
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 조선왕릉 정릉의 역사문화경관림의 실태를 살펴보고 체계적인 보존 및 관리 방안을 마련하기 위해 수행되었으며, 집약된 결론은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 식생은 신갈나무가 우점하고 있으며, 신갈나무-팥배나무군락 65.47%, 소나무군락 11.85%, 소나무 식재림 6.41%로 분포하고 있다. 주요 식생 군락은 소나무군락, 팥배나무군락, 신갈나무군락, 소나무식재림, 잣나무식재림이다. 둘째, 여덟 곳의 자연림 방형구에서 흉고직경을 측정한 바, 주된 수종은 소나무, 신갈나무, 팥배나무였으며, 흉고직경의 최대 분포범위는 소나무 15-20cm, 신갈나무 10-15cm, 팥배나무 5-10cm이다. 셋째, 중점관리지역의 소나무림은 밀도가 높고 신갈나무-팥배나무와 매우 인접하고 있어 생육과 관리에 불리한 조건에 있다. 넷째, 역사문화경관림의 관리 방안으로 아까시나무와 같은 외래종을 소나무와 같은 재래종으로 대체하고 소나무림이 정릉 전역에 연결될 수 있도록 재식(栽植)하며, 밀도가 높은 지역은 솎아내기를 통해 생육에 적정한 공간을 확보한다. 봉분 주변의 소나무는 기울어져 자라고 있으므로 지속적이고 적극적으로 관리한다. 시각적 이질감을 나타내는 수목들은 정리가 필요하며, 경계부분은 기존의 낙엽활엽수와 어울릴 수 있도록 조정하고 완충공간을 10m 내외로 확보한다. 본 연구는 유사한 시대적 상황을 거친 여타 조선왕릉에 중요한 시사점을 전해 줄 수 있을 것으로 판단되며, 향후 개별 조선왕릉 역사 문화경관림의 실태를 살펴보고 합리적인 관리방안이 마련되어야 할 것이다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 백제역사유적지구 세계유산 등재과정에서 문화유산 보존관리체계의 골격을 형성하는 보존관리구역 구성체계와 공간적 범위 설정문제를 중심으로 제기되었던 다양한 쟁점사항에 대한 분석을 통하여 문화유산 보존관리체계의 대안적 방향을 제시해보고자 하는 목적을 지니고 있다. 한국에서의 문화재에 대한 보존관리체계는 『문화재보호법』에 근거하여 설정되는 문화재구역, 문화재보호구역, 역사문화환경 보존지역을 근간으로 운용된다. 반면에 『세계유산 협약 이행을 위한 운영지침』에서는 유산구역, 완충구역 그리고 주변 환경 등을 근간으로 유산 보존관리체계가 운용되고 있다. 세계유산 보존관리체계와 관련하여 국내 『문화재보호법』은 매우 합리적이며 선진적인 문화재 보존관리체계를 구축하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 장점을 제대로 활용하기 위해서는 구역 세분화와 연계하여 문화재구역과 보호구역, 역사문화환경 보존지역에 대한 명확하고 합리적인 성격을 부여하는 한편, 단편적인 규제 중심의 관리체계가 아닌 문화재구역과 보호구역, 역사문화환경을 일체화한 종합적, 계획적 시각에 입각한 운영체계가 구축될 필요가 있다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 인공광 이용형 식물공장에서 common ice plant를 재배하였을 때 생육에 대한 적합한 배양액 조성, 배양액 산도, 급액 간격, 광도 및 재식거리를 알아보고자 수행되었다. 식물공장 유형은 완전제어형 식물공장형태로 인공광원은 삼파장 형광등을 사용하였으며, 광주기는 12시간 일장주기였다. 수경재배시스템은 3단으로 구성된 박막수경시스템이었다. 식물공장내 온도, 상대습도와 이산화탄소 농도는 ON/OFF 제어하였다. 배양액은 일본원예시험장액과 식물체 분석으로 개발 배양액을 가지고 비교 실험 하였다. 배양액의 산도와 급액 간격 실험은 pH 6.0과 7.0 그리고, 5분 간격과 10분 간격으로 순환할 경우 생육 차이를 알아보았다. 광도는 90과 180μmol·m-2·s-1 2처리 하였다. 재식거리는 열간 간격을 15cm로 고정한 후, 열내 간격 10cm, 15cm, 20cm와 25cm 4처리로 처리하였다. 적당한 배양액의 조성은 N 7.65, P 0.65, K 4.0, Ca 1.6과 Mg 1.0mM·L-1이었다. 지상부 생체중과 건물중은 pH 6과 7 그리고 5분 간격과 10분 간격 처리간의 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 지상부 생체중과 건물중은 광도 180μmol·m-2·s-1에서 높았다. 재식 거리가 증가할수록, 단위면적당 생체중과 건물중은 감소 하는 경향을 보였다. 식물 생산 시스템에서 common ice plant 생육에 적합한 배양액 관리(조성, pH와 급액간격) 와 재배관리(광도와 재식밀도)를 알아본 결과, 생육에 적합한 배양액 조성으로 pH 6.0-7.0로, 급액 10분 간격 으로 공급해 주는 것이 좋으며, 광도 180μmol·m-2·s-1와 재식밀도 15×15cm로 재배하는 것이 좋을 것으로 판단 된다.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The increasing number of divorces between international couples, especially between foreign wives and Korean husbands, has drawn attention to the relationships and divorces of multi-cultural families. With continuously increasing international marriages, the problems faced also increase, which causes instability in international families. Rapid industrialization has also increased instability in international families damaged family relationships by bringing life diversity and changing values. Therefore, healthy family relationships has become a social topic and this is what we, who have just became a multi-cultural society, should focus on to build up strong, healthy family relationships. Accordingly, this research found the threats to healthy multi-cultural family relationships, and provides some solutions through welfare management of multi-cultural families that improve multi-cultural family relationships. Welfare Management can bring a stable society, healthy culture, and