딤프로피리다즈는 pyrazole carboxamide 계열 살충제로 활성형은 TRPV 상류 부위를 표적으로 하여 신호전달을 차단하며 진딧물 등의 해충 방제에 효과적이다. 사이클로 뷰트리플루람은 phenethyl pyridineamide 계열 살충제로 미 토콘드리아 전자 수송 사슬복합체 II의 호흡작용을 저해 한다. 딤프로피리다즈와 사이클로뷰트리플루람에 대한 국 내 잔류물의 정의는 모화합물이며, 각각 수박, 호박잎 등 29품목에 대하여 0.03-7.0 mg/kg, 배추 등 6품목에 대하여 0.03 mg/kg으로 잔류허용기준이 설정되어 있다. 본 연구 에서는 농산물 중 딤프로피리다즈와 사이클로뷰트리플루람 의 잔류량을 분석하기 위한 공정시험법을 마련하고자 하였 다. 딤프로피리다즈 및 사이클로뷰트리플루람을 분석하기 위하여 아세토니트릴을 추출용매로 사용하는 QuEChERS법 을 이용하여 추출 및 정제조건을 확립한 후, LC-MS/MS 를 분석기기로 선정하였다. 딤프로피리다즈 및 사이클로 뷰트리플루람의 결정계수(R2)는 모두 0.99 이상으로 우수 하였으며, 정량한계는 0.01 mg/kg으로 나타났다. 대표 농 산물 5종(현미, 감자, 대두, 감귤, 고추)에 대하여 정량한 계, 정량한계 10배, 정량한계 50배 수준으로 처리하여 회 수율 실험을 한 결과 딤프로피리다즈의 평균 회수율은 85.5-101.5%, 사이클로뷰트리플루람은 86.8-108.5%을 보였 으며, 변이계수(coefficient of variation, CV)는 각각 10.9%, 13.7% 이하로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 국제식품규격 위원회 농약 분석법 가이드라인25)의 잔류농약 분석 기준 및 식품의약품안전평가원의 식품 등 시험법 마련 표준절 차에 관한 가이드라인24)에 적합한 수준이다.
본 연구는 그리스의 GR-eco Islands 프로젝트를 생태현대화 이론 (Ecological Modernization)의 틀에서 분석하고, 약한 EM과 강한 EM 관점에서 이 프로젝트의 정책적 요소와 성과를 평가하였다. GR-eco Islands 프로젝트는 재생 가능 에너지를 기반으로 한 탄소중립과 지속 가능한 발전을 목표로 하며, 지역사회, 정부, 민간 기업 간의 협력을 통 해 실행되는 점에서 생태현대화 이론의 실천적 사례로 주목받고 있다. 할키(Chalki), 아스티팔라이아(Astypalaia), 포로스(Poros) 세 섬을 사례 로 들어 프로젝트의 정책 설계, 실행 과정, 성과를 분석하였다. 연구 결 과, GR-eco Islands 프로젝트는 강한 EM의 핵심 요소인 생태 중심적 접근, 민주적 의사결정, 제도적 개혁을 충실히 반영하였으며, 탄소 배출 감소와 에너지 자립 실현 등 주요 성과를 달성하였다. 그러나 국제적 협 력의 부족, 데이터 접근성의 한계, 장기적 효과 평가의 미흡함 등 일부 한계점도 확인되었다.
2024년은 K-방산의 메카인 창원국가산업단지가 건립된 지 50주년이 되는 해였다. 창원공단은 자주포 등 국내 방위산업의 중심지로 거제의 해군함정, 진주-사천의 공군 전투기 등과 함께 세계적으로 K-방산 중심 지로 평가받고 있다. 그리고 이는 한국의 자주국방에 중추적 역할을 하 고 있다. 창원의 방위산업은 단순히 지역 경제에 기여하는 것을 넘어, 한 국의 국가안보와 직접적으로 연관된 중요한 분야이다. 남북한 체제경쟁 과 전쟁위기라는 거시적 틀 속에서 창원 방위산업의 역할을 재조명함으 로써, 이 지역의 전략적 가치를 더욱 명확히 하고자 한다. 따라서 본 연 구는 이런 문제의식을 바탕으로 다음과 같은 연구 문제를 중심으로 진 행하고자 한다. 첫째, 1960-70년대 남북한 체제경쟁과 창원지역에서 방위산업이 태동한 배경은 무엇인가? 둘째, K-방산을 위한 창원방산혁 신클러스터의 역할은 무엇인가? 셋째, 창원방위산업의 발전 방향과 이 를 뒷받침할 정책적 제언은 무엇인가?
