
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2024.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        그동안 통일신라시기의 산성은 성벽이나 문지, 집수시설 등을 중심으로 발굴조사 되었 다. 그 결과 성벽의 축조기법이나 조성 시기, 구조 등에 대해선 비교적 많은 자료가 축적된 것이 사실이다. 그러나 한편으로 산성의 주체인 인간의 숙식 등과 관련된 건물지의 조사는 상대적으로 빈약한 편이다. 통일신라시기의 산성 내 건물지는 대체로 기단석을 갖추고 있으나 동 시기 사찰에서 볼 수 있는 가구식기단은 아직까지 확인된 바 없다. 그리고 이 시기의 주요 난방 시설인 쪽구들 의 경우도 초석 건물지에서 발견된 사례가 거의 없다. 단적으로 전면 발굴조사가 진행된 광 양 마로산성의 경우 성주나 하급 관리, 병사들이 머물 수 있는 난방시설이 턱 없이 부족함을 살필 수 있다. 아울러 전술한 기단석의 위계도 거의 찾아볼 수 없다. 당시 광양 마로산성은 치소성이나 거점성으로 인식될 정도로 중요한 산성이었다. 그러나 성주나 관리, 병사들이 상주하기 위한 온돌 건물지와 성주가 머물렀을 것으로 추정되는 건 물지의 기단석 등은 쉽게 구별할 수 없다. 이는 결과적으로 산성 내 건물지가 일상생활을 영 위하기 어려운 구조였음을 알게 한다. 그런 점에서 향후 산성 외부의 건물지 조사에 좀 더 집중할 필요가 있다고 생각된다.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bunhwangsa Stone Brick Pagoda, constructed in 634, is Korea's oldest stone pagoda. As a prototype of the Silla Stone Pagoda, the pagoda was constructed using flagstones. Since it was constructed with flagstones, it has been known to be a pagoda that replicates the brick pagoda until now. The latest research suggests that it copies the India Stupa or the Stacked Stone Pagoda more than the Brick Pagoda. However, the Bunhwangsa stone brick pagoda has a significant difference in terms of construction technique and shape compared to Brick Pagodas, India Stupas, and Stacked Stone Pagodas. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the stone building technique used in Silla. Through this study, I would like to clarify that the Bunhwangsa stone brick pagoda is a stone pagoda that creatively reflects the existing Silla stone building techniques such as stone fortresses and stone chamber tombs.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        증평 이성산성은 토축산성으로 남성과 북성이 이격하여 축조되어 있어 입지적인 약점을 서로 보완할 수 있다는 점에서 백제산성의 특징 중에 하나인 모자성에 해당한다고 하겠으나 두 城모두 내성과 외성을 갖추고 있는 특이한 유형에 속한다고 하겠다. 북성의 전체 둘레는 내성 219m, 외성이 310m로 내외성의 공유벽 100m를 포함하여 전체 둘레는 429m이다. 南城은 이성산 정상부를 에워싼 테뫼식산성과, 계곡을 포함한 포곡식산성이 부가된 복합식산성으로 테뫼식산성의 둘레는 741m이고, 포곡식의 외성은 1,052m으로 내·외성 공유벽 191m를 제외하면 전체 둘레는 1,411m에 달한다. 남성의 체성 축조기법은 성토기법을 기본으로 하되 부분적으로 유사판축기법이 채용되고 있으며, 북성은 남성 보다 유사판축기법이 좀 더 많이 채용되면서 판축기법도 관찰되고 있어 남성 보다 발전적인 형태를 갖추고 있다고 하겠다. 기저부 조성에 있어서 성토층의 유동성을 억제하고 안정화시키기 위하여 목주를 시설한 점과 암반 외벽 경사면에 성토층의 접착력 감소를 최소화시키기 위하여 길게 홈을 파서 기저부 성토층과의 밀착력을 높이기 위한 시설은 새롭게 확인된 것으로 의미가 크다고 하겠다. 특히, 남성과 북성 모두 체성 축조에 있어서 벽심을 시설하여 이에 의지해서 축성해 나간점과, 남성 서벽에서 확인된 표토블록의 사용 사례는 최근에 논의되고 있는 토성축조기법에 있어서의 다양한 축성방법 중의 하나가 확인되었다는 점에서 주목된다. 영정주와 협판을 사용하지 않고 성벽을 축조하기 위해서는 벽심이 협판의 역할을 대신하고 있기 때문에 유사판축에 의한 축성이 가능하다는 장점이 있다. 토성 축조에 있어서 판축기법이 보급되기 이전에 축성공정을 앞당길 수 있는 중요한 시설이라 하겠다. 남성 서벽에서 확인된 표토블록은 외벽 벽심을 내향하여 사직선으로 보축하여 형성한 중심토루를 보강한 것이라 하겠다. 표토블록은 유사판축이 판축기법에 준해서 목봉으로 다지기 때문에 이 압력으로 중심토루가 뭉개지거나 내려않는 것을 방지하기 위해 시설한 발전된 축성기술의 하나라 하겠다. 중심토루를 토괴(土塊)로 보강하고 이 중심 토루에 의지해서 유사판축으로 토성을 구축한 사례로 지탑리토성이 주목되며, 증평 이성산성 보다 선행한다고 판단되어 어느정도 계통성을 살필 수 있는 성곽유적이라고 하겠다. 앞으로도 점토괴나 표토블록을 사용한 토성의 조사사례가 축적되어 비교 검토할 수 있는 기회가 있기를 기대해 본다. 그리고, 토성 조사과정에서 일반적으로 알려져 있는 성토법, 삭토법, 판축법 외에도 다양한 축조기법이 확인될 가능성이 있음에 유의하여야 할 점이라 생각된다.
        2011.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        울산광역시 울주군 서생면 서생리 진하해수욕장 서편 야산 구릉에 위치한 서생포왜성(西生浦倭城)은 임진왜란 시기에 가토 기요마사(加藤淸正)에 의해 축성되었다. 서생포왜성은 남․동해안 각지에 현존하는 30여개의 왜성 가운데 보존상태가 가장 뛰어나 왜성 연구의 최적지가 되고 있으며 임란 중 사명대사가 가토 기요마사와 4차례에 걸친 평화교섭을 진행하여 많은 외교적 성과를 거둔 역사적 장소이기도 하다. 또한 임진왜란 직후부터 1895년까지 약 300년 동안 조선 수군(水軍)의 동첨절제사영(同僉節制使營)으로 사용되었기에 근세기 한일간 축성법의 비교연구뿐만 아니라 성곽이용방식에 대한 상호 고찰도 가능하다. 이에 본 연구는 지금까지 주로 일본인 학자들에 의해 연구가 진행되었던 서생포왜성에 대한 조사연구를 진행함으로써 일차적으로는 왜성의 성곽구조와 체성 축조기법상의 특성을 밝히고 이차적으로 한국성곽과의 비교연구를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 연구방법으로는 일차적으로 문헌조사를 실시하고 이를 토대로 현장실측조사를 진행하였다. 