
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,482

        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the relationship between distribution of Bolboschoenus planiculmis which is main food source of swans (national monument species) with environmental factors, discharge, rainfall, and salinity in Eulsuk-do from 2020 to 2023. The distribution area of B. planiculmis in Eulsuk tidal flat was 103,672 m2 in 2020, 95,240 m2 in 2021, 88,163 m2 in 2022, and 110,879 m2 in 2023, and represents a sharp decrease compared to the 400,925 m2 area recorded in 2004. From 2020 to 2023, the growth densities of B. planiculmis were 243.6±12.5 m-2, 135.45±7.38 m-2, 51.10±2.54 m-2, and 238.20±16.36 m-2, respectively, and the biomass was 199.89±28.01 gDW m-2, 18.57±5.12 gDW m-2, 6.55±1.12 gDW m-2, and 153.53±25.43 gDW m-2 in 2020, 2023, 2021, and 2022, respectively. Based on discharge during May~July, which affects plant growth, the left gate discharge of the estuary barrage from 2020 to 2023 was 62,322 m3 sec-1, 33,329 m3 sec-1, 6,810 m3 sec-1, and 93,641 m3 sec-1, respectively; rainfall was 1,136 mm, 799 mm, 297 mm, and 993 mm, respectively; and average salinity was 14.7±9.4 psu, 21.1±4.7 psu, 26.1±2.7 psu, and 14.5± 11.1 psu, respectively. In 2022, cumulative rainfall (978 mm, about 70% of the 30-year average) and discharge (43,226 m3 sec-1) decreased sharply, resulting in the highest mean salinity (25.46 psu), and the distribution area, density, and biomass of the B. planiculmis decreased sharply. In 2023, there was a rise in discharge with an increase in rainfall, leading to a decrease in salinity. Consequently, this environmental change facilitated the recovery of B. planiculmis growth.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the current status of seagrass species in the Nakdong River estuary from May to June 2023. To survey the seagrass habitat area, the Nakdong River estuary was divided into seven zones. Aerial photography using drones was conducted to find seagrass areas, GPS tracking was carried out on foot in the intertidal zone and by boat and SCUBA diving in the subtidal zone. To analyze the seagrass status, we measured the morphological characteristics, shoot density, and biomass of representative seagrass species in each zone. Four seagrass species were found in this area: Zostera japonica, Z. marina, Ruppia maritima, and Phyllospadix japonicus. The distribution areas of each species was 338.2 ha, 92.9 ha, 0.9 ha, and 1.4 ha, respectively, with a total area of 432.5 ha. Z. japonica was widely distributed in most of the tidal flats and mudflats of the Nakdong River estuary, while Z. marina was restricted to Nulcha-do, Jinu-do, and Dadae-dong. R. maritima occurred within the habitat of Z. japonica in Eulsukdo and Myeongji mudflats, and P. japonicus inhabited rocky areas in Dadae-dong. The shoot density of each species was 4,575.8±338.3 shoots m-2, 244.8±12.0 shoots m-2, 11,302.1±290.0 shoots m-2, and 2862.5±153.5 shoots m-2, respectively. The biomass of each species was 239.7±18.5 gDW m-2, 362.3±20.5 gDW m-2, 33.3±1.2 gDW m-2, and 1,290.0±37.0 gDW m-2, respectively. The results of this study revealed that Z. japonica was dominant in the Nakdong River estuary. In particular, Z. japonica habitats of Eulsukdo, Daema-deung, and Myeongji mudflats were identified as the largest in Korea. The Nakdong River estuary is an important site of ecological, environmental, and economic value, and will require continuous investigation and management of the native seagrasses.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The United States is Korea’s important trading partner, ranking third (13.7%) in exports of fishery products in Korea. The impact on exports to the United States is expected to be significant if the seafood import provisions under the MMPA are implemented in 2024 accordingly. It is expected that documents proving production information will be required for all items when exporting to the U.S. Therefore, this study attempted to examine the current status of exports and exporters in order to understand the actual conditions of major fishery products exported to the United States. Besides, there