
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한국에 자생하는 대표적인 식충식물인 끈끈이주 걱(Drosera rotundifolia)에 있어서 기내 대량번식 체계를 확립 하기 위해 잎 부위별로 절편체(엽신, 사각형으로 자른 엽신, 엽병, 엽신+엽병, 엽신+엽병의 중앙에 칼집)를 달리하여 신초 증식 및 재분화에 적합한 배지농도(1/4MS, 1/2MS, 1MS, 2MS) 및 배양방법(고체 및 액체배지 그리고 암 4주후 명 1주, 암 2 주후 명 3주, 명 5주처리)을 구명하고자 하였다. 고체배지의 경우, 식물체 재생율과 신초수는 1/4MS~1/2MS배지에서 사각 형으로 자른 엽신 절편(100%, 1.8개)과 엽신+엽병 절편(100%, 1.6~1.8개)에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 액체배지의 경우, 식물체 재생율은 1/2MS배지의 사각형으로 자른 엽신 절편에서 100%, 신초수는 1/4MS와 1/2MS배지의 사각형으로 자른 엽신과 엽 신+엽병(중앙-칼집) 절편에서 2.6~2.7개로 높게 나타났다. 고 체배지와 액체배지를 비교해 볼 때, 액체배지에서 5주간 배양 한 결과가 고체배지에서 8주간 배양한 결과보다 좋은 것으로 나타나 끈끈이주걱의 재분화를 위해서는 액체배양이 효율적 인 것으로 판단된다. 배양조건에서는 암 4주 후 명 1주 처리 와 암 2주 처리 후 명 3주 처리의 1/4MS배지에서 신초수가 각각 3.5개, 3.6개로 가장 높았으나 생장상태를 고려한다면 암 2 주처리후 명 3주처리의 1/4MS배지가 가장 좋은 것으로 판단 된다. 본 실험에서는 오히려 cytokinin이 첨가된 배지보다는 첨가되지 않은 배지에서 신초 및 뿌리생장이 양호한 것으로 나타났다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내 출원 예정인 알스트로메리아 유망 교잡 계통 C269의 기내번식체계 조건 구명을 통해 국산묘의 안정적인 보급에 기 여하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 생장점을 MS배지에 치상하 여 초대배양 후, 준비된 근경 생장점은 근경 증식을 위해 6-Benzylaminopurin(BAP)와 Kinetin(KIN)처리를 하였다. KIN 처리구의 경우, 신초 발생량이 많고 조밀하게 생장 했다. 이는 근경 증식을 위한 근경 분리가 힘들어 근경 증식에는 적합하 지 않았다. BAP 처리구의 경우 0.2mg·L-1이하의 농도 배지 에서 키운 근경을 분리하여 증식 시키는 것이 적합할 것으로 생각되었다. 뿌리 발근 배지는 1-Naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA) 0.25mg·L-1첨가 배지에서 가장 많은 뿌리가 발생되었다. 하 지만, NAA 호르몬 처리에 의한 비정상적인 뿌리 비대가 발생 되었다. 반대로 무처리구에서는 정상적인 뿌리, 세근 및 뿌리 털 발생이 더 좋았다. 순화 과정 중에는 호르몬 처리구 보다 무처리구가 많은 생존률을 보였을 뿐만 아니라 신초 발생 및 지상부 생육도 무처리구에서 왕성하였다. 결론적으로 알스트 로메리아 교잡 계통 C269는 BAP 0.2mg·L-1처리에서 근경을 증식한 후 MS 배지로 옮겨 치상 후 발근을 유도하여 순화를 시키는 것이 효과적인 증식체계로 판단되었다.
