Honeybees are pollinating agent of economic importance, and a model organism for microbiome analysis. The microbiota plays a great role in honeybee health and development as such needs to be fully elucidated among Apis mellifera in Korea. using 16S rRNA gene illumina sequencing, the gut microbiota of Apis mellifera at four developmental stages under natural condition shows dysbiosis of essential microbiota, especially between the 5-days larvae and workers.
대표적인 돌발 해충인 갈색날개매미충은 기주 범위가 넓고, 농경지만이 아니라 인근 야산, 산림 지역에도 분포하여 개체군 관리가 어려운 해충 중 하나이다. 따라서, 갈색날개매미충의 방제 효율을 증대시키기 위해서 농경지 작물 외에도 인근 산림에 분포하고 있는 목본식물에 대한 갈 색날개매미충 발육단계별 선호도 조사가 필요하다. 이에, 본 연구에서는 과수원 주변과 조경수, 산림의 주요 목본 식물들을 대상으로 갈색날개매 미충 발육단계별 선호도를 현장에서 조사하고, 선행 연구결과들과 비교하여 선호도가 높은 식물들을 선정하였다. 현장 조사와 선행 연구결과를 통하여 갈색날개매미충의 잠재적 목본 기주식물을 정리한 결과, 총 53과 120종이 확인되었고, 갈색날개매미충의 전 발육단계에 걸쳐 선호도가 높았던 기주는 산수유, 때죽나무에 불과하였으며, 발육단계별로 선호하는 목본 식물이 달라졌다. 발육단계에 따라서 선호 기주가 변동되는 이유 는 발육단계별로 선호하는 부위가 다르고, 생존에 필요한 물질에 따라서 기주가 선정되기 때문인 것으로 추정된다. 본 연구결과는 농경지 경제작 물뿐만 아니라, 농경지 주변 및 산림내 갈색날개매미충의 종합적인 방제 대책 수립에 도움이 될 것으로 예상한다.
갈색날개매미충은 발육단계별로 선호하는 기주에 차이가 있었다. 약충기간에는 수목류에 서식하기 보다는 바람과 비 등의 환경적 요인에 의해 바닥으로 떨어진 약충들이 1년생 초종부터 관목류에 이르기 까지 다양한 식물체를 섭식하였으며 특히 공주시 팔봉산 산림 속의 경우 노린재 나무, 노박덩굴, 화살나무, 엄나무, 두릅나무, 때죽나무, 멍석딸기, 복분자, 산딸기, 상수리나무, 산수유, 싸리나무, 자귀나무, 조록싸리, 철쭉, 영 산홍을 선호하였다. 성충 출현 이후 홍성군 용봉산 조사에서 산란전기간의 성충은 주로 해바라기, 달맞이꽃, 까마중을 가장 선호하였고 산란기에 접어 들면서 이들 해바라기, 달맞이꽃, 까마중 같은 1년생 초종에서의 거의 볼 수 없었고 대부분은 산란을 위하여 수목류나 관목류의 목본류로 이 동하는 양상을 보였다. 공주시 팔봉산 조사에서 산란기주는 주로 병꽃나무, 가죽나무, 갈참나무, 개모시, 고욤나무, 대추나무, 때죽나무, 매실나 무, 벚나무, 조팝나무, 산딸기, 버드나무, 산철쭉, 층층나무 였다. 갈색날개매미충의 산란정도, 산란수, 성충수는 산림 속 음지보다는 양지에서 월 등히 밀도가 높았으며 산란정도와 산란수의 경우 고도에 따른 차이는 없었으나 성충수는 고도가 낮을수록 발생량이 많았다. 본 결과는 갈색날개 매미충의 발육단계별 선호기주에 관한 보고로서 특정 시기에 선호하기는 기주를 선발하였고 이러한 결과는 추후 갈색날개매미충 유인트랩식물 개발에 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다.
Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii, is one of the most harmful pests causing serious damages to blueberries in Northern America and Europe. It is essential to seek alternatives to methyl bromide to ensure dis-infestation of this pest from agricultural products. We investigated the effect of X-ray irradiation (0, 50, 100, 200 and 300 Gy) on development and reproduction of SWD to meet this standard. When eggs were irradiated with the doses, some portion of the eggs hatched even at 300 Gy. The larvae hatched from the irradiated eggs did not pupate at 300 Gy, and they could not develop to adults even at 50 Gy. When larvae were irradiated, they developed up to pupa in some proportion. However above 100 Gy, there was no adult emergence. When pupae were irradiated, some of them emerged to adults. However, the adults could not produce eggs at all above 100 Gy. When adults were irradiated, oviposition occurred normally, but fecundity and hatchability were decreased as irradiation dose went up.
