Recently, high-rise residential buildings in Korea have adopted slender shear walls with irregular section shapes, such as T-shape, H-shape, and C-shape. In the seismic design of the slender shear walls, the transverse reinforcement for lateral confinement should be provided in the boundary elements to increase deformation capacity and subsequent ductility. However, in practice, the irregularity of the shear walls is not adequately considered, and the lateral confinement region is calculated for the rectangular wall segments. This study investigated the proper design method for lateral confinement regions using finite element analysis. The lateral confinement region was considered in analysis for two cases: 1) as a typical rectangular wall segment and 2) as an irregular wall. When the irregularity of the walls was considered, the compression zone depth was increased because the vertical reinforcement in the flange was addressed. The effect of lateral confinement design methods on the structural performance of the walls was directly compared under various design parameters, including the length of the flange, concrete compressive strength, vertical rebar layout, axial load ratio, and loading direction. According to the results of the parametric analysis, the peak strength and deformation capacity could be significantly increased when the lateral confinement region was calculated based on irregularly shaped walls, regardless of the design parameters. In addition, the effective compression zone was located within the lateral confinement region. Thus, it is recommended that the lateral confinement region of T-shaped walls is calculated by addressing the irregularity of the walls.
마비성 패류독소 중독증(paralytic shellfish poisoning; PSP)은 삭시톡신과 그 유사체로 오염된 패류를 섭취했을 때 발생하며, 저림, 구토 등의 증상에서부터 근육 마비와 심각한 경우 호흡 마비로 이어져 사망에 이를 수 있다. 독 성등가계수(toxic equivalency factors; TEFs)는 다양한 마 비성 패류독소의 독성을 표준화하여 위험성을 평가하는 데 사용된다. 마비성 패류독소를 검출하기 위해 사용되던 마우스 생체 실험(mouse bioassay; MBA)에 대한 윤리적 문제가 제기되면서 고성능액체크로마토그래피와 같은 기 기 분석법으로의 전환이 시도되고 있지만, 유사체들의 적절 한 TEF를 설정하기 위해서는 여전히 동물 모델을 통한 생 체 내 독성 데이터가 필수적이다. 본 연구에서는 동물 수를 줄이면서도 신뢰할 수 있는 경구투여 독성 결과를 얻기 위 해 삼단계 반응표면-경로 (three-level RSP) 설계를 사용했다. 인증 표준 물질을 이용하여 각 독소의 초기 용량과 조정 계 수를 결정하고 시험을 진행했으며, STX.2HCl, NeoSTX, dcSTX, GTX1&4, GTX2&3, dcGTX2&3의 반수치사량 (및 TEF) 값은 각각 451.3 (1.00), 306.5 (1.47), 860.9 (0.52), 644.5 (0.70), 915.3 (0.49), 2409.3 (0.19)로 나타났다. 도출된 TEF 값은 2016년 WHO에서 권고한 TEF 값뿐만아니라, 이 전에 보고된 경구 투여 반수치사량을 기반으로 한 TEF 값 과 강한 상관관계를 보였다. 본 연구는 마비성 패류독소 뿐 만 아니라 신규 미관리 해양생물독소에 대해 적절한 TEF를 설정하는 데 있어 삼단계 반응표면경로 설계를 윤리적 우 려와 신뢰할 수 있는 독성 데이터의 필요성 사이에서 효과 적으로 균형을 맞출 수 있는 방법으로 제안한다.
This study is about the evaluation for shock-proof performance of the system, elastically support the low accumulator of the naval artillery against underwater explosion, using DDAM. For the evaluation, the shock analysis procedure using DDAM, supported by MSC/NASTRAN, was briefly described. In addition, in order to perform the shock analysis, the elastic support system was modeled as a finite element. The shock analysis of the elastic support system was performed by selecting the analysis frequency range so that reliable results can be obtained. Finally, the shock-proof performance of the system was evaluated by comparing the shock analysis results with the properties of the elastic support system.
