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        검색결과 96

        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        외래생물 유입에 대응하기 위해 (환경부)국립생태원에서는 2019년부터 외래생물 신고센터를 운영하고 있으 며, 민원 신고에 대한 신속한 대응과 국민 행동요령을 안내하고 있다. 외래생물 전체 신고 건수는 2022년 140건 중 곤충 88건, 2023년 645건 중 곤충 530건으로, 1년 만에 외래생물 전체 신고 건수는 505건, 곤충 신고 건수는 442건이 증가하였다. 2022년 전체 신고 중 붉은불개미(Solenopsis lnvlcta) 의심 신고 건수가 78건로 가장 많았으며, 그 중 노랑밑드리개미 12건 등 개미과가 49건으로 확인되었다. 2023년은 전체 민원 신고 중 외래흰개미류 의심 신고가 418건으로 가장 많았고, 붉은불개미 66건 순으로 많았다. 외래흰개미류 의심 신고의 경우 대부분이 국내 에서 서식하는 흰개미(Reticulitermes speratus kyushuensis)로 190건, 붉은불개미의 경우 밑드리개미류(10건), 주름개미(8건), 권련침벌(8건) 등으로 확인되었다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the Phase 1 Final Status Survey (FSS) Final Report results and overall conclusions which conduct that the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS) facility and site meets the 25 mrem(0.25 mSv)per year release criterion as established in Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation (NRC) 10 CFR 20.1402 “Radiological Criteria for Unrestricted Use”. The FSS results provided assessment and summarize that any residual radioactivity results in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG) that does not exceed 25 mrem per year, and the residual radioactivity has been reduced to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The release criterion is translated into site-specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs) for assessment and summary. ZionSolutions, a decommissioning service provider, estimates that a total of four (4) FSS Final Reports be generated and submitted to the NRC during the decommissioning project. ZionSolutions established the Characterization/License Termination (C/LT) Group, within the Radiation Protection division, with sufficient management and technical resources to fulfill project objectives. The C/LT Group is responsible for the safe completion of all surveys related to characterization and final site closure. Approved site procedures and detailed Technical Support Documents (TSD) direct the FSS process to ensure consistent implementation and adherence to applicable requirements. The development and planning phase was initiated in 1999 by the “Zion Station Historical Site Assessment” (HSA) and the initiation of the characterization process for FSS. Develop the information necessary to support FSS design, including the development of Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) and survey instrument performance standards. DQOs are qualitative and quantitative statements derived from the DQOs process that clarify technical and quality objectives. The next step, FSS design utilizes the combination of traditional scanning surveys, systematic sampling protocols and investigative/judgmental methodologies to evaluate survey units relative to the applicable release criteria for open land sample plans. To aid in the development of an initial suite of potential radionuclides of concern for the decommissioning of ZNPS, the analytical results of representative characterization samples collected at the site were reviewed. At this FSS design step, the Radionuclides of Concern (ROC) are determined. As Co-60 and Cs-137 account for 99.5% of the analysis results of concrete core sampling data form ZNPS’s Containment Building and Auxiliary Building, they are determined and used as the basic ROC in the survey design. Additionally, site information is described and Historical Site Assessment (HSA) is performed. Data collected for the initial HSA will be used to establish the initial regional survey unit and corresponding MARSSIM classification. Next, an assessment of the collected data is performed using the DQO process, and a survey methodology is established by selecting a sampling method and measuring instrumentation. These result judgments provide guidance for C/LT Engineer to interpret findings using the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) process, which analysis Recorded data, Missing values, Deviation from established procedure, and Analysis flags. In conclusion, FSS is the process used to demonstrate that the ZNPS facility and site comply the radiological criteria for unrestricted use specified in 10 CFR.20. The purpose of FSS Sample Plan is to describe the methods to be used in planning, designing, conducting, and evaluating the FSS.