
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 30

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the importance of the indoor environment increases. As part of a study to improve range hood performance, a flow analysis of chamber casing was conducted. flow analysis was performed by applying Realizable (  ) Model. For flow analysis, “STAR-CCM+” program of “SIEMENS” was used. It was analyzed how changes in inlet velocity, outlet velocity(flow rate) and static pressure increase occur according to changes in the shape of the chamber casing. Flow analysis was performed by changing the shape of the chamber casing limitedly, but the results were not helpful in improving the performance of range hood.
        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to develop a systematic process for identifying components that need to be changed to reduce the Head Injury Criterion (HIC) during pedestrian headform tests. Through simulation and analysis, it was confirmed that the hood, hinge, hinge plate, cowl, fender, and fender bracket significantly influence HIC15. The study identified the specific impact of each component on HIC15, allowing for targeted improvements. The proposed process demonstrated superior performance compared to single-component optimization, yielding more significant reductions in HIC15. Multiple vehicle models were tested, confirming the process's effectiveness in consistently lowering HIC15 values.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 지카바이러스, 메르스, coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) 등의 감염병 방역 및 의료현장에서 사용할 수 있는 의료용 공기정화호흡기(powered air purifying respirators, PAPR)의 항균성 보호복의 후드와 필터를 개발하였다. PAPR은 전동팬 본체 및 필터, 배터리팩, 후드로 구성되며 보호복의 후드 소재는 뛰어난 흡습성, 풍압, 외부충격을 견딜 수 있는 폴리프로필렌 슐폰레이스(spunlace) 부직포 직물(SFS)을 사용하였다. 사용자의 감염위험을 낮추기 위해 후드의 외피에는 피톤치드계 물질을 사용하여 99.9%의 안티-박테리얼(antibacterial) 효과를 얻었으며 내피에는 친수가공을 하여 흡수성을 25% 향상시켰다. 의료용 보호복 후드에 필요한 인공혈액 침투저항성, 건조미생물 침투저항성, 습식세균 침투저항성, 그리고 박테 리오파아지 침투저항성을 평가한 결과 2~6 단계의 합격평가를 받았다. 한편, 항균 처리된 슐폰레이스(spunlace filter, SF) 헤 파 필터(high efficiency particulate air, HEPA)의 성능을 평가한 결과 우수한 항균성, 분진제거율, 차압 효과를 확인하였다.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the importance of the indoor environment increases. In response to that, performance test study was conducted for the development of high performance range hood. And the chamber casing mock-up was subjected to a performance test by applying a static pressure of 100[Pa] in accordance with KS C 9304: 2020, When the discharge port diameter was 100 mm, the standard flow rate() was 186.9 at 60.8W, the discharge port diameter was 125 mm, and the standard flow rate() at 52.0W was 184.6, which satisfies “B-type 160 to 200 (static pressure 100Pa)”. This is a result that meets the KS C 9304 : 2020.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The change in the performance of the range hood according to the pressure change was investigated through a comparative experiment, and the conclusion is as follows. KS C 9304: In 2020, static pressure was applied at 100 Pa according to the fan standard, and the test was conducted by varying the outlet diameter and power consumption. In the case of Motor power 55W, the air volume value was 184.6 when the outlet diameter was 125mm. As a result of the test, if the power consumption is 52.0W, the diameter of the outlet is 125mm, and the power consumption is 60.8W, and the diameter of the outlet is 100mm, it meets 160 or more and less than 200 (constant pressure 100Pa).
