEV1/FVC. In the IOBEG, no significant differences were observed between the pre- and post-treatment values of any of the measured variables (p>.05); however, in the EOBEG, significant improvement was noted in the VC, FVC, FEV1 measured (p<.05) after the treatment. In addition, the rates of change in the values of VC, FVC, and FEV1 differed significantly between the 2 groups (p<.05). These findings suggest that the EOBEs can enhance respiratory function and are clinically feasible in patients with chronic cervical cord injury. Further studies will be undertaken to evaluate the clinical application of these findings.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of abdominal drawing-in maneuver (ADIM) on peak exploratory flow (PEF), forced exploratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and low back pain during forced expiration. Twenty-two subjects (14 subjects in experimental group, 8 subjects in control group) participated in this study. The stabilizer was used for ADIM training for five consecutive days. Vitalograph PEF/FEV1 DIARY and visual analogue scale (VAS) were used to determine forced expiratory pulmonary function and low back pain, respectively. Independent t-test and analysis of covariance were used for statistical analysis with a significance level of .05. The findings of this study were as follows: 1) There were no significant differences of ADIM effect on PEF and FEV1 between experimental group and control group. 2) There was a significant pain reduction in experimental group with ADIM. 3) PEF and FEV1 increased significantly in the fifth day compared with the first day pre-exercise baseline. Therefore, it is concluded that ADIM was effective in improving PEF and FEV1, and reducing VAS during forced expiration in patients with chronic low back pain.
        2001.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        근위축성 측색 경화증 (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: ALS) 환자에게 있어 호흡기능장애는 죽음에 이르게 하는 주요 원인 중 하나이다. 본 연구는 근위축성 측색 경화증이 있으며 호흡기능이 약화되어 있는 51세의 여성 환자를 대상으로 호흡운동 치료를 시행한 후 폐기능(pulmonary function)이 증진되었는지를 알아보고자 실시하였다. 연구 대상자는 6주간의 호흡운동 치료 프로그램에 참여하였다. 호흡운동 치료 프로그램은 횡경
        1999.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in pulmonary functioning after respiratory exercise with IPPB (Intermittent Positive Pressure Breather) in patients with progressive muscular dystrophy (PMD). The subjects were 46 patients with PMD who were admitted to the Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Youngdong Severance Hospital. The subjects were assigned into one of 2 groups. The control group received comprehensive treatments such as ROM exercise, deep breathing exercise, moist hot packs, and ultrasound twice a day while admitted at the Rehabilitation Medicine Department. Unlike the control group, the subjects at the experimental group received respiratory exercise treatment with IPPB. The subjects were admitted for 10~19 days, and the average length of hospital stay was 12.2 days. Pulmonary functioning was evaluated at admission and discharge by SENSOR MEDICS. The data were analyzed by a paired t-test and a independent t-test. The results were as follows: 1) The change of each parameter of pulmonary function tests were significantly improved in all groups after respiratory exercise treatment during admission (p<0.05). 2) By comparing the change of each parameter of pulmonary function tests between the experimental group and control group, the parameters of vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity, forced vital capacity predicted (FVCP) and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) were significantly improved in the experimental group which had received the pulmonary exercise treatment with IPPB (p<0.05). In conclusion, this study suggests that the pulmonary exercise treatments with IPPB facilitated improvement in the pulmonary functioning for the PMD patients during their hospital stay.
        1997.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to identify pulmonary functional variations in relation to postural changes, lapse after changing position, and the use of abdominal band in the cervical cord injured. The subjects of this study were 19 quadriplegic patients who had been admitted to the department of the Rehabilitation Hospital, College of Medicine, Yousei University, from April, 1997 through May 3, 1997. A spiroanalyzer was used to measure pulmonary function in supine, standing, time after changing position, and recording to the position, application method, and tightness of the abdominal band. The data were analyzed by the repeated measure one-way ANOVA, and Wilcoxon signed rank test. The findings were as follows: 1. All phase of the patients' pulmonary function improved significantly in supine posture in contrast to standing (vital capacity by and expiratory reserve volume by ). 2. The longer the time lapsed from supine posture to standing, the patient's expiratory reserve volume, maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume increased. 3. When the patient lay in supine position, the maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and the forced vital capacity increased then the center line of the abdominal band was placed along iliac crest; on the other hand, when the patient was standing, placing the bottom line of the abdominal band along iliac crest increased the maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and forced expiratory volume. 4. In placing the abdominal band in the patients, leaving space between the top and bottom lines of the band helped increased in maximum ventilation volume, vital capacity, and forced vital capacity for patient in supine as well as in standing. 5. When placing the abdominal band to patients in supine posture, reducing the length of the band by 2.5% along the patient's waist line increased the patients' vital capacity, while reducing the length by 10% to patients in standing increased the maximum ventilation volume. The abdominal band should be placed in such a way that the bottom part of the band should be more tightly fastened while leaving enough room for a hand to be placed in between the body and the band for the top part of the hand. It should also be noted that in a supine position, the bottom line of the band should be placed along the iliac crest, while in standing, the center line should be placed along the iliac crest. The length of the band should also be reduced by 2.5% of the waist line in supine position, and in standing, the length should be reduced by 10%. It should also be noted that the pulmonary function of the patients should be measured at least 10 minutes after one position change.