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        검색결과 330

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Piloti-type structures with vertical irregularity are vulnerable to earthquakes due to the soft structure of the first story. Structural characteristics of buildings can significantly affect the seismic loss function, calculated based on seismic fragility, and therefore need to be considered. This study investigated the effects of the number of stories and core locations on the seismic loss function of piloti-type buildings in Korea. Twelve analytical models were developed considering two variations: three stories (4-story, 5-story, and 6-story) and four core locations (center core, x-eccentric core, y-eccentric core, and xy-eccentric core). The interstory drift ratio and peak floor acceleration were assessed through incremental dynamic analysis using 44 earthquake records, and seismic fragility was derived. Seismic loss functions were calculated and compared using the derived seismic fragility and repair cost ratio of each component. The results indicate that the seismic loss function increases with more stories and when the core is eccentrically located in the piloti-type structure model. Therefore, the uncertainty due to the number of stories and core location should be considered when deriving the seismic loss function of piloti-type structures.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the vertical distribution and vascular plants on Joryeongsan Mountain in Baekdudaegan, Korea. The results of four field surveys from April to September 2023 identified a total of 552 taxa, representing 491 species, ten subspecies, 43 varieties, six forms, and two hybrids in 314 genera and 101 families. The elevational distribution ranges of 360 taxa of vascular plants were also identified. Among them, 19 taxa were endemic to Korea, and two taxa were rare plants. The floristic target plants amounted to 100 taxa, specifically two taxa of grade V, seven taxa of grade IV, 25 taxa of grade III, 33 taxa of grade II, and 33 taxa of grade I. Seventy-eight taxa were northern lineage plants. In all, 29 taxa of alien plants were recorded in the investigated area, with a naturalized index of 5.3% and an urbanization index of 7.4%. Two plants disturbed the ecosystem. Species richness along the elevation showed a reversed doublehump shape with peaks at low, mid, and high elevations. The results of a cluster analysis showed a high degree of similarity between adjacent elevation sections, except in lowlands. Detrended Correspondence Analysis ordination also supported distinct groups by elevation. Warmth index values ranged from 62.1ºC·month to 92.9ºC·month on Joryeongsan Mountain. Our results provide primary data on vascular plants and valuable information on the current distribution ranges of plant species on Joryeongsan Mountain. These data could serve as a baseline for comparing species shifts at elevations under future climate changes.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 조선시대의 대표적인 중층 목구조인 공주 마곡사 대웅보전에 대하여 수직하중에 대한 구조성능을 평가하였다. 구조해석 소프트웨어인 midas Gen으로 실물과 근접하게 해석모델을 3차원으로 구축하였다. 정적해석으로 수직하중에 대한 주요 수직 및 수평 부재의 안전성과 사용성을 평가하였다. 모든 부재가 안전성과 사용성 기준을 만족하였으나, 하층 대량은 전이보 역할로 구조적 취약 점이 나타나 개선의 필요가 있다. 동적거동특성 평가를 위한 고유치해석시 주요 접합부의 상대회전강성은 5%로 가정하였다. 고유주 기는 1.105초로 비슷한 규모의 한옥 범주에 속하고 있으며, 1차 모드는 건물 전후방향의 병진운동으로 나타났다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract Purpose : To investigate the effect of the amount of astigmatism on distance and near vertical heterophoria in adults aged 20~40 years. Methods : Thirty subjects (31.25±10.21 years) were participated, and refraction was performed using I-Profilerplus and a phoropter, and horizontal heterophoria (HH) and vertical heterophoria (VH) teats were conducted at distance and near using a Torrington chart. Results : HH and VH were approximately 0.80 △ (p=0.001) and 0.20 △ (p=0.002) greater at near than at distance, respectively. Spherical refractive errors did not correlate with HH and VH at distance and near. There was no correlation between astigmatism and HH at either distance or near (p=0.141, p=0.318, respectively), but VH at distance and near was significantly correlated with astigmatism (both, p < 0.001), the amount of VH increased with increasing the amount of astigmatism. Conclusion : We found that the amount of astigmatism affected the VH at both distance and near and that the amount of VH increased with increasing astigmatism. These findings suggest that it is important to assess both astigmatism and VH in clinical practice, and that correction of astigmatism may help to reduce symptoms of VH. Key words : Astigmatism, Horizontal heterophoria, Refractive error, Vertical heterophoria
