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        검색결과 19

        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper aims at analyzing, throughout an Italian and American cross-cultural study, one of the phenomena which is booming in the fashion luxury sector: the resale market. It is evident that Covid-19 has boosted a deep transformation, that the world of luxury was already going through: a) the increased relevance acquired by the experiential consumption; b) platforms that offer new forms of digitalized buying experiences; c) request for sustainability.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Digitalisation, increasing global competition, new relational approaches to communication and advertising by new generations of consumers (for example, the New Millennials) together with social issues such as sustainability and authenticity in branding definition, pose important challenges for companies operating in the luxury fashion industry. In facing them, these companies seem to re-elaborate meanings attributed to luxury rethinking their strategies and their interactive approaches to market. The specialized literature, from its part, shows that luxury is no longer only ostentation but it has evolved in something else; on the one hand luxury as a state of mind and mood, and on the other still a sort of heritage and authenticity. These two extremes tend increasingly to contaminate each other and to co-exist one in the other, albeit with different reciprocal influence. The aim of this paper is determine how this co-existence can occur. It involves two opposing aspects of luxury, that of owning and that of being. There are other facets of luxury that may occur between these extremes. Research has shown, in fact, that luxury is also experience, co-creation, sharing and even self-achievement. Rendering luxury status, but at the same time making it an instrument for individual evolution may determine an integration of its various faces paving the way for a re-conceptualization of fashion luxury in communication.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food tourism is recognized as a unique form of tourism product that combines traditions and regional characteristics and has become an international trend. However, research on food tourism in Korea is limited. Thus, this study investigated the selection attributes of food tourism in Italy, France and Japan. A qualitative study was conducted among 34 foreign food tourism experts on food tourism in their respective countries to find possible directions for Korean food tourism. As a result of this study, ‘Food attraction’, ‘Traditionality’, ‘Locality’, ‘Convenience’, ‘Cultural Characteristics’, and ‘Appropriateness of price’ were the attributes identified from the expert’s comments. Marketing strategies such as improving quality of service and food itself, quality of service, developing diverse food tourism product, and building marketing channel will improve the status of food tourism in Korea.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Over the last decade, e-commerce platforms for goods and services have been widely explored by the marketing literature. Coherently, e-commerce is emerging as a relevant distribution channel also in the wine industry. This notwithstanding, wine e-commerce platforms show a slower growth rate whether compared to other goods and services categories – such as electronic and digital products. This is particularly true in Italy where the total volume of e-commerce sales in the food and drink sector are less than 1% of the total online sales. Therefore, it is important to investigate the underlying mechanisms explaining consumers’ positive and negative intentions to purchase wine online. This will in fact allow both theoretical and practical insights to wine industry marketers. Hence, this study proposes and empirically tests a conceptual model concerning the antecedents of consumers’ intention to purchase wine online. Specifically, the objective is to identify the differences that are specific to the context of the wine buying process. The 5 steps of the purchasing process – need perception, pre-purchase, purchase, post-purchase, intention of repatronage – are analyzed through eleven determinants such as risk aversion, convenience propensity, product information availability, degree of independence in purchasing, shopping enjoyment, channel layout, shipping conditions, loyalty intention, and free-riding behavior. Data were collected from a sample of Italian 570 online consumers who habitually purchase wine online. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used for testing the hypothesized relationships. Results show that product information availability and convenience propensity significantly influence the digital channel selection and, consequently, loyalty and patronage intention. Building on these results, the present study suggests that wine industry should focus more on digital channels’ layout in order to better stimulate consumers’ loyalty and intention to provide positive feedbacks. Yet, it also emerged how this kind of channel is useful at most when targeting price sensitive consumers. Theoretical and practical implications are thus provided along with suggestions for future research in the marketing literature.