The purpose of this study was to evaluate winter annual forage crops for yield, and horse palatability under horse grazing during the fall and spring in Jeju. The winter annual forage crops such as Italian ryegrass(IRG), rye, and oat were planted in randomized block design in October 30. The horse grazing was initiated on March 17 of the following year. At the first cutting, the dry matter yield of rye was the highest with 4,600 kg/ha compared to the IRG and oat (p<0.05). But there were no significantly different in the yield of winter annual forage crops after the second and third harvests. The total dry matter yield showed rye 12,593 kg/ha, IRG 10,941 kg/ha, and oat 9,424 kg/ha respectively. The horse intake duration of the IRG was significantly higher than the oat and rye (p<0.05). In the first grazing and the second grazing, the intake duration of the IRG was 853.2 seconds and 989.4 seconds, respectively, with oat at 147.6 seconds, and 73.0 seconds, and rye at 89.4 seconds, and 33.18 seconds. The intake duration of IRG was longer than that of oat and rye (p<0.05). The intake rate of the IRG was 60.0% in the first and 82.8% in the second, and the average intake rate was 71.4%. When considering the maintenance of pastures and the palatability of horses, the IRG is the most suitable forage crop in winter annual forage crops in Jeju.
The present study was designed to determine the effect of barn or cycle of grazing on changes of biochemical metabolites in prepartum and changes of milk composition in postpartum of dairy cows. For this purpose, a total of sixteen 25 months old Holstein primiparous dairy cows were allocated in two groups (n=8) with an average body weight of 571.61 ± 35.30 kg (Barn) and 578.10 ± 39.20 kg (Grazing). The study was conducted from June 2018 to October 2018. Results revealed that barn raised dairy cows had a higher increase in their serum albumin and calcium level on day 14 prepartum. However, the level of palmitic acid, saturated fatty acid increased significantly, and the level of fat, oleic acid, γ-linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and unsaturated fatty acids decreased significantly in barn raised dairy cow’s milk on day 14 postpartum. There were no significant differences observed with respect to all other biochemical metabolites, fatty acids and minerals between barn raised and cycle grazing dairy cows during prepartum and postpartum. Our study results could serve to a better understanding of barn raised cow with respect to changes of biochemical metabolites in prepartum and changes of milk composition, fatty acids and minerals content in grazing dairy cows in postpartum for estimating their physiological status.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of mountain grazing on growth performance and carcass characteristics of Hanwoo steers. Thirty two Hanwoo steers were randomly assigned. Control were fed concentrate + forage until 30 month of age. Treatment1 were fed concentrate + forage after mountain grazing from 8 to 13 months. Treatment2 and 3 were fed concentrate + forage after mountain grazing from 8 to 17 months. Hanwoo steers on Treatment 1 and 2 were slaughtered at the same age (30 months) as the control, and Hanwoo steers on Treatment 3 were slaughtered at 31 months. The average daily gain (ADG) were higher in the control than in the other treatments during the growing period (p<0.05). Carcass back fat thickness was thicker in the TRT 3 and marbling score was higher in the TRT 1 than in the other treatments; however, the differences were not statistically significant. There was no difference in the meat composition and shear force of the longissimus muscle according to the mountain grazing. However, the yellowness (b) of fat colors were significantly lower in the control than in the TRT 1 and TRT 2 (p<0.05). The effect of grazing on fatty acid composition was not constant. In conclusion, mountain grazing could reduce meat color without affecting the growth and meat quality of Hanwoo steers, and further research on the quality, yield and intake of grassland would be needed.
This study was to investigate the effect of the horse grazing intensity on the vegetation of the S. quelpaertensis, and the physiological changes of the horse. This experiment was conducted at the community of the S. quelpaertensis (altitude of 550m) with the grazing intensity of 1.0AU(500kg), 1.5AU(750kg) and 2.0AU(1,000kg) at 30m × 30m for one week, and then the growth characteristics of the S. quelpaertensis, the changes of the vegetation, the damages on trees and the changes in the physiological characteristics of the horses was investigated and compared before and after the horse grazing. As the results, the 2.0AU grazing land showed that the culm number had the inverse correlation (r=-0.902, P〈0.01) to the other lands and the species diversity index of lower-level vegetation showed the correlation (r=0.773, P〈0.01) as increasing the grazing intensity.
