PURPOSES : This study analyzes the accident damage scale of hazardous material transportation vehicles not monitored in real time by the Hazardous Material Transportation Safety (HMTS) management center. METHODS : To simulate hazardous-material transportation vehicle accidents, a preliminary analysis of transportation vehicle registration status was conducted. Simulation analyses were conducted for hazardous substance and flammable gas transportation vehicles with a high proportion of small- and medium-sized vehicles. To perform a spill accident damage-scale simulation of hazardous-substance transportation vehicles, the fluid analysis software ANSYS Fluent was used. Additionally, to analyze explosion accidents in combustible gas transportation vehicles, the risk assessment software Phast and Aloha were utilized. RESULT : Simulation analysis of hazardous material transportation vehicles revealed varying damage scales based on vehicle capacity. Simulation analysis of spillage accidents showed that the first arrival time at the side gutter was similar for various vehicle capacities. However, the results of the cumulative pollution analysis based on vehicle capacity exhibited some differences. In addition, the simulation analysis of the explosion overpressure and radiant heat intensity of the combustible gas transportation vehicle showed that the difference in the danger radius owing to the difference in vehicle capacity was insignificant. CONCLUSIONS : The simulation analysis of hazardous-material transportation vehicles indicated that accidents involving small- and medium-sized transportation vehicles could result in substantial damage to humans and ecosystems. For safety management of these small and medium-sized hazardous material transportation vehicles, it is expected that damage can be minimized with the help of rapid accident response through real-time vehicle control operated by the existing HMTS management center.
본 논문에서는 확률론적 처리기법을 적용하여 플랜트 시설물의 폭발 재현주기에 따른 폭발 위험도를 분석하였다. HSE에서 제공하 는 누출 데이터, DNV에서 제시한 플랜트당 연간 누출 빈도, 다양한 연구진이 제시한 점화 확률을 고려하여 누출량에 따른 폭발 재현 주기를 산정하였다. 산정된 폭발 재현주기를 통해 폭발 위험도를 증기운의 부피 및 반경, 폭발하중에 대하여 평가하였다. 재현주기에 따른 증기운의 반경과 과거 실제 증기운 폭발 사례, 내폭설계 가이드라인을 비교 분석하여 설계폭발하중 모델을 위한 기준거리를 제 시하였다. 멀티에너지법을 통하여 폭발 재현주기에 따른 폭발하중의 범위를 분석하였으며, 설계폭발하중 모델의 기준이 되는 재현주 기를 제안하였다. 본 연구의 결과로 플랜트 시설물에 대한 성능기반 내폭설계의 간략한 표준안으로 활용이 가능하다.
산업현장과 열병합발전 등 다양한 장소에 사용되는 도시가스는 산업안전보건법 정의에 따라 인화성 가스에 해당되며 한국산업표준 KS C IEC에 의해 가스 폭발위험장소가 설정되어 안전하게 관리가 되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 일반 화학공장에 적용되는 KS C IEC 표준을 저압 도시가스 사용설비 폭발위험성 예측에 합리적으로 적용하기 위해누출공 크기, 환기 등급, 환기 유효성 등의 주요 변수를 도입하였다.CFD 시뮬레이션 적용의 타당성을 평가하기 위해 전산유체역학 (CFD) 시뮬레이션, 가스누출실험, KS C IEC 표준 계산 통해 얻어진 폭발하한계가상 체적을 이용하여 네 가지 다른 조건에서 폭발 위험성을 평가하였다.
In the industrial field, various type of fuel have been used for product processing facilities. Recent for 10 years, the usage of natural gas (NG) was gradually increased. Because it has many merits; clean fuel, no transportation, storage facility and so on. There are common safety concept that strict explosion protection approaches are needed for facilities where explosive materials such as flammable liquid, vapor and gases exist. But some has an optimistic point of view that the lighter than air gases such as NG disperse rapidly, hence do not form explosion environment upon release into the atmosphere, many parts has a conventional safety point of view that those gases are also inflammable gases, hence can form explosion environment although the extent is limited and present. In this paper, the heating equipments (Hot Oil Heater) was reviewed and some risk management measures were proposed. These measures include hazardous area classification and explosion-proof provisions of electric apparatus, an early gas leak detection and isolation, ventilation system reliability, emergency response plan and training and so on. This study calculates Hazardous Area Classification using the hypothetical volume in the KS C IEC code.