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the growth and phenol content changes of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) under five different light intensities and photoperiods, maintaining the same Daily Light Integral (DLI) conditions in a plant factory. Basil seeds were sown on a rockwool medium for four weeks and then transplanted. To maintain a DLI 17mol·m-2·d-1, light intensity and photoperiod were set at 16h-295, 18h-260, 20h-235, 22h-215, and 24h-200μ mol·m-2·s-1 and cultivated for four weeks. The harvested results showed that basil plant height, number of lateral branches, and leaf number tended to decrease from the 16h-295 treatment to the 24h-200 treatment. Shoot fresh weight, dry weight, leaf area, leaf width, and leaf length were significantly higher in the 18 h-260 treatment. The total phenolic contents in the 18h-260 treatment was significantly higher by 51.3%, 172.7%, 111%, and 119.7% compared to the 16h-295, 20h-235, 22h-215, and 24h-200 treatments, respectively. Therefore, it is anticipated that cultivating basil under the condition of 18h-260 treatment could yield enhanced growth quality and an increase in total phenolic contents.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: A decrease in physical activity has been observed due to the global pandemic, resulting in the onset and progression of musculoskeletal disorders as chronic diseases. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the difference in the degree of contraction of the lower limb muscles between the existing vertical vibration method and a new cross-vibration method. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: The exercise program using whole-body vibration equipment was conducted for 12 sessions, 25 min per session, three times per week for 4 weeks. Results: The changes over time showed a significant difference in cross-alternating vibrations (P<.05), except for the lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior, with no significant difference in sonic vertical vibration (P>.05). The interaction between time and group was significant for all muscles (P<.05), except for the biceps femoris, with differences between before the program and at 2 and 4 weeks after the program revealed in the post-hoc analysis. Conclusion: Future studies should further evaluate the use of CAV exercise devices as auxiliary equipment in exercise by assessing different groups and variations in intensity.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Some leading manufactures vertically integrate wholesale functions in order to control those functions. Based on transaction cost analysis (TCA) and capability approach, this research proposes a conceptual framework why manufactures integrate wholesale functions or not. Specifically, it is suggested that human asset specificity and teachability positively related with vertical integration, while outside wholesaler know-how negatively related with vertical integration. Empirical analysis shows that decision on integration of wholesale functions are influenced by TCA and capability factors.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In piping systems, trapeze hangers are subjected to vertical and horizontal seismic loads and stiffeners are used. In this study, monotonic compression tests were conducted with the removable stiffeners using three variables: stiffener clamp fixing position, section length, and installation direction. The maximum load reinforced with stiffeners could withstand a compressive load of 11kN by applying a safety factor of 10%. It could be estimated that the fixing clamp spacing or the length of shape and load had a proportional relationship. And the stiffener must be fixed in the direction of the strong axis on hinge parts. Also the stiffener buckiling load design proposes to use a method of calculate the flexural buckling compressive strength of and unreinforced full threaded bolt.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The stabilization technology for the damaged spent fuel is being developed to process the damaged fuel into sound pellet suitable for dry re-fabrication. It requires several treatments including oxidative decladding followed by reduction treatment for oxidized powder closely related to the quality of oxidized powders for pellet fabrication. For the development of operating condition for the reduction treatment, in this study, we evaluated the effect of air-cylinder based vertical shaking previously applied to oxidative decladding on powder reduction. For U3O8 of 50-100 g, the reduction test were applied with and without vertical shaking at 700°C under reduction atmosphere (Ar + 4%H2) and the concentration of hydrogen in effluent was measured to evaluate the reduction reaction. It was found that the vertical shaking system has allowed the reaction time of 50 g and 100 g U3O8 reduced by 33% compared to the test in static mode. Based on XRD analysis, the better crystallinity of the products was also achieved.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to apply with an air duct for the cooling and a utilizing cultivating method that uses the fruiting node and the defoliation to the high-temperature vertical and hydroponic cultivation of the oriental melon. The lower fruiting node (LF) was to remove all third vines generated from 5 nodes of a secondary vine. The higher fruiting node (HF) was fruiting on the third vine generated from a first node of the third vine. The direction of the stem string; upward (UW), downward (DW). Four treatment conditions were applied with the LF-UW, LF-DW, HF-UW (control), and HF-DW. The leaf age of melon leaves was measured for photosynthesis at 3 days intervals, and the fruit characteristic was conducted on 79 fruits in each treatment. The photosynthesis rate steadily increased after leaf development, reaching 20.8 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 10 days, gradually increasing to 21.3 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 19 days, and reaching 23.4 