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The following results were obtained by conducting a flow experiment. The experiment with air volume showed that the ducts with 3 shapes in the same cross-sectional area were large in the order of circular duct, square duct, and flexible duct. As a result of measuring the pressure value by duct shape to determine the cause of the difference between the flow rate and the air volume value by duct, the negative pressure was large in the order of circular duct, square duct, and flexible duct. in the countercurrent test, In the case of circular ducts, the deviation was high, In the case of Flexible ducts, the mild increase in the countercurrent is judged to be the difference in pressure and friction received by shape.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        It is important to make a strategy for clearance-level radioactive waste. Sampling and disposal plans should be drawn up with characteristics of target waste. In this paper, a target clearance-level radioactive waste is used in a laboratory for experiments with Cs-137 and Co-60, unsealed radioactive sources with gamma radiation isotopes. Therefore, it is enough to analyze with HPGe to check the contaminant level. The laboratory fume hood combined multiple materials, which means some are volume contamination and others are surface contamination. The wood, plastic, and drywall boards, which are absorbent volume contaminated parts and make up PVC pipes, base cabinet doors, backside baffles, etc., will be sampled with coring methods. The metals and glasses, which are unabsorbent, surface-contaminated parts, are sampled with smear methods. The work surface, baffles, exhaust plenum, and glass sash inside parts have a high possibility of being contaminated. The hood body, flame, base cabinet, PVC pipe (the rare end of the filter), and blower transition case have a low possibility of becoming contaminated. When we checked with HPGe, except for the work surface (which was below clearance level), other parts were less than MDA. The highest radionuclide concentration was in PVC pipe: Cs-137C 3.91E-02 (Bq/g), Co-60 4.54E- 03 (Bq/g). It is less than clearance level. Therefore, the waste was applied for the clearance level radioactive wastes and got permission from the regulatory body.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        나한신앙은 나말여초 시기 중국 절강성 천태산에서 유입되어 고려시대 성행한 불교신앙 중 하나이다. 고려시대 사람들은 나한이 천태에서 비롯되었음을 인식하고 있었으며, 나한재 를 통해 祈雨, 國難克服, 長壽 등 현세와 관련 깊은 소원을 빌었다. 고려시대의 나한상은 천태종이 발원한 중국 절강성 지역 나한상의 영향을 받아 독특한 자 세로, 다양한 지물과 함께 조성되었다. 고려시대에는 동시기 중국의 나한상에선 볼 수 없는 ‘두건’을 쓴 나한도상도 등장하였는데, 이러한 도상은 승가대사상의 영향을 받아 제작된 것 으로 생각된다. 이 영향에는 천태종단의 배경이 있었을 것으로 보인다. 중국 천태종의 본산인 국청사에서는 북송시기 지자대사, 승가대사, 그리고 나한을 함께 모셨다는 기록이 전한다. 관음신행을 중시한 천태종단에서는 관음의 화신인 승가대사를 수용 하였으며, 나한과 관음을 동일시하였기에 세 존상을 함께 모신 것으로 보인다. 국청사를 방 문하였던 고려의 승려들은 두건을 쓴 승가대사와 지자대사를 보았을 것이다. 지자와 승가 모 두 두건을 쓴 신이한 승려이므로, 신이한 승려인 나한에게도 이 이미지가 적용될 수 있었던 것으로 생각된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, to improve the performance of kitchen range hoods, a comparative analysis of air volume and noise is conducted using three ducts by changing shapes. It was found that the difference in air volume was caused by the pressure difference received by each shape. The noise data can be found to be no more than 60dB overall, except for the second tier of A-type. The difference when connecting the circular, square, and flexible ducts was judged to be due to some laboratory noise, and it was found that there was no difference.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, as interest in external environments such as fine dust has increased, the interior environment is also becoming important. The specifications for range hoods in the kitchen have been changed to improve ventilation of indoor air. Accordingly, the performance improvement through the structural design of the range hood was studied. Experiments were conducted on flow rates, pressure, temperature, and noise by A, B, and C-Type for performance analysis according to internal structure. For C-Type, the wind volume () was 223.69, 2nd stage 257.46, showing results of not less than 240 and not more than 280 within the ±1 m/s flow rate error range. Noise (dB) was an average value of 54.83 in the first stage and 60.65 in the second stage, showing results not more than 60 dB within the ±1 dB margin of error. This is the result of meeting KS C 9304:2020 Ventilation System Specification.