The purpose of this study was to examine changes in serving frequency of elementary school meal before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Number of menus provided in June and July of 2019 and 2020 were compared for 300 elementary schools in Korea. As a result, the serving frequency of la carte and dessert was increased after COVID-19. In addition, frequencies of main dishes such as pork cutlet, chicken, sweet and sour pork, hamburger steak, and so on using processed food were increased after COVID-19. Because of the longer serving time due to staggered serving, cook's working time for serving meals became longer. Therefore, it was judged that the number of servings of processed food was increased rather than the menu with a large amount of preprocessing work. Moreover, among desserts, fruits showed increased serving frequency. Serving frequencies for juice and dairy products were also increased. However, increased servings of juice and dairy products could increase sugar intake. Thus, a careful plan for menu composition is needed to provide balanced nutrients to students under emergency situations such as an infectious disease.
This study aimed at elementary, middle, and high school dietitians who purchase ingredients for school meals. Therefore, for the study, the awareness and usage of nutritional information by 108 teachers and dieticians on 5 hazard-free meals using multivariate analysis of variance were investigated during May 18~21, 2021. Among the five questions that asked the general perceptions of school meal dietitians of 5 hazard-free meals, the perception that the “5 hazard-free foods can be easily distinguished” was the lowest. Problems were associated with using the 5 hazard-free meals such as “expensive price,” “no variety in items,” “disruption in the supply and demand,” “inconsistent quality,” and “lack of taste,” in that order. Therefore, to improve 5 hazard-free school meal service, it is necessary to not only lower the price burden by providing subsidies to schools but also improve the development and distribution structure of various 5 hazard-free foods.
This study examined the dietary habits and nutrition quotient (NQ) scores according to leftover food during school meal services among middle school students in the Gyeonggi region. A survey on the dietary habits was conducted among 405 male and female middle school students located in Seongnam City, Gyeonggi Province. The amount of leftover food in the school meals was surveyed using the visual method through a questionnaire over two days. The survey was conducted from July 8, 2019, to July 12, 2019. After calculating the average total leftovers of each student over the two days, they were categorized into the following three groups: the top third was the large leftover group. The middle third was the medium leftover group, and the lower third was the small leftover group. The characteristics of the groups that had leftovers were analyzed. Female, normal-weight, and underweight students accounted for a greater proportion of the large leftover group than male, overweight, and obese students. The rates of selective eating and compliance with new food intake were significantly lower in the large leftover group than in the small leftover group. A comparison of the nutrition quotient for the adolescent (NQ-A) scores of each group revealed significantly lower scores of the large leftover group for all factors (balance, moderation, food diversity, practice, and environment) than the small leftover group. Therefore, there are statistically significant differences in the dietary habits, nutritional quality, and eating behaviors of middle school students that are associated with the amount of leftover food during school meals.