are currently no official system and procedures in Korea to prove production information for all fishery items, so we tried to suggest implications by examining distribution channels for major export items to the U.S. In this study, five items including seaweed and halibut as domestic aquaculture items, tuna and squid as deep-sea fishing items, and fish cake using imported raw materials were selected as the target items for distribution channel investigation. In addition, this study is meaningful in that it investigated the routes from production to processing, distribution, and export of each item and identified detailed distribution channel for major items exported to the U.S.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 언중들이 사용하고 있는 구어와 문어를 전사한 말뭉치에 나타 난 ‘-겠-’의 분포 양상을 기술하고 구어 말뭉치와 문어 말뭉치에서 분포 양상의 차이점을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 본고는 21세기 세종 계획의 결과물들 중 590만 어절 구어 말뭉치에서 선어말어미 ‘-겠-’이 나타나 는 200개의 텍스트, 4313개의 문장과 2364만 어절 문어 말뭉치에서 선어말어미 ‘-겠-’이 나타나는 200개의 텍스트, 13083개의 문장을 연 구 대상으로 삼았다. 연구 방법으로는 선어말어미 ‘-겠-’이 사용되는 문장을 통해 어떤 용언 뒤에 분포하는지를 면밀하게 살펴서 첫째, 구어 말뭉치와 문어 말뭉치에서 ‘-겠-’과 결합하는 빈도수가 가장 많은 용언 10개를 뽑았으며 둘째, 문장에서 ‘-겠-’이 어떤 선어말어미 뒤에 가장 많이 분포하는지를 하나씩 조사하며 셋째, 선어말어미 ‘-겠-’ 뒤에 어 떤 어말어미가 많이 결합하는지를 찾아내고자 한다. 본고는 구어 말뭉 치와 문어 말뭉치에 나타난 ‘-겠-’의 분포 양상을 정리하고 두 말뭉치에 서 나타난 차이점을 밝혔으며, 이 연구가 한국어 교육 현장에 기초 자료 로 활용될 수 있다는 점에 의의가 있다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오대산국립공원의 고등균류 다양성 및 분포 특성을 시기별, 고도별, 임상별로 조사하여 비교하였다. 오대산국립공원 내 계방산, 소금강, 월정사지 구 일대에 임상별 6개씩 총 18개의 고정조사구에서 고등균류를 채집한 결과, 542점의 표본을 채집하였으며, 동정한 결과 81속, 256종으로 확인되었 고 최신분류체계로 분류한 결과 2문, 6강, 19목, 56과로 확인되었다. 부생성 균류가 62.9 %로 가장 높은 비율을 보였으며, 다음으로는 공생성 균류 36.2 % 기생성 균류 0.9 % 순으로 조사되었고, 우점종은 맑은애주름버섯(Mycena pura)과 굽은꽃애기버섯(Gymnopus dryophilus)으로 확인되었다. 해발고도에 따른 고등균류의 분포는 200∼677 m 조사구에서 109종, 700∼999 m에서 109종, 1000∼1400 m에서 118종이 조사되었 으며, 채집 시기별 고등균류의 분포는 9월에 132종으로 가장 많이 조사되었고, 6월 33종, 7월 75종, 8월 99종으로 조사되었다. 임상별로는 혼효림에서 124종, 활엽수림 121종, 침엽수림에서 가장 낮은 105종이 조사되었다. 고도별, 시기별, 임상별 모두 부생성 균류가 가장 높은 비율로 분포하였다. 종다양도는 9월에 2.00, 혼효림에서 2.04로 가장 높았고, 고도별로는 유사한 종다양도를 나타냈다(1.93∼1.99). 종 균등도는 고도별, 시기별, 임상별로 비슷한 수준을 나타냈다(0.94∼0.97). 공통 발생 종은 모든 시기에 2종, 전체 고도에서 7종, 침엽수, 활엽수, 혼효림에서 14종이 확인되었다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        남해 금산을 방위, 지형, 해발고, 접근성 등을 고려하여 7구간으로 나누어 식물상을 조사한 결과 관속식물은 117과 373속 602종 5아종 72변종 14품종 693분류이 출현하였다. 이 중에서 양치식물은 11과 24속 45종 1변종의 46분류군, 나자식물은 4과 6속 12종 3변종 15분류군, 피자식물은 102과 343속 545종 5아종 68변종 14품종으로 632분류군이 출현하였다. 산림청에서 지정한 희귀식물은 18과 18속 20종 1변종 21분류군이 출현하였 다. CR등급은 물부추, 자주땅귀개, 칠보치마, 석곡 등의 6분류군, EN등급은 대흥란, VU등급은 끈끈이주걱, 애기등, 땅귀개 등의 4분류군, LC등급은 고란초, 개족도리풀, 히어리 등의 8분류군, DD등급은 단풍박쥐나무와 토현삼 등이 출현하였다. 한국특산식물은 14과 17속 17종 1변종 18분류군이 출현하였다. 식물구계학적 특정식물 58과 91속 102종 1아종 4변종 107분류군으로, Ⅴ등급은 물부추, 애기등, 칠보치마 등의 11분류군, Ⅳ등급은 끈끈이주걱, 히어리, 긴오이풀 등의 11분류군, Ⅲ등급은 바위손, 큰지네고사리, 토현삼 등의 23분류군, Ⅱ등급은 속새, 고란초, 다정큼나무 등의 13분류군, Ⅰ등급은 실고사리, 발풀고사리, 나래회나무 등의 49분류군으로 출현하였다. 외래식물은 28과 55속 64종 1아종 65분류이 출현하였고, 도시화 지수는 11.2%, 귀화율은 6.1%로 나타났다. 이는 우리나라 평균 귀화율 10.3%보다 낮게 출현하였다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        프리캐스트 코핑의 중공부 주철근 단절로 인한 단점을 보완하고, 거치대 삽입 없이 주철근을 거치대로 활용할 수 있 도록 철근-콘크리트 접촉부의 응력집중을 완화할 수 있는 하중분산세트의 성능을 검토하였다. 유한요소해석 및 축소모형실험을 통해 검토한 결과 하중분산세트는 철근-콘크리트 접촉부의 응력집중을 효과적으로 완화시켜 거치 시 콘크리트 파손을 방지할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the conceptual spaces of the diachronic semantic evolution of “Paste” semantic verbs are constructed through the diachronic literature surveys. In the history of Chinese language, the verb with the meaning of “Paste” was rarely used in literature before the Tang Dynasty, and it was not until the modern Chinese period that it gradually increased. In terms of activity, from the dominance of “膠” in ancient Chinese to the emergence of “貼” in medieval Chinese, and until modern Chinese, a situation where the three words “貼” “糊” and “粘 (黏)” went hand in hand was formed. The pattern of “粘” “帖”, and “膠” as marginal members greatly influenced the use of “Paste” semantic verbs in modern Chinese, and this pattern was generally continued in modern Chinese, At the same time, there are some differences in the use of words between WeiJin Dynasty