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Western coastal area of Chungnam, including Cheonsu Bay and Garorim Bay, has suffered from hot and cold extremes. In this study, the extreme sea surface temperature on the western coast of Chungnam was analyzed using the quantile regression method, which extracts the linear regression values in all quantiles. The regional MOHID (MOdelo HIDrodinâmico) model, with a high resolution on a 1/60o grid, was constructed to reproduce the extreme sea surface temperature. For future prediction, the SSP5-8.5 scenario data of the CMIP6 model were used to simulate sea surface temperature variability. Results showed that the extreme sea surface temperature of Cheonsu Bay in August 2017 was successfully simulated, and this extreme sea surface temperature had a significant negative correlation with the Pacific decadal variability index. As a result of future climate prediction, it was found that an average of 2.9oC increased during the simulation period of 86 years in the Chungnam west coast and there was a seasonal difference (3.2oC in summer, 2.4oC in winter). These seasonal differences indicate an increase in the annual temperature range, suggesting that extreme events may occur more frequently in the future.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Support for nuclear power plant (NPP) dismantling & decommissioing (D&D) industry is necessary through development of the infrastructure and the D&D technology. Because KORI#1 and Wolsong#1 is planned to decommission until around 2030. Korea research institute of decommissioing (KRID) was established through the preliminary feasibility study. KRID has plan to support nuclear companies to join D&D industry. Normal facilities (Lv.1) of KRID infracstucture are currently being constructed and radiation management facilities (Lv.2) construction is expected to begin in October. Further, KRID is planning the construction of equipment to develop the procedure for radionuclide analysis through R&D project. A total period of the R&D project is 45 months, and the total R&D funding for this period is 19.4 billion won. The ultimate goal of the R&D project is to build the infractstucture base to analyze decommissioning radioactive wastes. Furthermore, the R&D project is important to reliably perform the NPP D&D.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Non-discrimination is a fundamental principle of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which promotes global trade with the goal of eradicating hunger, reducing poverty, and ensuring global prosperity. According to the WTO rules, members are required to give other members most-favoured-nation and national treatment. Due to the military conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, the United States, European Union, and several other member countries suspended most-favoured-nation treatment for Russian goods in mid-March 2022. This study examines the principle of non-discrimination under the WTO provisions, identifies relevant exceptions, analyses the Russia-Traffic in Transit case, and evaluates the appropriateness of the above actions by the US and others. Finally, this paper concludes that the US and its allies failed to present concrete evidence demonstrating a direct and causal relationship between the military situation in Ukraine and their own essential interests under Article XXI of GATT 1994.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to measure sedimentation status change with the changes in internal pressure for dry chemical extinguishers of various use periods and analyze the suitability of the fire extinguishers' performance criteria. When the internal pressure of the fire extinguisher is 0%, 2 out of 10 new dry chemical powders for the 5 elapsed years were noted to be suitable, including 3 recycled dry chemical powders with 5 elapsed years that were found eligible. One out of 10 new dry chemical powders for 10 elapsed years was shown as suitable. Also, one new dry chemical powder for 13 elapsed years was suitable. When the internal pressure of the fire extinguisher was 50%, all 10 out of 10 new dry chemical powders for 5 years, recycled one with 5 elapsed years, and a new one with 10 elapsed years were found to be suitable, while 9 new dry chemical powders for 13 years were shown as suitable. When the internal pressure of the fire extinguisher was normal, new ones with 5 elapsed years, recycled ones with 5 elapsed years, new ones with 10 elapsed years, and new ones with 13 elapsed years were all 10 out of 10 samples noted as suitable. In summarizing the experiment results, it was found that the sedimentation status, one of the fire extinguisher's physical properties experiments, affects the fire extinguisher's performance criteria rather than the change with use periods.