ultimately, social integration. Welfare management for multi-cultural family relationships are: First, the ability of the female marriage immigrants to speak Korean has a huge effect on the health of the family relationship, and it shows that awareness of conversation in multi-cultural families must be changed. Second, the ability to overcome culture shock or conflict while they settle in Korea is needed. Culture shock or conflict disturbs social integration and also causes individual crisis. Some immigrants come to Korea with limited or skewed information about Korean society. This leads to culture shock and conflict. Economical problems, childbearing problems, cultural differences, poor relationships with in-laws, language barriers, bias, discrimination, and personality differences are also factors that cause conflict. Generally, rational thoughts can deal with these conflicts. Third, multi-cultural family relationships need to be managed by a social support network. Social support is a continual interacted social aggregate between individuals or between an individual and a group. This social support increases mental stability and provides guidelines, so that feed-back can be given on identity crisis. Support programs that build a network based on mutual dependence and the mutual exchange of financial and institutional information must be developed. Fourth, human resource development welfare management that helps female immigrants find jobs should be developed. Almost half of multi-cultural family members think about establishing small businesses having to do with their culture. It is important to find capable immigrants who are interested in cultural diversity and provide education and job training to them, so they can deal with unemployment and also raise their value as members of Korean society. This research is limited to literature.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경주국립공원 문화재지정구역에 분포하는 귀화식물은 총 14과 40속 45종 1변종 등 총 46분류군을 확인하였다. 귀화식물을 유형별로 구별해보면, 생활형은 1년생 초본이 17분류군(37%)으로 가장 많았으며, 다년생 초본이 16분류군(34.8%), 2년생 초본이 11분류군(23.9%), 목본이 2분류군(4.3%)로 나타났다. 원산지별로는 유럽이 17분류군(37%)으로 가장 많았으며, 그 다음으로 북아메리카에서 이입된 종이 16분류군(34.8%)으로 나타났다. 또한 귀화도는 3등급이 18분류군(40.9%)으로 가장 높다. 귀화식물 321분류군에 대한 본 연구대상지의 도시화지수는 14.3%이며, 지구별 도시화 지수는 남산지구가 8.1%로 가장 높다. 경주국립공원은 사적형 공원으로 문화재가 매우 중요하나, 문화재 주변의 식재 및 관리 또한 중요하다. 따라서 귀화식물의 경우 장기적인 모니터링과 생태적인 특성을 파악하여 체계적인 관리방안이 요구된다.
        2022.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, with the development of economic globalization and the promotion of modern media technology, cultural enterprises such as publishing, entertainment and new media have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain and made significant contributions to economic growth, which not only increased China's financial revenue, but also promoted product export and improved its international image. Although the digital cultural trade of Chinese enterprises started relatively late, it has already formed a certain scale and has a good development prospect in the international development and cooperative operation. Since the signing of the cooperation agreement between China and South Korea in June 2015, it has largely promoted the development of enterprises’ digital cultural trade. By comparing the digital development of cultural trade between Chinese and Korean enterprises, this paper points out the current problems faced by Chinese enterprises in the internationalization development, and gives practical suggestions.
