
결과 내 재검색




      검색결과 15

      2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
      Azuki bean beetle (ABB), Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) is a field-to-storage pest of legumes and its female produces sex pheromone with two isomeric components, 2Z-homofarnesal and 2E-homofarnesal. Two day old virgin adults were exposed to 0, 200, 300, 400, 500 & 600 Gy gamma radiation and effect on longevity, fecundity, sterility and pheromone production were studied. Longevity (female; P < 0.001, male; P < 0.001) and fecundity (P < 0.001) were dose-dependently affected by the gamma irradiation. Both adults were totally sterilized by the tested doses of gamma irradiation as depicted by the null hatchability of laid eggs. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for solid phase micro extraction revealed that both of the pheromone components were significantly but not completely reduced by 300 Gy. It is a pre-requisite for a successful sterile insect technology that the sterility of ABB is induced without the total disruption of calling behavior.
      2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
      Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) is a cosmopolitan pest of stored grain legumes. This study assessed the effects of short-term exposure to low-temperatures (4, 0, and -4℃) and seven durations of storage (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 days) on the survival, development, and adult performance of C. chinensis in laboratory. The effects were studied on three life stages (egg, larva [2-3 instar], and pupa) of C. chinensis. The results showed that low-temperature have significant effects on the life variables of C. chinensis. Among the stages, egg and pupa stages were most sensitive to low-temperature. The very low survival rates of eggs and no pupa survived at –4℃ after 10 days storage. Cold exposure at -4℃ not only increased egg and pupa mortality, but the negative effects also transmitted to the larvae and pupa developed from these eggs. Increasing the duration of cold exposure further reduced survival rates. Low-temperature treatments have also affected on the adult performances such as adult weight. However, there were not any negative effects of low-temperatures on the seed germination. The life variables of C. chinensis are discussed in terms of targeting particular susceptibilities to low-temperatures in different storage duration as an alternative to chemical treatments.
      2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
      The female azuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis L., a worldwide notorious pest of azuki beans produces sex pheromone having two isomer compounds; (2Z,6E)-7-ethyl-3,11-dimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrienals (2Z-homofarnesal) and (2E,6E)-7-ethyl-3,11-dimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrienals (2E-homofarnesal). We synthesized and evaluated the attractiveness of different blends of the two isomeric compounds using Y-olfactometry in laboratory and rocket traps in the field. The attractiveness pattern of the tested blends in Y-olfactometry was found as 1:9≥6:4>9:1 of 2E-:2Z-homofarnesal. Under field condition also, the 6:4 blend was more attractive than 9:1 blend. The result ascertained the enhanced pheromonal activity of homofarnesal with the increased ratio of Z-component in the blend. This provides an opportunity to synthesize Z-rich homofarnresal with less sophisticated and economically feasible Z-selective method.
      2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      To investigate the oviposition preference and development of azuki bean weevil (Callosobruchus chinensis L.), the following six different leguminous seeds were used in this study: red bean (Vigna angularis (Willd.) Ohwi & Ohashi), black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), seoritae (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), small black bean (Rhynchosia nulubilis) and kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris var. humilis Alef.). In the study of oviposition preference, the numbers of eggs per leguminous seed on red bean, black soybean, soybean, seoritae and small black bean were 1.23, 0.61, 0.69, 1.05 and 1.13, respectively. The maximum daily number of eggs was observed at 48 hours and the minimum was at 96 hours. According to each host leguminous seed, developmental time for each host seed was different. The shortest adult emergence time was on red bean (25.27 days). The other five leguminous seeds increased or doubled the adult emergence time. Adult emergence rates feeding on red bean, seoritae, black soybean, soybean, small black bean were 83.33%, 28.23%, 27.87%, 20.44%, and 11.59%, respectively. Emergence rate on red bean was four times higher than the rate on other seeds. The longevity of emerged female adults was almost all longer than that of males. The male adults weighed the lowest of feeding on small black bean. Female adults weighed the lowest of feeding on soybean. Adult weights were the heaviest for both males and females feeding on red bean. As a result, hosts of azuki bean weevil could decrease oviposition rate, emergence rate, adult longevity, and adult weight but increase emergence time. Especially in kidney bean, adult was not completely emerged. No eggs were laid. These results suggest that there might be emergence inhibitors in kidney bean. These imformation might be used to control damages caused by azuki bean weevils.