현재, 교통안전진단의 경우 차량 및 보행자의 교통사고를 미연에 방지하고 도로의 전체적인 안전을 도모하고자, 교통안전법 제34조 에 의거하여, 수행 조건에 부합한 경우 교통안전진단을 받도록 규정하고 있다. 교통안전진단의 경우 도로의 구분에 따라 다른 기준을 적용하고 있으며, 도로별 길이를 기준으로 수행 여부를 판단하고 있다. 교통안전진단의 경우 도로의 설계단계, 개시 전 단계 및 운영단계 등 3가지로 구분되어 수행되고 있으며, 각각의 단계별로 진단 수행 내용 및 범위가 조금씩 다르게 진행된다. 설계 단계에서의 교통안전진단의 경우, 해당 도로의 실시 설계 내용을 바탕으로 도로의 안전 을 판단하며, 개시 전 단계의 경우 도로의 신설 이후 운영 전 도로의 안전을 평가한다. 마지막으로 운영 단계의 교통안전진단의 경우 현재 운영 중인 도로에 대하여 도로의 안전을 평가하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 진단단계별 교통안전진단 중 도로 설계단게에서 수행 시 발생될 수 있는 한계점을 파악하고, 이를 보완할 수 있는 방 안을 제시하여 그 효과를 분석하고자 한다. 또한, 국제 기준으로 운영되고 있는 iRAP(International Road Assessment Programme)의 SR4D( Star Rating for Design)을 통해 설계단계의 교통안전진단 수행 시 효과적이고 안전한 진단결과를 도출해내고자 한다.
최근 인공지능 분야에서 가장 활발히 연구되고 있는 거대 언어 모델은 교육에 대한 응용 가능성을 보 이며, 교육학의 거의 모든 분야에서 그 활용 방안이 연구되고 있다. 이러한 연구는 공학 교육에서도 주목 받고 있다. 그러나 구체적인 활용 분야와 방법에 대해서는 아직 많은 연구가 필요한 상황이다. 특히, 거대 언어 모델을 이용한 교육과정 설계와 개선에 대한 연구는 인공지능 공학과 교육학 두 분야에서 모두 중요한 연구 과제로 부각되고 있다. 이러한 응용 필요성에 대한 예시이자 전략으로써, 본 연구는 OpenAI에서 발표한 최신 거대 언어 모델인 ChatGPT-4o를 이용하여 한국과학기술원(KAIST) 공과대학 학부 전공 과 목과 S전자 DS부문(반도체사업부) 직무 사이의 연관성을 분석하고, 그 결과를 기반으로 대학과 기업체 양측에 반도체 산업 인력 양성과 채용에 대한 실질적인 응용 전략을 제안한다. 이를 위해 KAIST 공과대 학 학부과정에 개설된 모든 전공 과목과 S전자 DS부문(반도체사업부)의 직무기술서를 ChatGPT-4o에 학습시켜 각 과목이 특정 제품군, 직무와 가지는 연관성을 특정 범위와 기준에 의거하여 정량화된 점수로 평가했다. 또한, 각각의 직무, 전공, 과목별로 확보한 데이터를 기초적인 통계 분석을 통해 평가했으며, 구직자와 구인자의 활용 가능성에 초점을 두고 특정 전공의 각 직무별 연관성과 특정 직무의 각 전공별 연관성, 그리고 특정 직무 및 전공의 반도체 제품군별 연관성 등 다양한 조건에서 분석을 진행하였다. 또 한 본 전략에 대한 반도체 산업 실무자 견해를 수집하여 실제 전략으로의 활용 가능성을 검증하였다. 분 석 결과, 간단한 질문과 분석만으로도 전공, 교과목별로 유의미한 직무 연관성의 차이를 확인했다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 대학 교육과정의 개선과 기업 채용 및 양성 과정에서의 응용 전략을 제시한 다. 이 연구는 대학과 산업 간의 협력을 통해 인적자원 개발과 채용 효율성 증대에 기여할 것으로 기대한 다. 또한, 후속 연구로 구직자와 구인자, 교수자 등 본 연구의 효과를 확인할 수 있는 집단을 대상으로 한 대규모 설문조사 및 전문가그룹 대상 질적연구 등을 제안하여 실제 활용도와의 비교 분석 연구를 제안 한다. 결론적으로, 본 연구는 거대 언어 모델을 활용하여 필요한 인재를 양성하기 위한 교육 과정 설계의 구체적인 응용 가능성을 제시함으로써, 인공지능을 이용한 교육 분야에 대한 기여 방안을 모색한다.
Because most spent nuclear fuel storage casks have been designed for low burnup fuel, a safety-significant high burnup dry storage cask must be developed for nuclear facilities in Korea to store the increasing high burnup and damaged fuels. More than 20% of fuels generated by PWRs comprise high burnup fuels. This study conducted a structural safety evaluation of the preliminary designs for a high burnup storage cask with 21 spent nuclear fuels and evaluated feasible loading conditions under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions. Two types of metal and concrete storage casks were used in the evaluation. Structural integrity was assessed by comparing load combinations and stress intensity limits under each condition. Evaluation results showed that the storage cask had secured structural integrity as it satisfied the stress intensity limit under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions. These results can be used as baseline data for the detailed design of high burnup storage casks.
Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) has become an indispensable tool in efforts to develop the next generation of nanoelectronic devices, given its achievable nanometer spatial resolution and highly versatile ability to measure a variety of properties. Recently a new scanning probe microscope was developed to overcome the tip degradation problem of the classic SPM. The main advantage of this new method, called Reverse tip sample (RTS) SPM, is that a single tip can be replaced by a chip containing hundreds to thousands of tips. Generally for use in RTS SPM, pyramid-shaped diamond tips are made by molding on a silicon substrate. Combining RTS SPM with Scanning spreading resistance microscopy (SSRM) using the diamond tip offers the potential to perform 3D profiling of semiconductor materials. However, damage frequently occurs to the completed tips because of the complex manufacturing process. In this work, we design, fabricate, and evaluate an RTS tip chip prototype to simplify the complex manufacturing process, prevent tip damage, and shorten manufacturing time.
The aim of this study is to ensure the structural integrity of a canister to be used in a dry storage system currently being developed in Korea. Based on burnup and cooling periods, the canister is designed with 24 bundles of spent nuclear fuel stored inside it. It is a cylindrical structure with a height of 4,890 mm, an internal diameter of 1,708 mm, and an inner length of 4,590 mm. The canister lid is fixed with multiple seals and welds to maintain its confinement boundary to prevent the leakage of radioactive waste. The canister is evaluated under different loads that may be generated under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, and combinations of these loads are compared against the allowable stress thresholds to assess its structural integrity in accordance with NUREG-2215. The evaluation result shows that the stress intensities applied on the canister under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions are below the allowable stress thresholds, thus confirming its structural integrity.
A transfer cask serves as the container for transporting and handling canisters loaded with spent nuclear fuels from light water reactors. This study focuses on a cylindrical transfer cask, standing at 5,300 mm with an external diameter of 2,170 mm, featuring impact limiters on the top and bottom sides. The base of the cask body has an openable/closable lid for loading canisters with storage modules. The transfer cask houses a canister containing spent nuclear fuels from lightweight reactors, serving as the confinement boundary while the cask itself lacks the confinement structure. The objective of this study was to conduct a structural analysis evaluation of the transfer cask, currently under development in Korea, ensuring its safety. This evaluation encompasses analyses of loads under normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, adhering to NUREG-2215. Structural integrity was assessed by comparing combined results for each load against stress limits. The results confirm that the transfer cask meets stress limits across normal, off-normal, and accident conditions, establishing its structural safety.
본 연구는 EMG(electromyography) 텍스타일 전극 개발을 목적으로 레이어 수의 디자인 및 원단을 다르게 하여 성능 및 신호 획득 안정성을 평가한다. 레이징 및 프레스 공정을 통하여 텍스타일 전극을 제조하며 Layer-0, Layer-1, Layer-2로 레이어 유무 및 수에 따른 결과를 분석했다. 이에 레이어 유무에 따라서는 근활성 측정에 영향을, 수가 많을수록 높은 성능이 나타남을 확인할 수 있었다. Layer-2 구조로 통일하여 5가지의 원단(네오프렌, 스판덱스 쿠션, 폴리에스테르 100%, 나일론 스판덱스, 광목 캔버스)으로 전극을 제조해 실험해 보았다. 성능적인 면에서, 원단의 중 량이 높은 나일론 스판덱스가 높은 성능을 보였으며, 스판쿠션 텍스타일 전극이 근활성도 수득에 높은 안정성을 보 였다. 이에 위 연구는 레이어에 따른 성능 연관성과 전극-피부사이의 닿는 면적 간의 관계 등을 고찰하여 슬리브 전체의 의복압을 늘리는 대신 특정 센서 측정 부위에만 높은 압력을 가함으로 차후 연구에서 레이어의 수 및 물성에 따른 전극의 공학적 설계 가능성을 제시한 의의가 있다.