그 결과 입지 및 평면형태, 성곽 내부의 공간구조, 虎口와 해자 등의 방어시설물, 체성 및 隅角部축조수법, 성벽의 기울기 등 서생포왜성의 제반 특성을 이해할 수 있게 되었다.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main aim of this study is Joseph Cornell’s (1903-1972) box construction ofPenny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacall, and how the designing process fromproduction of the film to the screening embodied in a box the centre of Cornell’sgeneral interests: Penny Arcade Machine, Cinema and Actress, and to bring out itsvisual meaning with a cinematic view.Joseph Cornell was a Dutch American artist who had produced works of art usinga variety of forms of media such as collage, assemblage and film-making sincel930’s. As abstract expressionism was becoming the trend in art in America, he wasvigorously devoting his artistic talents to the making of a box construction whichwas regarded by some as ‘strange’. Ironically, Cornell’s major features: repetitivecomposition of adopted images and use of object were transformed into modern artafter the l960’s, and this illustrated his irresistible influence. His box constructionwas the centre of attention of both artists and art critics. Cornell’s box, which wasschematized compositing with collages of copied famous paintings and photographsin the box were sporadically made with no consideration of certain periods; themeslike his series of boxes:the Soap Bubble Sets, the Ballet, the Medici Slot Machine,and the Bird Cage from the l930’s to l950’s. The Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacallis evaluated as his masterpiece,which demonstrates his artistic values and his interpretation of the world as if hiswhole life was displayed in his own individual exhibition: Romantic Museum, at theHugo Gallery-Portraits of Woman in l946. Whilst Cornell was engrossed in MediciSlot Machine series, he became fascinated by the leading Lauren Bacall after he hadwatched her performance in the film ‘To have and have not’(1944) rather than beinspired by the movie itself. This brought him to start work on The Penny ArcadePortrait of Lauren Bacall.The most significant point in this work is to show its morphological featurethrough the motive, and through his record of the work. In other words, Cornell hadleft a dossier about Bacall from earliest beginning until 1970, two years before hisdeath. On the basis of the records, this research will describe the process of how heimported the structural features of Penny Arcade Machine which is the original formof film, and other filming techniques into this work. This also divided into Mise-en-Scene editing and showing aspects from filming to screening. First of all, Mise-en-Scene, which includes camera angles, movement and framing in a movie shows howrestraint photos in the frame was reconstituted in a formative way, and withreproduction of time, space and the controlling of distance between spectators.Secondly, editing confirms that each frame has a big effect on vision and brings asatisfactory result as interpreted frames by Mise-en-Scene are closely connected.Needless to say, predictable flow of works formed with narrative, generallydevelops with panoramic formation. Whilst Penny Arcade Portrait of Lauren Bacalldoes not have a clear direction or narration nor substance and was not summarizedas a special event, however, Cornell expanded the narrative by use of a montage, anda cross-cutting technique in his film.Lastly, The Screening, which is the core of this research, ‘Screening’does not refer to the practical meaning of showing. ‘Screening’at this point is