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 32 days. After that, it lowered to 16.8 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 38 days and dropped significantly to 7.6 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 47 days. As a result of the fruit characteristics by fruiting nodes, the treatments of the fruit length was 12.6-13.4 cm, respectively, which was significant, and the fruit width was 7.9- 8.6 cm, respectively, was not significant. The soluble content ranged from 12.9 to 15.7°Brix, and the significance of all treatments, and higher than of LF-DW and HF-UW. The photosynthesis rate of melon leaves was good until 32 days after leaf development, but after that, the rate decreased. As for fruit quality, it was conformed that melons can be cultivated at the LF because the fruit enlargement and soluble content dose not decrease even when set at the LF. Results indicated that those can be used for LF and defoliation in the development of vertical and hydroponic cultivation method in high-temperature season.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the vertical distribution and vascular plants in the Gakho mountain. Form the results of three field surveys from May 2022 to September 2022, a total of 478 total taxa, representing 426 species, 11 subspecies, 35 varieties, four forms, and two hybrids were identified, which were categorized in 282 genera and 94 families. We identified the elevational distribution ranges of 398 taxa of vascular plants. Among them, 19 taxa were endemic to Korea, one taxon was identified as a rare plant. The floristic target plants amounted to 72 taxa, specifically two taxa of grade V, two taxa of grade IV, 16 taxa of grade III, 27 taxa of grade II, and 25 taxa of grade I. Further, 71 taxa were identified as northern lineage plants. A total of 19 taxa of alien plants were identified, with a Naturalized Index of 4.0%, an Urbanization Index of 6.6%, and three plants that disturbed the ecosystem. The result of analyzing the pattern of species richness showed a reversed hump shape with minimum richness at midhigh elevation. A cluster analysis showed a high degree of similarity between adjacent elevation sections that are geographically adjacent with similar habitat environments. Warmth index in the Gakho mountain ranged from 57.2°C · month to 84.2°C · month. Our results provide basic data on vascular plants and valuable information on elevational distribution ranges of current plant species in the Gakho mountain, which could serve as a baseline for comparison of the shifts in elevation under future climate change.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper introduces an experimental program for the newly developed vertical joints between Precast Concrete (PC) walls to improve their in-plane shear capacity. Compared to the existing vertical joints, two types of vertical joints were developed by increasing the transverse reinforcement ratio and improving frictional force at the joint interface. A total of four specimens including the Reinforced Concrete (RC) wall and PC walls with developed vertical joints were designed and constructed. The constructed specimens were experimentally investigated through monotonic shear tests. The observed damage, load-deformation relationship, strain and strength are investigated and compared with the cases of RC wall specimen. Experimental results indicate that the maximum force and initial stiffness of the PC wall with proposed vertical joints were decreased by comparing with those of RC wall. However, the ultimate displacement increased by up to 217.30% compared to the RC wall specimen. In addition, brittle failure did not occurred and relatively few cracks and damages occurred.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kale (Brassica oleracea var. acephala) is one of the most frequently consumed leafy vegetables globally, as it contains numerous nutrients; essential amino acids, phenolics, vitamins, and minerals, and is particularly rich in glucosinolates. However, the differences in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates and related gene expression among kale cultivars has been poorly reported. In this study, we investigated glucosinolates profile and content in three different kale cultivars, including green (‘Man-Choo’ and ‘Mat-Jjang’) and red kale (‘Red-Curled’) cultivars grown in a vertical farm, using transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses. The growth and development of the green kale cultivars were higher than those of the red kale cultivar at 6 weeks after cultivation. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed five glucosinolates in the ‘Man-Choo’ cultivar, and four glucosinolates in the ‘Mat-Jjang’ and ‘Red-Curled’ cultivars. Glucobrassicin was the most predominant glucosinolate followed by gluconastrutiin in all the cultivars. In contrast, other glucosinolates were highly dependent to the genotypes. The highest total glucosinolates was found in the ‘Red-Curled’ cultivar, which followed by ‘Man-Choo’ and ‘Mat-Jjang’. Based on transcriptome analysis, eight genes were involved in glucosinolate biosynthesis. The overall results suggest that the glucosinolate content and accumulation patterns differ according to the kale cultivar and differential expression of glucosinolate biosynthetic genes.
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