For efficient design and manufacture of PWR spent fuel burnup detector, data simulated with various condition of spent fuel in the NPP storage pool is required. In this paper, to derive performance requirements of spent fuel burnup detector for neutron flux and dose rates were evaluated at various distances from CE16 and WH17 types of fuel, representatively. The evaluation was performed by the following steps. First, the specifications of the spent fuel, such as enrichment, burnup, cooling time, and fuel type, were analyzed to find the conditions that emit maximum radioactivity. Second, gamma and neutron source terms of spent fuel were analyzed. The gamma source terms by actinides and fission products and neutron source terms by spontaneous and (α, n) reactions were calculated by SCALE6 ORIGAMI module. Third, simulation input data and model were applied to the evaluation. The material composition and dose conversion factor were referred as PNNL-15870 and ICRP-74 data, respectively and dose rates were displayed with the MCNP output data. It was assumed that there was only one fuel modeled by MCNP 6.2 code in pool. The evaluation positions for each distance were selected as 5 cm, 10 cm, 25 cm, 50 cm, and 1 m apart from the side of fuel, respectively. Fourth, neutron flux and dose rates were evaluated at distance from each fuel type by MCNP 6.2 code. For WH 17 types with a 50 GWd/MTU burnup from 5 cm distance close to fuel, the maximum neutron flux, gamma dose rates and neutron dose rates are evaluated as 1.01×105 neutrons/sec, 1.41×105 mSv/hr and 1.61×101 mSv/hr, respectively. The flux and dose rate of WH type were evaluated to be larger than those of CE type by difference in number of fuel rods. The relative error for result was less than 3~7% on average secured the reliability. It is expected that the simulated data in this paper could contribute to accumulate the basic data required to derive performance requirements of spent fuel burnup detector.
In the wake of the Fukushima NPP accident, research on the safety evaluation of spent fuel storage facilities for natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis has been continuously conducted, but research on the protection integrity of spent fuel storage facilities is insufficient in terms of physical protection. In this study, accident scenarios that may occur structurally and thermally for spent fuel storage facilities were investigated and safety assessment cases for such scenarios were analyzed. Major domestic and international institutions and research institutes such as IAEA, NEA, and NRC provide 13 accident scenario types for Spent Fuel Pool, including loss-of-coolant accidents, aircraft collisions, fires, earthquakes. And 10 accident scenario types for Dry Storage Cask System, including transportation cask drop accidents, aircraft collisions, earthquakes. In the case of Spent Fuel Pool, the impact of the cooling function loss accident scenario was mainly evaluated through empirical experiments, and simulations were performed on the dropping of spent nuclear fuel assembly using simulation codes such as ABAQUS. For Dry Storage Cask System, accident scenarios involving structural behavior, such as degradation and fracture, and experimental and structural accident analyses were performed for storage cask drop and aircraft collision accidents. To evaluate the safety of storage container drop accidents, an empirical test on the container was conducted and the simulation was conducted using the limited element analysis software. Among the accident scenarios for spent fuel storage facilities, aircraft and missile collisions, fires, and explosions are representative accidents that can be caused by malicious external threats. In terms of physical protection, it is necessary to analyze various accident scenarios that may occur due to malicious external threats. Additionally, through the analysis of design basis threats and the protection level of nuclear facilities, it is necessary to derive the probability of aircraft and missile collision and the threat success probability of fire and explosion, and to perform protection integrity evaluation studies, such as for the walls and structures, for spent fuel storage facilities considering safety evaluation methods when a terrorist attack occurs with the derived probability.
In an automotive plant, an automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) synchronizes material handling flows from a part production line to an auto-assembly line. The part production line transfers parts on small-/large-sized pallets. The products on pallets are temporarily stored on the ASRS, and the ASRS retrieves the products upon request from the auto-assembly line. Each ASRS aisle is equipped with narrow-/wide-width racks for two pallet sizes. An ASRS aisle with narrow-/wide-width racks improves both storage space utilization and crane utilization while requiring delicate ASRS aisle design, i.e., the locations of the narrow-/wide-width racks in an ASRS aisle, and proper operation policies affect the ASRS performance over demand fluctuations. We focus on operation policies involving a common storage zone using wide-width racks for two pallet sizes and a storage-retrieval job-change for a crane based on assembly-line batch size. We model a discrete-event simulation model and conduct extensive experiments to evaluate operation policies. The simulation results address the best ASRS aisle design and suggest the most effective operation policies for the aisle design.
로터 블레이드는 조류발전 터빈의 매우 중요한 구성 요소로서, 해수의 높은 밀도로 인해 큰 추력(Trust force)와 하중(Load)의 영 향을 받는다. 따라서 블레이드의 형상 및 구조 설계를 통한 성능과 복합소재를 적용한 블레이드의 구조적 안전성을 반드시 확보해야 한 다. 본 연구에서는 블레이드 설계 기법인 BEM(Blade Element Momentum) 이론을 이용해 1MW급 대형 터빈 블레이드를 설계하였으며, 터빈 블레이드의 재료는 강화섬유 중의 하나인 GFRP(Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics)를 기본으로 CFRP(Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics)를 샌드위치 구조에 적용해 블레이드 단면을 적층(Lay-up)하였다. 또한 유동의 변화에 따른 구조적 안전성을 평가하기 위해 유체-구조 연성해석 (Fluid-Structure Interactive Analysis, FSI) 기법을 이용한 선형적 탄성범위 안의 정적 하중해석을 수행하였으며, 블레이드의 팁 변형량, 변형 률, 파손지수를 분석해 구조적 안전성을 평가하였다. 결과적으로, CFRP가 적용된 Model-B의 경우 팁 변형량과 블레이드의 중량을 감소시 켰으며, 파손지수 IRF(Inverse Reserce Factor)가 Model-A의 3.0*Vr를 제외한 모든 하중 영역에서 1.0 이하를 지시해 안전성을 확보할 수 있었 다. 향후 블레이드의 재료변경과 적층 패턴의 재설계뿐 아니라 다양한 파손이론을 적용해 구조건전성을 평가할 예정이다.