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper analyses consumers’ perception of the country image of Italy across 7 emerging countries: Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, South Africa, and Turkey. Drawing from the international marketing and tourism literature (De Nisco, Papadopoulos and Heslop, 2017; Roth and Diamantopoulos, 2009), 4 main structural dimensions of the Italian country image were chosen as focus of investigation: general country image, product-country image, tourism destination image and cultural heritage image. The empirical research was based on a survey conducted on a sample of 4,550 respondents intercepted through an online panel. Two preliminary exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were ran to refine the scales and to summarize the data into structural factors. The first EFAs grouped measurement scales in 7 components: tourism destination image; general country image; product country image; product accessibility; evaluation of hedonic products; evaluation of utilitarian products; and evaluation of Italy as a tourism destination. The second EFA identified 3 distinct components of the cultural heritage image construct, i) art, literature, history, movies, ii) sociality, cooking, handcrafts and iii) traditions, expression, celebrations. Using the dimensions resulting from the EFA as data input, a latent class analysis was then employed. A 4-cluster solution emerged and the four segments reveal how the general country, product, tourism and cultural heritage components of place image are related and of how they jointly affect consumers’ intentions. Moreover, the study provides additional evidence of country of origin effects from the perspective of consumers from emerging markets, where both the
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, the spread of social media and other digital tools and its massive acceptance have revolutionized marketing practices such as advertising and promotion (Hanna, Rohn and Crittenden, 2011) by changing the approach of communication between consumers and brands (Henkkig-Thurau et al. 2004) and the sources of information about products, services or brands for consumers (Kozinets, 1999). On the one hand, these changes have provided consumers of the additional power to influence other buyers by sharing ideas and experiences about products, services or brands (Ioanăs & Stoica 2014). On the other hand social media websites allow business to engage and interact with users by increasing sense of intimacy with consumers and building strong relationships with potential customers (Mersey et al. 2010). Therefore, the incomparable efficiency of social media has induced industry leaders to participate in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and others, with the aim to succeed in online environments (Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). Furthermore, brands are motivated to develop social network campaigns for gathering consumers’ personal information useful to targeting or personalising future marketing strategies (Noort, Anthenius and Verlegh, 2014). This situation have brought many authors, especially interested in luxury industry, to investigate on social media as a new way for luxury firms to communicate with consumers and influence their purchases. One of the main objectives for literature was to understand if luxury products, related to prestige, uniqueness and exclusivity values, could be express using channels accessible to everyone, such as social media. Indeed, in this era of the “democratization of luxury” (Atwal and Williams 2009), luxury brands are dealing with the challenge of using mass marketing tools and at the same time emphasizing the exclusivity dimension of their products (Okonkwo 2010). So as Hennigs states: “As the virtual environment is a place where images, videos and opinions circulate regardless of brand ownership, is it possible to keep a sense of exclusivity around a luxury brand?” (Hennigs, Wiedmann and Klarmann 2012 p. 30). In Italy, the digital population keep growing and the time spent in front of digital devices is increasing; people is becoming more familiar with e-commerce and as a consequence the communication of firms is more transparent (The Boston Consulting Group 2011). In this perspective, this paper aims to analyse the impact of social media marketing on brand equity and consumer behaviour within the Italian luxury economy. Our research has tried to understand this phenomenon from two perspectives; on the one hand, authors have observed digital marketing strategies of some luxury firms, emphasizing the way these brands use social network to promote their products, their special events or their stories. On the other hand, researchers have studied consumers’ approaches to social networks through a survey (Chisnall 1993) delivered to a sample of Italian respondents. The goal of the research is to show how social media have been used by five luxury brands and how they can influence luxury brand equity, by affecting Italian consumer behaviour. With this objective, the authors have analysed the composition of the sample that is active on social networks in order to gather useful demographic information about users. Moreover, this research has been important to discover the most popular platforms for Italian users and the response of some of the major international luxury brands in terms of contents shared on specific social networks. In addition, the survey has represented a great opportunity to understand the influence of social network on consumer behaviour, seeking to measure cognitive, affective and conative responses (Laroche and Mourali 005).
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to understand how an interdisciplinary approach could help Italian firms to enhance their offer to the market. In this perspective, authors have studied benefits and obstacles of an interdisciplinary research approach, by describing the case of RITRATTO, a project by University of Florence referents of various disciplines (agronomy, design, engineering, history and marketing).