Helicoverpa armigera Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is an economically important and polyphagous pest, which harms various kinds of ornamental plants and flowers. The effects of electron beam irradiation of six level between 50 and 350 Gy on egg (24-48 h old), larval (4th-5th instar), and pupal (7-d old for female, 5-d old for male) development and on adult (1-d old) reproduction in H. armigera were tested to identify a potential quarantine treatment dose. Increased doses of irradiation on eggs decreased egg hatchability, pupation and adult emergence and increased period of larvae. ED99 values for inhibition of hatching, pupation and emergence were 460.6, 236.9 and 197.8 Gy, respectively. When larvae were electron-beam irradiation treated ,at 280 Gy and above, no pupa was observed. ED99 values for inhibition of pupation and emergence were 265.6 and 189.6 Gy, respectively. Electron beam radiation on pupa did not completely inhibit adult emergence. ED99 value for inhibition of emergence was 1241.9 Gy. When adults were irradiated, fecundity was not affected. However, F1 egg hatching was completely inhibited at the dose of 350 Gy. ED99 value for inhibition of emergence was estimated at 366.5 Gy. Our results suggest that electron beam irradiation could be recommendable as alternative to MB and as a phytosanitary treatment for quarantine. The dose of 211 Gy is suggested as a potential quarantine treatment dose for H. armigera egg and larva.
Bemisia tabaci, sweetpotato whitefly, has been recognized one of the most destructive insect pests worldwide because of increased resistance to some insecticide groups requiring alternative strategies for its control. We conducted a study of the influence of relative humidity, temperature and different developmental stages on the susceptibility of sweetpotato whitefly to conidia of Isaria javanica isolate, which had been reported high virulence against Q biotype of B. tabaci. The mortality of tobacco whitefly was low at low constant relative humidities, but was high when kept high humidity for first 24 hours and transferred to low humidity. The Isaria isolate had wide range of temperature (15℃ to 35℃) to control sweetpotato whitefly. The isolate has virulence to the egg and all developmental stages of nymph of B. tabaci. These results indicated that the isolate had good control effects at various environmental conditions and is an excellent candidate to develop a microbial pesticide to control sweetpotato whitefly.
Aliphatic cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of different developmental stages of the spot clothing wax cicada, Lycorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae) were analyzed using GC and GC-MS. The numbers of carbons in the major CHCs of each developmental stage 32, 33, 28, 38, 37 in the egg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ins tar nymphal stages, and adults, respectively. The cuticle of Lycorma delicatula contains mainly methyl-branched 9-methylheptacosane (15.11%) in the egg stage, and a high proportion of n-heptacosane in nymphal stages (15.75, 22.42, 25.04, and 23.11 % in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars, respectively). In contrast, male and female adults had high proportions of n-nonacosane (13.42 and 16.55%). The chemical constituents of CHCs were classified into five groups (n-alkanes, monomethylalkanes, dimethylalkanes, trimethylalkanes, olefins) and group profiles of each developmental stage were compared. Egg surface was composed mainly monomethylalkanes (45.39%), a saturated hydrocar-bon. Nymph CHCs consisted primarily of n-alkanes (37.63 to 46.12%). There was a difference between adult male and female CHCs_ However, both contained n-alkanes and monomethylalkanes. CHCs with trimethyl or double bonded structure were rare in all stages.
This study was performed to investigate attraction effect of spearmint oil and to confirm their EAG response against lantern fly, Lycorma delicatula nymphs and adult. In dose responses to spearmint oil, 2nd ∼ 4th nymphs and adult were significantly attracted at a dose of 5㎕. Attraction effect was showed highest (84.8%) at a 4th instar nymph, and mild effect (approximately 60%) was observed at 2nd∼3rd instar nymphs, but the others are not showed the significance. At a dose of 10㎕, 4th instar nymph and adult were significant and only 4th instar nymph was significantly attracted at a dose of 2.5㎕ but the others are not. Carvone, a constituent of spearmint oil, exhibited significantly attraction effect on nymphs and adult except 1st and 2nd instar nymphs. But limonene did not show any attraction effect. The attraction assay of L. delicatula to the mixtures of constituents appeared to be efficient additively. In EAG response to spearmint oil which exhibited attraction effect, antennae of 4th instar nymph and adult responded to only carvone. In conclusion, attraction effect of spearmint oil was more effective in 4th instar nymph and adult than 1st ∼ 3rd instar nymphs.
Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) were analyzed using GC and GC-MS, and compared with developmental stages of the Lycorma delicatula. Total Carbon numbers on all developmental stages are 21-36, and composition numbers are 51. On the whole, Carbon numbers increased as passed times on developmental stages. Except for eggs, Lycorma delicatula consisted of n-heptacosane on almost all developmental stages, and followed by n-nonacosane. Eggs, however, consisted of 9-; 11-; 13- methylheptacosane. From the above results, CHCs on developmental stages of the Lycorma delicatula consisted of n-alkane with saturated hydrocarbons (36%), followed mono- (34%) or di- (21%) methylalkanes. Above this, CHCs consisted of tri- methylalkanes (3.9%) and olefines (2.3%) that have double bond. The major constituents of CHCs on the developmental stages of Lycorma delicatula is differently proportioned, but hardly showed the difference in their composition.
Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) were analyzed using GC and GC-MS, and compared with developmental stages of the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris. Carbon numbers on each developmental stages differed from 14-19 in eggs to 4th nymph, 25 in 5th nymph, and over 30 in last nymph that until adult emergence. Carbon numbers are increased to 16-17 carbons over time in newly emerged adults, 18-22 in 1 and 3 days after emergence, respectively; 23-27 in 6 days after emergence; approximately 30 in over 10 days after emergence. Carbon numbers increased as passed days after emergence. Riptortus pedestris consisted of n-nonacosane on almost all developmental stages, and followed by n-hentriacontane and 13,17-;15,19-demethyltritriacontane. Eggs, however, consisted of unknown compounds with high proportion and followed by n-heptacosane, and newly emerged adults also has a high proportion of n-heptacosane. From the above results, CHCs on developmental stages of the bean bug consist of n-alkane with saturated hydrocarbons (36-65 %), followed mono- or di- methylalkanes. However, newly emerged female and male adults mostly consisted of methyl-alkane. The major constituents of CHCs on the developmental stages of Riptortus pedestris is differently proportioned, but hardly showed the difference in their composition.
Measurements were made on morphology of each developmental stages of the chestnut weevil, Curculio sikkimensis, reared in the laboratory and field from 2003 to 2006. The size of egg was 0.8±0.03 ㎜. The escaping larvae were measured, in average, as 98 ㎎ in body weight, 10.65 and 3.99 ㎜ in body length and width, and 1.70 ㎜ in head width. Pupal size of female and male was 7.01 and 6.53 ㎜, respectively. The fresh weight (0.343 g), body length (7.76 ㎜) and width (3.38 ㎜), and head width (1.60 ㎜) of female adults were significantly bigger than those (0.268 g, 7.14 ㎜, 3.01 ㎜ and 1.37 ㎜, respectively) of male adults. Proboscis length (6.53 ㎜) and antennal length (5.47 ㎜) of female was also significantly longer than those (3.56 and 4.63 ㎜, respectively) of male. The larvae of C. sikkimensis overwintered for 1~3 years and their body weight, body length, and body width were decreased. The ratio between proboscis length and body length, the basipodite position attached to the proboscis, and shape of the sex organ on the abdominal end could be used to discriminate sexes.
Monochamus alternatus and M. saltuarius were reported as the vectors of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, pine wood nematode in Korea. According to Kwon et al. (2006), each of 2 species has occupied their own regional distribution : M. saltuarius in southern part including Jeju island and M. alternatus in mid-northern part of Korean peninsula. We measured the supercooling point (SCP) of 2 species (laboratory-reared populations) by each of developmental stages. The SCPs of 2nd, 3rd and 5th instar larvae of M. saltuarius were -7.68±0.19℃, -7.02±0.69℃, -4.93±1.34℃ each of stages. On the other hand, the SCPs of 3rd, 4th, 5th instar larvae and pupae of M. alternatus. were -4.46±1.12℃, -5.94±1.33℃, -7.83±1.44℃, -9.53±1.78℃ each of stages. The SCPs of M. saltuarius larvae generally was lower than that of M. alternatus. The pupae of M. alternatus and 2nd instar larvae of M. saltuarius had the lowest SCP among measured samples. On the other hand, the highest SCP were recorded in 2nd and 5th instar larvae, each. This result shows that regional distribution of 2 beetles may be associated with the adaptation capacity to low temperature represented by the SCP as well as the developmental temperature. However, beetles experimented were not collected from pine forest fields. In further study, we are planning experiments with field populations and all developmental stages.