      2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
      The azuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chinensis L., which is one of the notorious stored grain insect pest. Temperature-dependent development of C. chinensis. was examined at six temperatures of 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, and 34℃ on azuki bean and cowpea seeds. The total developmental time (egg to adult) decreased with increasing temperature from 14 to 34℃ on both seeds. However, total developmental time varied from 127.9 and 125.9 days at 14℃ to 19.9 and 20.3 days at 34℃ on azuki bean and cowpea seeds, respectively. The lower temperature thresholds (Tmin) were estimated to be 9.52℃ and 10.36℃, and the thermal constants (K) were 526.31 DD and 454.54 DD, on azuki bean and cowpea using general linear model, respectively, and the lower temperature thresholds and the thermal constants estimated by Ikemoto-Takai linear models were 10.63℃ and 10.79℃, and were 466.18 DD and 436.28 DD, on azuki bean and cowpea, respectively. These findings on thermal requirements and temperature thresholds can be used to predict the occurrence, number of generations and population dynamics of C. chinensis.
      1987.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      저장중(貯藏中)의 두류(豆類)에 대(對)한 팥바구미의 산란(産卵).식이(食餌) 및 우화(羽化)에 미치는 온도(溫度)의 영향(影響)과 식이선호적(食餌選好的)인 기주(寄主)와 비선호적(非選好的)인 기주간(寄主間)의 산란(産卵).부화(孵化) 및 우화(羽化), 피해종자(被害種子)의 발아율(發芽率)을 조사(調査)한 바 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 팥바구미는 상온조건(常溫條件)에서 연(年) 4회(回) 발생(發生), 유충태(幼蟲態)로 종자내(種子內)에서 월동(越冬)하였다. 2. 팥바구미의 산란적온(産卵適溫)은 범위(範圍)였으며 기주별(寄主別) 산란선호성(産卵選好性)은 팥>녹두>콩>강낭콩>검은콩>완두 순(順)이었다. 3. 생육최적온도(生育最適溫度)인 에서 기주별(寄主別) 팥바구미의 평균(平均) 우화일수(羽化日數)를 보면 팥 29일(日), 녹두 31일(日), 콩 49일(日), 검은콩 46일(日), 완두 34일(日)이었다. 4. 기주별(寄主別) 팥바구미의 부화율(孵化率)은 팥>녹두>콩>완두>검은콩>강낭콩 순(順)이었고, 우화율(羽化率)은 팥>녹두>완두>검은콩>콩>강낭콩 순(順)으로 팥과 녹두는 부화율(孵化率) 및 우화율(羽化率)이 높았고 콩, 완두, 검은콩은 부화율(孵化率)은 높았으나 우화율(羽化率)이 낮았으며 강낭콩은 부화(孵化)는 되었으나 전혀 우화(羽化)가 되지 않았다. 5. 성충(成蟲)의 수명(壽命)은 에서 일(日) 에서 일(日), 에서 일(日), 에서 일(日)로 고온조건(高溫條件)에서 짧았고 저온(低溫)에서 길어졌다. 6. 식이비선호적(食餌非選好的) 기주(寄主)인 강낭콩의 종피(種皮) 및 배유(胚乳)에는 산란(産卵)은 되었으나 부화후(孵化後) 발육(發育)이 되지 않았고 자엽(子葉) 및 배부위(胚部位)는 산란(産卵)도 되지 않았다. 7. 산란립(産卵粒)과 피해립(被害粒)은 발아율(發芽率)이 낮았는데 특(特)히 피해립(被害粒) 팥은 0%, 검은콩 5%, 완두는 7%의 낮은 발아율(發芽率)을 보였다.
