솔껍질깍지벌레는 남부지방의 곰솔을 가해하는 주요 해충으로 최근 그 분포범위가 확산되고 있다. 현재 솔껍질깍지 벌레의 모니터링은 난낭의 조사를 통해 이뤄지고 있으나, 이는 매우 많은 인력이 필요하며 부정확하다. 따라서 페로몬을 이용한 솔껍질깍지벌레의 모니터링이 새로운 대안으로 제시되고 있다. 하지만 이 역시 적절한 가이드라인이 없어 현장적용에 큰 어려움이 있다. 본 연구 에서는 페로몬을 이용한 솔껍질깍지벌레의 효율적인 모니터링 기법 개발을 위하여 최적 페로몬 방출농도 및 트랩설치 방법을 규명하였으며, 페로몬의 새로운 합성기법의 개발 통하여 경제적 효율성을 기하였다. 성 페로몬에 대한 수컷 솔껍질깍지벌레의 유인효과는 100 μg부터 1,600 μg 까지의 처리에서 용량의존적인 관계를 나타내었으며 이 이상으로 처리할 경우 페로몬 처리 증가에 따른 유인개체수가 증가하지 않았다. 트랩의 설치 높이를 지표면으로부터 50cm, 100cm 150 cm로 구분하여 조사한 결과 지상부로부터 50cm에 설치한 트랩에 가장 많은 개체가 포획되었다. 새로운 방법으로 합성한 페로몬 역시 기존 페로몬과 마찬가지로 페로몬 처리량과 유인 개체수 간 용량의존적인 관계가 나타났다.
The black pine bast scale are the main insects of the Japanese black pine forest in Korea, and the distribution is spreading around the Japanese black pine forest in the east and west coast. However, after the nationwide survey in 2010, there has been no investigation on the distribution and spread of these, so we conducted the 2017 and 2018 surveys to determine the extent of the northern area inland or east and west. In the 2017 survey, outbreaks were observed in 35 areas from 47 dong or myeon of 14 cities or counties, mainly in areas not previously located in the outbreak area. In the 2018 survey, additional outbreaks were confirmed at 14 out of 23 areas in the East Coast region, and damage was detected at 27 out of 28 points in the inland area of the South Sea and distribution was found at 16 out of 17 in the west coast.
The black pine bast scale, Matsucoccus thunbergianae Miller et Park, is one of the severe pest to pine forests in South Korea. In 1963, a severe pine damage by unknown causes were reported at Goheung region and it turned out that the damage was caused by the black pine bast scale, M. thunbergianae 20 years later. The black pine bast scale have been causing serious damage to Japanese black pine forests in the east and southwestern coastal area of South Korea and its distribution has been expanded. The areas of Japanese black pine forests damaged by M. thunbergianae was 4,043ha in 41 cities or districts in 2017. In males, two nymphal instars are followed by wingless preadult, the pupa, and the adult, whereas the female adult directly emerges from the second nymphal instar. According to recent sex pheromone survey for male adult, M. thunbergianae occur mainly single generation in South Korea with possibility its phenology was advanced probably due to climate change. Until now, the most effective measure to control the black pine bast scale is to trunk injection with insecticides after thinning of a damaged pine forest.
솔껍질깍지벌레(Matsucoccus thunbergianae)는 우리나라 곰솔(Pinus thunbergiane)림의 주요 해충중의 하나이다. 솔껍질깍지벌레는 단목 (丹木)마다 밀도에 차이가 있고, 수관 내 가지별로도 밀도차이가 있어 예찰이 어렵다. 따라서 본 연구는 황색 끈끈이트랩을 이용하여 솔껍질깍지 벌레의 분포나 발생을 예찰할 수 있는 방법을 제시하기 위하여 수행되었다. 곰솔림에서 끈끈이 트랩에 유인된 솔껍질깍지벌레 수컷 성충의 밀도와 가지 내 약충의 밀도는 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 끈끈이트랩에 유인된 솔껍질깍지벌레 수컷성충의 밀도는 곰솔의 상층부가 하층부보다 높았으나 통계적 차이는 없었다. 곰솔 가지의 단위면적당 솔껍질깍지벌레 밀도는 흉고직경이 클수록 높아지는 경향을 보였으며 1~2.5 cm 사이의 굵기 내에서는 통계적 차이가 없었다. 곰솔 가지의 방향이 지면을 향하는 쪽이 반대 방향을 향하는 쪽에 비하여 솔껍질깍지벌레의 밀도가 높았다. 솔껍 질깍지벌레의 예찰에 끈끈이 트랩의 사용을 제안하며, 가지에서의 밀도는 2~2.5 cm 굵기의 가지를 선택하여 지면쪽의 밀도 조사를 추천한다.