본 연구는 2019년 국내에서 유통되는 수산물 198건(학교급식 수산물 121건, 유통 77건)에 대하여 히스타민 등 8종의 바이오제닉아민(BAs) 함량을 분석하였다. 또한, 삼치, 고등어, 연어에 대하여 시간, 온도와 염 처리에 따른 BAs 함량 변화를 관찰하였다. 수산물의 평균 히스타민 함량은 0.4±2.3 mg/kg이었으며, 모두 히스타민 기준 200 mg/kg이내 이었다. MOE를 산출하여 위해성을 평가한 결과, MOE가 1 이상으로 학교급식 수산물은 안전한 것으로 평가되었다. 시간과 온도에 따른 생선의 BAs 함량 변화는 시간과 온도가 증가함에 따라 증가하는 경향 을 나타내었으며, 히스타민 함량이 30oC에서 144 mg/kg(삼치, 36시간)과 308 mg/kg(고등어, 24시간)로 급격히 증가하였다. 또한, 삼치, 고등어와 연어를 4oC와 -20oC에 보관한 결과, 4oC에서는 3일까지, -20oC에서는 14일까지 모두 히스타민이 검출되지 않았다. 생선의 염 처리에 따른 BAs 함량 변화는 염을 처리한 삼치와 고등어에서 염을 처리하지 않은 삼치와 고등어보다 히스타민 등 BAs 함량이 낮게 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the satisfaction with school meal service and the food preference in elementary school students who are in their growth period. A total of 484 students (242 boys) participated and completed a questionnaire survey. The results indicated that the merit of school meals was the highest in ‘balanced diet’. 'Food hygiene' and 'delicious food' were the most important factors in school meals. Most of the students wanted ‘balance between eastern and western foods’ and ‘new dishes’ for the menu of school meals. For the distribution of meals, ‘various kinds of side dishes’ and ‘warmth of dishes’ were mainly required. The main problems of the current environment of school meals were ‘long waiting time’ and ‘noise of the cafeteria’. In satisfaction with the school meal service, the highest satisfactory factor was 'staffs’ cleanliness', following 'arrangement of furniture in cafeteria' and 'nutrition information-providing'; whereas, the lowest factor was 'staffs’ kindness'. In the preference of foods, students preferred ‘white rice’; whereas they did not like ‘bean rice’; and ‘fried rice' was preferred. In side dishes with meat and fish, most of the meats including ‘Tangsuyuk’ and ‘Bulgogi’ were preferred. For fish, ‘fried hairtail’ was preferred; whereas, ‘fried Spanish mackerel’ was not. In case of kimchi, ‘Chinese cabbage kimchi’ and ‘cubed radish kimchi’ were especially preferred. Considering these results, intensive improvement is required to increase school meal satisfaction by understanding the students' needs. An effort to allow the students’ preferences to be reflected in the menu is also needed
To study the importance of family meals in adolescents, 251 middle school students were surveyed through a questionnaire on their family meal patterns, dietary behaviors, food intake, and life satisfaction. The family meals were defined as "meals with all family members living together" by 62.2% of the students. For the frequency of family meals, 42.2% of the students replied having family meals "More than once a day". A common reason for the difficulty in having a family meal was a "lack of time" (73.3% of the students). Students tended to respond that they would be most fond in having meals with entire family members with traditional Korean food. Having more frequent family meals was found to benefit both individual and familial dietary behavior. In terms of food intake according to the frequency of family meals, the group having frequent family meals consumed significantly more rice, tofu, legumes, meats, fishes, eggs, green vegetables, seaweeds, fruits, milk, and milk products. This indicates that students can achieve a balanced diet through family meals. In terms of emotional status, the group having more frequent family meals showed a higher satisfaction with their daily life, health, nutritional status, and care from their relatives. In terms of personal mental status, the group having more frequent family meals was also found to be more effective at controlling undesirable emotions such as loneliness, indignation, and lethargy. As a result of this study, students in the group having more frequent family meals were found to have a positive dietary behavior, a balanced nutrition, a higher life satisfaction, and a more stable mental status. This result is useful as nutritional and educational information in schools to impress upon the public the importance of family meals for adolescents.
Kimchi is the most well-known Korean traditional food, but it is also the main leftover of school lunch and dinner menus. This study aimed to familiarize teenagers with kimchi through school meals and to increase their daily kimchi intake, ultimately by appealing to the young generation's taste. A questionnaire survey was conducted in the Ansan area to examine student's acceptability of kimchi and their attitudes toward kimchi. Approximately 65% of males and 67% of female students liked the moderately fermented and pungent taste of kimchi. Kimchi served in school meals was regarded as nutritional but cheap. Approximately 72% of male and 82% of female students responded that they liked menu items using kimchi. Approximately 48% of students responded that menu items using kimchi in schools are not diverse. Students preferred meat as an ingredient in kimchi. The preferred cooking methods were stir-frying and frying, whereas boiling was the least favorite. Based on the survey results, ten kimchi menu items had been developed. The suitability of the menu was evaluated by students and cooks. Six kimchi items, including Kimchi mixed with rice, chicken, soybean sprouts, Kimchi cheese rice, stewed beef ribs with kimchi, rice topped with kimchi curry, kimchi cheese meat roast, and kimchi udong were considered appropriate for school meals, whereas kimchi kangchong, kimchi topokki, kimchi stew with surimi, and frozen Pollack kimchi soup were not suitable as menu items. Kimchi topokki was not accepted by students, while kimchi kangchong was not accepted by cooks. Cooks judged the suitability of a menu item by the cooking process and cooking times, whereas students judged an item by its sensory preference. Approximately 63% of students responded that kimchi intake has increased by participating in the development of kimchi dishes.