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cooking-generated particles are major indoor sources of air pollution. Recently, the performance of the range hood is focused on particle removal performance. Range hood with an auxiliary air supply system can improve the fine and ultrafine particles removal efficiency by making a supply air during cooking activities. The particles were measured in the experimental building by varying ventilation types. Only operating range hood during the cooking activities was not enough to reduce the cooking-generated particles. Despite operating range hood systems, fine and ultrafine particle concentrations were maintained when cooking was finished. The range hood with a make-up air supply system can reduce the indoor particle concentration below background conditions when those systems were operated after cooking. In this study, the assessment of cooking-generated particle removal efficiency of the range hood with an auxiliary air supply system was conducted. The removal efficiency of ultrafine particles showed trends similar to the removal efficiency of fine particles.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Schizandra chinensis is one of the local special crops grown in Mungyeong, more than 70% of Gyeongbuk area. Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) are the most damaging pests among the insects that occur in the Schizandra chinensis, mainly affecting fruit quality, yield and quality. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to reduce the damages by establishing efficient forecasting method and pesticide control system for the Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) occurring in Schizandra chinensis. Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) was surveyed with yellow sticky traps from April to September in the Mungyeong area. Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) has the highest density in July, beginning in early May, and then again in September. Therefore, the suitable time to control the Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) is in late May, early July, and mid August. Three species of pesticides(Spinetoram WG, Emamectin benzoate EC, Chlorfenapyr EC) registered in Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) were treated three times at the suitable time, as a result of the treatment, a high effect of 92% more.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cooling process in the injection molding requires the longest time. Therefore, a lot of studies have been conducted to reduce the cooling time. In particular, studies on conformal cooling channels using 3D printing are actively being conducted. In this study, the effect of the conformal cooling channel considering the hood shape instead of the conventional linear cooling channel was investigated by injection molding analysis. In the analysis results, when the conformal cooling channel was applied, the length deformation of the molded product was reduced by about 33% and the circular deformation of the hood assembled on the lens was reduced by about 7.1㎛.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop an efficient high performance range hood and exhaust system for quickly discharging flue gas, smoke, and odor generated when food is cooked in the kitchen, and the following results were obtained. Reverse current rate of 1.53 m/s of the range exhaust system was improved to achieve the inlet speed of 0.3 m/s or less. An efficient range system was constructed by improving the hood exhaust flow by 5.6 m/s at the existing 4.5 m/s.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Schizandra chinensis(Turcz.) Bail is one of the local special crops grown in Mungyeong, more than 70% of Gyeongbuk province in South Korea, and various pests are emerging due to recent climate change and intensive cultivation. Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) are the most damaging pests among the insects that occur in the Schizandra chinensis(Turcz.), mainly affecting fruit quality, yield and quality. The survey was conducted from February 2017 to September 2018 in three locations in Mungyeong area. Blue and yellow traps were used to investigate the occurrence patterns and the degree of damage. As a result of the survey, Scirtothrips dorsalis(Hood) occurred first in flowering period in May, and then occurred in fruits. The occurrence density was highest in July. It was confirmed that the attractiveness of each trap color was blue in the early stage of growth and yellow in the late stage but there was no significant difference in the whole.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study was carried out to know the occurrence of the chilli trips of two varieties from three grape farm in Kyeongsangbukdo province, Korea. During the grape fruiting season, this work surveyed at intervals of about fifteen days from Jun to September, 2015 by using the yellow sticky trap. The peak occurrence time of chilli thrip at Hwaseo-myeon was in September and was August at Modong-myeon. The Gyeongsan site was almost more three times high occurrence density than that of Hwaseo-myeon and Modong-myeon of Sangju area. According to the variety and locality, occurrence time and density were different hightly.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        볼록총채벌레의 겨울철 실내 실험과 정확한 데이터 수집을 위해 실내 사육법 확립을 시도하였다. 채집의 경우 제주도에서 많은 피해가 나타나는 키위과원에서 실시하였으며 여름전정 후 버려진 잎에 볼록총채벌레의 유무를 확인 후 이를 이용하였다. 볼록총채벌레가 존재하는 키위잎을 사육실내의 본엽이 10엽 이상인 고추묘목에 놓아 자연스럽게 이동하도록 유도하였다. 사육실 환경은 LED형광등을 설치하였으며 조사시간의 경우 16L:8D로 설정하였다. 온도의 경우 30 ± 2℃를 유지하였으며 습도의 경우 가열식 가습기를 설치하여 상대습도 60~80%를 유지하였다. 먹이의 경우 1차 기주식물로 알려진 것 중 지속적인 먹이공급이 가능하고 관리가 용이한 고추와 애플망고를 이용하였다. 고추씨로 직접 묘목을 만들어 지속적인 먹이 공급을 실시하였다. 하지만 본옆이 6개 이하인 고추를 먹이로 공급하였을 경우 16일만에 모든 잎에 탈락하여 먹이원으로 적합하지 않았다. 애플망고의 경우 고추에 비해 잎이 탈락하는 비율은 낮으나 잎이 경화되기 까지 약 50일이 소요되고 그 이후로는 먹이원으로서의 기능은 현저히 떨어지는 것을 확인하였다. 볼록총채벌레의 경우 많은 기주식물을 가지고 있어 먹이원의 질이 떨어지면 다른 기주식물을 찾아 이동하는 습성이 있다고 알려져 있다. 고추와 애플망고를 함께 먹이원으로 공급하면 증식률을 높게 유지 시킬 수 있었다.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Yellow tea thrip (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is anthophilous pests of many crops worldwide including five flavor berry. And the mealy bug (Pseudaulacaspis cockerelli (Cooley) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)) is one of the hardest pests to control. Its body is covered with white waxy threads, which often make a chemical pest control useless. Five flavor berry (Schisandra chinensis Baill) is used in traditional Chinese medicine. So, the development of biological control against the major pest on five flavor berry is of great interest. In this work, a treatment of Chrysoperla nipponensis (Okamoto) was applied to five flavor berry fields infested by P. cockerelli and a treatment of Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot was applied to two types of five flavor berry fields infested by S. dorsalis. Even though our tests found significant differences between the two culturing method(sod culture, nonwoven type mulching), the treatment of biological control agents decreased or a little increased the fruit damage, which was comparable to the chemical insecticide treatment. In the sod culture experiment, thrip population was significantly low and increased at a lower rate than in the nonwoven type mulching. It may be suggested from these results that A. swirskii and C. nipponensis as IPM program and sod culture could be incorporated into the integrated pest management system on five flavor berry.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        노지 재배 오미자(Schisandra chinensis Baill)포장에서 재배양식(초생재배, 부 직포 멀칭 재배, 혼합 재배)의 차이에 따른 친환경관리구와 관행관리구의 볼록총채 벌레(Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood)의 계절별 발생 정도의 차이를 조사하였다. 초생 재배지의 경우, 친환경 관리 구와 관행 관리 구 모두에서 6월 상순과 7월 상순에 두 번의 발생피크를 보였다. 볼록총채벌레가 월동 후 오미자나무 주위의 식물체에서 서식 하다가, 5월초부터 오미자에 발생하는 것으로 보여진다. 6월초의 경우에는 기 존 관행 관리 구에 비해 친환경 관리 구에서의 볼록총채벌레 발생밀도가 50% 수준 인 30마리 정도로 전체적으로 낮은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 부직포 멀칭 재배지의 경우, 친환경 관리 구와 관행 관리 구 모두에서 5월부터 볼록총채벌레가 발생하여 증가하기 시작하여 7월 중순부터 급격히 증가하였고, 두 관리구 사이에는 뚜렷한 밀도 차이가 보이지 않았다. 혼합재배지의 경우, 친환경관리구에서의 해충발생밀 도는 관행관리구의 37.5~50% 수준이었다. 이상의 결과를 조합해보면 주변 잡초에 의한 볼록총채벌레의 밀도 분산효과와 천적의 서식처 역할로 사실상 초생재배는 50% 이상의 병해충 방제효과를 갖는다고 볼 수 있다.
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