        2021.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Culture, as the sum of human knowledge, beliefs, ethics, laws, customs, etc., is always affecting the way people think, talk, live and work, and affect people's thinking and behavior. Different nationalities and regions determine that people in various countries and regions have different cultures, and even a country and a region have multiple cultures. Modern sports have been operating in a globalized economy. In the past ten years, the trend of international sports development has become more obvious. Sports has promoted the process of globalization by developing a global mass consumer culture. In the field of sports management, cross-cultural issues also arise, and the collision of different cultures is always of great significance to how to manage sports organizations. This article analyzes the cultural differences in the process of cultural and intercultural sports management, explores the issues of cultural conflict and cultural integration encountered in sports management, and combines sports management with crosscultural management strategies in the field of international commerce Corresponding approaches are put forwar.
        2018.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose - This paper discusses cross-cultural management (CCM) in China and how its business students get prepared by university cross-cultural management courses for an international market. Research design, data, and methodology – It was therefore decided to do an online content analysis looking at CCM courses offered by a number of Chinese universities first, and second to conduct a quantitative survey on CCM courses as well as topics among Chinese undergraduate business students at a large Eastern Chinese university. Results - From fundamental aspects, seven Chinese cultural standards emerge which highly influence the behaviour of the Chinese. There is a tendency to imply the integration of not only local but also cross cultural issues in academic management courses. Besides Hong Kong, there are currently 17 Chinese universities and schools accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) that explicitly requires cross-cultural management competencies in undergraduate and graduate degree programmes. In addition, the study confirmed that two-third of the sample (Chinese undergraduate business students) had taken cross-cultural management courses. Conclusions - The results of this research have made it clear that Chinese universities and schools are aware of the importance of cross-cultural management competencies.
        2014.08 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korea companies in China often encounter a series of problems such as Chinese employees frequent job quitting,antipathic to authoritarianism management in Korean companies, mistrust and labor disputes caused by increasing labor disputes and etc. through a deep analysis I found the root to these questions is the cultural differences between China and Korea. Traditional korean culture emphasizes community consciousness, the features of which are authoritarianism, collectivism, and exclusivecronyism. in addition, hierarchical army culture has great impact in Korean society and culture, therefore, Korean companies are featured as collective communities with clear hierarchical employment system. different from korea, as enforcing Communist Party and collapse of feudal Confucianism, hierarchy culture emphasizing differences between gender, age and social level is diminishing, instead, equal consciousness is growing,"everyone is equal" is greatly emphasized in human relations. Korean companies in China needs to get rid of Korean-centered thinking mode and rethink more about Korean way of management, which means to improve parental authoritarian management and use "democratic" management fitting Chinese present situation. creating equal working environment and enhancing democratic communication is important in decreasing cultural differences and increasing humane trust. therefore effective human resources management can be realized.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This is a case study which examined the topic management behavior of three participants in a cross-cultural con- versation. The research questions were: 1) in what ways was the global topical move structured?; 2) Were there recurrent discourse patterns that implicated topic change? For the study, the participants` talk was recorded, transcribed and analyzed through conversational analysis. In global topic management, the native speaker of English had the most dominant role while the nonnative speakers served as passive recipients. The common topic change indicators in local topic management were questions, pause, and the discourse marker ``so.`` In using these, some differences were observed among the participants, which might be attributable to crosscultural differences or the nonnative speakers` lack of confidence. The pedagogical implications were also discussed.
        2000.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To obtain a basic information on the development of effective control strategies for weedy rice in direct seeding rice cultivation, occurrence patterns of weedy rice as influenced by different cultural practices such as cultivation method, water management, seeding time, and tillage were investigated in field or pot experiments. High occurrence of weedy rice was observed in a continuous direct seeding paddy field as compared to machine transplanted one. Based on the percent of weedy rice panicle over three years trial, high ridged dry seeding was highest with 36.9%, followed by wet seeding with 30.9%, water seeding with 14.6% and machine transplanting rice with 0.8%, indicating 97.8% reduction in weedy rice occurrence by machine transplanting rice as compared with high ridged dry seeding. Germination of weedy rice was promoted to 83-94 % when rice panicle was flooded from September 30 to October 10 for 6 days and 74-88% for 9 days on October 20. Weedy rice occurrence was also substantially reduced by delayed seeding on June 10 and intensive tillage. The results suggest that machine transplanting rice be more effective cultural practice than flooding treatment, delayed seeding and intensive tillage when weedy rice problem occurs in direct seeded paddy field.
        1978.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cultural practices favoring the crops are one of the excellent weed control measures in upland crops. The primary cultural method for weed-management may include planting of weed-competitive cultivars, proper planting time and spacing, optimum rate and placement of fertilizer, crop rotation, mulching, and timely tillage. However, cultural method must be applied as a part of the program along with all other available means for controlling weeds since this method alone is not adequate. The efficient and economical weed control can only be achieved by combinating cultural, mechanical method that supplement each other into a weed management system. Intelligent selection of weed control, however, presuppose knowledge of the life history and growth requirements of the weed and its interaction with the environment.