Mushroom is the only microorganism cultivated as the crop, and Plerotus ostreatus is one of the most important edible mushrooms. Efficient production of edible mushrooms relies on the precise control of fruiting body development, and an identification of the molecular mechanism of fruiting body development has commercial and scientific importance. In order to identify the developmentally regulated genes during fruiting body development, cDNA libraries were constructed from eight developmental stages of the P. ostreatus. From these libraries, 11,761 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated. Based on these results, we performed macroarray analysis using 1,528 unigene clones at three developmental stages of mycelium, fruiting body and basidiospores. Plasmids isolated from these clones were blotted on the nylon membrane. The isotope-labelled cDNA probes for hybridization of the northern blot were prepared from total RNAs isolated from three developmental stages of mushroom. The 33, 14, 10 unigenes were very highly expressed in mycelia, fruit body and basidiospores, respectively. To confirm expression pattern of these genes, RT-PCR was performed using the total RNA isolated from three developmental stages. Seven genes were successfully amplified in RT-PCR. The expression patterns of the genes were similar with that in macroarray. One of seven genes was identified as a 12kDa heat shock protein and its expression level was very highly at fruiting stage, but not detected at mycelium stage.
The multicolored Asian ladybird beetle (Harmonia axyridis) has been commonly used with biological control agents for control of several kinds of aphids in agroecosystems. Also, environment friendly agricultural materials have been commonly applied in crop fields because the government held down pesticide application and environment friendly agricultures are gradually increased with consumer"s desires. The multicolored Asian ladybird beetles may be directly or indirectly under the influence of environment friendly agricultural materials in crop fields. The insecticidal environment friendly agricultural materials (IEFAMs) might be safe against each developmental stage of multicolored Asian ladybird beetle. Fungicidal environment friendly agricultural materials (FEFAMs) had a miner effect to each developmental stage of multicolored Asian ladybird beetle with the exception of FEFAM A. Environment friendly agricultural materials contained useful soil microorganisms (EFAMSMs) C and H might be down the hatching rate of eggs, and EFAMSM A and F had a killing effect to 1st instar of lady beetles. Environment friendly agricultural materials contained plant extracts (EFAMPEs) A and D might be suffered effect a deathblow of egg hatching with lady beetles. Otherwise, there was a miner effect to lady beetles with the rest of tested environment friendly agricultural materials.
본 연구는 북방산개구리의 난자 및 배아를 활용하여 난자성숙현상과 배아발달과정에 미치는 Cd2+의 독성효과를 조사하였다. 결과 Cd2+ 0.1ppm에서 난자의 성숙현상을 억제하였으며 Cd2+ 작용의 가역성을 조사하기 위해 3시간 동안 난자들을 Cd2+에 노출시킨 후 보통배양액으로 옮겨 17시간 배양한 결과 1ppm에서는 가역성을 나타내었으나 2.5ppm에서는 비가역적 인 손상을 주었다. 발달 중인 2세포 배아를 Cd2+의 여러 농도에 노출시킨 결과 0.1ppm에서 발달이 억제되었으며 노출시간이 길어진 32세포 시기에는 세포붕괴현상을 유발하였다. 한편, 포배기 배아를 Cd2+의 여러 농도에 노출시 켜 96시간 배양한 후 유생의 치사율 및 기형율을 대상으로 probit 분석법으로 조사한 결과 LC50은 0.1ppm, EC50은 0.08ppm, TI는 5.0을 나타내어 Cd2+은 높은 치사율을 나타내는 물질로 나타났다. 기형 양상은 척추기형이 0.05ppm에서 14.3%,꼬리기형이 0.1ppm에서 75.0%,복부기형 이 0.01ppm에서 66.7%를 나타내었고 profound형 기형이 0.1ppm에서 25.0%를 각각 나타냈으며 Cd2+ 0.1ppm에서 머리에서 꼬리까지의 성장을 억제하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구의 결과들은 Cd2+이 난자성숙, 난할 및 배아의 발달과정에 높은 독성의 효과를 가짐을 나타낸다.