Changes in social, economical, and cultural environments affect the meal practices of children. The transmission of traditional Korean food culture is very important because it presents not only a well-balanced diet but also contributes to shaping identity. The purpose of this study was to investigate elementary school students' present meal practices and views, as well as demands on traditional food culture education to reflect future educational plans. Half of the students ate breakfast everyday and 72% ate a traditional Korean style breakfast. About 38% of the students participated 2-4 times per week in meal preparation and 34% participated in clean-up after the meal once a day. Although 6th graders had greater skills in basic cooking, they tended to be more passive upon applying their skills in daily meal practice. For traditional food culture education, 89% of the experienced and 86.2% of the inexperienced groups agreed on the necessity of traditional food culture education. Students attained traditional food culture knowledge through Silgwa, practical coursework within the curriculum, and by teachers leading classes. They were also educated by parents, mass media, and books outside of school. The preferred methods of class teaching were lecture and experiential learning. The preferred subjects to learn were 'cooking classes based on taste development', 'learning food ingredients through vegetable growing', 'traditional Korean food manners', and 'traditional Korean food culture and seasonal foods' as well as nutritional education. Fifth graders had more positive attitudes towards meal practices and traditional food culture education. Traditional Korean food culture and nutrition education should be integrated and developed into regular subject curricula to improve children's meal practice and inheritance of traditional food culture.
In this investigation, 480 high school students attending school in Seoul, Incheon were surveyed for their knowledge of seaweed and their preference of seaweed products provided during school meal service. Female students answered that they preferred seaweed more than male students. When asked to explain their preference for seaweed, most students who preferred seaweed responded ‘it is tasty’ (82.9%), while those that did not like seaweed responded ‘I don’t like the texture when chewing it and it is not tasty’ (47.8%). Most students reported that they usually eat ‘laver’, and the number of times that they at seaweed was ‘3-4 times a week’. The primary place in which they ate seaweed and the place where they feel it had the best taste was a ‘house’. The primary source of information regarding seaweed was mass media including TV, newspapers, magazines and the internet (48.8%). With regard to seaweed in school meals, which is offered twice a week, most students reported, ‘I eat seaweed and leave it to some extent.’ They perceived ‘laver’ to be most often provided in school meals, and 57.7% reported that their favorite seaweed meal was ‘laver’. When asked why they dislike seaweed in school meals, the most common responses were ‘I didn’t like seaweed the first time I tried it’ (27%) and ‘Its taste is different from what I eat at home’ (24.6%). The most common request regarding seaweed provided in school lunches was for the taste to be improved (48.2%). Evaluation of the preference for seaweed menus in school meals revealed that both males and females had higher preferences of more than 4 points for ‘fried laver’ and ‘broiled laver’.
