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        검색결과 80

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 정신장애인의 먹고살기가 가지는 의미를 이해하고, 그것의 사회적 특성을 재인식하고자 하는 목적이 있다. 정신장애인의 먹고살기 는 정신장애인이 평범한 인간으로 사회와 관계하며 살아가는 세상과의 통로이다. 정신장애인의 탈시설화와 지역사회통합이라는 관점을 유지하 면서도 정신장애인의 먹고살기가 가지는 일상성과 사회적 영역을 재인식 하는 것이 필요하다. 정신장애인의 먹고살기에 대한 당사자적 이해를 바 탕으로 하면 현 상황으로부터 탈피가 아니라 먹고살기 위해서 어느 정도 준비된 사람의 자연스러운 욕구이자 계획이다. 결론적으로 경제적이면서 개인적이고, 일상적이면서 평범한 정신장애인의 먹고살기는 결국 사회적 영역에서부터 재인식하는 것이 필요하다.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 한·중·일 고전 문학 속에 등장하는 음식을 만드는 여성들의 모습을 살 펴보고자 하였다. 여성이 음식을 만드는 행위는 사랑과 정성의 실천이자, 누군가를 치유하는 수단이 되기도 하였다. 그리고 이러한 여성들의 음식 만드는 행위는 신을 감동하게 하여 복을 받거나 기적을 이루는 통로가 되기도 하였다. 한편 여성이 어떤 음식을 만들고 먹는가에 따라 자신의 전통적 신분과 사회적 지위가 드러나기도 하였 으며, 일부 낭만과 운치를 아는 여성들은 음식을 만드는 행위를 자연과 조화를 이루 는 예술, 새로운 창조의 경지로까지 승화시키기도 하였다. 마지막으로 봉건적 가부장 사회에서 여성이 음식을 만드는 행위는 단순히 음식을 만든다는 것을 넘어 현모양처 의 기준이었고, 여성의 정체성을 보여주는 척도가 되거나, 여성존재의 이유가 되기도 하였다. 이처럼 한·중·일 고전문학 작품 속에서 여성들이 만든 음식은 사랑하는 가족 을 먹여 살리고, 공동체와 사회를 키워냈으며, 자신을 치유하기도 하며, 죽은 이에게 는 최고의 봉양이며, 신에게 헌신으로 바치는 고귀한 제물이었다. 인간은 누구나 이 세상에 태어나서 엄마의 가슴에 안겨 먹는 젖으로부터, 사후 귀신이 되어 먹는 제사 음식에 이르는 기나긴 인생의 여정을 어머니, 아내, 그리고 딸과 며느리가 만든 음식 을 먹으며, 그녀들의 손을 잡고 함께 걸어갔던 것이었다.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Virtual reality (VR) has been set with an expectation of becoming the technology to enable new electronic businesses on metaverse platforms. VR is an application of three-dimensional computer graphics to create a convincing virtual environment where users can interact (Cowan & Ketron, 2019). The most used immersive VR devices are head-mounted displays. Importantly, in addition to visual sense, auditory, haptic, and olfactory senses stimulating devices are used in conjunction with head-mounted displays to reach a multi-sensory VR experience (Xi & Hamari, 2021). VR has been part of the brand strategy for various marketing endeavours (Cowan & Ketron, 2019) such as viewing furniture or kitchen setups by IKEA or creating virtual customer experiences in the real estate sector. However, VR’s impact on the consumer thought model has not been thoroughly examined. This extended abstract contributes to this shortcoming.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글에서는 현재 우리 사회에서 공정함과 관련해 많은 비판이 가해지고 있 는 위선과 기만이라는 태도를 검토한다. 그러나 이때의 비판은 개인마다 상이한 기준과 수준에 따라 이루어지는 것으로 보인다. 이 명명은 사실 특정한 행위와 모습에 대한 인식, 판단과 평가를 거쳐 일어나기 때문이다. 특히 공정함을 해쳤 다고 평가되는 위선자는 어쩌다 타인을 속이게 된 이가 아니라, 의도를 지니고 공정함을 가장하는 인물로 비난받게 된다. 따라서 실제 위선과 기만은 그 자체 가 독립적인 대상으로 실재한다기보다는 사회구성원 각자의 인식, 판단과 평가 가 집합되는 과정에서 발생한다고 말할 수 있다. 그런 점에서 이러한 위선과 기 만이라는 평가의 발생을 먼저 한 개인의 ‘고백’이라는 행위에서부터 살피려 한 다. 진정성 평가의 대상이 되는 고백 역시 단순히 개인의 양심이나 심정을 드러 내는 것이 아니라, 주체들이 자신들이 처한 상황을 특정하게 주지하는 한에서 이루어지기 때문이다. 그리고 미셸 푸코가 지적했던 것처럼 고백의 과정은 개인 주체들과 사회적 기준과 구조들이 관계를 맺는 과정이기도 하다. 결국 우리는 일괄적인 공정함을 논하지만, 이는 각 구성원들의 입장에 따라 서로 다른 기준 에서의 판단임을 직시하는 것이 필요하다. 이를 위해 고백의 형식으로 진술되는 성 아우구스티누스, 루소 및 근현대 소설 텍스트들을 확인한다. 이는 위선, 기만 과 관련하여 고백이라는 기제가 개인의 내면적 진정성 표출과 그에 관한 규범 화를 동시에 작동시키는 양상들을 함께 보여줄 것이다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today’s manufacturers must respond quickly to customer needs. In particular, make-to-order companies are constantly striving to satisfy customer demand for products in order to secure more favorable conditions in the future through bidding. In this bidding process, quotations play a very important role in providing favorable conditions. And the most important content that companies strive to satisfy their customers is the product's performance. Therefore, a company can attract customers and secure economic profits through good quotations, but it can be said that the first priority is to match the performance of the products requested by the customers. That is, when a company creates a quotation, it is important to structure the quotation according to the performance of the product. Thus, this paper intends to present a quotation management framework and a quotation BOM information model for constructing quotations efficiently in make-to-order manufacturing. And, in order to prove the usefulness of the proposed quotation management framework, we presents an case of the construction of an quotation management system based on the JAVA platform. As a result, the integrated quotation management system based on the proposed quotation management framework and quotation BOM has been successfully operated in a make-to-order company that manufactures marine engines.