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumer studies on millennials have focused on shopper behavioural differences with their old baby boomer generation. A significant distinction between these two groups have been their relationship and interaction with technology across all facets of life, including shopping. Millennials are generally regarded as early adopters of digital technology and its use in daily activities, hence their reference to digital natives. Compared to the baby boomers, who are late adopters and are called digital immigrants. Africa's millennials constitute at least 30% of Africa's population, making them a key attraction for marketers, yet their interests are often treated as a homogenous segment similar to global millennials from advanced economies.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Referral programs are ubiquitous in the marketplace and incentive design is crucial in such programs. Most companies opt for a two-sided design where they reward both the referee and recipients in their referral programs. However, surprisingly little research examines the incentive designs in two-sided programs.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Local consumption is considered to have a positive environmental and social impact. A new supply chain strategy has been devised to provide small and medium-sized local farms with enhanced efficiency and accessibility: a bidirectional distribution. Bidirectional distribution is a practice of backhauling local produce on emptied wholesale trucks for redistribution through wholesale markets while employing the existing network of rural stores and wholesale suppliers. Building on the cue utilization theory, this study investigated the effect of product information about bidirectional distribution on consumers’ perceived environmental value, personal well-being value, quality beliefs, and community social and economic value.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research not only determined the preference of fashion brand distribution channels of active Korean and Chinese seniors who became major consumers in the fashion industry, but also analyzed the effect on these preferences and choices of distribution channels depending on personal consumption characteristics and differences between the two groups. Data was collected by a professional survey firm. SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used for empirical analysis, and frequency analysis, multiple response analysis, EFA, reliability analysis, CFA, SEM, and multiple-group comparison analysis were performed. As a result of multiple response analysis, the offline channel was revealed as the preferred fashion distribution channel for active Korean and Chinese seniors; the second most popular was the online channel. The results of multiple-group comparison analysis reveal differences between two groups in seeking emotional consumption via the offline channel; the effect was only evident for active Korean seniors. A difference in seeking emotional consumption via preference for online channel also existed, but only for active Chinese seniors. For these reasons, marketers targeting active Korean seniors will be effective to not only offer brand information by fashion display to let seniors understand the fashion brand, but also to have brand events to form positive emotions toward the fashion brand. Moreover, targeting active Chinese seniors will be necessary to transmit brand sensibility by utilizing metaverse marketing comprising various factors, so that consumers can enjoy the fashion brand.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to solve the problem of improper thrust distribution of each thruster of underwater vehicle, the PSO optimization algorithm is used to solve the problem of thrust distribution. According to the spatial layout of the thruster, the algorithm model of the underwater vehicle propulsion system is established. The thrust input is carried out under the broken line search trajectory, and the simulation verifies the thrust allocation results of the PSO algorithm and the traditional pseudo-inverse method. The simulation results show that compared with the traditional algorithm. First of all, the PSO algorithm can set the physical threshold for each thruster to prevent the thruster from having too much thrust. Secondly, it can ensure that the thruster can turn with a reasonable torque to prevent the robot from drifting due to the large thrust gap. This paper provides a theoretical reference for thrust distribution of underwater salvage robot, and has practical engineering significance.