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 국내 대학 중국 관련 학과의 교육 목표와 교육 현황을 이해하고 향후 발전 방향을 예측하고자 각 학과의 교과 과정 및 학과명에 관한 분석을 진행하였다. 편성 교과목 비율에 있어서 중국어 언어 교육이 가장 많은 비중을 차지하였고, 그 뒤로 ‘문화’, ‘문학’, ‘중국학’, ‘어학’의 순으로 높은 비중을 나타냈다. 다양한 융합교과목이 편성되어 있으며 대학 소재 지역에 따른 교과목 편성 차이도 존재했다. 2000년에 조 사된 교과목 현황과 비교해 볼 때, ‘중국어실습’, ‘문화’, ‘중국학’ 관련 교과목은 양적 증가를 보인 반면 ‘문학’, ‘어학’ 교과목은 감소한 경향을 보였다. 교과목 성격을 보면 개론성 교과목의 수가 줄어들고 특성화, 전문화된 교과목이 늘어났다. 학과명에 있어 서는 현재까지도 ‘중어중문학과’라는 명칭이 가장 많이 사용되고 있지만, 이전에 비 해 학과명 사용의 편중성이 줄어들고 다양화가 실현되었다. 학과명은 지역에 따른 경향성이 뚜렷하며 교과 과정과도 긴밀한 관련성을 보였다. 이전에 비해 학과명의 균형성, 다양화, 복합화, 특성화의 특징이 두드러졌는데, 이는 학과의 교육 목표와 발 전 방향이 다양해지고 특성화를 추구하는 변화의 추세가 반영된 것으로 보인다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today’s customer service providers, who have the greatest impact on customer satisfaction, are experiencing severe stress and job burnout due to various causes. Unlike general companies, the corporation has a relatively high level of dissatisfaction with customer service since there is a large conflict between the provision of kindness and the reasonable handling of civil complaints according to laws and regulations. In order to analyze the environment of the NPS’ customer service providers, 5.583 branch employees working at the National Pension Service and 407 call center employees were surveyed online using the questionnaire function of the Enterprise resource planning system. The contents of the survey consisted of a survey on customer-facing employees, the level of awareness of customer-facing workers protection measures, and opinions on improvement and supplementation related to customer-facing workers protection measures. As a result of the survey, 72.8% of the total respondents experienced grievance complaints, and the proportion of call center employees was even higher at 89.0%. In addition, both the branch and the call center had the largest share of complaints about obstruction of business, unreasonable demands, abusive language, and verbal abuse. More than 40% of call center employees in their 20s and 30s experienced the highest frequency of complaints 13 or more times a year. The most difficult thing in the process of responding to complaints was that both branch offices and call centers had insufficient psychological recovery time, lack of space, and lack of help from colleagues and superiors. Based on the survey analysis, it is suggested to establish a countermeasure through case analysis rather than the right to suspend work for civil complaints that cannot be handled, such as customized manuals and action strategies for the age group with high grievance complaints.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 구성주의 이론가들의 국제규범(norm) 연구에 대한 비판적 문 헌연구를 바탕으로 신기술과 인권 담론에 발현된 규범 클러스터(norm cluster) 양상을 분석한다. 본 연구의 핵심 질의는 한국 정부가 유엔인권 이사회 차원에서 제기되고 있는 ‘신기술과 인권’ 의제를 주도하면서도 이 와 개념적으로 연계되어 있는 자율살상무기금지 규범에는 소극적인 ‘선 택성’의 원인이 무엇인가 하는 것이다. 본 연구는 특정 국제규범이 메타 규범·구성규범·실행규범의 다층적 성격을 가진다는 규범 클러스터 연구의 적용을 통해 신기술과 인권 의제가 메타규범에 자율상살무기 금지규범이 실행규범에 해당하며, 이러한 선택적 규범화 전략이 사실 자연스러운 것 일 수 있음을 주장한다. 또한, 신기술과 인권 관련 국내·외 담론에서 확 인되는 ‘파편성’ 역시 우리 정부의 전략에 영향을 미친바, 이는 본 연구 가 국내 핵심이해관계 당사자를 대상으로 수행한 인터뷰에서도 확인된 다. 이에 더해, 메타규범 차원에서는 한국의 역할제고에 기여하며 뚜렷한 정책비용을 수반하지 않는 신기술과 인권 담론이 실행규범 차원에서는 안보정책 기조와의 충돌이라는 가시적 비용을 수반한다는 점 역시 고려 되었다고 볼 수 있다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Distribution of airborne bacteria in the entire regions of South Korea was investigated and analyzed by region and type of multi-use facilities. At first, 10 public facilities were selected including general restaurant, retail store, public transport, retail market, apartment house, underground parking lot, financial institution, business facility, educational institution, and public toilet, which are located at the regions such as Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, Gwangju, Gyeonggi, Jeju, and Gangwon. The regional distribution of the floating bacteria was identified that Micrococcus sp. was highly prevalent in Seoul (21.5 percent). In Daejeon, Bacillus sp. was highly prevalent (12.4 percent). In Busan, Micrococcus sp. was highly prevalent (22.8 percent). In Gwangju, Bacillus sp. was 9.35%. In Gyeonggi, Micrococcus