Classify of explosion hazardous areas must be made at the site where flammable materials are used. This reason is that it is necessary to manage ignition sources in of explosion hazardous areas in order to reduce the risk of explosion. If such an explosion hazard area is widened, it becomes difficult to increase the number of ignition sources to be managed. The method using the virtual volume currently used is much wider than the result using CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics). Therefore, we tried to improve the current method to compare with the new method using leakage characteristics. The result is a realistic explosion hazard if the light gas is calibrated to the mass and the heavy gas is calibrated to the lower explosion limit. However, it is considered that the safety factors should be taken into account in the calculated correction formula because such a problem should be considered as a buffer for safety.
Crimes with explosives is one of the mass-destructive crimes that involves the most victims. It is heavily punished under the Korean laws. Mid-eastern area is one of the leading places that are home to improvised explosive device attacks, in the form of religious or political terrorism because of its convenience of use, production and disguise. Improvised bombs are permeating into domestic crimes in Korea as their tools. Use of explosive substances are strictly restricted in this country, but it is not impossible to find its information online and to create private explosives with a bit of interest. And they are being traded in the grey market. For this reason, this thesis offers the method of an efficient safety control of explosive substances, which can be used as raw materials for improvised explosive devices, in order to protect citizens’lives and properties and to promote national security down the road.
Since the terrorist attacks 9.11 in 2001, the public places such as subway, department stores or office buildings have become a target of terror in major public facilities. In this paper, for the prevention of terrorist attack in domestic building, the assessments of terror risk were conducted and their relationship with building heights was discussed through FEMA 455-Rapid Visual Screening(RVS). Explosive terror risk tends to increase rapidly with building heights(H<230m), showing the correlation coefficient between total risk and building heights(H<230m) is 0.93. In addition, The average of consequences is 8.47 and that of' threat is 8.95. Vulnerability is found to be 6.62 in average.
2002년부터 2010년까지 세계적으로 발생한 테러 현황을 조사 및 분석한 결과 전체 1만 9천 946건의 테러유형 중 51.8%인 1만 333건이 폭파에 의한 테러로 나타났으며, 사용무기에 있어서도 폭파와 관련된 폭발물이 약 52.2%인 1만 431건으로 높게 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 FEMA-rapid visual screening을 통해 국내의 건물을 높이별로 테러위험도를 분석하였다. 그 결과 건물의 높이가 높아질수록 테러에 대한 위험도가 높게 나타나고 있어 전체위험도는 건물의 높이와 비례하여 증가하는 것을 확인하였다. 높이 100m 이상 건물의 경우 Threat 항목이 전체위험도에 가장 크게 영향을 미치며, 폭발과 관련된 시나리오에 따른 위험도 분석결과 내부 폭발 항목에서 높게 나타나고 있다.
본 연구에서는, 반도체, LCD 공정에서 금속막을 증착하기 위하여 PECVD장비에 화재, 폭발 위험성과 독성을 가진 Silane가스를 사용하게 되는 장비인 gas cabinet, pipeline, VMB(Valve manifold box), MFC(mass flow controller)장비 등, 전반적인 시스템에 대하여 영국 HES의 ALARP개념을 도입하여 위험성 평가를 실시하여 문제점을 도출하고 대책을 강구 하는데 목적이 있고, 여러 가지 문제점중
The ex-vessel steam explosion may occur when, during a severe reactor accident, the molten core pours into the water in the reactor cavity. These dynamic loads on the cavity wall could potentially lead to the significant failure of the cavity wall. But the phenomenon like this steam explosion includes big uncertainty in estimating the impulsive pressure loading of RCB. In this study, risk based integrity assessment method of the NPP structure subjected to steam explosion load was suggested to capture these uncertainties involved during the structural integrity assessment of the Nuclear power plant.