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 韓國語를 專攻으로 운영하는 海外의 大學 중 이탈리아대학에서 이루어지는 漢字授業을 위한 漢字敎材의 內容과 構成에 대해 具體的으로 논의한 것이다. 본고의 논의는 세 가지 部分으로 이루어졌다. 첫 번째는 序文에 해당되는 부분으로 한국어와 관련된 한자의 내용이 다루어졌다. 구체적으로, 韓半島에서의 漢字表記의 歷史, 漢字가 韓國語에 미친 影響 및 韓國語 內에서의 漢字의 位置 및 使用樣相 등을 論議하였다. 이 부분은 특히 非漢字文化圈 한국어 학습자에게는 필요한 교육 내용이라고 할 수 있다. 두 번째는 교육 대상이 될 한자와 한자어의 선정과 관련된 부분이다. 이를 위해 현재 해외의 대학에서 사용되고 있는 몇몇 韓國語敎材에 제시되어 있는 語彙 중 한자 및 한자어들을 대상으로 하여 네 가지 選定基準(造語力․頻度數․難易度․基礎字)에 따라 한자교재에서 다룰 한자를 選別하였다. 대상이 된 한자들은 다시 系列關係를 이루는 것이나 體系的으로 분류할 수 있는 것으로 묶어서 領域別로 제시되었다. 본고에서는 총 390여개의 한자와 이들 한자가 결합되어 사용되는 한자어 중에서 敎材, 日常生活, 時事的인 分野에서 자주 등장하는 것들을 選別하여 총 1110여개의 한자어를 제시하였다. 세 번째는 교재의 內容과 構成에 대한 부분이다. 이는 細部的으로 本文의 내용과 구성, 읽기의 내용과 구성, 연습의 내용과 구성으로 나누어져 구체적인 예를 통해 살펴보았다.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research focuses on the role of Giovanni Marinioni during the formation of the modern cartography and cadastre during the 18th century. Initial study began with Giambattista Nolli's Roman map noticing not much information was available to acknowledge his activities during his Milan period before the departure to Rome. It became evident that Marinoni was a key person to understand the complex circumstances in which the professional training and formation of Giambattista Nolli took place as later worked as an anonymous intern during the elaboration of Theresian Cadastre of Milan. The other important figures are Leandro Anguissola and Giovanni Filippini. Anguissola's position and precedent work facilitated Marinoni's multidisciplinary activities that he had performed in Vienna and Milano in the field of making urban maps of those two cities. On the other hand, Filippini not only collaborated with Marinoni but also introduced Nolli in the field of cartography. These activities show transitional and dual aspects that characterized the period in which important irreversible changes that occur during the reign of Habsburg empire and in the rest of the Europe toward the formation of modern society and state. Marinoni's theories and praxis greatly influenced Nolli's later commitment under the Savoia and later on the elaboration of the 'Pianta Grande di Roma' in 1748.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이탈리아는 포도 재배 면적과 생산량, 와인 생산량 및 소비량이 세계에서 최상위권의 나라이며, 역사적으로는 유럽 전체로 와인 문화를 전파한 유럽 와인의 아버지라 할 수 있다. 이태리의 국민들은 식전주(Aperitif)인 발포성 와인부터 레드 및화이트 와인, 그리고 디저트용인 그라파(Grappa)까지 다양한포도주를 즐기는 생활 습성을 가졌으며 이로 인해 이태리의포도주 산업은 계속해서 발전하여 왔다. 주요 포도주 생산지는 크게 4지역으로 북서부 지역(피에몬테, Piemonte), 북동부지역(베네토, Veneto), 중부 지역(토스카나, Toscana), 그리고 남부 지역(시칠리아 섬, Sicilia) 이다. 남북으로 길게 뻗은 국토로 지중해성 기후와 지역마다 다양한 지형, 토양 및 기후에 의해 이태리는 전국에 걸쳐 와이너리가 분포하고 있다. 생식용 포도나무 수형은 풀리아 덕식으로 우산형 수형과 비슷하다. 지역의 특색을 대표할 수 있는 포도품종을 재배하며, 생식용은 빅토리아, 이탈리아, 센테니얼, 블랙펄 등의 품종과, 양조용으로는 산죠배제, 메르롯 등의 품종이 주로 재배되고 있다. 우리나라에서도 지역의 기후와 환경에 적합한 품종을 선택하고 재배방식을 발전시켜 외국산 포도와의 경쟁력을 확보해야 할 것이다.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study provides a descriptive and analytical account of major aspects of urban development and transformation of housing types of Italian Firenze from the 13th century to the 19th century. It is a typo-morphological depiction of urban spatial structure of the extraordinary city, Firenze, the center of Italian Renaissance. And this study has proceeded on the assumption that the evolving form of the urban structure and housing types cannot be understood without reference to the larger context of political, economic, and social life. Based on these backgrounds, the purpose of this study is threefold: to provide a comprehensive discussion of general characteristics of urban spatial structure of Firenze, and to explain the process of formation of working-class neighborhoods by constructing new city wall in later 13th century, and to discuss transformation of housing types of the working-class neighborhood with understanding the mechanism of existence of housing in the newly formed residential neighborhoods. The development of residential neighborhoods was pursued by 'planned' manner through forming square-shaped blocks, and characterized by the subdivision of larger properties into standardized building lots for the construction of houses. On the bases of documentary evidences, several ecclesiastical institutions are identified as the agents of a distinctive type of development. While the institutions did the major role for developing lands, the construction of houses was done by small scale construction agents with moderate amount of properties. The major housing type of working-class neighborhoods of Firenze has been the 'casa a schiera' characterized by the form of narrow front and long depth. The type was generalized by the newly formed middle and working-class of Firenze which grew their body very rapidly, Even though the type assumed very uniform in its fen there were many variations. And through passing time, the casa a schiera developed to be multi-family housing, and the level of variation became deepen. Eventually, transformation of housing type of Firenze was ended by appearance of the 'casa in linea', which was very similar to modern apartment in its spatial organization.