The normal feeding approach of goats might be due to their precise anatomical and physiological characteristics of entity, which permit them to be highly selective, to eat legume silages and wild green grass. This review has been designed to consider the grazing behavior, fodder selection, and feed composition of goats. Various herbs and corns consumed by goats have numerous nutritive resources. Based on the general herbaceous intake activities and behavior of goats, they prefer wild grass such as grass grown in the steep hills than soft grass. Because the digestion capacity of cellulose feed has higher digestion level compared to other non-ruminants within rumen and it is advantageous to use wild forest or mountain grass which comprises high proportion of cellulose feed for goat. In South Korea, there are abundant feed resources for goats because of occupying large areas of mountains. Thus, goat production and feeding costs could be reduced if plants are used from the wild forest as a feed for goats relative to grassland grazing. Also, it is expected to contribute in improvement of goat farming with harmonious relationship between the grassland and wild forest while satisfying animal welfare and physiological desires of livestock.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of supplementary feeding levels on livestck and forage productivity and grazing intensity in Elk stags (Cervus canadensis). A fifteen 2-year-old Elk stags about 195 kg were randomly assigned to one of three dietary treatments (five animals per treatment). The dietary treatments consisted of a feeding concentrate of 1.0% of body weight (T1), 1.5% of body weight (T2) and 2.0% of body weight. Total dry matter intake (TDMI) was increased with increased with an increasing supplementary feeding levels. Average daily gain (ADG) were significantly increased with an increasing supplementary feeding levels (p<0.05) and reached a maximum on July and was lower in spring than autumn. The velvet antler production was no differences among treatment groups. Forage productivity of pasture and crude protein content were highest on May and decreased thereafter, however, crude fiber content was the reversed. The grazing intensity of Elk stags was increased in spring (38 to 59 head per ha) than summer and autumn (13 to 32 head per ha). The average grazing intensity of Elk stags ranged from 21 to 34 head per ha, which is affected by supplementary feeding levels. This result suggests that feeding supplementary diet at 1.5 % of body weight was needed to maintain the stable wight gain in antler growing periods and control the proper grazing intensity of Elk deer stags.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of goat grazing on the surface water quality of the alpine grasslands. Seven sites were selected across the goat farm for water sample collection and analysis. Samples were analyzed for BOD (Biological oxygen demand), total nitrogen, total phosphorous, electrical conductivity and water turbidity. All the above-mentioned parameters remained below the standard limit of Korean government at the end site. Puddles showed higher values, but below standard, as stagnant water has lower physico-chemical properties as of flowing water. The present study clearly showed that goat grazing doesn’t affect water quality in grasslands if grazing is according to carrying capacity of grassland and fertilizer application is judicious.
본 연구는 말 방목에 따른 초지 부실화 및 이용연한이 짧아진 초지에 대해 생산성을 높이기 위해 오차드그라스+페레니얼 라이그라스 혼파 경운초지(paddock No.39)과 보파초지 조성(paddock No.44) 및 톨 페스큐 단파 경운초지(paddock No.64)를 조성한 후 2016년과 2017년에 거쳐 목초율, 건물생산성 및 사료가치에 대해 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다.
목초비율은 No.64가 2016년 81%, 2017년 75%로 No.39 67% 및 60%, No.44 58% 및 54%보다 최대 21%나 높았다. 연평균 건물생산량은 No.64구가 13,234kg/ha로 가장 높았으며 그 다음 No.39, No.44로 각각 10,636kg/ha 및 10,235kg/ha 순이었다. 조단백질 함량은 No.39(갱신혼파) 12.16%로 가장 높았고, N0.44(보파혼파)와 No.64(톨 페스큐 단파)가 각각 10.75%와 10.73%를 보였다. NDF함량(2년평균)은 No.44구가 55.90%로 No.64 및 No.39 각각 58.42%와 57.00%에 비해 다소 낮았다. ADF함량(2년 평균)은 No.44구가 NDF함량과 동일한 경향인 31.07%로 No.39 및 No.64 각각 31.71% 및 32.65% 보다 낮았다. P의 함량(평균값)은 No.44 및 No.64구가 0.29%로 No.39 0.27% 보다 높았고, K 함량은 2.23%~3.83%의 농도를 보였으며 처리 간에는 No.44구가 2년 평균 3.03%로 가장 높았고 그 다음 No.39와 No.64가 각각 3.01% 및 2.81%를 보였다. Ca함량(2년 평균)은 No.39구가 0.28%로 가장 높았고 No.44구 및 No.64구가 각각 0.26% 및 0.22%를 보였다. Mg함량(2년평균)은 No.39구가 0.26%로 No.44 및 No.64구 0.22% 보다 높은 함량을 보였고, Na함량(2년평균)은 No.64, No.44 및 No.39구에서 각각 0.03%, 0.05% 및 0.063% 순의 높은 함량을 보였으며, 연도 간에는 큰 편차가 없는 것으로 조사되었다. 결과를 종합해보면 목초의 영양가치면에서는 갱신혼파(No.39)가 높았으나 목초 구성률 및 생산성을 고려하면 톨 페스큐 단파구(No.64)가 바람직한 것으로 났다.