최근 토목공학 분야 내 현장조건을 구현할 수 있는 스마트 건설 기술의 요소기술로서 3D 프린팅 기술의 적용 분야 가 확대되고 있다. 센서기술의 보조도구, 모듈러 시공상 적용 등으로 다양하게 활용되고 있는 가운데 3D 프린팅 기술을 단순 부재 제작이 아닌 각각의 부재들이 최대 성능을 발휘할 수 있는 최적설계 도출 방안으로 활용하고자 한다. 이를 위해 3D 프린 팅 재질인 필라멘트를 활용하더라도 신뢰성 있는 최적설계가 도출이 가능한지에 대한 연구가 선행되어야 하며, 이에 본 연구에 서는 지반보강재 중 하나인 지오셀 관련 선행연구 결과와 필라멘트의 물성치가 적용된 해석 결과와의 비교를 통해 재료적 신뢰 성을 검증하고자 한다. 해석 결과, 지오셀 구성요소에 따른 보강성능의 경향이 기존 선행연구 결과와 일치함을 확인하였기에 필 라멘트를 활용하더라고 충분히 신뢰성 있는 최적설계가 도출이 가능할 것이라 판단된다.
New buildings have been designed using different seismic design standards that have been revised. However, the seismic performance of existing buildings is evaluated through the same performance evaluation guidelines. Existing buildings may not satisfy the performance targets suggested in the current guidelines, but there are practical limitations to discriminating the existing buildings with poor seismic performance through a full investigation. In this regard, to classify buildings with poor seismic performance according to the applied standard, this study aimed to evaluate performance-based investigation of the seismic design proposals of buildings with different design standards. The target buildings were set as RC ordinary moment frames for office occupancy. Changes in seismic design criteria by period were analyzed, and the design spectrum changes of reinforced concrete ordinary moment resisting frames were compared to analyze the seismic load acting on the building during design. The seismic design plan was derived through structural analysis of the target model, compared the member force and cross-sectional performance, and a preliminary evaluation of the seismic performance was performed to analyze the performance level through DCR. As a result of the seismic performance analysis through the derived design, the reinforced concrete ordinary moment frame design based on AIK 2000 has an insufficient seismic performance level, so buildings built before 2005 are likely to need seismic reinforcement.
PURPOSES : This study evaluates the long-term performance of the asphalt overlay designed by the Seoul pavement design method which determines overlay thickness by considering existing pavement conditions, traffic volume, and bearing capacity of the pavement.
METHODS : A total of 76 sections including 17 control sections and 59 design sections were constructed under various traffic conditions, overlay thicknesses and asphalt mixtures. The performance of the pavements has been monitored up to 60 months in terms of surface distresses, rutting, and longitudinal roughness. The service life of the pavements was estimated to be the period when the Seoul pavement condition index (SPI) becomes 6.0, i.e., a rehabilitation level.
RESULTS : Overall, the service life of the pavements was 72 months in the control and 120 months for the design sections. For relatively thinner overlay sections than designed, the service life reduced significantly; 36 months for 15cm thick overlay and 120 months for 25cm thick overlay. The service life of the pavement in the bus-only lane was 78 months, which is 30 months shorter than that in mixed-traffic lanes. Out of the bus-only lanes, 56% of the pavement along bus stop was deteriorated early to be a poor condition while only 2% of the pavement in a driving lane was degraded to be poor. The overlay with Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) in the wearing surface had 38% longer life than that with conventional dense graded mixtures.
CONCLUSIONS : Most of the overlays sections designed by the Seoul pavement design method were expected to survive 10 years, except for bus-only lanes. The control sections having 5 to 10 cm thick overlays showed significant lower performance than the design sections. Thus proper thickness and materials considering the characteristics of existing pavement and traffic volumes should be applied to secure the service life of overlays.