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to examine the concentration and distribution characteristics of total airborne bacteria (TAB) and airborne mold in non-regulated public-use facilities. The arithmetic mean (AM) of the TAB in all facilities was 356.5 ± 419.3 CFU/m3, and the geometric means (GM) was 157.8 CFU/m3, which did not exceed the standard value of 800 CFU/m3. The highest concentration was 637.3 ± 372.0 CFU/m3 (GM: 534.9 CFU/m3) in the underground shopping mall. The AM of airborne mold in all facilities was 448.2 ± 429.6 CFU/m3 (GM: 285.4 CFU/m3), which did not exceed the standard value of 500 CFU/m3, but was close to it. In particular, subway station (AM: 661.5 ± 441.2 CFU/m3, GM: 540.0 CFU/ m3), large-scale store (AM: 587.6 ± 683.2 CFU/m3, GM: 297.8 CFU/m3), and private educational institute (AM: 528.8 ± 379.6 CFU/m3, GM: 373.7 CFU/m3) exceeded the standard. Operational taxonomic unit of 16S rDNA and ITS2 rDNA region was analyzed to profile bacteria and mold component in the air of the public-use facilities. As a result, Pseudomonas and Morganella are the major bacterial groups. Regarding mold, Aspergillus, Candida, Malassezia, and Penicillium are the major groups. Component of each airborne bacterial and mold groups varied depending on the type of public-use facilities.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Paddy fields provide important habitats for biodiversity conservation within the agricultural ecosystem. Their importance is gradually increasing as their ecological value is better understood. Benthic macroinvertebrates dominate paddy fields. They play an essential role in maintaining the biodiversity of paddy ecosystems. This study aimed to analyze characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities and main environmental factors affecting the distribution of golden apple snails (Pomacea canaliculata). Results showed that the diversity index (H ′) of the benthic macroinvertebrate community was the highest at the Sangju site (St. 12) but the lowest at the Sancheong site (St. 18). Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), salinity, and Electrical Conductivity (EC) values were the highest in Gimhae and Yeongam based on Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Numbers of P. canaliculata (m-2) were relatively low in Gunsan and Iksan where water temperatures were high. Therefore, changes in geographical characteristics and environmental factors might affect the distribution of P. canaliculata and characteristics of benthic macroinvertebrate communities. Results of this study can be used as primary data for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service evaluation in agroecosystems.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북동중국해 대륙붕 표층 퇴적물에서 산출하는 저서성 유공충의 군집 분포와 형성 기작을 파악 하기 위하여 32개 정점에서 표층 퇴적물을 채취하고, 입도조성, 저서성 유공충 군집분석, 14C 연대측정을 실시하였다. 표층 퇴적물은 사질(평균: 52.04%)의 잔류 퇴적물과 니질(평균: 47.92%) 의 현생 퇴적물과의 혼합 퇴적상이다. 저서성 유공충은 총 48속 104종(사질 유공충, 석회질 유리상 및 석회질 자기상 유공충)이 분류되었다. 사질 유공충은 양쯔강 앞 해역으로 산출빈 도(30%)가 증가하며, 부유성 유공충은 제주 남서해역에서 높은 산출빈도를 보인다. 우점종은 Ammonia ketienziensis, Bolivina robusta, Eggella advena, Eilohedra nipponica, Pseudorotalia gaimardii, Pseudoparrella naraensis 총 6종이다. 이들 중 가장 높은 산출빈도를 보이는 Bolivina robusta와 Pseudorotalia gaimardii의 14C 연대측정 결과 각각 2,360±40 B.P., 2,450±40 B.P.로 나 타났다. 군집분석 결과, P. gaimardii 군집, B. robusta 군집 및 A. ketienziensis-P. naraensis 군집 으로 대별된다. 양쯔강 담수 유입 영향을 받는 양쯔강 앞 해역에는 P. gaimardii 군집, 쿠로시오 해류의 영향을 받는 제주도 남서해역에서 B. robusta 군집 그리고 북서측 황해 중앙부 니질대 해역에 A. ketienziensis-P. naraensis 군집이 분포한다. 이러한 저서성 유공충 군집 조성 및 분 포는 약 2.5 ka BP 부터 형성되기 시작하였으며, 홀로세 후기 해수면 상승에 의한 저서 생태계 서식지 환경 변화를 반영하고 있는 것으로 생각된다.
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