
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 49

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed effective capacity building education plans for public institution management supervisors. A survey was conducted on 635 management supervisors of public institutions (99 institutions) subject to the safety management rating system to understand the characteristics of educational participants and the impact of educational satisfaction on professionalism improvement after capacity building education. As a result of statistical analysis, the professional improvement according to the affiliation of educational participants was higher in the workplace and construction site divisions than in the research facility division, and the professional improvement according to the working period was higher for more than 15 years than for less than 5 years and less than 15 years. In addition, the quality of education had a significant positive (+) effect on the degree of professional improvement. This study can be used as basic data for further research related to capacity building education for public institution management supervisors
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the factors affecting the educational effect of safety innovation education for management of public institutions. A survey was conducted on 294 CEOs and executive directors of public institutions (divided into construction sites, workplaces, and research facilities) subject to the safety management rating system to understand the impact of educational participants' characteristics and behavioral intentions after safety innovation education. As a result of statistical analysis, it was found that the executive director had a higher behavioral intention than the CEO, and the education quality, education instructor, and educational environment all had a significant positive (+) effect on the behavioral intention. This study can be used as basic data for further research related to safety innovation education for management of public institutions
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Technology innovation companies are focusing on contributing to business performance by R&D project as a strategic tool. Successful R&D leads to corporate competitiveness enhancement, national industrial development, but there are high uncertainty and risks in R&D. Public and private R&D projects are carried out to achieve various purposes. It was verified how the risk management and benefit management of the R&D project affect the detailed R&D project performance between the Public and private domain. The impact of Project Leadership on R&D performance was also analyzed. Those who have participated in the Public and Private R&D projects at companies or research institutes were surveyed. First, it was found that project risk and benefit management have partially an effect on R&D project performance. Second, Public and private R&D Project Leadership showed partially a interaction effect between project management and project performance.
        2022.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일반적으로 과거 건설공사는 그동안 축적된 기술기준과 경험 그리고 성과를 바탕으로 한 설계와 시공단계에서부터 준공단계까지의 사업관리를 통해 그 품질 향상을 도모해왔다. 그러나 최근 제4차 산업혁명 등 환경변화의 바람은 건설 산업에 있어 기술적 측면은 물론 관리적 측면에 대해서도 많은 영향을 미치고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 건설산업의 각 분야에서 요구되는 생산성 향상, 공정거래 구현 등에 대한 사회적 기대는 건설산업에 대한 변화의 모티브로 작용하고 있다. 정부도 역시 이와 같은 시대적 변화에 대응코자 관계법령 등 제반 규정을 정비 하는데 지속적인 노력을 기울이고 있는 상황에서, 본 연구는 건설사업관리와 관련한 법률규정을 기준으로 품질제고, 비용절감, 공기단축 등을 효율적으로 관리하는 방안에 대해 검토하였다. 여러가지 관리방안 중에 본 논문은 발주자와 관련업계 등에게 가장 민감하게 작용하고 있고 상호간 이해의 충돌이 빈번한 공공부문측면에서 공동주택 건설사업관리 용역대가산정에 대한 제반문제 등을 살펴보고 이에 대한 개선방안을 도출하고자 연구를 진행하였다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대한민국은 선진국이지만, 건설공사현장에서는 여전히 대형건설사고가 끊임없이 발생하고 있다. 이에 본연구는 건설안전의 예방을 기술적 접근보다는 법사회 학적(철학적) 사유 방식을 선택하여 ‘법사회학 이론적 차원’과 ‘방법론적 차원’ 으로 나누어 접근하였다. 법사회학 이론적 접근 방법에는 ‘한나 아렌트’, ‘라깡’, ‘바우만’, ‘동형화 이론’, ‘지젝’이 주장하는 이론을 적용하였고, 방법론적 차원 으로는 법사회학적 이론 차원에서 초래된 위험유형사례를 상호 대비하여 법사 회학적 이론과 사례, 판례, 통계분석을 참고하여 건설대형 사고가 법사회학 이론과 밀접한 연관성이 있는 것을 입증하였다.