
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the relationship between the Korean Language Institute (KLI), established at Yonsei University after 1959, and the Korea Inter-Mission Language Committee (KIMLC), which represented the Protestant missions in Korea at the time. The existence of the KIMLC and its relationship with the KLI had not been reported until now. The evidence for this study is primarily found in records collected from the archives of the Presbyterian Historical Society. These records indicate that the KIMLC was the successor to the Yonsei Language School Consultation Committee, which was responsible for establishment of the Korean Language Institute at Yonsei University and qualified as the official agent for Korean language learning for missionaries. Futhermore, I discovered that KIMLC was actively involved with KLI through the mid-1960s, advising, participating in, and auditing KLI's Korean language programs. Moreover, from the late 1960s onward, as KLI expanded its language education programs, the KIMLC's role in teaching Korean to missionaries diminished, thus allowing KLI to develop into a more independent institution.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 한국전쟁이 한국 개신교 교회에 준 영향을 규명하고, 이러한 규명을 바탕으로 한국 개신교 교회의 평화선교 과제를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 연구의 범위는 한국전쟁이 한국 개신교 교회에 준 영향이다. 이 연구의 방법론은 문헌 연구와 메츠(J. B. Metz)의 위험스러운 기억과 역사의 주체로서의 희생자이다. 희생자의 입장에서 한국전쟁의 결과를 제시한다. 한국 개신교가 한국전쟁으로부터 받은 영향으로 교회 재건과 국가 재건, 개신교 교회의 구조와 성격, 개신교와 국가의 관계, 교회분열과 사이비이단 발흥 등을 다룬다. 한국전쟁의 영향을 받은 한국 개신교의 특징으로 친미반공 이데올로기의 보루, 기복적 신앙, 신학적 성찰 없는 교회성장주의, 교회와 국가의 관계, 개신교 우파의 등장과 정치참여, 신학적 영향을 제시한다. 한국 개신교의 평화선교 과제로 죄고백, 회심, 전쟁 기억 치유를 통한 민족화해, 민간인 학살 진상규명, 올바른 한일관계 수립, 희년을 이루는 교회 10년, 베트남 민간인 학살 진상규명과 사과, 평화신학과 평화선교신학 수립, 평화교육, 민족의 코이노니아, 군축과 평화체제로의 전환 등을 제시한다.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 논문은 루터의 종교개혁을 오늘날 COVID-19의 팬데믹 (pandemic)으로 인하여 전 세계가 공황에 빠져있는 상황을 염두하고 쓴 글이다. 연구자는 이전에 루터의 종교 개혁을 사회 정치 경제적인 상황에서 살펴보았던 것을, 여기서는 종교학적 관점에서 살펴보았다, 그리고 전에는 루터의 종교개혁의 성공의 요인에 대한 답을 개혁의 중심인 루터에게서만 살펴보았다면 이제는 좀 더 발전적으로 그 개혁을 가능케 하였던 일반 백성들의 관점에서, 즉 그들은 왜 루터의 종교개혁 에 동의하고 함께 하였는지?를 살펴보았다. COVID-19는 지금까지 어느 시대에 누구도 겪어보지 못한 전염병으로 전 세계를 불안과 공황 속에서 사람들을 허우적거리게 하고 있고, 우리에게는 그 어느 때보다 도 개신교회의 개혁을 위한 선한 영향력을 요구하고 있다. 여기서 연구자는 무엇보다도 한국 개신교회가 종교로서의 본질을 잃고, 또 잊은 채 다만 이 사회의 한 기관으로서 기능성을 인정받으려고 시도하며 왜곡되어가는 문제를 지적하고 이에 대안을 제시하고자 하였다.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to discern and describe the different church planting models in the development of the Korean Protestant church. The historical range of this study is from 1885, when the first Protestant missionaries entered Korea, to 1945, when the Japanese colonial rule ended. The Korean Protestant Christians were enthused in evangelizing and establishing churches during political turbulence. They showed seven different models of church planting, even if they did not recognize them back then as we do today through strategic dimensions. During this period, many churches were established by spontaneous evangelism. Since 1903, revivals became a strong catalyst for church planting, stimulating the evangelistic activities of believers. These models revealed the significance of the work of the Holy Spirit and the evangelistic passion of believers in church planting. Furthermore, the Korean Protestant Church used strategic methods to counteract the randomness of spontaneous evangelism. The Holiness Evangelical Church especially focused on dispatching professional evangelists to strategic locations. This method was much useful to some groups despite its difference from the Nevius Plan which emphasized not paying workers' salaries. Many Korean churches were planted by seminary students and largescale evangelism. Some models of church planting by the Korean Church, such as church planting by holistic ministries and hiving off through revivals, can be evaluated as exemplary models in the present. Through holistic methods, some medical missionaries established new churches in their infirmary where they looked after poor patients. This brings to our attention how important incarnational ministry is in local community missions. Many new churches were planted due to revivals resulting in the mother church exceeding maximum capacity. This model is missional in that it rejects egoistic growth of individual churches and values God’s mission.