This study examined the effects of environmental factors on the abundance of black pine bast scale (BPBS), Matsucoccus thunbergianae Miller and Park, in coastal disaster prevention forest stands composed mostly of Japanese black pine. Geographical factors, soil conditions and forest stand conditions were measured to evaluate the hazard rating for the occurrence of BPBS from 35 plots in the coastal forest stands. To assess the hazard rating, a combination of a self-organizing map (SOM), which classified the samples according to their characteristics, and a random forest model, which predicted the probability of the occurrence of BPBS from SOM results, was used in this study. Our results showed that major factors determining the abundance of BPBS were climate, tree size, and tree health. BPBS was more common in low latitude coastal forests, suggesting that warmer conditions were favorable to BPBS population buildup. Tree size also influenced the abundance of BPBS, which was higher in forests composed of larger trees (greater DBH). Finally, BPBS was also more abundant in areas with high soil salinity and clay-loam soil, and north-facing slopes where tree vigor was lower.
Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technique method using a resonance frequency by free vibration mode was carried out for damaged and sound black pine woods( Pinus thunbergii ) by Matstucoccus thunbergianae in order to utilize damaged trees. There were a close relationship of dynamic modulus of elasticity and static bending modulus of elasticity to MOR. It was found that there were a high correlation at 1% level between dynamic modulus of elasticity and MOR, and static modulus of elasticity and MOR in all conditions. However, the result indicated that correlation coefficient is higher in dynamic modulus of elasticity to MOR than that in static modulus of elasticity to MOR. Therefore, the dynamic modulus of elasticity using resonance frequency by free vibration mode is more useful as a nondestructive evaluation method for predicting the MOR of sound and damaged woods by Matstucoccus thunbergianae.
Black fungus gnats play an important role as the decomposers in the forest ecosystem. Their larvae live on various organic matters, and the subfamily Sciarinae, in particular, have restricted habitats that feed on dead woods in the deep forest. We compared the biodiversity of family Sciaridae from two different habitats, the clear-cutting area (CA) and the pitch pine forest (PF) by the emergence traps (ET) and the pitfall traps (PT) from May to October, 2010. A total of 12 species were reliably identified to the species among 19 unique taxa belonging to 9 genera 4 subfamilies from 716 collected black fungus gnats. Taxonomic studies show that Corynoptera bicuspidata (Lengersdorf, 1926) (200 individuals, 27.9 % of total) and Cory. sinedens Hippa, Vilkamaa & Heller, 2010 (74 individuals, 10.3 % of total) dominate in the PF and the CA, respectively. Species richness and abundance of CA is lower than those of PF. Any species of subfamily Sciarinae were not collected in the CA. These findings indicate that the biodiversity of Sciaridae was influenced by forest management such as clear cutting, which leads to the changes of canopy cover, dead woods and leaf litter layer.
 ,  , The black pine bast scale, Masucoccus thunbergianae (Hemiptera: Margarodidae), is a serious pest of the Japanese black pine, Pinus thunbergii, in Korea. The distribution of the black pine bast scale was examined, looking overall at 686 towns (eup), townships (myeon) or neighborhoods (dong). There were Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii) forests in 91 cities, counties (gun) and borough (gu), in seven provinces and three metropolitan cities during 2010. Black pine bast scale were found in 64.8% of cities or counties or borough (59) in 7 provinces and 3 metropolitan cities, and were distributed in all South Costal regions, Pohang in East Costal region and Boryeong in West Costal region. Chungcheongbukdo, Daejeon and Jeju did not have black pine bast scale. All the gu regions in Busan had black pine bast scale, of which the area with the highest prevalence was Haenam in Jeollanamdo (1.713 crawlers/0.785 cm 2 ). Songji-myeon had the highest occurrence rate (6.36 crawlers/0.785 cm 2 ) from the towns, township and dong. The density of black pine bast scale in twigs was highly correlated with percentage of the sample with scale (Correlation coefficacy=0.89).
Movement of adult Monochamus alternatus was investigated on young black pine, Pinus thunbergii, trees for about one month in a screen cage. Number of pine trees to which M. alternatus females and males moved during the experimental period was 6.4±1.4 and 7.2±1.5 out of 15 trees, respectively. Adult females and males moved to 0.2±0.1 and 0.3±0.1 tree per day, respectively. A 74.6 and 80.7% of adult females and males moved at night (17:00-08:00) to other trees. After moving, most beetles (72.6% of females and 76.0% of males) stayed on the tree to which they moved for one to two days. Some beetles stayed for up to seven days.
