
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 10

        2022.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea depends almost entirely on imports for malt, the main ingredient in beer. However, the consumer market for domestic malt has not developed in Korea because of the prejudice that the quality of domestic malt is inferior to that of imported malt. This study aimed to analyze the quality of malt from Gwangmaeg (GM) and Hopum (HP), representative domestic beer barley varieties cultivated under varying nitrogen fertilizer application rates (standard fertilizer application, 50% increase in application, and 50% decrease in application), and use the findings as primary data to promote domestic malt consumption. GM’s crude protein and starch contents were significantly (Ρ<0.05) higher and lower, respectively, than those in HP. With decreased fertilizer application (GM: 14.0±0.8% and HP: 11.4±0.4%), the protein content was significantly lower than that with increased fertilizer application (GM: 15.5± 0.3% and HP: 13.1±1.3%). Although there was no difference in -glucan content, starch content tended to increase, indicating quality improvement. Acrospire length, yield, and enzyme titer, quality indicators of malt, increased with further fertilizer application, whereas friability and Kolbach index increased with decreased fertilizer application. For wort qualities, filtration time decreased from 36 to 34 minutes in GM and 55 to 42 minutes in HP, with the wort extraction rate increasing with decreased fertilizer application. These findings showed that decreased nitrogen fertilizer application improves the qualities of malt and wort.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A quality of forage under optimal condition needs to be evaluated because an optimal condition for high productivity does not guarantee high quality product. In this study, we aimed at investigating a quality of barley grown under optimal conditions for maximizing productivity by comparing its ingredient contents with those under other conditions in plant factory-type fresh forage growing system. To compare the ingredient in barley grown at 4 conditions, we used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and Tukey’s post-hoc test. The optimal growth condition (20 and 63% of humidity) was applied to the first group (group 1), while other groups were cultivated under 20 / 90% (group 2), 18 / 63% (group 3), and 23 / 63% (group 4). In the analysis, contents of ingredients in each sample were measured at two parts, i.e., roots and shoots. Result showed that roots included 86.68% of moisture, 1.86% of crude-protein, 0.58% of crude-fat, 2.13% of crude-fiber, 195.78 ppm of minerals, and 231.48 μmol/g of amino acids. For shoots, 92.42% of moisture, 2.52% of crude-protein, 0.16% of crude-fat, 1.86% of crude-fiber, 263.78 ppm of minerals, and 208.34 μmol/g of amino acids were contained. When comparing by groups, moisture, crude-fat, and some minerals (Fe, Na, and P) were not significantly different by groups. In contrast, crude-protein, crude-fiber, and few minerals (Ca and K) were different. Overall, the variation in total amount of ingredient was less than 20% among groups, suggesting quality of barley under optimal conditions for productivity was acceptable. In conclusion, the optimal condition for yielding maximal productivity maintains barley quality, but an operating conditions needs to be changed when emphasizing functional aspect of forage.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The yield performance and nutrient quality of barley for pellets making from whole crop material were discussed during 1993-1994. Barley (cv. Olbori) was grown on paddy land after rice cutivation and was harvested at early stage of physiological maturity.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Major agronomic and morphological traits of Korean land races of cultivated barley were analyzed. Three hundred sixty-three Korean land races, 69 hull-less and 295 hulled barely, were cultivated at the field of National Honam Agricultural Research Institute at Iksan, Korea. Olbori and Saessalbori were used as control varieties for hulled and hull-less barley, respectively. Traits such as heading date, maturity, plant height and flag leaf length and width were analyzed. Heading date and maturity were variable 22 and 22 days, respectively, among the land races tested. Plant height of land races corresponded to 74 to 174% of that of the control varieties. Flag leaf length and width varied from 87% to 314% and from 57 to 233%, respectively, of that of the control varieties. This result indicates that genetic diversity for agronomic and morphological traits are significantly broad among Korean land races and they could provide valuable genes to improve current elite lines.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The level of β-glucan which is a major soluble dietary fiber found in the grain endosperm cell wall was highly variable among 25 barley genotypes grown at four locations including Suwon, Naju, Jinju, and Jeju. Statistically significant genotypic effects were observed for β-glucan content at each or across growing sites (P<0.001). On average, 'Chalssalbori' showed the lowest percentage β-glucan (4.04%) among genotypes in the grain, whereas 'Yonezawa Mochi' was highest in percentage β-glucan (6.46%) compared to other genotypes. The significant difference between genotypes was approximately 1-2% across environments. The effects of location or interaction between locations and genotypes were not significant on the variation of β-glucan contents. High β-glucan content seemed to be greatly associated with such grain traits as waxiness and presence of husk except for 'Chalssalbori'. The waxy genotypes had a mean of 5.37% and values ranging from 5.28 to 5.47%, but normal genotypes had a mean of 4.78% and values ranging from 4.69 to 4.88% over environments. Hulless barley genotypes were also higher than hulled barley genotypes for the average β-glucan content in both individual and over all environments. The difference between the hulled and hulless gene pools was on average of 0.37% with ranges from 0.19% to 0.56% at four environments. β-glucan content measured from a mapping population of F5 -derived 107 lines derived from the cross between 'Yonezawa Mochi' and 'Neulssalbori' was not significantly associated with other agronomic traits except for 1,000-kernel weight at the '01 Suwon environment. Not too much information on the relationship of β-glucan content to agronomic traits was available.