        2020.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as corporate activities that contribute to sustainable development and social well-being (Dahlsrud, 2008). Donation-linked activities in which a portion of the revenue is donated to the local community when consumers purchase products can be part of CSR activities (Folse, Niedrich, & Grau, 2010). Consumers now also want to consume "good" CSR activities, purchase "good" corporate products, and “reward” the companies engaged in CSR activities (Bhattacharya & Sen, 2004). Consequently, it is important that companies promote products that are associated with CSR so that consumers can identify the company is doing good (Lii & Lee, 2012). This is because CSR-related products can lead to consumers’ positive responses or evaluation (e.g. Brown & Dacin, 1997), high buying intentions (e.g. Mohr & Webb, 2005), and positive impact on brand attitude or brand equity (e.g. Hur, Kim, & Woo, 2014).
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Research on cosmetic behavior has developed significantly since the 2000s. Reviewing cosmetic behavior research can be meaningful because it can grasp trends in the domestic cosmetics market, and it can also illuminate how domestic consumers’ interest in makeup has changed over time. The purpose of this study is to investigate the links between major keywords and the keywords which affect makeup behavior of different age groups through network analysis. In this study we analyzed thesis and journal data based on makeup behavior through network analysis using Nodexl. We analyzed 10 years of journals and theses - from 2000 to 2017, and investigated age-related differences in variables related to makeup behavior. Research subjects were divided into age-based groups: 10, 20-40, and over 50. The total number of theses collected was 82. In order to perform network analysis using the Nodexl program, we extracted the frequency of representative words using the KrKwic program. The extracted core words were analyzed for degree centrality, betweenness centrality and eigenvector centrality using Nodexl. The expected result is that the network analysis using keywords will lead to different variables depending on age and the main goal of the cosmetics market, and it is expected to be used as the basis for follow-up research related to cosmetic behavior.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The manufacturing companies under Make-To-Order (MTO) production environment face highly variable requirements of the customers. It makes them difficult to establish preemptive production strategy through inventory management and demand forecasting. Therefore, the ability to establish an optimal production schedule that incorporates the various requirements of the customers is emphasized as the key success factor. In this study, we suggest a process of designing the simulation model for establishing production schedule and apply this model to the case of a flat glass processing company. The flat glass manufacturing industry is under MTO production environment. Academic research of flat glass industry is focused on minimizing the waste in the cutting process. In addition, in the practical view, the flat glass manufacturing companies tend to establish the production schedule based on the intuition of production manager and it results in failure of meeting the due date. Based on these findings, the case study aims to present the process of drawing up a production schedule through simulation modeling. The actual data of Korean flat glass processing company were used to make a monthly production schedule. To do this, five scenarios based on dispatching rules are considered and each scenario is evaluated by three key performance indicators for delivery compliance. We used B2MML (Business To Manufacturing Markup Language) schema for integrating manufacturing systems and simulations are carried out by using SIMIO simulation software. The results provide the basis for determining a suitable production schedule from the production manager's perspective.