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Power generation construction projects involving large amounts of capital can affect the survival of a company along with huge economic losses in the event of a business failure. In general, private companies are organizations with challenging risk taking tendencies while public companies have a risk averse tendency to avoid risk, so these differences in organizational tendencies make it difficult to respond to risk. In particular, public companies are more likely to fail than private companies because they choose the contradiction of risk picking to enter overseas markets with high uncertainty despite their tendency to risk averse due to the nature of the organization. Therefore, these organizations need risk management techniques that reflect a risk-averse strategy. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the risk management research papers of the existing overseas development EPC business in order to find the risk management techniques related to the organizational tendencies of public companies and proposes “establishing a performance audit system for risk management of the organizational tendencies of public companies” as a way to extract the risk factors through the examples of overseas development projects of public companies and to manage the organizational tendencies of public companies that affect them.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality management is essential for a healthy life. However, it is difficult to perceive, detect, and monitor the level of indoor air pollution and this means that it is possible to be exposed to more pollution indoors than outdoors. In this study, in order to derive effective indoor air quality management measures, public perceptions and behavioral characteristics regarding indoor particulate matter and air quality management methods were investigated through a survey of 1,000 people. Based on the survey, it was found that most of the respondents had a negative perception of the indoor air quality of their residence, and natural ventilation was the most used method for indoor air quality management. Although the frequency of use of air quality management devices such as air purifiers and mechanical ventilation systems was relatively low, their effect regarding air quality management was positively perceived. In particular, the results of survey indicated that respondents of families which included members with fragile health engaged in more active behavior regarding in indoor air quality management than those respondents whose family members had no health issues and that the former have used air quality management devices more frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop proper guidelines to encourage more people to actively participate in improving indoor air quality.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 공공도서관에 조성된 수직정원의 이용자 만족도와 선호도를 조사하여 관리방향을 제시하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이용후평가 방법을 적용하여 수직정원의 효과, 선호도, 이용행태 및 관리 등에 대하여 이용자 80명의 자료를 수집하였다. 도서관의 이용빈도가 높고 체류시간이 길며 학습과 독서의 목적으로 도서관을 이용하고 있으며 도서관 환경에 대한 만족도가 높다. 특히 정서적 안정감, 쾌적성, 안전성 등이 도서관 환경의 만족도를 결정하는 중요한 요인이 된다. 수직정원의 구성요소 및 종합만족도가 높으며 종합만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인은 설치 규모와 관리 상태이다. 수직정원의 조성으로 도서관의 이용 횟수가 증가하며 도서관 이용에 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 평가하였다. 수직정원의 관리 주체는 공공을 선호하였으며 관리에 일부 참여의사를 가지고 있다. 도서관의 수직정원은 환경 개선효과 측면에서 만족도가 높고 정서적 측면에서 향상의 효과가 있어서 도서관 이용에 긍정적인 영향을 미치고 있다. 수직정원의 실효성과 도서관 이용활성화 측면에서 지속적인 관리가 이루어져야 한다. 이를 위해 유지관리의 예산과 이용자의 참여 유도를 위한 장기적인 계획 수립이 요구된다. 또한 IoT 기반의 스마트 유지관리기술을 접목하는 것도 관리 효율 향상에 도움이 될 것이다.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of organizational safety and health management activities on safety and health performance by using the results of safety activity level evaluation of public organizations. To this end, a research model was established by using three fields as independent variables among the four areas of the safety activity level evaluation index: safety and health system, safety and health activity plan, and safety and health activity level, and the safety and health activity performance field as a dependent variable. Correlation analysis and regression analysis between major variables were performed. As a result of the correlation analysis, the safety and health activity performance had a significant positive (+) correlation with all of the safety and health system, safety and health activity plan, and safety and health activity level. The safety and health system had a significant positive (+) correlation with the safety and health activity plan and safety and health activity level, and the safety and health activity plan had a significant positive (+) correlation with the safety and health activity level. And as a result of the regression analysis, it was found that the organization’s safety and health system, safety and health activity plan, and safety and health activity level all had a significant positive (+) effect on safety and health activity performance.