        2004.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to understand the genetic diversity and relationships of Korean cultivated barley groups classified as landrace, improved and introduced varieties by microsatellite variation (SSRP, Simple Sequence Repeats Polymorphism). With the
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        남부지방(南部地方)에서 황금(黃芩)의 맥후작(麥後作) 직파재배시 적정(直播栽培時 適定) 시비량(施肥量)을 구명(究明)하여 재배기술(栽培技術)을 개선(改善), 보완(補完)하고 수량(收量)을 증대(增大)시켜 안정생산(安定生産)에 기여(寄與)하고자 여천(麗川) 재래종(在來種)을 공시(供試)하여 실시(實施)한 시험결과(試驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1, 무비구(無肥區)(N-P2O5-K2O = 0 - 0 - 0kg/10a)의 개화기(開花期) 7월(月) 20일(日)에 비하여 모든 시비구(施肥區)가 7월(月) 21일(日)~23일(日)로 1~2일(日) 늦게 개화(開花)하였다. 2. 생육형질(生育形質)인 경장(莖長), 경태(莖太), 분지수(分枝數), 주근장(主根長), 주근경(主根徑) 생경엽중(生莖葉重), 건경엽동(乾莖葉重)은 무비구(無肥區)에 비하여 모든 시비구(施肥區) 양호(良好)하였으나 다비구(多肥區)(N-P2O5-K2O = 12-18-12kg/10a) 3. 수량형질(收量形質)인 건근중(乾根重)은 무비구(無肥區)보다 모든 시비구(施肥區)가 양호(良好)하였으나 그 중에서 중비구(中肥區)(N-P2O5-K2O = 9-13.5-9kg/10a)에서 10a당 건근중(乾根重)이 178kg으로 무비구(無肥區)의 126kg에 비(比)하여 41%가 증수(增收)되었고 표준시비구(標準施肥區)(N-P2O5-K2O = 6-9-6kg/10a)의 167kg에 비해서는 7%가 증수(增收)되었다.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        남부지방(南部地方)에서 황금(黃芩)의 맥후작(麥後作) 직파재배(直播栽培)의 적정파종기(適定播種期)를 구명(究明)하여 재배기술(栽培技術)을 개선(改善), 보완(補完)하고 수량(收量)을 증대(增大)시켜 안정생산(安定生産)에 기여(寄輿)하고자 여천재래종(麗川在宋種)을 공시(供試)하여 실시(賣施)한 시험결과(試驗結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출아(出芽) 소요기간(所要期間)에 있어서 6월(月)1일(日) 파종(播種)은 6월(月)12일(日)로 11일(日)이 소요(所要)되었고 6월(月)10 일 파종(播種)은 6월(月)16일(日)로서 6일(日)이 소요(所要)되었으며 6월(月)20일(日) 파종(播種)은 6월(月)23일(日)로서 3일(日)이 소요되었다. 2. 개화(開花) 소요기간(所要期間)에 있어서 6월(月) 1일(日) 파종(播種)은 54일(日)이 경과(經過)되어 7월(月)24일(日)에 개화(開花)되었고 6월(月)10일(日) 파종(播種)은 45일(日)이 경과(經過)되어 7월(月)25일(日)에 개화(開花)되었으며 6월(月)20일(日) 파종(播種)은 37일(日)이 경과(經過)되어 7월(月)27일(日)에 개화(開花)되었다. 3. 지상부(地上部)의 생산물(生産物)인 주경장(主莖長), 주경경(主莖徑), 주경절수(主莖節數), 분기수(分技數) 및 건경엽중(乾莖葉重) 모두 6월(月)1일(日) 파종(播種)에서 가장 양호(良好)하였다. 4. 지하부(地下部)의 생산물(生産物)인 주근장(主根長), 주근경(主根徑), 주당상근수(株當上根數) 및 건근중(乾根重) 모두 6월(月)1일(日) 파종(播種)에서 가장 양호(良好)하였다.
        1993.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Hordeum bulbosum에 의한 보리 반수체 이용육종은 단기간에 목적 형질을 고정하는 일반적인 이점 외에 세포학적으로 안정된 많은 반수체를 용이하게 얻을 수 있는 기능성이 있기 때문에 이 방법의 실용화을 제고하기 위한 방법을 체계화하기 위해 일년의 실험을 실시하였으며 우선, H. bulbosum의 여러 형질의 특성 및 재배종과의 교배시 유배형성율등을 조사하였다. H. bulbosum은 H. vulgare에 비하여 간이 가늘고 간장이 길며 세엽이나, 수장이 길고 수당영화수가 2배이상 많으며 수장개화일수가 3배이상 길었으며, H bulbosumrks에는 차이가 적었다. H. bulbosum중 4배체는 2배체에 비하여 유배형성율은 8%, 식물체 발생율은 2배이상 높으나 염색체의 일부가 완전히 소실되지 않으므로 보리의 반수체를 이용한 육종에는 활용할 수 없는 것으로 인정되었다.