본 연구는 부실초지를 갱신을 통해 목초율, 목초생산성 및 방목에 의한 증체효과를 규명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다.
방목개시전인 1차(5.11) 조사 시에는 No.64구가 목초비율 81%로 가장 높았으며, No.39 71%, No.44 65% 순이었다. No.64구를 제외하고는 2차 및 3차 조사 시 목초율이 55%내외로 비교적 낮았다. 연가 총 건물생산량은 No.44가 13,459kg/ha로 가장 높았으며 그다음 No.64 및 No.39로 각각 13,232kg/ha, 12,042kg/ha의 생산성을 보였으나 오차드그라스와 페레니얼라이그라스 혼파구인 No.44구와 No.39구는 하고현상 등으로 인해 2차 조사 이후 급격한 수량감소를 보였다. 10,000㎡ 당 증체량은 No.39구가 70kg으로 No.64 및 No.44 각각 47.5kg과 36.2kg을 큰 격차를 보였으나 일당증체량은 No.39와 No.44는 각각 1.09kg과 1.08로 거의 같은 증체량을 보였고 No.64도 1.03kg의 일당증체량을 보였다.
The study was conducted to determine effects on forage productivity, feed value, grazing intensity and livestock productivity in growing Korean native female goat grazing in native pasture. Its with average initial body weight of 14.10±3.6kg and an average age of 4 months were used in this study. Dry matter content of native pasture was the highest at 33.48 ± 2.56% in June, and the content was significantly increased from spring to autumn (p<0.05). Crude protein was maintained between 11% and 12% on average. Nutrient content was maintained at a certain level in native pasture, but there were differences due to the different types of wild grasses produced in each season. The productivity of forage crops increased from June, but decreased after August and showed a characteristic of grassland where productivity decreased rapidly in spring and autumn. The average grazing intensity are 39 head/ha. Black goat average daily gain was 80.2g/d. The stable weight gain in grazing is that the nutrient requirement of the black goat was met by supplementing the concentrated feed during grazing. study, can be expected that the productivity of livestock can be increased through the proper feeding of supplementary feed and maintenance of grazing intensity
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of pasture grazing and barn feeding system on the growth performance, weight gain and velvet antler productivity in Elk. Twelve 5-year-old elk stags about 273 kg were stratified by weight and randomly assigned by feeding system (a pasture grazing and a barn feeding, n=6). The average feed intake were not signigicant difference between two groups. Average daily gain for grazing and barn feeding group was 0.25 g and 0.29 g respectively, showing no significant difference. Velvet antler yield for grazing and barn feeding group was 7,700 g and 6, 960 g respectively, with no significant difference. In conclusion grazing group was better than barn feeding group in feed intake, body weight gain and velvet antler productivity. However, there were no statistical significant difference between the two group. These results may serve as the basis for further study of deer feeding system in Korea and further study needed to examine the grazing intensity and economic efficiency.
This study was conducted to find out an alternative way of rapid and accurate analysis of chemical composition of permanent pastures in hilly grazing area. Near reflectance infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to evaluate the potential for predicting proximate analysis of permanent pastures in a vegetative stage. 386 pasture samples obtained from hilly grazing area in 2015 and 2016 were scanned for their visible–NIR spectra from 400~2,400nm. 163 samples with different spectral characteristics were selected and analysed for moisture, crude protein (CP), crude ash (CA), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF). Multiple linear regression was used with wet analysis data and spectra for developing the calibration and validation mode1. Wavelength of 400 to 2500nm and near infrared range with different critical T outlier value 2.5 and 1.5 were used for developing the most suitable equation. The important index in this experiment was SEC and SEP. The R2 value for moisture, CP, CA, CF, Ash, ADF, NDF in calibration set was 0.86, 0.94, 0.91, 0.88, 0.48 and 0.93, respectively. The value in validation set was 0.66, 0.86, 0.83, 0.71, 0.35 and 0.88, respectively. The results of this experiment indicate that NIRS is a reliable analytical method to assess forage quality for CP, CF, NDF except ADF and moisture in permanent pastures when proper samples incorporated into the equation development.