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to derive implications by comparing overseas and domestic cases on the management of demand forecast risks in public-private partnerships (PPP) projects. METHODS : Demand forecast risk management measures of PPP were classified into three categories: Expected project IRR, Minimum income guarantee, and LPVR mechanism. According to the classification method, the overseas demand risk sharing method was introduced. The risk methods of demand risk for PPP projects in Korea were classified and compared with that of overseas cases. RESULTS : 1. The domestic PPP was developed from the perspective of investors rather than overseas. 2. The risk-sharing model was not considered during the bidding process. 3. The models for the demand forecasting errors were not diverse. CONCLUSIONS : The domestic BTO project includes several risk factors, among which the burden on demand forecast risks is critical. Future studies will be required to quantitatively evaluate risk factors in PPP projects and properly share the risks between the government and the private sector.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The topic of indoor air quality has attracted great interest since urban dwellers spend over 90% of their time indoors, such as public facilities, public transport and homes. In this study, the changes and current status of indoor air quality management and improvement policies for public facilities in Korea were discussed. Furthermore, we investigated the concentration and contamination status of indoor air pollutants based on the indoor air quality guidance and inspection report from 2007-2017 published by the Ministry of Environment, Korea. As a result, we found that while the PM10 concentration in public facilities decreased consistently, there was no clear change in the CO2 concentration. The HCHO concentrations were high in museums, art galleries, and postpartum centers, etc. The child care centers showed a high concentration of TCB. In conclusion, we suggested that it is necessary to focus on target substances according to the type of facility to manage indoor air quality efficiently. Intensive management and monitoring are particularly needed in child care centers to improve the indoor air quality.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Total organic carbon (TOC) will replace chemical oxygen demand (CODMn) as an effluent water quality standard in public sewage treatment works (PSTWs) from 2021 in Korea. To ensure effective control of TOC in the effluent, investigation was carried out into TOC levels and sewage treatment operation factors in five target PSTWs using anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2O) processes, media, membrane, and sequencing batch reactor (SBR) technologies. TOC removal efficiencies appeared to be 93-96% on average. As a fraction of TOC, biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) was reduced from 64% in the influent to 9% in the effluent in these PSTWs. During the investigation, biological treatment processes were applied flexibly for operation factors such as HRT, SRT, MLSS, F/M ratios and BOD volume loads, based on the influent characteristics and design conditions. As a result, we suggest efficient operating conditions in PSTWs by evaluating relationships between TOC removal and operation factors.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        액체위험물 취급 부두에 대한 국민적인 관심이 대두된 것은 “원유운반선 우이산호 부두접촉사고”로 기인하였다고 해도 과언이 아니다. 2014년 1월 31일 여수 GS-Caltex 원유부두로 진입하던 싱가포르 국적 초대형 유조선(VLCC) “우이산호(WU YI SAN)”가 원유부두와 원유이송 송유관과 충돌하여 송유관 내부에 있던 유류가 해상으로 유출된 사고이다. 또한 2015년 6월 12일 중국 텐진항에서 루이하이 물류회사 위험물 창고에 적재된 질산섬유에서 발화한 불이 질산암모늄 등 화학물에 옮겨 붙어 대규모 폭발을 일으킨 텐진항 폭발사고도 있다. 이 사고로 중국 공안 및 검찰은 관련자 49명을 형사입건하고 장관급 공직자 5명을 포함한 74명에 대해 징계 처분을 건의했다. 텐진항 폭발사고의 발생이 비단 중국에만 한정된 사항은 아니다. 우리나라의 경우도 액체위험물(화학물질)의 수출은 제조공장에서 완성되어 도로 또는 철도를 통해 위험물 취급 저장시설이 있는 인근 항만의 위험물 보관업체에 이동·보관되었다가 선박을 통해 이루어지고 있다. 액체위험물의 수입도 수출의 역순으로 행해진다. 그런데 위험물에 대한 정의가 개별법 마다 다르게 규정되어 있어 위험물 안전관리의 허점이 발생되는 것이다. 즉, 선박안전법, 위험물안전관리법, 철도안전법, 교통안전법, 화학물질관리안전법, 산업안전보건법 등의 각 개별법의 위험물 정의 및 적용이 상이하다. 