본 연구의 목적은 결혼이주여성 노인의 성공적 노화 척도 개발 및 타 당도를 검증하기 위함이다. 연구자는 20개의 하위 구성요소 7개의 범주 를 제시하였다. 포커스 그룹인터뷰는 제주도를 제외한 5곳의 지역을 중 심으로 진행하여 타당도를 검증하였다. 다음은 전문가 5인의 예비문항 내용타당도 검증을 한 후, 결혼이주여성 노인 192명을 대상으로 1차 탐 색적 요인분석 결과를 바탕으로 6개의 성공적 노화 요인과 35개의 문항 을 선별하였다. 2차 탐색적 요인분석(EFA)는 결혼이주여성 노인 382명 을 대상으로 실시한 결과 5요인, 23문항을 최종 확정하였다. 이를 바탕 으로 결혼이주여성 노인의 성공적 노화 척도 문항 검증 결과, 통계적으 로 유의한 요인 간 상관이 확인되었고 요인별 최종 내적합치도는 .832~.905이었다. 확인적 요인분석(CFA)를 실시한 결과 비교적 양호한 CFI, SRMR, RMSEA, TLI 수치를 나타냄을 확인하였다. 연구결과 결혼 이주여성 노인의 성공적 노화 척도는 신뢰도와 타당도가 양호한 도구임 이 확인되었다.
Piloti-type buildings are widely constructed in urban areas of South Korea. Due to stiffness irregularities, piloti-type buildings are vulnerable to lateral loads such as earthquakes. Although seismic retrofitting is necessary for piloti-type buildings, many of these structures are privately owned, and the extensive number of buildings creates significant challenges in terms of cost and time for regional seismic performance evaluation. This study proposes a methodology for determining the seismic performance of multiple piloti-type buildings within a region by utilizing structural parameters. Information on piloti-type buildings is classified into public building data and exterior building data, which are integrated to define structural parameters for estimating the first natural period of the buildings. Linear regression analysis was performed to develop a regression equation correlating structural parameters with the natural period. Additionally, the natural period and structural parameters are used to perform another linear regression analysis to estimate the yield and ultimate points of the capacity curve. The capacity curves derived from the regression equations facilitate seismic performance evaluation based on structural parameters.
본 연구의 목적은 리더의 코칭리더십과 자기효능감 향상을 위한 C-PLUS 그 릿코칭 프로그램의 개발 및 적용에 따른 효과성을 검증하는 데 있다. 프로그램 의 개발은 그릿코칭의 개념화와 그릿코칭 구성요소 설정 및 코칭역량과의 연계 성 도출, ACTIVE 대화모델을 바탕으로 한 그릿코칭 대화모델 구축, 리더의 필 요 역량을 바탕으로 프로그램을 구성하였다. 그리고 개발된 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위하여 조직의 리더 15명을 대상으로 총 8회기 C-PLUS 그릿코칭 프 로그램을 적용하였다. 조사 대상자의 그릿코칭 프로그램 실시 후 변화된 코칭리 더십과 자기효능감을 살펴보기 위해 코칭리더십 척도(K-CBLS)와 코치의 자기 효능감 척도를 사용하여 프로그램 사전, 사후 조사를 실시하고 양적분석을 하였 다. 연구 결과, C-PLUS 그릿코칭 프로그램이 코칭리더십의 하위 요인인 작업 동맹, 열린 의사소통, 학습 및 개발, 수행 과정 및 결과에서 유의미한 변화가 있 는 것으로 나타났으며, 자기효능감의 하위 요인인 정서적 자기효능감, 의사소통 자기효능감, 대인관계 자기효능감에서도 유의미한 변화가 있었다. 이러한 결과 는 그릿코칭 프로그램이 리더의 코칭리더십과 자기효능감에 효과가 있는 프로 그램임을 시사한다.
