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        검색결과 23

        2024.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study responds to literature calls to investigate the different social and psychological antecedents of negative consumer emotional well-being in the context of the health crisis Covid-19. We perform a path analysis on a sample of Australian consumers during the Covid-19 lockdown. We find that social norms and word-ofmouth increase consumer fear-of-missing-out which in turn fuels panic buying behavior. Such behavior is moreover spurred by positive motivations to panic buy. By contrast, we find that consumer ability to self-regulate during Covid-19’s reduces their tendencies to succumb to panic buying. We moreover find that such self-regulation is enhanced through sustainable product consumption behavior during Covid-19. Lastly, it was found that panic buying has a negative influence on emotional well-being of consumers. Implications of our findings for theory and future research directions are provided.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The influence of the food value consumption type of MZ generation on food choice attribute and sustainable food consumption behavior was studied using structural equation modeling. A survey was conducted on April 11~17, 2022, among panels aged 20 to 39. A total of 350 valid replicates (100%) were analyzed using statistical program SPSS The validity of the measurement instrument was verified through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The data reliability was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The hypothesis was verified by performing path analysis through structural equation modeling using AMOS. Regarding the influence of food choice characteristics on sustainable food consumption behavior, health has a significant positive (+) effect on the selection consumption behavior of certified food and local food. Among food value consumption categories social value consumption has a significant negative (-) influence on the consumption behavior of certified food and the choice of local food. Ethical value consumption has a significant positive (+) influence on the selection consumption behavior of certified food and local food. This study is significant because it has identified sustainable food consumption behaviors that domestic consumers can adopt daily. It can use as baseline data for preparing political and institutional measures.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ever since sustainable development was brought up in the United Nation in 1987, sustainability has been one of the top priorities in the policy making process of different governments as well as different companies. Despite the fact that different industries have been putting efforts in promoting sustainability in their business, little effort was initially shown in the luxury industry. The sector has been regularly criticized by the general public for its lack of sustainable development imperatives. This has led to an extensive discussion in the academic field on whether luxury and sustainable development are by nature compatible or not. Some scholars suggest that the two concepts are indeed able to co-exist as they share many similarities. They suggest that virtual rarity is the key to increase the motivation of luxury consumers for sustainable luxury purchase. However, no further studies have concerned the relation between virtual rarity and sustainable luxury. It is the objective of the present paper to challenge this hypothesis, confronting it with the market perspective. Studying the views of Western regular luxury consumers towards the two concepts should ultimately help luxury managers design more efficient, and hopefully effective, strategies to promote sustainability in their companies. To achieve this objective, the paper is organized into the following parts. First, a thorough literature review helps defining the concepts of virtual rarity and of sustainable luxury, and ultimately merges both. Then, the qualitative methodology to conduct the study is explained, along with a detailed description of the methods used for data collection and data analysis. The paper then focuses on the most important theoretical and managerial findings, still acknowledging further research developments due to research limitations.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The global society is overwhelmed by growing social inequality and environmental pollution. Especially, the fashion industry has been linked to hazardous clothing wastes and exploitation of labor in poor countries. We acknowledge that the sustainability philosophy could be an alternative governing principle that can lead us to a better future for the fashion industry. This study investigates brain responses of fashion professionals and consumers as they are presented with sustainable fashion of luxury and SPA brands. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), the whole brain responses of participants were measured and analyzed to reveal how their brain responses differ depending on fashion products’ brand type and certification mark. We build an online education platform for professionals and lay consumers on the subject of sustainable fashion. Brain responses are measured from both groups of professionals and consumers while they are exposed to sustainable fashion products of luxury and SPA brands. A group of subjects watch the online educational program while under the counterpart condition subjects see another video of the same length, unrelated to sustainability. BOLD measures are acquired using Siemens 3T scanner and analyzed using SPM 12 software. We find selective brain activation patterns that can distinguish the educated group from the uneducated ones. The practical implication of this study is that we must do our best to build a sustainability education program which can motivate professionals and consumers effectively, by stimulating both cognitive and affective bases of behavioral change.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On the one hand, organic food consumption has emerged as a rapidly growing consumption trend, juxtaposed against the unsustainability of industrialized food provisions. On the other hand, recent reports highlight that premium food consumption is one of the fastest growing luxury market segments worldwide. This paper draws on the theory of social practices in order investigate how organic food consumption can be understood as an emerging luxury fashion trend, comprised of multiple interrelated ‘nexuses of doings and sayings’ that represent the elements of, and situated within the broader context of consumer culture. In this endeavour, we have conducted a situated investigation of organic food consumption in South Korea. Our findings illustrate that Korean consumers engage in organic food consumption not merely for their superior health benefits or sustainability concerns. Instead, organic consumption conveys three distinct consumption value types – namely, functional (e.g., superior quality), experiential (e.g., feeling better about themselves because they purchase eco-friendly produce), and symbolic (e.g., allows them to convey their social status). Importantly, when these value types are taken together, they closely resemble the value derived from luxury fashion, which lead us to the conclusion that organic food consumption can be conceived as a particular type of luxury fashion trend. The paper concludes with the discussion of theoretical contributions and managerial implications.