This study aims to evaluate the level of reproducibility of the marketing field. The research is motivated because many significant published research findings in various scientific areas, including marketing, have been found to be false or only partially replicable, a phenomenon labelled Reproducibility Crisis. This crisis is partly due to the strong overreliance on frequentist statistics and the misuse and misinterpretation of p-values in the Null Hypothesis Significance Testing (NHST) framework. This study offers two main contributions: first, it develops a methodological, quantitative evaluation of the most-cited published papers in marketing history in its four top journals, creating an overall index of marketing science reproducibility. Second, it analyzes how misuse and misinterpretation of p-values and frequentist statistics have undermined marketing science's reproducibility and discusses possible solutions for these problems. We selected a representative sample of the marketing literature, screening the papers using hierarchical classification criteria and the Web of Science (WoS) database to select the most-cited papers.
Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, untact online classes have expanded in universities. To ensure continuous improvements in the quality of university education, it is important to analyze factors affecting students’ satisfaction with lectures in this untact online environment.
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate lecture satisfaction among physical therapy students with experience of untact online classes.
Design: Questionnaire design.
Methods: The study population comprised 124 physical therapy students with experience of participation in untact online classes. We analyzed various factors affecting students’ satisfaction with lectures delivered via untact online classes and the correlations between these factors. Results: In terms of untact educational system quality, the level of satisfaction was significantly lower among students who had experienced more semesters with untact online classes than among those who had experienced fewer semesters with untact online classes (P<.05). Untact educational service quality, untact educational information quality, untact educational system quality, and lecture satisfaction/recommendation intention showed statistically significant positive correlations (P<.001).
Conclusion: It is necessary to continuously improve online support systems and untact educational service quality to enhance physical therapy students’ satisfaction with lectures delivered via untact online classes.
W. B. 예이츠는 긴 세월 동안의 저작 활동을 통해 세 가지 다른 무드 를 보여준다. ‘최종 무드’를 향한 그의 여정은 도피주의, 낭만주의, 그리고 라파엘 전파를 거치면서 차츰 형성된다. 예이츠는 아일랜드 전통과 민담에 관심을 바탕으로 후기 낭만주의자로 저작 활동 시작했지만 곧 동화와 같은 꿈나라에서 벗어나 삶과 현실의 세계로 들어갔다. 프랑스 상징주의의 영향으로 그는 미와 시에 대한 개념을 더욱 발전시켰다. 초기 시는 옛 시절에 대한 향수로 인해 낙담과 사색적인 무드에 빠졌지만 모드 곤에 대한 실연과 아일랜드 관습에 대한 환멸로 예이츠는 자기 성찰을 하게 되었다. 이후 자연스럽게 시적 주제는 현실적이 되었다. 한편 아일랜드와 유럽에서 벌어지는 전쟁은 예이츠에게 폭력과 파괴에 대해 폭넓게 다루는 계기가 되었고, 특히 중세 시대에 대한 관심을 통해 이를 철학적 함축과 숙달된 이미지에 승화하였다. 진정한 비극적 영웅처럼 예이츠의 여정은 어둠에서 빛으로, 고통에서 가슴에 감춰둔 기쁨으로 이어졌다. 파괴는 배경으로 사라지고 현자의 흥겨움이 전경을 차지했다. 예이츠는 진 정한 가치가 있는 개인적인 경험을 통해 아름답고 고상한 것을 분출했다. 그는 『최후의 시편』에서 시인의 인간 본성에 대한 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 뛰어난 비전을 제시했다. 후기 시에서 예이츠의 시적 기쁨은 초기 시에 표현된 낙담, 황량함, 외로움의 어조를 압도했다.
Background: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) causes a reduction in the balance of the lower extremities. Static and dynamic balance were evaluated separately to confirm the decrease in balance in patients underwent ACLR. The commonly used methods include the Biodex Balance System (BBS) for static balance and the Y balance test (YBT) for dynamic balance. No study has evaluated whether the static and dynamic balance of the involved side recovers as much as the uninvolved side one year after ACLR.
Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the recovery of static and dynamic balance between the involved and the uninvolved sides.
Methods: The BBS (overall, anteroposterior index, and mediolateral index) and YBT (anterior, posterolateral, and posteromedial) of 58 patients underwent ACLR were measured one year postoperation. Both sides of the BBS and the YBT were compared using the paired t-test.
Results: All the index of the BBS showed no difference between the involved and the uninvolved sides, while all the scores of the YBT showed a significant difference in both sides. The YBT anterior result was 54.64 ± 5.62 cm in the involved side and 56.90 ± 5.41 cm in the uninvolved side (p = 0.001). The YBT posterolateral results were 90.12 ± 10.51 cm and 92.34 ± 9.85 cm (p = 0.013). The YBT posteromedial results were 93.72 ± 8.84 cm and 96.14 ± 9.37 cm (p = 0.002).
Conclusion: A year after ACLR, the static balance showed no difference, while the dynamic balance showed a significant difference in the involved and the uninvolved sides. The static balance of the involved side recovered as much as the uninvolved side, but the dynamic balance did not. Therefore, dynamic balance training should be considered in the rehabilitation program for patients underwent ACLR.
This paper investigated the purchase behavior of Kimchi products by surveying housewives in Jeonbuk area who have purchased Kimchi products. The studied consumers purchased Kimchi products for the convenience and time-saving aspects. Factors taken into account when purchasing Kimchi were hygiene, taste and ingredients. The main places of purchase for Kimchi products were large discount markets. The purchase information paths were product displays at stores and recommendations from acquaintances. The most purchased type of Kimchi products was cabbage Kimchi. An one-time purchase amount was 10,000~30,000 won. The most purchased size was to be 500 g~1 ㎏. Desired improvements for Kimchi products were a display of the ingredients origin, exclusion of monosodium glutamate, freshness, and hygiene. Based on the results, this research aids in analyzing the marketing mix (4P: product, price, place, promotion) of Kimchi products for Kimchi manufacturers.
