
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the out-of-plane seismic resistance of lightly-reinforced existing walls strengthened with thick RC jacket was investigated. The thick RC jacket with a thickness of 500 mm was placed at one side of the thin existing wall with a thickness of 150 mm. At the interface between the wall and RC jacket, a tee-shaped steel section with a number of anchor bolts and dowel bars was used as the shear connector. To investigate the connection performance and strengthening effects, the cyclic loading tests of four jacketed wall specimens were performed. The tests showed that the flexural strength of the jacketed walls under out-of-plane loading was significantly increased. During the initial behavior, the tee shear connector transferred forces successfully at the interface without slip. However, as the cracking, spalling, and crushing of the concrete increased in the exiting walls, the connection performance at the interface was significantly degraded and, consequently, the strength of the jacketed walls was significantly decreased. The flexural strength of the jacketed walls with tee shear connector was estimated considering the full and partial composite actions of the tee shear connector.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근에는 다양한 중량의 구조물을 지진으로부터 보호하기 위해 지반으로부터 분리하는 면진장치로써 지반 격리용 받침이 활용된다. 지진의 피해를 저감시키는 설계방법 중에서 면진 설계는 구조물과 지반이 만나는 부분에 면진받침을 사용하는 방식으로 다른 내진/제진 설계 방법과 비교하면 가격대비 효율과 성능이 가장 우수하다. 본 연구에서는 지진 발생 이후 지속적으로 사용 가능한 새로운 개념의 자동복원 면진받침 시스템을 제안하고자 한다. 이러한 면진받침에 대한 성능을 검증하기 위하여 이론 적립 및 설계를 수행하고 실험체를 제작하여 실제 지진 데이터가 적용된 진동대 실험을 수행하였다. 기본특성실험, 면압의존성 실험, 속도의존성 실험, 변위의존성 실험에서 강도하중이 설계 목표치와 유사하였고, 거동 또한 설계값과 유사함을 확인하였고 이를 바탕으로 면진받침의 성능 검증을 분석하였다.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 테러에 대한 위험성의 증가로 대중들의 폭발 피해에 대한 인식이 증가하였다. 우리나라에 방폭 설계에 대한 기준이 미흡하며, 현재 적용하고 있는 방폭 설계도 정적해석으로 건물의 안정성 및 경제성을 위해 방폭 설계를 개발해야 하는 상황 이다. 또한 지진 발생 증가로 내진 설계 의무화가 확대된 가운데 방폭 설계를 하지 않고 내진 설계를 적용한 부재의 방폭 성능을 판단을 연구한다. 현재 보편적인 폭발 하중의 해석 방법은 UFC 3-340-02 매뉴얼을 참고하는 것이다. UFC 3-340-02 매뉴얼을 통한 폭발 하중의 특성을 적용하고 KBC 2016의 내진 상세를 적용한 보를 등가 단자유도 시스템으로 변환하여 폭발 저항 성능을 연구하였다. 보통, 중간, 특수 모멘트 골조의 연성 능력에 대한 최대 처짐을 고려하여 폭발물의 이격 거리를 통해 평가하여 내진 상세 적용 시 폭발 저항 성능이 향상된다는 것을 입증하였다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to establish a seismic resistance performance evaluation method that makes sure to secure the seismic resistance performance of the existing mid-low story reinforced concrete structures. This study focuses on the development of the seismic resistance performance evaluation method for the overall seismic resistance performance evaluation on the buildings by applying fuzzy theory. This seismic resistance performance evaluation method considers the mutual relations among the type of force, the type of member, the type of story, and the states of deterioration of the buildings. The total seismic resistance performance index from this method was calculated by the intensity weight of each evaluation item, fuzzy measure, fuzzy integration. Moreover, the evaluation methodology was established in this study to identify the performance level of the Immediate Occupancy, Life Safe, Collapse Prevention by applying the fuzzy theory.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This report offers an economically reasonable seismic reinforcement to non-seismic mid/low reinforced concrete structures. Installed a slit in between the reinforced concrete frame and masonry infilled wall then inserted twist bar to prevent inversion and attached to the lower/upper beam. Confirmed the seismic reinforcement effect through static loading test. Total of 4 specimens were produced for the test, a masonry infilled wall without seismic reinforcement and with seismic slit or twist bar applied. As a result, applying the seismic slit and twisted bar was economically reasonable and seismic reinforcement effect was confirmed by showing stable failure, increase of maximum strength and yield displacement, increase of accumulated energy dissipation.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Newmark-type deformation analysis has rarely been done in Korea due to the popularity of simple pseudo-static limit equilibrium analysis and detailed time-history FE/FD dynamic analysis. However, the Korean seismic dam design code updated in 2011 prescribes Newmark-type deformation analysis as a major dynamic analysis method for the seismic evaluation of fill dams. In addition, a design PGA for dynamic analysis is significantly increased in the code. This paper aims to study the seismic evaluation of four existing large fill dams through advanced FEM/Newmark-type deformation analyses for the artificial earthquake time histories with the design PGA of 0.22g. Dynamic soil properties obtained from in-situ geo-physical surveys are applied as input parameters. For the FEM/Newmark analyses, sensitivity analyses are performed to study the effects of input PGA and Gmax of shell zone on the Newmark deformation. As a result, in terms of deformation, four fill dams are proved to be reasonably safe under the PGA of 0.22g with yield coefficients of 0.136 to 0.187, which are highly resistant for extreme events. Sensitivity analysis as a function of PGA shows that PGA30cm (a limiting PGA to cause the 30 cm of Newmark permanent displacement on the critical slip surface) is a good indicator for seismic safety check. CFRD shows a higher seismic resistance than ECRD. Another sensitivity analysis shows that Gmax per depth does not significantly affect the site response characteristics, however lower Gmax profile causes larger Newmark deformation. Through this study, it is proved that the amplification of ground motion within the sliding mass and the location of critical slip surface are the dominant factors governing permanent displacements.
