Molybdenum silicide has gained interest for high temperature structural applications. However, poor fracture toughness at room temperatures and low creep resistance at elevated temperatures have hindered its practical applications. This study uses a novel powder metallurgical approach applied to uniformly mixed molybdenum silicidebased composites with silicon carbide. The degree of powder mixing with different ball milling time is also demonstrated by Voronoi diagrams. Core-shell composite powder with Mo nanoparticles as the shell and β-SiC as the core is prepared via chemical vapor transport. Using this prepared core-shell composite powder, the molybdenum silicide-based composites with uniformly dispersed β-SiC are fabricated using pressureless sintering. The relative density of the specimens sintered at 1500oC for 10 h is 97.1%, which is similar to pressure sintering owing to improved sinterability using Mo nanoparticles.
Amorphous (a-Si) films were epitaxially crystallized on a very thin large-grained poly-Si seed layer by a silicide-enhanced rapid thermal annealing (SERTA) process. The poly-Si seed layer contained a small amount of nickel silicide whichcan enhance crystallization of the upper layer of the a-Si film at lower temperature. A 5-nm thick poly-Si seed layer was thenprepared by the crystallization of an a-Si film using the vapor-induced crystallization process in a NiCl2 environment. Afterremoving surface oxide on the seed layer, a 45-nm thick a-Si film was deposited on the poly-Si seed layer by hot-wire chemicalvapor deposition at 200oC. The epitaxial crystallization of the top a-Si layer was performed by the rapid thermal annealing(RTA) process at 730oC for 5 min in Ar as an ambient atmosphere. Considering the needle-like grains as well as thecrystallization temperature of the top layer as produced by the SERTA process, it was thought that the top a-Si layer wasepitaxially crystallized with the help of NiSi2 precipitates that originated from the poly-Si seed layer. The crystallinity of theSERTA processed poly-Si thin films was better than the other crystallization process, due to the high-temperature RTA process.The Ni concentration in the poly-Si film fabricated by the SERTA process was reduced to 1×1018cm−3. The maximum field-effect mobility and substrate swing of the p-channel poly-Si thin-film transistors (TFTs) using the poly-Si film prepared by theSERTA process were 85cm2/V·s and 1.23V/decade at Vds=−3V, respectively. The off current was little increased underreverse bias from 1.0×10−11 A. Our results showed that the SERTA process is a promising technology for high quality poly-Si film, which enables the fabrication of high mobility TFTs. In addition, it is expected that poly-Si TFTs with low leakagecurrent can be fabricated with more precise experiments.
CoSi2 was formed through annealing of atomic layer deposition Co thin films. Co ALD was carried out using bis(N,N'-diisopropylacetamidinato) cobalt (Co(iPr-AMD)2) as a precursor and NH3 as a reactant; this reaction produced a highly conformal Co film with low resistivity (50 μΩcm). To prevent oxygen contamination, ex-situ sputtered Ti and in-situ ALD Ru were used as capping layers, and the silicide formation prepared by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) was used for comparison. Ru ALD was carried out with (Dimethylcyclopendienyl)(Ethylcyclopentadienyl) Ruthenium ((DMPD)(EtCp)Ru) and O2 as a precursor and reactant, respectively; the resulting material has good conformality of as much as 90% in structure of high aspect ratio. X-ray diffraction showed that CoSi2 was in a poly-crystalline state and formed at over 800˚C of annealing temperature for both cases. To investigate the as-deposited and annealed sample with each capping layer, high resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) was employed with electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). After annealing, in the case of the Ti capping layer, CoSi2 about 40 nm thick was formed while the SiOx interlayer, which is the native oxide, became thinner due to oxygen scavenging property of Ti. Although Si diffusion toward the outside occurred in the Ru capping layer case, and the Ru layer was not as good as the sputtered Ti layer, in terms of the lack of scavenging oxygen, the Ru layer prepared by the ALD process, with high conformality, acted as a capping layer, resulting in the prevention of oxidation and the formation of CoSi2.
The synthesis and consolidation of titanium silicide by electro-discharge-sintering has been investigated. As-received Ti powder was in flaky shape and the mean particle size was , whereas the mean particle size of the pre-milled Si powder with angular shape was . Single pulse of 2.5 to 5.0 kJ/0.34g-elemental Ti and pre-milled Si powder mixture with the composition of Si was applied using capacitor. The solid with phase has been successfully fabricated by the discharge with the input energy more than 2.5kJ in less than Hv values were found to be higher than . The formation of occurred through a fast solid state diffusion reaction.
