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        검색결과 13

        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ti-based alloys are widely used in biomaterials owing to their excellent biocompatibility. In this study, Ti- Mn-Cu alloys are prepared by high-energy ball milling, magnetic pulsed compaction, and pressureless sintering. The microstructure and microhardness of the Ti-Mn-Cu alloys with variation of the Cu addition and compaction pressure are analyzed. The correlation between the composition, compaction pressure, and density is investigated by measuring the green density and sintered density for samples with different compositions, subjected to various compaction pressures. For all compositions, it is confirmed that the green density increases proportionally as the compaction pressure increases, but the sintered density decreases owing to gas formation from the pyrolysis of TiH2 powders and reduction of oxides on the surface of the starting powders during the sintering process. In addition, an increase in the amount of Cu addition changes the volume fractions of the α-Ti and β-Ti phases, and the microstructure of the alloys with different compositions also changes. It is demonstrated that these changes in the phase volume fraction and microstructure are closely related to the mechanical properties of the Ti-Mn-Cu alloys.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sintered bulks of nanopowders were fabricated by magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC) and subsequent two-step sintering employed in this study and the formability effects of nanopowder on mixing condition, pressure and sintering temperature were investigated. The addition of PVA induced and increase in the formability of the sintered bulk. But cracked bulks were obtained on sintering with addition of over 10 wt% PVA due to generation of crack during sintering. The optimum compaction pressure during MPC was 1.0 GPa and mixing conditions included using 5.0 wt% PVA. The optimum processing condition included MPC process, followed by two-step sintering (first at 1000 and then at ). The sintered bulks with the diameter of 30 mm under these conditions were found to have non crack, ~99% density.
        2011.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we reported the microstructure and properties of Ag- contact materials fabricated by a controlled milling process with subsequent consolidation. The milled powders were consolidated to bulk samples using a magnetic pulsed compaction process. The nano-scale phases were distributed homogeneously in the Ag matrix after the consolidation. The relative density and hardness of the Ag- contact materials were 95~96% and 89~131 Hv, respectively.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article presents the successful consolidation of the mixed Co and Diamond powders for a drilling segment by the combined application of magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC) and subsequent sintering, and their properties were analyzed. Homogeneous hardness (Hv 220) and density (97%) of sintered bulks fabricated by MPC were obtained by the new technique, where higher pressure has been employed for short period of time than that of general process. A fine microstructure and homogeneous hardness in the consolidated bulk were observed without cracks. Relatively higher drilling speed of 9.61 cm/min and life time of 6.55 m were found to the MPCed specimens, whereas the value of the specimens fabricated by general process was 11.71 cm/min and 7.96 m, respectively. A substantial improvement of mechanical properties of segment was achieved through this study.
        2008.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, fine-structure TiO2 bulks were fabricated in a combined application of magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC) and subsequent sintering and their densification behavior was investigated. The obtained density of TiO2 bulk prepared via the combined processes increased as the MPC pressure increased from 0.3 to 0.7 GPa. Relatively higher density (88%) in the MPCed specimen at 0.7 GPa was attributed to the decrease of the inter-particle distance of the pre-compacted component. High pressure and rapid compaction using magnetic pulsed compaction reduced the shrinkage rate (about 10% in this case) of the sintered bulks compared to general processing (about 20%). The mixing conditions of PVA, water, and TiO2 nano powder for the compaction of TiO2 nano powder did not affect the density and shrinkage of the sintered bulks due to the high pressure of the MPC.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article presents the challenges toward the successful consolidation of nanopowder using magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC). In this research the ultrafine-structured bulks have been fabricated by the combined application of magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC) and subsequent sintering, and their properties were investigated. The obtained density of bulk prepared by the combined processes was increased with increasing MPC pressure from 0.5 to 1.25 GPa. Relatively higher hardness and fracture toughness in the MPCed specimen at 1.25 GPa were attributed to the retention of the nanostructure in the consolidated bulk without cracks. The higher fracture toughness could be attributed to the crack deflection by homogeneous distribution and the retention of nanostructure, regardless of the presence of porosities. In addition, the as consolidated bulk using magnetic pulsed compaction showed enhanced breakdown voltage.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Characteristics of Al-based composites with waste stainless steel short fiber, fabricated by magnetic pulsed compaction and sintering were investigated. The compacts prepared by magnetic pulsed compaction showed high relative density and homogeneous microstructure compared with that by conventional press compaction. The relative density of sintered composites at for 1 h exhibited the same value with compacts and decreased with increase in STS short fiber content. The reaction between Al and STS phase was confirmed by the microstructural analysis using EDS. The sintered composites, prepared by magnetic pulsed compaction, showed increased hardness value with increasing STS fiber content. Maximum yield strength of 100 MPa and tensile strength of 232 MPa were registered in the AI-based composite with 30 vol% STS short fiber.
        2006.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research reports for the successful consolidation of Al2O3 powder with retained ultra-fine structure using MPC and sintering. Measurements in the consolidated Al2O3 bulk indicated that hardness, fracture toughenss, and breakdown voltage have been much improved relative to the conventional polycrystalline materials. Finally, optimization of the compaction parameters and sintering conditions will lead to the consolidation of Al2O3 nanopowder with higher density and even further enhanced mechanical properties.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study the nanostructured ceramics have been fabricated by the combined application of magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC) and subsequent spark plasma sintering (SPS), and their density and hardness properties were investigated. The prepared by the combined processes showed an increase by in density, approaching the value close to the true density, and an enhancement by in hardness, compared to those fabricated by MPC or static compaction method followed by sintering treatment.
        2005.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nano Fe-6.5wt%Si powders have been synthesized by mechano-chemical process (MCP) for an application of soft magnetic core. Owing to hard and brittle characteristics of Fe-6.5Si nano powders having large surface area, it is very difficult to reach high density more than 70% of theoretical density (~7.4 g/) by cold compaction. To overcome such problem a magnetic pulsed compaction (MPC), which is one of dynamic compaction techniques, was applied. The green density was achieved about 78% (~5.8 g/) by MPC at room temperature.
        2002.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nano Cu powders, synthesized by Pulsed Wire Evaporation (PWE) method, have been compacted by Magnetic Pulsed Cojpaction(MPC) method. The microstructure and mechanical properties were analyzed. The optimal condition for proper mechanical properties with nanostructure was found. Both pure nano Cu powders and passivated nano Cu powders were compacted, and the effect of passivated layer on the mechanical properties was investigated. The compacts by MPC, which had ultra-fine and uniform nanostructure, showed higher density of 95% of theoretical density than that of static compaction. The pur and passivated Cu compacted at exhibited maximum hardnesses of 248 and 260 Hv, respectively. The wear resistance of those compacts corresponded to the hardness.