sp. was 13.7%, and in Gwangju and Jeju, Micrococcus sp. was 11.2 percent and 92%. All in all, Micrococcus sp. and Bacillus sp. were highly detected throughout the entire region and multi-use facilities. Next, whether or not these airborne bacteria could influence the health of people was examined using HaCat human skin cell line which is human epithermal Karatinocytes related to allergic dermatitis. Among these isolated microorganisms, the HaCat cell proliferation was decreased by Arthrobacter sp., Bacillus sp., Brachybacterium sp., Brevundimonas sp., Kocuria sp., Mammaliicoccus sp., Norcardia sp., Prestia sp., Phychrobacillus sp., and Rhodococcus sp., while it was affected by the other bacteria. Therefore, these results have suggested that the airborne floating bacteria could be considered as the marker for the environmental risk management against atopic dermatitis, and it is needed for controlling the bacteria number that suppressed the proliferation of HaCat cells.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study measured the suspended fungal concentration in indoor multiple facilities nationwide. The regions were selected as representative cities by region: Seoul, Gyeonggi (Incheon), Gangwon, Gwangju, Daejeon, and Busan. A total of 2028 regional comparisons, including department stores, schools, public toilets, libraries, and banks, subway, sports facilities and comparative analysis were conducted for each multi-use facility industry. Among the nationwide, Among the regions, the average concentration of floating mold in indoor multi-use facilities was the lowest in Busan at 394.67 CFU/m3, followed by Gyeonggi and Incheon 487.90 CFU/m3, Seoul 542.84 CFU/m3, Daejeon 809.30 CFU/m3, Gangwon 1,145.22 CFU/m3, Gwangju was 1,371.10 CFU/m3 in the order. Busan was the lowest, and Gangwon was the highest. The reason that Busan, which has a high average temperature and population density, shows a lower mold concentration than Gangwon, is that floating mold in the indoor air is not affected by the external atmospheric environment, population density, and number of facility users. Although it cannot be said that there is no influence of the atmospheric environment, it was found that the indoor environment has different characteristics from the outdoor environment. The importance of air quality management has been confirmed, and further, it is necessary to subdivide the management standards by region and multi-use facilities, and the management standards need to be converted to maintenance rather than recommendations.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동물복지 향상에 대한 국민적 인식과 요구가 높아진만큼 작년 동물보호법 개정과 지자 체에서도 동물복지팀 신설 등 다양한 활동들이 이루어지고 있다. 말은 동물보호법에 기재 되어 있는 동물 범위에 포함되어 있지만 구체적인 말에 관한 법령은 기재되어 있지 않아 아직까지 국내 경주마에 대한 복지체계는 턱없이 부족하다. 이에 본 논문에서는 국내 경 주마의 육성과 생애를 시작으로 은퇴한 퇴역마까지의 전반적인 삶에 관해 학대 및 도축, 채찍의 측면에서 나누어 해외 사례와 비교 분석한 뒤 국내 경주마 복지의 미비점 및 해결 방안에 대해 고찰하였다. 미국의 경우 2009년 말 학대 방지법과 2011년에는 말 도축 방 지법을 제정하였으며 영국 또한 경주마 관련 법이 존재한다. 1986년 노르웨이에서는 채 찍 사용을 전면 금지하였고 2009년에는 관련 법안을 더 정교하게 개정하였다. 스웨덴 역 시 올해 2022년부터 채찍 사용이 법적으로 제한된다. 이와는 대조적으로 국내 동물보호 법에 말에 관한 사항은 전무하며 이렇기에 다른 국가들에 비해 법적 책임과 복지 측면에 서의 관리 방안들이 미흡하다는 결과가 나타났다. 따라서 국내 경주마의 복지 향상을 위 해서 체계적인 법 규정이 필요한 것으로 보인다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study used the big data method to analyze the chronological frequency of seafood appearance and variety mentioned by the veritable records of the Joseon dynasty. The findings will be used as a basis for Joseon Period’s food cultural research. The web-crawling method was used to digitally scrap from the veritable records of the Joseon dynasty of Joseon’s first to the twenty-seventh king. A total of 9,536 cases indicated the appearance of seafood out of the 384,582 articles. Seafood were termed ‘‘seafood” as a collective noun 107 times (1.12%), 27 types of fish 8,372 times (87.79%), 3 types of mollusca (1.28%), 18 types of shellfish 213 times (2.23%), 6 types of crustacean 188 times (1.97%), 9 types of seaweed 534 times (5.60%). Fish appeared most frequently out of all the recorded seafood. Sea fish appeared more frequently than the freshwater fish. Kings that showed the most Strong Interest Inventory (SII) were: Sungjong from the 15thcentury, Sehjo from the 15th, Youngjo from the 18th, Sehjong from the 15th, and Jungjo from the 18th respectively. Kings of Chosen were most interested in seafood in the 15th and 18th centuries.
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