        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This writing aims to observe Korean art through keywords such as culture, art and the everydayness and its relationship with mass culture, Korean art after the 1990s and its daily world. It was during the latter part of the 1980s that the Korean society entered mass society. The Asian Games of 1986 and the Seoul Olympic Games of 1988 accelerated the internationalization of Korean society and the local political scene was approaching the political democratization through the 6ㆍ29 Declaration of 1987. Outside Korea, the Soviet Union, which represented the communism block of the world, collapsed, leading to the dismantling of the ideological confrontation between communism and capitalism. The Western postmodernism also made its way to Korea affecting the social ambience and allowing various values to coexist beyond the ideological opposition of the left and the right. The reason why I intend to take the correlation between mass culture and Korean art as the main point of Korean art after the 1990s, is that the quotidian aspect began to be reflected in art due to the emergence of mass culture and the subsequent expansion of art into daily life. This thesis examines how the mass culture and daily element is rendered in Korean art after the 1990s through three categorical points of discussion: Text/comprehension that acts as a sign, Reciprocity/relationship that involves the active intervention of the audience, and Commonness (popular vein)/anti-elitism that reflects the mass sentiment. I paid attention to what happens on the surface of society and its certain regular signs, desires and the fixed ideas in the consumption of text/comprehension, the transgressing between art and life through the process of representation by sharing it with the other, and finally, how art tries to reveal mass sentiment or show a critical consciousness of art that is considered vacant because of its utilization of discarded materials once produced by modern society in commonness (popular vein)/anti-elitism. Such tendency disintegrates the classical norm of art that divides art and life and reflects the alienated quotidian life, ultimately making us re-think our conventional ideas and modes of action. This writing is an attempt to discern the point of change in the development of the Korean contemporary art.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The inauguration of the collective Reality and Utterance (Hyŏnsil kwa Parŏn) in 1979 and 1980 marked a watershed moment in Korean art. This is not only be-cause the collective gave birth to the politically-engaged art movement that would come to be labeled “Minjung Art” by the middle of the 80s, but also because it enthusiastically embraced a wide range of images from the urban culture. With a special focus on the members’ early work, my research explores an issue largely neglected in the dominant narrative of Minjung art as a form of activism against the authoritarian Korean government during the 80s. The issue is what was at stake in Reality and Utterance’s exploration of contemporary urban visual culture. The aim of this essay is to recognize the engagement with the urban visual culture as central to the group’s early project and to consider it at some distance from the anti-urban and anti-mass culture perspective which was endorsed by the Minjung narrative. Focusing on members’ turn to urban visual culture, this essay instead argues that this turn was by no means merely a means to making art as social cri-tique, but more importantly, it was an experiment with the shared image world, as opposed to the rarefid visual vocabularies of abstract modernism. Visual produc-tions such as advertisements, billboards, posters, and kitsch paintings, which come from outside the narrow confins of fin art, were definitly ominous signs of the colonization of everyday life in the capitalist city, but at the same time they were an-ticipated to be a catalyst for redefiningKorean art in a more communicative, acces-sible, and democratized way. In this regard, in the early 1980s—in particular 1980 and 1982—the members’ gesture oscillated between critique and embrace, which allowed the group to occupy a unique domain in the realm of Korean art production.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although there are a number of reports regarding the toxicity evaluation of inorganic nanoparticles, knowledge on biodegradable nanomaterials, which have always been considered safe, is still limited. For example, the toxicity of chitosan nanoparticles, one of the most widely used drug/gene delivery vehicles, is largely unknown. In this report, we examined the cytotoxic effects of chitosan nanoparticles on mouse embryos at the blastocyst stage and in vivo implantation by embryo transfer. Blastocysts treated with 250 nm chitosan nanoparticles exhibited significantly increased apoptosis and a corresponding decrease in total cell number, which was concentration‐dependent. Moreover, the TUNEL positive signal in the embryos exposed to chitosan nanoparticles showed an increased of the ICM and the implantation success rate was lower than that of their control counterparts. Our results collectively indicate that in vitro exposure to chitosan nanoparticles induces apoptosis and retards implantation development after transfer to host mice. The results collectively show that chitosan nanoparticles have the potential to induce embryo cytotoxicity. Further studies are required to establish effective protection strategies against the cytotoxic effects of these nanoparticles.