본 연구의 목적은 수퍼바이지 코치의 전문성 발달단계 구분과 기준을 정립하 고 각 발달단계에 적합한 효과적인 수퍼비전 내용을 제시하며, 이를 기반으로 수 퍼비전 주체와 방법을 적용할 수 있는 한국형 코칭 수퍼비전 모형을 개발하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 문헌 연구를 기초로 수퍼비전의 구성요소의 초안을 작성하여, 코칭 수퍼비전 전문가의 심층 면담과 한국코치협회 코칭 수퍼비전 연구모임의 포커스 그룹(FGI) 인터뷰, 개방형 설문조사를 통해 초안을 확정하였다. 이후, 25 명의 패널에게 3단계에 걸친 델파이 조사를 통하여 모형을 타당화 하고 수정⋅ 보완 후, 최종모형을 확정하였다. 최종적으로 대분류 4개, 소분류 13개의 수퍼비 전 영역과 총 90개의 수퍼비전 내용이 도출되었으며 세부적으로 ‘코칭역량’ 3개 영역 32개 내용, ‘코칭활동’ 3개 영역 30개 내용, ‘윤리’ 2개 영역 14개 내용, ‘자문’ 2개 영역 14개 내용이 도출되었다. 수퍼바이지 코치의 발달단계를 의존기, 성장 기, 숙련기, 통합기의 4단계로 구분하였고, 의존기는 기초적인 코치 기슬 습득과 실무역량증진, 성장기는 코칭 기법확장과 전문성 역량 강화, 숙련기는 혁신적 코 칭 접근법, 수퍼바이지의 협력적 지도, 통합기는 통합적 코칭 수퍼비전 확립으로 정리하였다. 본 연구는 이를 통해 수퍼바이지 코치의 질적 성장을 지원하는데 기 여하고자 한다.
Background: The increasing demand for real-time professional fitness coaching has led to a need for accurate exercise posture recognition using artificial intelligence. Objectives: To compare the performance of Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) and Stacked Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models in classifying fitness posture images using detailed joint coordinate labeling. Design: Comparative analysis of machine learning models using a labeled dataset of fitness posture images. Methods: A dataset from AI-hub containing images and data of 41 exercises was used. Five exercises were selected and processed using a custom program. Data was converted from JSON to CSV format, augmented with joint condition information, and analyzed using Google Colab. Results: The best FNN model achieved a training error of 1.21% and test error of 9.08%. The Stacked LSTM model demonstrated superior performance with a training error of 1.05% and test error of 6.09%. Conclusion: Both FNN and Stacked LSTM models effectively classified sequential fitness images, with Stacked LSTM showing superior performance. This indicates the potential of Stacked LSTM models for accurate fitness posture classification in real-time coaching scenarios.
Maturity at harvest is the key factor influencing storage life and the final quality of fruit. This study examined how the firmness of ‘Sweet Gold’ kiwifruit at harvest affects its post-ripening characteristics to create a maturity chart. Throughout the storage period, firmness decreased in all categories of fruit: hard, medium, and soft. ‘Soft’ fruits lost 40% of their firmness within 2 days after harvest, whereas ‘hard’ fruits remained firmer than soft fruits throughout the storage period and had the least soluble solids content, indicating a slower ripening progression. The acidity of ‘soft’ kiwifruit was very low from the day of harvest, suggesting that it was utilized as a respiratory substrate during ripening. The a-values (indicating redness) for ‘soft’ fruits gradually increased until day 6, stabilizing thereafter. ‘Soft’ fruits exhibited the highest ethylene production rate throughout storage. They showed a climacteric rise in ethylene on day 13, compared to ‘medium’ and ‘hard’ fruits, which exhibited increases on days 19 and 21, respectively. This data can help determine the optimal ethylene treatment duration for ripening ‘Sweet Gold’ kiwifruit. The firmness of ‘Sweet Gold’ kiwifruit at harvest is a crucial factor in determining its marketability and can effectively serve as a maturity index to estimate its shelf life.
Pepper is one of the most important vegetables in South Korea. It is a key ingredient in kimchi, the nation’s staple dish, and serves as the primary raw material for producing gochujang, a commonly used condiment in Korean cooking. As a result, numerous pepper varieties have been developed, including those that yield more fruit or have milder pungency. However, farmers who grow peppers tend to prefer varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases. Bacterial wilt (BW) is one of the most devastating diseases affecting peppers and is transmitted through the soil. To breed pepper varieties resistant to bacterial wilt using molecular breeding techniques, it is essential to first identify the Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) that confers resistance to this disease. This requires conducting locus analysis with resistant cultivars. In this study, an F2 population was developed by selfing F1 hybrids, which were obtained by crossing a resistant cultivar with a susceptible cultivar, to identify QTLs associated with bacterial wilt resistance. Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) analysis will be performed using the F2 population, and the results will be utilized for QTL mapping.