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a study on the ㄱ-shaped church in Korean Protestant churches. Since the Protestantism had been introduced into Korea, the style of ㄱ-shaped church was the popular style that have been fashioned in all the country of Korea. When the Protestantism was introduced into Korea, ideology which ruled over the Society of Chosun Dynasty was the Confucianism that emphasized the precepts, for example, the loyalty for the King, distinction between the sexes and so on. The Korean Protestants built the church which had ㄱ-shaped plan, so that they solved the second problem : 'distinction between the sexes'. The style of the ㄱ-shaped church is one of the characteristics which distinguish the Korean church from other nations'. Actually the ㄱ-shaped churches had been built by Korean Protestant denominations, from the early days of introducing the Protestantism till the end of 1920's. Even though most of the style of the ㄱ-shaped church is replaced with the modern style according to the extension of religious influence, luckily the ㄱ-shaped two churches : Kumsan Church(1908), Toodong Church(1929) are in existence in the Provice of ChonBuk. The purpose of this study is to make the architectural characteristics of the ㄱ-shaped church clear. This study is based on the actual survey of the ㄱ-shaped churches in existence: Kumsan Church, the Toodong Church and on the documents, photographs, interviews and so on for investigation not existing one now. The ㄱ-shaped church have the plan to separate men's side from women's with a right angle and have a pulpit which was placed at the meeting point of the front part of men's and women's sides. Generally, seen from the court, the churches have men's side in left and women's one in right. There was a screen blocking both sides in the church. But it disappeared in 1920's according to the change of the social conventionality. Most of its structural form is the Korean wooden style. The ㄱ-shaped church appeared in a transition period of the Korean church architecture.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 초기 내한 선교사들이 한국 무속신앙을 어떻게 이해 했는지를 보다 종합적으로 살펴보는 것이다. 지금까지 몇몇 연구자들이 선교사들의 한국 무속 이해를 간략하게 언급하였고, 선교사들의 한국 종교 이해를 다룬 연구도 있었다. 그러나 무속신앙에 초점을 맞추어 보다 체계적으로 분석한 것은 존재하지 않는다. 그런 의미에서 본 연구는 초기 선교사들이 무속신앙을 어떻게 이해했는지를 살펴볼 수 있는 하나의 창을 제공한다. 본 연구는 선교사들이 인식한 한국 종교 체계 속에서 무속신앙의 위치를 다룬다. 한국인들이 무속신앙을 어떻게 느꼈다고 선교사들이 인식했는지도 다룬다. 한국인들의 무속신앙 인식에 따른 다양한 행동들도 분석한다. 한국인들의 무속신앙 속에서 선교사들이 기복주의를 발견했음도 살펴본다. 악귀와 관련된 다양한 무속신앙의 치유방법들이 선교사들에게 목격되었음도 살펴본다. 그리고 선교사들이 무속신앙을 비판적으로 인식하며 대결의 대상으로 삼았음도 확인한다. 본 연구의 방법론은 문헌연구이다. 선교사들은 한국 선교 경험을 토대로 책을 저술하였고, 편지, 잡지, 일기를 통해 그들의 무속신앙에 대한 견해를 드러냈다. 이러한 자료들을 분석하여 선교사들의 이해를 분석하여 정리하게 될 것이다.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2017년은 종교개혁 500주년의 해이다. 독일의 루터10년 프로젝트처럼, 한국교회 역시 많은 학술 심포지엄을 계획하고 있으며, 이를 통해서 종교 개혁 내지는 루터 신학의 세계적인 의미를 찾을 것이다. 본 논문은 루터의 신학에서 “무엇이 종교개혁적인가?”를 다루었다. 관점에 따라서 루터 신학 의 핵심은 다르게 선택될 수도 있다. 필자는 한국교회의 개혁과 갱신을 염 두에 두었고, 그 결과 루터 신학의 바른 이해와 적용을 위해 ‘이신칭의’, ‘십자가 신학’, ‘만인제사장직’을 선택하여 논했다. 칭의의 조건은 그리스 도를 믿는 믿음이다. 그렇지만 칭의는 종결이 아닌 온전한 그리스도인을 향한 시작이다. 신자의 거룩한 삶이 칭의와 더불어 시작되고, 이 세상에서 생을 다하기까지 함께 간다. 그것이 무엇이건 인간이 할 일이 있다면, 칭의 이후의 일이며, 칭의 이후의 일이 역으로 칭의에 영향을 줄 수 없다. 즉 칭 의를 위해 인간이 할 일은 없지만, 거룩한 삶은 칭의와 더불어 가는 것이 다. 십자가 신학은 하나의 일하심의 한 방법으로 그리스도의 십자가 고난을 통해 하나님을 인식한다. 이것은 가시적인 것 혹은 외적인 권위와 규모 를 통해 신을 파악하려했던 중세교회의 영광의 신학 내지는 스콜라신학을 거부한다. 물질주의에 대한 한국교회의 의존성, 기복 및 개교회 지상주의 는 중세교회의 영광의 신학과 다를 바가 없다. 만인제사장직은 세례 받은 모든 그리스도인은 하나님의 자녀라는 신분적 평등의 선언이자, 직업 활동 을 통한 소명의 성취를 요구한다. 한국교회 역시 성직자와 평신도라는 이 분법적 틀을 희석시켜야 하며, 동시에 교회 밖 직장과 사회에서 직업 소명, 즉 제사장의 역할을 다해야 한다. 한국교회는 종교개혁의 자랑스런 유산을 물려받은 프로테스탄트의 후예이다. 마르틴 루터의 이신칭의, 십자가 신학, 만인제사장직을 바르게 이해하고, 실천하여 교회의 교회됨을 회복하는 분 기점으로 삼아야 한다.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This thesis analyses the most popular Korean Protestant magazines “The Youth” and “The Christian News” during the colonial era, in order to examine the Korean Protestant understanding of war and peace of the time. This war, utilizing modern scientific knowledge for military weapons, was an unprecedented disaster that forced Korean Protestants to realize and acknowledge the importance of ‘war’. As Protestantism sought the cause of war in state-ism, scientism, and capitalistic competition, it started to critically view the limitations, contradictions, and necessity for reformation of modern Western civilization, which used to be a role-model. On the other hand, there was critical revision towards historical practices of Christianity, and also search for the ideal Christian response towards war. In general, the human crisis-war-and Christianity was understood as conflicting