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study identified fashion consumers disposal behavior and analyzed the effects of consumers pursuing values in disposal, environmental awareness, and sustainable fashion consumption attitudes in regards to fashion disposal behavior. A survey questionnaire was developed and data were obtained from 460 consumers in their 20's to 50's in Korea who had experienced fashion disposal behaviors during last 12 months. As a result, there were four different fashion disposal behaviors such as economical, practical, and social disposal as well as hoarding behaviors. Consumers pursuing values in disposal affected fashion disposal behavior. Practical and economical values had positively impacted economical disposal and hoarding behaviors. While hedonic value had a negative impact on economical disposal behavior, it had a positive impact on social disposal behavior. Also, environmental-social values had positively impacted practical and social disposal behaviors. Fashion-related environmental knowledge had positively impacted economical and practical disposal behaviors and PCE affected social disposal behavior, while environmental concerns had a negative impact on economical disposal behavior. Consumers attitude toward usedfashion items, fashion recycling, and fashion innovativeness affected all of fashion disposal behaviors. Although hoarding behavior has been an under researched area, the finding implied that hoarding behavior was affected by consumer's pursuing value in disposal and sustainable consumption attitude. Also, environmental-social values and attitudes toward used-fashion items would induce practical disposal behavior such as reuse by alteration or reform. Consumers economical and hedonic values can promote donations or exchange/resale of unwanted fashion items, which can lead to sustainable consumption.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the ecological environment deteriorating and rapid growth of world population, sustainable issue becomes a hot issue all over the world. All the state, industry and consumer levels pay more attention to the sustainable filed. Even Kotler (2011) in his study mentioned that the need for sustainable issue means new challenges to the scholars and practitioners. This research aim to the sustainable consumption filed in China. Based on the previous studies, sustainable consumption can be summarized including clothing, food, housing and travelling is an important way to cope with the deteriorating ecological environment and the rapid growth of world population. The Chinese government attaches great importance to sustainable consumption, at the same time the government has issued many sustainable policies to promote the development of sustainable consumption concept. Environmental policies consists of three kinds of instruments (regulation instrument, economic instrument, and information instrument), but which instrument is more effective to promote people’s sustainable consumption attitude and behavior, and whether these effects will be changed or not in different context, previous studies have no clear answer. Based on the literature view, this study organized and established the concept research model. Following the logic of policy-attitude-behavior, the researchers examined the relationship among environmental policy instruments, sustainable consumption attitude and sustainable consumption behavior. Meanwhile, due to long-term orientation was an important variable to explain attitude and behavior, based on time orientation theory, this research also tested the moderating role of long-term orientation between environmental policy instruments and sustainable consumption attitude. Data were collected from Chinese residents in the medium size city, after excluding 67 invalid questionnaires, 325 questionnaires were used to analysis. Through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, this study confirmed that the scales of main variables had good reliability and validity. Researchers adopted SPSS19.0 to conduct multiple regression analysis. Results showed that regulation instrument and economic instrument had significant effects on sustainable consumption attitude, but the effect of information instrument was not significant. Long-term orientation played the positive moderating role between economic instrument and sustainable consumption attitude; consumers’ sustainable consumption attitude was correlated with sustainable consumption behavior, and was as a mediator between regulation instrument, economic instrument and sustainable consumption behavior. Finally, based on the research results we give some suggestions and contributions to both academy and practice. The conclusions of this study can contribute to the enrichment of environment policy theory,time orientation theory and sustainable consumption,and can provide a certain theoretical guidance and reference for the issue of government on how to promote the development of sustainable consumption. We also point out the limitations of this study and some suggestions for further researches.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reflecting the phenomenon of the growing importance of sustainable consumption in achieving sustainable development, this study argues that luxury fashion brands can promote consumers to make sustainable consumption, by encouraging consumers to choose timeless style over seasonable fashion and long-lasting quality over excessive quantity, and thereby buy less and wear the product for long, having a socially and environmentally friendly influence to the planet. In addition to the leading role that luxury fashion brands play in consumers’ sustainable consumption, this study draws on the Coping Theory to explain how consumer guilt plays an important role in promoting consumers’ sustainable behavior (i.e., sustainable divestment intention). To achieve the aim of this study, we will collect 400 valid responses from consumer panelists of a commercial online survey company. Further, this study will analyze the data by adopting structural equation modeling (SEM) via AMOS 22.
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