The irradiated large components in a nuclear power plant must perform dismantling after performing a lot of training through mockup, but this mockup training is different the realistic environment such as a high radiation environment. Therefore, to develop a training system deployed in eXtended Reality (XR) that mimics a realistic environment, a suitable training and evaluation processes need to be developed. The target components for the training system select reactor, reactor internal and steam generator, and the training work of dismantling processes select dismantling, packaging and dismantling support work by reviewing the dismantling process of each component for XR application. By analyzing the detailed process of the selected dismantling process, Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) application processes will be developed. The basic contents of training system present purpose, goal, period, and evaluation for training and the training contents develop the basic, improvement and intensified course by level. The basic model for evaluation develop 3 stages (reaction, training, behavior) and evaluation process present detail training contents, target and evaluation method, evaluation criteria by level. Additionally, the developed training course and evaluation models will be useful for worker training in dismantling process of nuclear power plant.
This study was conducted in the San Pedro Department to determine the impact of different soil management practices on sesame productivity. Different tillage methods (conventional deep tillage, minimum tillage, and no-tillage), crop rotations (monoculture, double, and triple rotation), various combinations of green manure, and appropriate doses of chemical fertilizers were studied. The results revealed that the no-tillage method combined with crop rotation (corn-cotton-sesame) and fertilization had the highest productivity of 1,548 kg/ha. In contrast, the conventional deep tillage method without fertilization showed the lowest productivity with 614 kg/ha. Incorporation of summer green manures (Mucuna pruriens) in minimum tillage methods with fertilization significantly improved productivity (1,010 kg/ha) in comparison with the same tillage method and fertilization but without Mucuna (720 kg/ha), which highlights the synergistic effects of combining green manures with chemical fertilizers. The treatment of winter green manures consisting of black oat + white lupine and black oat + radish has also significantly improved the productivity of sesame with 904 and 900 kg/ha, respectively, compared to the non-use of winter green manure and the use of chia, which had productivities of 695 and 298 kg/ha, respectively. The best chemical fertilization doses of nitrogen (urea 45% N), phosphorus (46% P2O5), and potassium (60% K2O) were determined through tests with increasing doses of each nutrient, maintaining 40 kg/ha as the base for the other two. The highest productivity was obtained with N, P, and K levels of 70 kg/ha each, resulting in productivities of 1,421, 1,522, and 1,486 kg/ha. However, the maximum profit compared to the input is obtained with doses of 50 kg/ha for N and 60 kg/ha for P and K, giving a productivity of 1,390, 1,510, and 1,421 kg/ha, respectively.
Habenaria radiata, commonly known as the Egret Flower, is a critically endangered terrestrial orchid facing rapid population decline due to overharvesting in Korea. Asymbiotic seed propagation offers a promising conservation method for this rare species. This study investigates the effects of different nutrient media on the germination and plantlet development of immature seeds of H. radiata, with the goal of establishing optimal propagation conditions. Among four media types, with the highest germination rate (75.6%) observed on OBTSG medium, followed by 1/2 MS, OMM, and OSGM. Protocorm development varied across media, with OBTSG and OMM supporting the most robust growth. A two-step culture method involving OBTSG for germination followed by OMM for plantlet development proved most effective, achieving an 84.4% survival rate. These findings highlight the importance of media composition and transitioning for successful propagation. The results provide a practical protocol for in vitro propagation, contributing to both in situ and ex situ conservation efforts aimed at preserving H. radiata and other endangered terrestrial orchids.