a descriptiveword for basic installation, stimulation of illusion and, effectively, realization. Theapplied materials of the effective screen are that the first interlocking device in theform of Kinetoscope - as if pieces of film are moving, the second, ball in motion,and the third, Bacall’s close-up photo like a screen of film. Sorting through Bacall’sclose-up photographs, there are questionable facts which are evaded, trends in themovie, such as Bacall’s eyes towards the spectators; frame in frame, and exposingglasses as it stands. These features represent self reflection in a film, which meansan awareness of unrealistic illusion.Cornell tells us about the unrealism, and the fact that it is only installation whichleads people to look at fantasy, and intended vision by the use of self-reflection, as ifexposing that which lies beneath a mask. Through the characteristic of self-reflection in the media, Cornell presumably expressed his regret at the controversialremarks about Bacall as sexual material according to the opinion of the Researcher.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the history, space structures, blueprint, and techniques of the construction of Nam-hea city walls. Nam-hea city walls were relocated in 1439 from Whagumhun-Sansung(火金峴山城) to the present site, nearby Nam-hea Um.(南海邑) The city walls were rebuilt after they were demolished during Japanese invasion on Korea in 1592 and their reconstruction was also done in 1757. At present, the city walls only partially remained due to the urbanization of the areas around them. A plane form of the City wall is a square, and the circumference is approximately 1.3km. According to the literature, the circumference of the castle walls is 2,876尺, the height is 13尺, and the width is 13尺 4寸. Hang-Kyo(鄕校). SaGikDan(社稷壇), YoeDan(厲壇), SunSo(船所) which is a harbor, as well as government and public offices such as Kaek-Sa(客舍) and Dong-Hun(東軒) existed inside the castle walls. Inside the castle walls were one well, five springs, one ditch, and one pond, and in the castle walls, four castle gates, three curved castle walls, and 590 battlements existed. The main government offices inside castle walls were composed of Kaek-Sa, Dong-Hun, and Hang-Chung(鄕廳) their arrangements were as follows. Kaek-Sa was situated toward North. Dong-Hun was situated in the center of the west castle walls. The main roads were constructed to connect the North and South castle gate, and subsidiary roads were constructed to connect the East and West castle gate. The measurement used in the blueprint for castle wall was Pobaek-scale(布帛尺:1尺=46.66cm), and one side of it was 700尺. South and North gate were constructed in the center of South and North castle wall, and curved castle walls was situated there. One bastion was in the west of curved castle walls and two bastions were in the east of curved castle walls. The east gate was located in the five eighths of in the east castle wall. Two bastions were situated in the north, one bastion in the south, and four bastions in the west castle wall. The castle walls were constructed in the following order: construction of castle field, construction of castle foundation, construction of castle wall, and cover the castle foundation. The techniques used in the construction of the castle walls include timber pile(friction pile), replacement method by excavation.