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to develop the mass propagation system using tissue culture technique to supply the seeds of Elephant garlic (Allium ampeloprasum L.) which has difficulty in propagation. Immature spathe of Elephant garlic was cultured on Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with two plant growth regulators, naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and kinetin. After 6 weeks of culture, the highest number of shoot (14.9/explant) was obtained when the immature spathe with 10 ㎝ length was cultured right after harvesting. In MS medium supplemented with 2 ㎎/L kinetin and 0.5 ㎎/L NAA, the most vigorous growth characteristics was observed, the shoot number was 14.9/explant, its length was 11.3 ㎝, and its fresh weight was 2.5 g. When the bulblets were cultured in MS medium with 2 ㎎/L kinetin and 0.5 ㎎/L NAA, the addition of 30 ㎎/L adenine improved their proliferation and growth significantly, the highest bulblet formation rate (48%) was obtained. The addition of 7% sucrose also increased the bulblet formation rate at the highest frequency of 98.2%. The shoots were shown be more vigorously proliferated at the secondary subculture stage rather than primary culture stage, their propagation rate was 80% after subculture.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        엽, 엽병과 화뢰 등의 치상 절편체 부위 모두에서 캘러스가 형성되었으며 특히 화뢰에서 캘러스 형성률이 71.6%로 가장 높았다. 화뢰배양시 2.0mg · L-1 2,4-D와 1.0mg · L-1 TDZ의 혼용처리구에서 캘러스 형성이 77.8%로 양호했으며 신초 재분화율 역시 42.6%를 보였다. 캘러스 형성과 신초 재분화를 동시에 시킬 때 1/2 MS배지가 효과적이었는데 1/2 MS배지에서 캘러스 형성률은 46.3%, 신초 재분화율은 13.0%,그리고 발근율은 13.0%를 보였다. 캘러스를 통한 신초의 재분화를 위해 1/2 MS배지에 2.0mg · L-1 2,4-D와 1.0mg · L-1 BA를 첨가했을 때 신초 재분화율은 74.1%를 보였고 절편체당 신초수는 2.4개로 좋았다. 발근율은 대조구에서 57.8%로 낮았으나 1.5mg · L-1 NAA 첨가된 배지에서 97.8%로 높았다. 재분화된 기내 식물체를 원예용 상토에 순화했을 때 생존률이 86.1%로 높았으며 초장, 근장, 생체중 역시 양호하였다.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        유색칼라 미숙배 배양에 의한 급속 증식체계를 확립 하고자 Southern Light 품종을 자가수분 시켜 배발육단계 및 식물생장조절제 종류와 농도가 다량의식물체 재분화에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 배 발육단계 별로 MS 기본배지 에 배양한 결과 globular 단계 미숙배는 반응이 없었고 몇 개의 어뢰형 배 및 초기 자업기배는 팽대 및 발아되었는데 어린 자엽기 미숙배가 87.5% 발아율을 보여 가장 효과적이었다. 한편 어린 자엽기 미숙배를 2,4-D, NAA및 BA를 단용 또는 혼용처리한 결과 2,4-D 단용 및 BA와 혼용처리배지에서는 유백색의 점액성 캘러스만이 8개월까지 증식되었고 NAA와 BA혼용처리 배지에서는 담황색의 단단한 배발생적 캘러스가 증식되어 모두 식물체로 재분화되었는데 특히 0.5 mg/L NAA와 1.0 mg/L BA혼용처리 하였을때 한개 자엽기 미숙배로 부터 25-30개의 식물체가 재분화 되었으며 동일배지에 10% coconut water를 첨가하므로 기내 식물의 급속생장이 효과적이었다. 배유래 재분화된 식물체는 vermiculite, perlite 및 모래를 1:1:1로 혼합한 토양에 이식하였으며 100% 정상식물체로 자라고 있다.
        1998.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        When the leaves, roots and stem segments of seedling of Polygonatum odoratum were cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium with 2.0mg/l BAP, stem segments were the most efficient explants for adventitious shoot inductino. To observe the efficient combination of growth regulators on the adventitious shoot formation , stem segments were cultured on MS medium with various kinds of cytokinins (BAP, kinetin, zeatin). From this experiment, cytokinin treatement was prerequisite for theadventitious shoot formatino,especially BAP was the most effective. Auxin (NAA or IBA) in combination with cyotokinin highly enhanced the adventitious shoot formation. Twenty five percents of explants produced the adventitious shoots on medium with 2.0mg/l BAP solely, while 83% of explants produced the adventitious shoots on medium with 2.0mg/l BAP and 0.1mg/l IBA. Root formationform adventitious shoot was promoted after transfer to 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 0.1mg/l IBA and 0.5mg/l zeatin, thereafter the plantlets with shoots and roots were cultured on 1/2MS medium lacking growth regulators. When the stem segments were cultured to MS medium with 1.0mg/l 2,4 NAA and IBA , yellow and nodulous cali were formed from the stem segments which were developed into adventitious roots. These roots were actively grew after transferred to MS liquid medium lacking growth regulators.
        1993.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of growth regulators and medium composition on the growth of each stage in apical meristem culture for mass propagation of Zanthoxylum piperitum var. inerme Makino. The source material, shoot tip segments were taken from three-years old graft trees. Apical meristems were cultured in vitro on basal MS, GD, WS, half strength MS(1/2MS) and half strength GD(1/2GD) media supplemented with various concentrations for growth regulators(BA, IBA) and inorganic nutrients. The results summarized are as follows: 1. In culture establishment stage, ratio of culture establishment was 96.7% and the best resuit was obtained using MS medium supplemented with 1.0mg/l BA and 0.2mg/l IBA. 2. In shoot multitication stage, both shoot multiplication and growth were achieved in average 5.6cm. These results were obtained on in MS medium supplemented with 1.0mg/l BA and 0.2mg/l IBA. 3. In roothing stage, phloroglucinol(PG) acted as IBA synergist in root initiation. The most faverable combinations for root development was half-strength MS medium supplemented with 162mg/l PG and 0.2mg/l IBA, and ratio of rooting was 58.0%. 4. In Vitro formed plantlets were transplanted to paper pots in greenhouse with 85% of relative humidity. 96% of survival rate was obtained from artificial soil mix having same volume of sand, vermiculite, peat, and soil.