고추온실에서 꽃노랑총채벌레(Frankliniella occidentalis)의 이항표본추출법을 개발하였다. 무작위로 선택된 고추를 상, 중 하단으로 나누어, 각 구간에서 세 개의 꽃에 있는 꽃노랑총채벌레를 70% 에탄올이 든 바이알에 털어서 채취한뒤 실체현미경 하에서 밀도를 확인하였다. 꽃노랑총채 벌레의 평균밀도와 3가지 Tally threshold (1, 3, 5) 밀도 이상인 감염비율(PT)간의 이항관계 모형을 평가하여 개발하고 검증하였다. 꽃노랑총채벌 레의 이항표본조사를 위한 최적의 Tally threshold는 3으로 나타났다. 개발된 이항표본추출법의 검증은 이항표본추출법 개발에 사용되지 않은 독 립적 자료를 사용해서 RVSP (Resampling Validation for Sampling Plan) 프로그램으로 진행했으며, 고정 표본 크기(FSS)와 Wald의 순차적 확률비 검정(SPRT)을 사용했다. FSS는 Tally threshold를 3으로, SPRT는 상한값 0.55와 하한값 0.32로 설정해 1000번의 시뮬레이션을 수행했 다. 시뮬레이션 결과 실제 평균과 예측 평균 간의 차이가 없었으므로 개발된 이항표본조사법이 효과적인 것으로 나타났다.
Background: mTeSR1 is a fully-defined, serum-free medium for the derivation and maintenance of Human embryonic stem cells (ESCs). This study investigates the impact of incorporating mTeSR1 supplement during in vitro culture (IVC) on blastocyst productivity, qualitative characteristics, and outgrowth potential of bovine blastocysts. Methods: In vitro fertilized (IVF) eggs were cultured in IVC medium (control) with the addition of mTeSR1 supplement at concentrations of 1%, 2%, and 5%, respectively. The development rates of fertilized eggs and gene expression patterns of blastocysts were assessed on day 9 of culture. For outgrowth culture, blastocysts were cultured on a mouse embryonic fibroblast feeder cells (MEFs) for 7 days. Results: In vitro development of bovine preimplantation embryos in the 2% mTeSR1 group was significantly higher than in the control (p < 0.05). The apoptotic index in the 2% mTeSR1 group was significantly lower compared to the control (p < 0.05). RTqPCR indicated that SRY-Box Transcription Factor 2 (Sox2) gene expression in the 5% mTeSR1 group was significantly higher than in the control (p < 0.05). The 5% mTeSR1 group also showed significantly higher BCL2 associated X (Bax) expression compared to the control and other mTeSR1 groups. On day 9 pi, blastocysts from the control and 2% mTeSR1 groups were cultured for 7 days. The 2% mTeSR1 group showed higher efficiency in forming dome-shaped colonies with stronger SOX2 expression compared to the control. Conclusions: The mTeSR1 supplement supports preimplantation embryo development and prevents apoptosis in blastocysts, leading to the efficient formation of domeshaped inner cell mass (ICM) colonies.
Afoxolaner is an insecticide and acaricide that belongs to the isoxazoline chemical compound group. it has been used as an active pharmaceutical ingrdient in veterinary medicine to treat fleas and ticks in dogs. When patents expire between 2026 and 2066, it is expected that many products will be applied for approval as generic products, and reserch to establish accurate quality control methods must be conducted and managed. HPLC method was developed for the quantitative and qualitative of afoxolaner in veterinary medicinal products. The separation of active constituents for afoxolaner was achieved on a RP18 (4.6 x 150 mm, 5 μm) column using Water : Acetonitrile : MeOH (25:30:45 v/v/v) as mobile phase, with UV detection at 245 nm. The method was validated for specificity, linearity, accuracy and precision. All calibration curves showed good linearity (R2 of 0.999) within the concentration ranges (12.5 to 400 μg/mL). For accuracy, the recovery rate was calculated by spiking three concentrations of standard into the sample blank. The recovery rate was calculated to be 99.70~100.58%. Precision was measured 9 times repeatedly through intra-day, inter-day tests using standard. It showed excellent precision by satisfying the relative standard deviation of less than 2% both intra-day and inter-day. Limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitation (LOQ) were 2.0 μg/mL and 6.1 μg/mL, respectively. This method was successfully applied to analyzing afoxolaner drugs distributed in Korea. The HPLC method described in this study is accurate and reproducible and could be applied for the analysis of veterinary drugs of afoxolaner.