이 연구의 목적은 액체위험물의 안전관리 규정에 대한 문제점을 파악하고 개선방안을 제시하는 것이다. 특히 액체위험물 공용부두의 개념과 운영에 관해 항만법, 항만운송사업법 및 선박의 입항과 출항 등에 관한 법률의 비교분석을 통해 자체안전관리계획서상의 작성주체를 명확히 하고, 공용부두의 안전관리방안을 제시하였다.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        과학기술 전문가가 근거를 제시하고 정책관료가 결정을 내리던 기존의 정책결정체계와는 달리, 불확실성과 이해관계 대립으로 특징지어지는 기술위험 영역에서 참여적 의사결정방법이 바람직한 모델로 상정되어왔다. 이어 여러 가지 정책실험이 이루어졌다. 그러나 의사결정과정에 있어서 ‘누가 어떤 역할을 할 것인가’에 대해서는 여전히 다양한 견해가존재한다. 본 연구는 기술위험 거버넌스에 대한 사회적 배경이 다른 두 나라인 영국과 한국에서 각각 수행된 방사성폐기물 관리방안 모색을 위한 공론화 프로그램을 역할분담의 관점에서 분석한다. 본고는 영국과 한국의 공론화 프로그램이 전개되는 과정에서 다양한 참여자그룹이 어떻게 정의되고, 어떠한 근거로 역할이 상정되며, 적용된 의사결정방법은 무엇인지에 관해 논의한다. 공론화과정의 사례연구를 통해 많은 기술선진 민주주의 사회에서 지지 받고 있는 ‘참여를 통한 의사결정’이라는 기술위험 거버넌스의 규범이자 방법론이 실제 각기다른 정치사회 환경에서 어떻게 구현되는 지를 살펴본다. 방사성폐기물 관리와 공론화에 대한 오랜 경험을 가진 영국과의 비교분석은 한국의 방사성폐기물 관리정책과 나아가 기술위험 거버넌스를 위한 정책도구를 정교화 하는 데 기여할 것이다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study aimed to evaluate the performance of pavement management works and to develop a function for estimating the level of service (LOS) and cost of service (COS) for the systematic and quantitative management of pavement performance in the public sector. METHODS: The International Roughness Index (IRI) was used as the performance index for pavement management. Long-term pavement performance data for a period of 7 years (2007-2014) collected by the National Highway Pavement Management System and historical maintenance budget data published by the South Korean government were used to develop the LOS-COS function. Based on the function, a model for estimating the appropriate budget as well as the network conditions was suggested. RESULTS : There was high degree of correlation between pavement performance and the investment level (R = - 0.74). The developed LOS-COS function suggested that the unit cost to improve the network IRI to 1 m/km was 32.6 billion KRW. Further, the maintenance costs normalized with respect to the LOS levels were LOS-A = 88.2 billion KRW, LOS-B = 55.6 billion KRW, and LOS-C = 23.0 billion KRW. CONCLUSIONS: This study proposes a simple way of developing a LOS-COS function. It also shows how to develop a network budget demand and condition estimation model using the LOS-COS function. In addition, it is the first attempt to evaluate the road maintenance budget in South Korea. It is expected that these results will help in the negotiations between the road managers and budget makers.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the difference of the effects of public loan programs in fishery industry on management performance from a balanced score card (BSC) perspective depending on the type of loan, scale of fund, period of support and business category, using the financial data of fisheries firms having the balance of loan at the end of 2014. The key factors influencing credit rating change were also analyzed after public loan support. From a integrative perspective, results show that the firms supported by working fund have higher management performance than the firms supported by facility fund. The firms received large scale fund showed higher management performance than the firms received small scale fund. While management performance was decreasing or slowing down over time after financial support, management performance of the firms supported by facility fund improved over time. From a non-financial perspective, the firms received facility fund invested more in education and growing perspective than the firms received working fund. As the size of fund increased, the investment in education, growing, internal process and customer increased. Personnel expenses and employee benefits for education and growing has increased over time. However, the firms with facility fund restricted the expenses of education, personnel expenses and employee benefits as time goes by. Because the effects of public loan on credit rating of fisheries corporations have no statistical significance, it has become known that the financial support of public loan program has no influence on the change of credit rating of fisheries corporations. This study attempted performance analysis from a BSC perspective which combine factors of nonfinancial perspective with factors of financial perspective. Findings from this study suggest the direction of microscopic performance analysis of public loan in fishery industry.
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