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article has shown the actuality of Chinese character teaching activities by using the method of name-choosing with 井. First of all, teachers must design the name question into the curriculum activity. While I started from the question of “assuming Xu Shen’s opening of a bookstore and how to get its name”, the students collectively completed the kanji character on the blackboard. Furthermore, the questioning method is used to promote student thinking, and the teacher is to give students feedback on the knowledge of the Chinese characters, sounds, and meanings. Finally, the teacher will explain the origin and development of the word “彧” in the structure of shape, sound, and meaning. The Chinese character teaching method provided in this article is an innovative and effective learning that can promote the teacher-student interaction. If we can implement this method through the teacher education, we will have a refreshing experience in the dissemination of international character education!
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The term of culture industry was first presented by Adorno and Horkheimer. In the Culture Industry Theory, culture was explained as products of media (TV, Newspaper, Radio) and markets which were constantly adjusting consumption. And now the culture developed more industrialized in television dramas, movies, pop songs and their associated celebrities and their SNS, TV programs and fashion styles. The customer, especially Young Generation is involved in culture industry more widely, conveniently and closely, such as Web Series. The consumption of Web Series increased with multipliers especially the popular culture in Asia and Young Generation. Accompanied by developing rapidly, fierce competition happened in Web Series Industry. The purpose of this study is exploring what motivations drive Young Generation to Wen Series. This study will try to explore a measurement system of the equity of Web Series based on customer equity theory for estimating the future competitiveness and figure out what motivations drive customer’s perception of Web Series.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In nowadays consumption-based society, products (e.g. food and electronic products) are often thrown away before they are sufficiently used. The aversive consequence of such a lifestyle is becoming more alarming. There is an urgent need for a change in people’s consumption style. How can we make people correct their existing wasteful consumption behaviors and act responsibly? In fact, feelings very often can influence people’s behavior and judgments (Schwarz, 1990), even though the feelings are aroused by irrelevant sources - incidental emotion (Garg, Inman, & Mittal, 2005; Lerner & Keltner, 2000; Schwarz & Clore, 1983). Feelings of guilt and shame are known as moral emotions which are the guidance to ethical behaviors (Tangney, 1991, 2003). Although there is a significant overlapping between these two emotions, they also differ in several important aspects. One critical difference lies in the way the transgressor makes attributions (Niedenthal, Tangney, & Gavanski 1994). A transgressor who attributes the wrongdoing to a specific behavior (i.e. “I’ve done something bad”) is more likely to experience guilt while a transgressor who makes attribution to the global self (i.e. “I’m a terrible person”) is more likely to experience shame (Tracy & Robins, 2004). Given these fundamental differences, we speculate that a guilt-laden consumer is more likely to correct his or her wrongdoing (i.e. wastage) by taking reparative actions to minimize waste but a shame-laden consumer may possibly give up doing so. Findings from an experimental study (N=90) largely support this prediction. Undergraduate students who were made to feel shame were less likely to participate in a recycling campaign organized by the university than the students in the control condition. They reported a lower intention to use recycling facilities provided. On the other hand, participants who were made to feel guilt reported a marginally higher intention to participate in the campaign than the control participants. These preliminary findings suggest that emotional experience derived from other life domains might determine responsible consumption behaviors. Shame, which is commonly regarded as a moral emotion, may not necessarily make people more responsible consumers. The mechanism that underlies this effect may warrant further investigation.
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