The most effective methods against pine wilt disease (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, PWD), black pine bast scale (Matsucoccus thunbergianae), pine needle gall midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis) is the trunk injection of insecticides. The period of trunk injection that was considered with ecology and physiology of pests such as pine wilt disease, black pine bast scale and pine needle gall midge, was applied from Dec. to next Feb. and June, Dec. respectively. And there are differences in quantities of being injected chemicals to pine trees by the period of trunk injection. Thus, we investigated to prevent the effect of insecticides, to estimate the effect under the trunk injection of insecticides for pine trees against pests by the injecting period and time, boring site, opening and shutting of injection site. On Pinuns thunbergii, it was examined to figure out the effect of insecticides by the injecting period, twice a month on a sunny day around 10 AM from January to September. Injecting of insecticides was tested at a dose of 5ml per cm dbh of a pine tree after boring with hand drill at 50 cm high from the ground. As a result, abmectin 1.8% EC and phospamidon 50% SL were injected over 90% of mortalities from the end of January to the middle of March but as time goes by, injecting insecticides tended to decrease. To compare the volume of injecting insecticides in a day, between 10 AM and 2 PM on February 23rd, abamectin 1.8% EC was injected at a dose of 5ml per pine trees with micro pipette after boring with a drill machine at 50 cm high from the ground. As a result, injecting insecticide of a pine which was injected around 10 AM was completely injected and about 90% of the insecticide was injected in case of a pine that was injected around 2 PM. Trunk injection of insecticides was examined to figure out differences of the volume of injected insecticides before and after rain. There was no difference not only the rainfall but also the bored direction.
솔껍질깍지벌레(Matsucoccus thunbergianae)의 수령에 따른 피해율은 7년이상 22년까지의 수령에서 피해율이 높았고, 피해목의 피해정도에 따른 자연부유균의 침해율에서 균사의 확대가 최대에 달하는 발병정도가 7정도에 이르기까지의 기간은 100% 고사목에서는 48일이, 80% 이상 고사목에서는 54일이, 40~50% 고사목에서는 약 75일이, 그러나 10% 이하 고사목과 무피해목에서는 80일 이상에서도 발병정도 3~4 정도였다. 피해목의 년륜폭은 무피해목 3.5cm 에 대하여 100% 고사목 0.77, 80% 고사목 0.88, 40~50% 고사목 1.22, 10% 이하 고사목은 1.37로 좁아졌고 피해정도에 따른 단위면적당 세포수도 피해가 심할수록 적어졌고, 함수율은 피해가 심할수록 높았으며, 휨강도는 낮아졌다. 또한 1% NaOH 추출물도 적었다.
솔껍질깍지벌레 암컷성충의 일주기와 관련된 성훼로몬의 체내생산과 발산 습성을 밝히기 위하여 우화후 시간별로 성훼로몬의 보유량 및 발산량을 조사하였다. 체내 생산량 및 발산량은 공히 매일 오전 8시부터 오후 2시사이에 가장 많았으며 오후 4시 이후는 현저히 줄어드는 양상을 나타내었고 또한 우화후 3일이 경과하면 점점 감소하였다. 본 곤충의 생식활동에 있어 성훼로몬의 발산과 암수성충활동의 일주기가 일치하는 것의 의미가 검토되었다.
솔껍질깍지벌레 성충의 탈피(우화 : eclosin) 및 우화후의 탈출 (emergence)습성이 실내조건에서 조사되었다. 수컷성충의 탈피는 일종 특정한 시간에 국한되지 않으며 갓 탈히한 성충은 실온에서 정지성충(pre-emergence adult)으로 0.5~2.5일 경화후 고치로부터 탈출하였다. 대부분의 수컷성충은 일조후 1시간 이내에 탈출하였으며 이러한 탈출현상은 광도가 높은 경우 더욱 빨리 진행되었다. 암텃성충은 우화후 곧 탈피장소에서 이동하며 대부분 일조후 3시간이내에 우화하였다. 수컷이 우화후 고치속에 일정기간 정치하여 있는 것은 갓 우화한 성충의 생리적 성숙을 돕고 또한 번식활동을 일중 특정한 시간에 하기 위한 것으로 풀이된다.
The purpose of this study is to compare the relative growth of annual ring width of red pine(Pinus densiflora), black pine(Pinus thunbergii) and pitch pine(Pinus rigida) by means of multiple regression method according to Graybill hypothesis. The obtained results are as follows. 1. The changes of rainfall have affected to tree growth during the periods of 1975 through 1978. 2. Among these pine trees, red pine was mostly influenced by environmental factors. 3. The growth of annual ring width was sensitively responded to the changes of rainfall and air temperature. 4. Among the heavy metals analyzed, the concentrations(ppm) of Lead(Pb) and Copper(Cu) were negatively effected on the growth of annual ring width of pine trees. 5. The analytical technique of annual ring width may be useful for estimation of the pollution in forest areas near industrial complexes.