concepts and Christianity needed to maintain a non-belligerent stance. The philosophies of Tolstoy and Ghandi’s non-violent social disobedience were also introduced. It is debatable how much their philosophies were understood, but it holds true that there was an introduction to the Korean Protestantism at the time of the philosophical thought that rejected the capitalistic liberalism ideals, that sought the future ideal society in villagecommunities represented by small farmers, and that practiced this through non-violence social disobedience. But such philosophical thought and search towards peace decreases with the Manchurian Incident in 1931. Eras of Sino-Japanese War and the Pacific war was dominated by arguments of Holy Wars based on definitions of self as absolute right and the enemies as absolute evil. Such Holy War theories become vastly spread throughout Korean Protestantism during the Korean War and the Vietnam War, generalized as the Korean Protestant response towards war. Today, the Korean peninsula where North and South Korea are hostile towards each other, is a power cake of the world and the possibility of war increases with North Korea’s possession of nuclear weapons. In order to realize the Christian ideals of ‘respect towards life’ and ‘realization of peace’ under such circumstances, there must be critical analysis about the peaceful traditions of colonial times and also the arguments of ‘righteous war’ in order to define what allows wars to be righteous. For Christianity to mediate conflicts of interest and politics, there needs to be much more meditation on what Christianity can do to actively build peace. Moreover, there is a critical need to continuously find and review peaceful movements within church history, such as the ‘The World Day of Prayer for Women Incident’ conducted by women of a nameless church during the Pacific wars, at a time in which the Holy War theory was dominant.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study aims to examine whether the Korean elementary school texts rightly and impartially describe the history of Protestant Christianity. In Korea the contents of the elementary school texts change as the education curricula are revised by the Department of Education. This study analyzes the description of Protestant Christianity in the elementary school texts published in each education curriculum (education curricula have been revised seven times during from 1955 to 1997. This study first examines the space which the current elementary school text alloted to the description of Protestant Christianity in comparison with the space alloted to the description of other religions, in particular Chyeonjugyo, Chyeondogyo, Daejonggyo, and Wonbulgyo. Next it turns to the concept of Protestant Christianity as it is understood in the elementary school texts. Thereafter it examines what the elementary school texts describe about the contribution of Protestant Christianity to the modernization of Korea. And it also investigates what these elementary school texts talk about the contribution of Protestant Christianity to the recovery of national sovereignty in Japan’s colonial period. From this study is resulted this. First, the current elementary school text alloted more space to the description of Chyeonjugyo, Chyeondogyo, Daejonggyo, and Wonbulgyo than to that of Protestant Christianity. Secondly the elementary school texts mentioned the teaching of Protestant Christianity and its contributions to Korean society but did not explain the introduction-process and the main activities of Protestant Christianity. Thirdly the elementary school texts mentioned the introduction of new belief, and Western medicine, education plus culture, as the contributions of Protestant Christianity but often omitted the propagation of the idea of equality, abolition of superstition, and development of national self-supporting spirit. To conclude, this study proposes some suggestions to improve the description of Protestant Christianity in the elementary school text to be produced in accordance with the 2007 revised education curriculum. 1) The text to be produced in accordance with the 2007 revised education curriculum should mention the influences which the reception in Korea of Protestant Christianity exerted on Korean society and daily life; 2) this text should explain Protestant Christianity’s contributions in the March First Independence Movement and the following economic, social, and cultural movements in Japan’s colonial period; 3) this text should describe Protestant Christianity’s participation in the movement for democratization in 1970-1980s.