This study is performed to examine the meal management attitudes of housewives who had elementary schoolchildren in the remote rural areas(RA: n = 318, 37.2±0.3 years of age) in comparison to those in their vicinity urban area(UA: n = 349, 36.9±0.2 years of age) in the Chungnam province in Korea. The subjects were asked to fill out the questionnaire on their attitudes of meal management for their families. The results obtained in this study were as followings: (1) Most husbands of the subjects had a farming job in the RA while they had salaried workers in the UA(p〈0.001). Education levels of both subjects and their husbands were lower in the RA than in the UA. Nuclear families were dominated by both groups, however single parent-family and step parent-family were more prevalent in the RA than in the UA. (2) in terms of ways of getting foods such as grains, meats, eggs, vegetables and fruits, the RA housewives relied more often on self-production than did the UA housewives(p〈0.001). (3) The frequency of purchasing unprocessed foods was lower in the RA than in the UA(p〈0.001). The RA housewives purchased the convenient foods such as instant noodles(p〈0.05), ready to eatsoups(p〈0.001), retort pouch foods(p〈0.05) and instant teas(p〈0.05) more frequently than did the UA housewives, while tuna, canned in oil(p〈0.01), milk and their products(p〈0.001), soybean products(p〈0.001) and snacks(p〈0.01) were purchased less often by the RA housewives. (4) Family members except housewives engaged more often in meal preparation in the RA than did those in the UA(p〈0.001), which was more strongly observed for dinner. The time spent in preparing the dinner was shorter in the RA than in the UA(p〈0.001). (5) The degrees of endeavor to provide the subjects' offspring with balanced meal(p〈0.001) and nutrition education(p〈0.01) were lower in the RA than in the UA. The RA housewives had more difficulty for performing meal management because of 'over work-related fatigue', 'insufficient money to purchase foods' and 'far distance from grocery' than the UA housewives(p〈0.001). The RA housewives had lower score on nutritional knowledge(p〈0.001) and wanted more strongly nutritional knowledge to improve the quality of family's meal than did the UA housewives(p〈0.01). Therefore, the RA housewives had various problems regarding meal management such as 'over work related to fatigue', 'food-purchasing inconvenience', 'low economic status of family' and 'lack of nutritional knowledge'. As a consequence the RA housewives relied on cheap convenient foods more often in order to prepare the meal easily than did the UA housewives. These findings emphasize the need in the RA for nutrition education for housewives and a range of nutrition policies that focus upon the social and economic determinants of food choice within families to improve the nutritional status of the RA residents.
日本의 다케시마 10포인트-제6포인트 제7항은 大韓帝國勅令第41号가 제정·반포되기 이전과 이후에 韓國의 獨島에 대한 실효적 지배가 확립되어 있지 않다고 주장하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 일본의 주장은 역사적 사실에 위반한 것일 뿐만 아니라 國際法에 위반하는 주장이다. 첫째로, 역사적 사실의 관점에서 보면, 朝鮮은 정기적으로 관리를 파견하고 감시해왔다. 즉, 김인우를 울릉도 관찰사로 1425년에 임명·파견한 사실, 이규원을 울릉도 관찰사로 1880년에 임명·파견한 사실, 김옥균을 동남제도 관찰사로 1883년에 임명한 사실 등을 둘 수 있다. 둘째로, 범국제법의 관점에서 보면, 원거리·무인도에 대한 실효적 지배는 근거리·유인도에 대한 실효적 지배에 비해 용이하다.
또한 屬島의 법적 지위는 主島의 법적지위와 동일하다. 따라서 鬱陵島에 대한 실효적 지배는 獨島에 대한 실효적 지배로 인정된다.
새로운 팥 품종 새길 Vigna angularis은 년 밀양 국립식량과학원에서 개발하였다 새길 은 충주재래 를 모본으로 하고 충주팥전남재래 호 을 부본으로 교배하여 품종을 개발하였다 조숙 대립 내재해성 계통으로 선발된 품종으로 밀양 로 명명하였으며 년간 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 고품질의 내재해 다수성 품종으로 선발하여 이후 새길 로 명명하였다 새길 은 개화기 및 성숙기가 대조군인 충주팥에 비해 일 빠르고 개화기간은 일 짧다 생산력검정시험 결과 립중은 으로 충주팥보다 무거웠으며 당 평균수량은 으로 나타났다
본 연구의 목적은 종목과 승패 결과에 따른 사후가정 및 이에 대한 정서와 시합중요도의 차이를 밝히고 승패결과와 개인의 성취목표 성향에 따라서 사후가정 정서가 달라지는지 그리고 성취목표 성향이 사후 가정의 방향성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 규명하는 것이 목적이다. 연구참여자는 축구선수 96명, 댄스스포츠 선수 98명 등 총 194명이다. 이들에게 사후가정 질문지 성취목표성향 질문지를 배포하여 자료를 수집했다. 수집된 자료를 분석하기 위해 기술통계치를 제시하고, Χ2, 독립 t-검증, 다변량분석(MANOVA), 이분형 로지스틱 회귀분석을 실시했다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 승리상황에서는 상향적 사후가정이, 패배상황에서는 하향적 사후가정이 나타났으며 이러한 결과는 종목에 따라서 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 선수들의 사후가정과 관련된 시합의 중요도는 모두 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 승패결과에 관계없이 상향적 사후가정의 후회정서가 더 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 숙달성향은 상향적 사후가정과 수행성향은 하향적 사후가정과 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 논의했으며, 본 연구의 한계점 및 후속 연구자에 대한 제언을 제시했다.