      2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      Field emergence of Azuki bean is poor due to hard seed coat as compared to other legumes. In this study, an attempt was made to develop prediction method with regression analysis based on various seed vigor tests in laboratory for field emergence of azuki bean. Azuki bean seeds artificially aged to provide various levels of seed quality were evaluated by the standard germination test (SGT), cold germination test (CT), cool germination test (CGT), complex stressing vigor test (CSVT), tetrazolium(TZ) vigor test and electroconductivity test. The SGT was suitable for predicting the field emergence in the unaged high vigor seeds. The abnormal seedling percentage and shoot length in the CGT were highly correlated with field emergence of moderate vigor seeds artificially aged for 2 days. Electroconductivity, seed viability in the CSVT, and vigor and predicted germinability in the tetrazolium vigor test were also useful for predicting field emergence. Percent of ungerminated seed in the CSVT was correlated with field emergence in the low vigor seeds artificially aged for 4 days. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis, seed viability in the SGT, normal seedling percentage and dry matter weight in the CGT accounted for 86.9% of the predicted value of field emergence in azuki bean.
      2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      새로운 팥 품종 새길 Vigna angularis은 년 밀양 국립식량과학원에서 개발하였다 새길 은 충주재래 를 모본으로 하고 충주팥전남재래 호 을 부본으로 교배하여 품종을 개발하였다 조숙 대립 내재해성 계통으로 선발된 품종으로 밀양 로 명명하였으며 년간 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 고품질의 내재해 다수성 품종으로 선발하여 이후 새길 로 명명하였다 새길 은 개화기 및 성숙기가 대조군인 충주팥에 비해 일 빠르고 개화기간은 일 짧다 생산력검정시험 결과 립중은 으로 충주팥보다 무거웠으며 당 평균수량은 으로 나타났다
      1997.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      팥 바이러스병에 대한 기초자료를 얻고자 병징의 유형과 생육 단계별 감량정도 및 수량에 미치는 영향을 조사하고 병징 유형별 바이러스를 분리 동정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 팥에 발생되는 바이러스병의 병징은 크게 mosaic, yellow mosaic 및 severe mosaic의 3가지 군으로 분류되었으며 병징별 분포는 mosaic>severe mosaic>yellow mosaic 순이었다. 2. 성숙기까지 매개충 차단 재배시의 이병률은 1.5%(방임구 20.7%)로서 생육 후기에 감량될수록 이병률이 낮았으며 10a당 수량도 171kg으로서 방임구에 비하여 45% 증수되었다. 3. 지표식물 검정 결과 mosaic 유형은 CMV, yellow mosaic 유형은 AMV, severe mosaic 유형은 AzMV의 기주범위와 유사하였다. 4. 항혈청에 의한 각 병징별 반응결과 yellow mosaic 유형의 시요는 AMV 항 혈청과 mosaic 유형의 시요는 CMV의 항혈청과 침강선이 형성되어 각각 AMV 및 CMV의 한 계통으로 판정되었다. 5. 병징 유형별 전자현미경 관찰결과 yellow mosaic유형은 18~58 18nm의 타원형 입자가 다수 관찰되었고 mosaic 증상의 시요에서는 직경 30nm의 구형 입자, severe mosaic병징의 시요에서는 730 12nm의 사상형 입자와 봉입자가 관찰되었다.
      1996.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      The toxic effects of aluminium (Al) on growth, chlorophyll content, δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) activity and anatomy of root and shoot were investigated in 7-day-old azuki bean (Vigna angularis) seedlings. Significant depressions in root elongation was observed in the low concentrations of Al (50, 100 ㎛) and increasing Al concentrations caused a sharp decline of root and shoot growth. The degree of inhibition was dependent upon Al supply. Exposure to 50 ㎛ Al or more inhibited root elongation within 1 day. In the 50 ㎛ Al treatments, a recovery of root growth was seen after 7 days exposure. In contrast, lateral root initials was little affected by Al exposure. Al toxicity symptoms and growth responses were more well developed in the roots than in the shoots. Analysis of Al localization in root cells by hematoxylin staining showed that Al entered root apices and accumulated in the epidermal and cortical cells immeadiately below the epidermis. There was a good positive correlation between the level of chlorophyll and ALAD activity. Increasing Al concentrations caused a decrease in total chlorophyll contents, accompanied by proportional changes in ALAD activity, suggesting a coordinated reduction of a photosynthetic machinery. Al exerted specific influence on the morphology of root and shoot. At higher concentrations of Al the roots induced drastic anatomical changes. The epidermal cells were disorganized or destructed while the cortical cells exhibited distortion of cell shape and/or disintegration. The diameter of root and transectional area of cortical cells decreased considerably with Al treatment. In the shoot Al also enhanced reduction of diameter of shoot and cell size. Gross anatomy of leaves treated with Al did not differ significantly from the controls, except for fewer and smaller chloroplast. Our results indicate that toxic effect of Al appear to be manifested primarily in roots and secondarily on shoots, and changes in root morphology are related to changes in the root growth patterns. Results are further discussed in relation to the findings in other plant species, and it is concluded that Al causes morphological, structural and, presumably, functional damage to the roots of the species investigated.