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The consequences of rapid industrial advancement, diversified types of business and unexpected industrial accidents have caused a lot of damage to many unspecified persons both in a human way and a material way Although various previous studies have been analyzed to prevent industrial accidents, these studies only provide managerial and educational policies using frequency analysis and comparative analysis based on data from past industrial accidents. The main objective of this study is to find an optimal algorithm for data analysis of industrial accidents and this paper provides a comparative analysis of 4 kinds of algorithms including CHAID, CART, C4.5, and QUEST. Decision tree algorithm is utilized to predict results using objective and quantified data as a typical technique of data mining. Enterprise Miner of SAS and AnswerTree of SPSS will be used to evaluate the validity of the results of the four algorithms. The sample for this work chosen from 19,574 data related to construction industries during three years (2002~2004) in Korea.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        근래 들어 구조물이 대형화 및 장대화되고, 건축물의 고층화와 기둥식 구조의 증가로 인해 기초는 과거보다 상대적으로 큰 연직지지력 또는 수평지지력이 요구되고 있으며 말뚝 시공 장비의 발달과 대형화로 중,대구경 말뚝의 수요가 급격하게 증가하고 있다. 그 중에서도 PHC PILE은 국내에 도입된 이후 기존 PC PILE을 급속하게 대체하여 왔으며, 초창기에 중구경을 많이 사용하여 왔으나 차츰 대형화되어 현재는 Ø700∼1,200까지 사용하고 있는 상황이다. 본 연구과제는 실제 현장에서 적용한 대구경 PHC PILE을 시공한 사례를 중심으로 공법 특징, 장단점, 시공성 및 경제성등에 대해 연구한 내용이다.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the recent increased awareness of underground water as a resource and detection of radioactive material called radon in underground, underground waterproofing system is newly regard as not only ensuring stability and durability of the structure but also preserving underground water, safety of employee working underground structure, protecting of facilities and comfortable use. For these reasons, constructing industry have highly demanded feasible underground waterproofing system that responding long-life and high-performance new material and developing waterproof performance evaluation techniques. Therefore, this study attempts to build environmental responding waterproof system with high adhesive sealant material and setting a manual of field application in waterproofing construction technique.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        It will use the Schmidt hammer law, the supersonic waves speed law and the composition law in the concrete Korean mandolin lump examination law from the research which it sees consequently and proposal of the usual concrete and existing regarding the high-in-tensity concrete the comparison which will be cool it will analyze and compared to accurately the burglar presumption which is the possibility of buying the compressive strength of the concrete it will be cool and it proposes.
        2011.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, a series of soil concrete mixtures were tested for the compressive strength according to ratio of aggregate to binder, compaction energy, maximum aggregate size, ratio of silica fume to cement, and ratio of water to binder. The optimum mixing ratio of soil concrete mixtures composed of volcaniclastic, cement, silica fume, concrete polymer and water were analysed. The test results for optimum proportion were as follows ; ①ratio of aggregate to binder was 4 : 1, ②compaction energy level was level 2, ③maximum aggregate size was 13 mm, ④ratio of silica fume to cement was 10%, ⑤ratio of water to binder was 25%. Also, dry type construction techniques were applied using the optimum soil concrete mixture. From the results of this study, the compressive strength of soil concrete and construction techniques were suitable for making eco-friendly soil pavement.