기계적 합금화 공정을 이용하여 열전재료FeSi2분말을 제조하여 열간압축법을 사용하여 성형하였다. 열간압축 성형된 FeSi2는 열전특성을 나타내는 β-FeSi2 상 및 상변태가 완료되지 않은 α-Fe2Si5와 ε-FeSi의 혼합상으로 이루어져 있음이 확인되었다. 열전재료로의 β-FeSi2 상변태 유도를 위해 항온열처리를 행하여 상변태 조건을 조사하였다. SEM, TEM, XRD, DTA 등을 이용하여 상변태 거동을 분석한 결과, 830˚C에서 24시간 진공 항온열처리 후 단상의 β-FeSi2 상을 얻을 수 있었다. 항온열처리 전의 열간압축 성형체와 상변태가 완료된 β-FeSi2의 기계적 성질과 열전 특성을 측정하여 비교 분석하였다.
The synthesis of and NiSi has been investigated by mechanical alloying (MA) of Ni-27.9at%Si, Ni-33.3at%Si and Ni-50.0at%Si powder mixtures. As-received and premilled elemental powders were subjected to MA. The as-received Ni powder was spherical and the mean particle size 48.8m, whereas the premilled Ni powder was flaky and the mean particle diameter and thickness were found to be 125 and 5m, respectively. The mean surface area of the premilled Mi powder particle was 3.5 times as large as that of the as-received Ni powder particle. The as-received Si powder was was 10.0m. Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction, followed by a slow reaction (a solid state diffusion), was observed to produce each Ni silicide during MA of the as-received elemental powders. In other word , the reactants and product coexisted for a long period of MA of time. Only SHS reaction was, however, observed to produce each Ni silicide during MA of the premilled elemental powders, indicating that each Ni sillicide formed rather abruptly at a short period of MA time. The mechanisms and reaction rates for the formation of the Ni silicides appeared to be influenced by the elemental powder particle size and shape as well as the heat of formation of the products longrightarrow-43.1kJ/, -47.6kJ/
Nickel silicides (Si, NiSi and NiSi) have been synthesized by mechanical alloying (MA) of Ni-27.9at.9at%Si, Ni-33.3at% and Ni-50.0at% powder mixtures, respectively. From in situ thermal analysis, eash citical milling period for the formation of the three phases was observed to be 40.2, 34.9 and 57.5 min, at which there was a rapid increase in temperature. This indicates that rapid, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reactions were observed to produce the three phases during room-temperature high-energy ball milling of elemental powders. Each Ni silicide, Ni and Si, however, coexisted for an extended milling time even after the critical milling period. The powders mechanically alloyed after the critical period showed the rapid increase in microhardness. The Hv values were found to be higher than 1000kgf/mm. The formation of nickel silicides by mechanical alloying and the relevant reaction rates appeared to be influenced by the critical milling period and the heat of formation of the products involved (Si-43.1kJ/, NiSi-47.6kJ/, NiSi-42.4kJ/
The synthesis of titanium silicides (, , , and TiSi) by mechanical alloying has been investigated. Rapid, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reactions were observed to produce the last three phases during room-temperature high-energy ball milling of elemental powders. Such reactions appeared to be ignited by mechanical impact in an intimate, fine powder mixture formed after a critical milling period. During the high-energy ball milling, the repeated impact at contact points leads to a local concentration of energy which may ignite a self-propagating reaction. From in-situ thermal analysis, each critical milling period for the formation of , and TiSi was observed to be 22, 35.5 and 53.5 min, respectively. and , however, have not been produced even till the milling period of 360 min due to lack of the homogeneity of the powder mixtures. The formation of titanium silicides by mechanical alloying and the relevant reaction rates appeared to depend upon the critical milling period, the homogeneity of the powder mixtures, and the heat of formation of the products involved.
단결정 Si기판위의 Co/Ti 이중층으로부터 형성된 Co 실리사이드의 에피텍셜 성장기구에 대하여 조사하였다. 실리사이드화 과정중 Ti원자들이 저온상의 CoSi결정구조의 tetrahedral site들을 미리 점유해 있음으로 인하여, CoSi2 결정구조로 바뀌는 과정에서 Si원자들이 나중에 제위치를 차지하기 어렵게 되는 효과 때문이다. 그리고 Ti중간층은 반응의 초기단계에 Co-Ti-O 삼원계 화합물을 형성하는데, 이 화합물은 실리사이드화 과정중 반응 제어층으로 작용하여 에피텍셜 실리사이드 형성에 중요한 역할을 한다. 최종 열처리 층구조 Ti oxide/Co-Ti-Si/epi/Cosi2(100) Si 이었다.