Because intact FMDV particles (146S) are often unstable in vitro, stabilizing foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) antigens remains a key challenge in studying viral charateristics. Therefore, finding optimal condition to stabilize the FMDV is essential. In this study, we investigated formulations and potentials of several stabilizers such as appropriate buffer, excipients, and storage conditions to enhance the stability of 146S. Inactivated FMDV O-Jincheon (O-JC) was dissolved in various buffer formulations, and stored at 4℃ for two months to evaluate quantity of 146S at every 2-week interval. Among phosphate buffered saline (PBS), Tris buffered saline (TBS), HEPES buffered saline (HBS), and MOPS buffered saline (MBS), PBS showed more effective 146S stabilization that showed 1.3-1.6 fold higher 146S fraction than TBS, HBS, and MBS after storage for 2 weeks. However, constant dissociations of 146S were observed in all formulations at 8 weeks. Compared with other FMDVs, A22 Iraq and SAT-1, in PBS, O-JC proved to be the least stable in PBS. A variety of excipients including carbohydrate, sugar alcohol, cryo-protectant were tested for the capability in protecting O-JC from dissociation. By adding 4-8% sucrose, more than 60% of 146S fractions were maintained at 8 weeks, those were at least 1.8 fold higher than the PBS-only control. Addition of 1% β-cyclodextrin showed synergistic enhancement in O-JC stability. As the results of this study, it could be suggested that the PBS-based buffer together with 4-8% sucrose + 2% sorbitol or 2% sucrose + 2% sorbitol + 1% β-cyclodextrin could help the better stability of the O-JC in vaccine preparation.
Rapidly changing environmental factors due to climate change are increasing the uncertainty of crop growth, and the importance of crop yield prediction for food security is becoming increasingly evident in Republic of Korea. Traditionally, crop yield prediction models have been developed by using statistical techniques such as regression models and correlation analysis. However, as machine learning technique develops, it is able to predict the crop yield more accurate than the statistical techniques. This study aims at proposing the onion yield prediction framework to accurately predict the onion yield by using various environmental factor data. Temperature, humidity, precipitation, solar radiation, and wind speed are considered as climate factors and irrigation water and nitrogen application rate are considered as soil factors. To improve the performance of the prediction model, ensemble learning technique is applied to the proposed framework. The coefficient of determination of the proposed stacked ensemble framework is 0.96, which is a 24.68% improvement over the coefficient of determination of 0.77 of the existing single machine learning model. This framework can be applied to the particular farmland so that each farm can get their customized prediction model, which is visualized by the web system.
This study investigates the effect of machine translation (MT) use on the writing performance of Korean EFL students, focusing on complexity, accuracy, and fluency (CAF). Six participants completed a series of writing tasks in which they first translated their L1 writing into L2 manually and then used MT to revise their L2 drafts. This process was repeated across ten different writing topics. Participants’ drafts were analyzed using CAF measures to assess MT’s impact on their writing performance and observe changes over tasks. The results show that MT significantly improved accuracy and fluency. However, gains in syntactic and lexical complexity were less evident. While group-level analysis showed consistent progress, individual trajectories varied widely, indicating diverse patterns of development. Overall, the findings suggest that MT enhances writing accuracy and fluency among Korean EFL students, although its impact on syntactic and lexical complexity is limited. These results indicate that MT can serve as a valuable tool for self-directed learning, helping students independently improve their writing accuracy and fluency and develop essential self-editing skills. This study highlights the potential of MT as a supplementary tool to support EFL students’ writing development, along with traditional instruction.
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution advances, smart factories have become a new manufacturing paradigm, integrating technologies such as Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and big data analytics to overcome traditional manufacturing limitations and enhance global competitiveness. This study offers a comprehensive approach by evaluating both technological and economic performance of smart factory Research and Development (R&D) projects, addressing gaps in previous studies that focused narrowly on either aspect. The research combines Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to quantitatively compare the efficiency of various topics. This integrated approach not only identifies key research themes but also evaluates how effectively resources are utilized within each theme, supporting strategic decision-making for optimal resource allocation. Additionally, non-parametric statistical tests are applied to detect performance differences between topics, providing insights into areas of comparative advantage. Unlike traditional DEA methods, which face limitations in generalizing results, this study offers a more nuanced analysis by benchmarking efficiency across thematic areas. The findings highlight the superior performance of projects incorporating AI, IoT, and big data, as well as those led by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The regional analysis reveals significant contributions from non-metropolitan areas, emphasizing the need for balanced development. This research provides policymakers and industry leaders with strategic insights, guiding the efficient allocation of R&D resources and fostering the development of smart factories aligned with global trends and national goals.