      1981.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
      파종기이동에 따른 콩, 팥, 녹두의 개화기분포와 결협율의 변이를 알기 위하여 중부지방에서 널리 재배되고 있는 품종 하나씩을 공시, 5월 10일, 6월9일, 7월 9일 파종구 및 5월 10일 파종후 단일 처리한 구를 두어 시험한 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 각 처리별 개화까지의 일수, 개화기간 그리고 개화시에서 정엽출현까지의 일수를 비교한 결과 공시된 중 품종은 유한신육형에 그리고 팥과 녹두는 무한신육형에 속하는 것이었다. 2. 주당개화수 및 성숙협수는 3작물이 모두 7월9일 파종구 및 단일처리구에서 현저히 감소되었으나 결협율은 파종기에 따라서 일정한 경향 없이 콩 38~48%, 팥 23~34%, 그리고 녹두 46~60%였는데 콩과 녹두는 낙화 그리고 팥은 낙협이 각각의 결협률에 더 큰 영향을 주었다. 3. 콩은 어느 파종구에서든지 1회의 개화성기를 보인 반면 팥과 녹두는 극만파구민 7월9일 파종구를 제외하고는 2~3회의 개화성기를 보였고 개화최성기는 콩이 개화시로부터 10일 이내에 왔으나 팥과 녹두는 파종기에 따라서 개화시로부터 25~45일 사이에 왔다. 4. 개화기에 따른 성숙협수의 분포는 모든 처리구에서 개화분포와 비슷한 경향을 보였고 콩의 결협율은 개화최성기 직후에 핀 꽃들이 가장 낮았으며 그 이전 및 이후에 핀 꽃들이 점점 높은 값을 보였다. 팥과 녹두의 결협율은 각 개화성기 직전에 된 꽃들이 높았고 그 직후에 핀 꽃들이 낮은 값을 보였는데 7월 9일 파종구는 3작물에서 모두 시기적으로 늦게 핀 꽃일수록 결협률이 낮아졌다. 5. 중은 모든 파종구에서 정엽출현일을 전후로 한 5일 동안에 개화최성기를 보였으며 정엽전개 이전에 핀 꽃 및 여기서 생긴 성숙협수가 더 큰 비중을 차지한 반면 팥과 녹두는 정엽출현기와 개화 또는 결협간에 아무런 관계도 없었고 정엽전관 이후에 더 많은 꽃을 피웠다.cally, in Japan, the time came under Nara(나양) era(AD.719~AD.794) and the beginning of PyungAn(평안) era(AD.794~AD.1192) and in the same way in Parhae, King Mun(737-793) reign. One of the features at that time is that Tang's culture was introduced to ancient Japan positively. Since Nara era strongly accepted Tang's culture, I assume that Nara costumes were affected by Tang's therefore they are the same as Tang's. In the same way, Parhae's costumes are the same as Tang's, too. The point is, it is expected that the costumes of Parhae which were exchanged with ancient Japan are similar to those of Nara by the medium of Tang's costumes. the product category could be set up the population clearly.의 무게와 부피는 24주간 다소 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 통계적인 유의차는 없었다. 냉동저장 감자의 무게와 부피 변화는 48주간 전혀 없었다. 상온 냉장저장 감자의 조직의 강도(hardness)는 24주간 다소 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 냉동저장 감자는 48주간 hardness의 변화가 전혀 없었다. Frozen mashed 감자는 저장기간이 지날수록 응집력(cohesiveness)이 조금씩 떨어졌으나 다른 시료들은