전국 각지에 소재한 초·중·고등학교 중 우유급식 시행교 52학교와, 우유급식 비시행교 37학교를 지역별로 랜덤으로 선정하여 1 개월 동안 제공된 식단의 영양 평균치를 분석한 결과, 우유급식 시행교가 에너지, 동물성 단백질, 동물성 지질, 당질, 동물성 칼슘, 인, 동물성 철분, 칼륨, 비타민A, 콜레스테롤 등의 섭취량이 높았으며, 특히 동물성 단백질(p〈0.01), 동물성 칼슘(p〈0.001), 인(p〈0.001) 등은 우유급식 시행교가 우유급식 비시행교보다 섭취량이 유의적으로 높은 결과를 보였다. 특히 점심급식에서의 칼슘 섭취량은 우유 급식시행교가 우유급식 비시행교보다 약 1.5배가량 높았으며, 권장량에 대한 칼슘섭취량의 평균 백분율은 우유급식 비시행교의 경우 24~28%를 충족하고, 우유급식 시행교의 경우 43~51%를 제공하고 있어, 우유급식을 하지 않을 경우 점심급식으로 제공되는 칼슘섭취량이 매우 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 전체적으로 우유음용으로 한식이 주인 학교급식식단의 영양공급상의 문제점을 상당량 보충시키는 것으로 조사되었다. 특히 평균 15~20%의 잔반량을 고려할 경우 우유음용에 따른 영양섭취량의 차이는 더욱 클 것으로 추정되어 학교우유급식의 확대가 시급히 요구됨을 확인할 수 있었다.
This study was carried out to find out differences about meal conditions and food preference between non-obese and obese elementary school children. Ten children(non-obese 5 and obese 5) from each of the nationwide 192 schools were surveyed by self-developed questionnaire. Total of 1,767 questionnaires(815 from non-obese and 952 from obese children) were collected and data were analyzed using SPSS 12.0 program. The results of the comparative analysis were summarized as follows. There was not significantly different in height between non-obese group(151.0±12.5cm) and obese group(151.2±12.3cm). But BMI was significant difference between non-obese group(18.0±2.2cm) and obese group(27.3±3.2cm). Economical status was not significantly different between 2 groups. But educational level of parents and mother’ job were significant differences between 2 groups. Only 2/3 of the subjects reported to have breakfast at regular basas, regularity of having breakfast was not significantly different between 2 groups. Also regularity of having lunch during vacation was not significantly different between 2 groups. But Reasons of skipping breakfast and lunch were significantly different between 2 groups. Regularity of having dinner, reasons of skipping dinner, intake amount in dinner, and frequency of having snacks were significantly different between 2 groups. But the time required for lunch and dinner were under 20 minutes of 60-80% of the subjects, and were not significantly different between 2 groups. Non-obese group have liked fast foods, fruits & juices, sweets, and cakes & cookies than obese group. Obese group have liked meat & meat products and ramyeon, but they have not eaten those foods frequently because of anxiety about being more fatty. These findings suggested that nutrition education programs include different strategy according to obesity and obese prevention program is needed for non-obese school children.
This study was undertaken to investigate meal pattern, nutrition knowledge and food preference of 438 rural middle school students living in ChunNam area. As far as nutrition knowledge is concerned, most subjects did not answer correctly on the items of basic five food groups, animal fat and vegetable oil, empty source of soft drink, nutrient requirement and water's role in energy metabolism. However they responded well on the item of iron deficiency and dietary source of Ca. Male students were significantly better in the answering the items of dietary source of energy and nutrient requirement than females, while female students were significantly better on the items of water's role in energy metabolism related to obesity. Generally the respondents did neither consume oil often nor consider consumption of salty food. Furthermore, only 38.6% of subjects drink milk daily in spite of understanding dietary source of Ca, which suggested that they should incorporate nutrition knowledge into dietary behavior. The preferred foods for most subjects were fruit, kimbab and ice cream. Contrastingly the food that they did not prefer was fermented vegetable probably due to strong flavor.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the cases of Asan-si and Hongseong-gun in Chungcheongnam-do to derive the direction of development of the school meal support center and improvement of the school meal policy in connection with local food. We conducted a survey on the importance and performance of school meal support policy and local food supply policy for nutritionists in two areas. In addition, we identified the issues to be improved intensively and the issues to be continuously managed over the medium to long term, and suggested directions for improvement using IPA. As a result of the importance-performance analysis of school meal support policy and local food supply policy, both Asan-si and Hongseong- gun. focused on improving the price and quality of local food.