        2004.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Earthquake resistant design was introduced to Korea in 1988 for tall buildings, in 1992 for highway bridges and even earlier than that for nuclear power plants. The apartments designed by large unit housing planning was constructed by tunnel form method for the construction convenient in 1980. As a results, many structures without any seismic resistance capacity were built during the 80’s. In this paper, to improve the seismic capacity in wall-slab joint, experiments which improve and retrofit a seismic capacity by steel reinforcing, unequal angle bracing, carbon sheet attachment are carried out. These methods also are economic and simple in mitigating seismic hazard, improving earthquake-resistance performance, and reducing the risk level of building occupants. Consequently these methods were confirmed its effectiveness in improving the seismic performance were confirmed its effectiveness.
        2004.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Earthquake resistance design has been developed many countries like Japan, USA, Mexico, New Zealand etc., which countries have experienced many earthquakes. Nowadays, earthquake resistance design has come into worldwide use. In Korea, the seismic design regulations have been established since 1988 in order to minimize the economic losses. Recently performance based design method has been adopted as a new Earthquake resistance design method. These regulations, however, are targeted for newly constructed buildings, In Korea, there are no regulations for existing buildings that built before 1988. On the other hand, in Japan and USA, the seismic performance evaluation is coded. In Japan, the evaluation index which can measure seismic performance has been made. So, we need to prepare the regulations that evaluate the seismic performance, furthermore proper retrofitting design guideline needs to be proposed when remodeling old buildings. In this research, various seismic performance evaluation methods which are being used in Japan and USA are reviewed in order to establish seismic performance evaluation index for those existing old structures in Korea.
        2003.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studied the efficiency of retrofitting of reinforced concrete structure which was not designed to endure an earthquake. The earthquake in Kobe, Japan showed that there was a great possibility of having an earthquake even in big city and the damages were concentrated on mid or low story buildings which were not considered to be protected from an earthquake. This experiment used reinforced concrete structure which restrained side-by-side displacement-to test durability against an earthquake. This study deals with the structural performance of reinforced concrete frame structures strengthened with steel materials.
        2017.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The techniques for seismic design and seismic reinforcement of structural members in Korea have beendeveloped in a wide variety of ways, but research and technology on seismic retrofitting methods of nonstructural materials are very inadequate. In this study, we analyze ceiling system products of Japan which have seismic performance as a basic study on the development of non-structural ceiling system.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 지진관측 이래 최초로 초진, 본진, 여진을 포함한 연속지진이 발생하는 등 한반도 인근에 지진 발생의 가능성 증가하고 있다. 철도의 경우 고속화, 중량화가 진행됨에 따라 지진에 따른 발생 가능 피해의 규모도 커지고 있는 상황으로 적절한 내진 및 면진 설계를 통한 안전성 증대가 시급한 상황이다. 특히 고속철도의 경우 지진 시 적절한 대책 수립이 되어 있지 않을 경우 지진 재해에 대한 적절한 대응 방안이 수립되어 있지 않을 경우 엄청난 인적/물적 피해를 초래할 수 있는 상황이다. 이 논문에서는 최근 일반 및 고속철도 시설물에 대한 내진 보강 현황과 내진·면진 설계와 관련한 연구 동향을 고찰하고 개선 방안을 제시하였다. 또한 최근 연구가 진행 중인 지진 관측 시스템과 대응 시스템과 관련하여 해외의 사례를 분석하고 지진에 대한 보다 효율적인 대처 방안을 제시하였다. 특히 지진 시 더 큰 인적·물적 피해를 초래할 수 있는 전력, 신호, 통신 등 시스템설비 및 역사 지붕, 내장재 등 비구조재에 대한 내진기준 및 성능평가 기법에 대한 개발 필요성도 포함하여 지진으로 인한 실질적인 피해를 최소화할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.
        2013.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is about earthquake-proof reinforcement through structural function evaluation of an existing structure. The purpose of this study is to comparatively analyze structure reinforcement measures in consideration of safety and usability through structural function evaluation of existing structures, to offer rational measures for earthquake-proof function and to provide help in maintaining safe structures against earthquake. For this purpose, was selected for this study as an existing school building, earthquake-proof function evaluation was conducted, and measures to reinforce earthquake-proof function was offered. As for the research method, the first and the second earthquake-proof function evaluations were conducted which is an existing reinforced concrete school building. Through the abovementioned methods, earthquake-proof function evaluations were conducted, the results were analyzed and the measure to reinforce earthquake-proof function were offered(reinforcement brace, RC shear wall reinforcement). The offered measure to reinforce earthquake-proof function was applied to the subject structure, and comprehensive results were derived from earthquake-proof function evaluation regarding before and after earthquake-proof function reinforcement.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 내진규준이 적용되기 이전에 건설된 역사건물의 내진성능 평가 및 내진보강이다. 이를 위하여 2층 RC 역사건물의 내진성능이 평가되었다. 동적해석에 의한 층간변위비 및 층전단력 평가결과, 층전단력이 설계기준의 밑면전단력을 초과하는 것으로 평가되어 적절한 내진보강이 필요한 것으로 평가되었다. 내진성능 향상을 위하여 총 4개의 강재댐퍼가 사용되었다. 해석 변수는 강재댐퍼 형상 및 설치 방법이다. 동적해석결과 역 K가새로 설치되는 슬릿댐퍼가 다른 댐퍼 형상 및 설치 방법보다 우수한 내진성능을 가진 것으로 평가되었다.