Today’s manufacturers must respond quickly to customer needs. In particular, make-to-order companies are constantly striving to satisfy customer demand for products in order to secure more favorable conditions in the future through bidding. In this bidding process, quotations play a very important role in providing favorable conditions. And the most important content that companies strive to satisfy their customers is the product's performance. Therefore, a company can attract customers and secure economic profits through good quotations, but it can be said that the first priority is to match the performance of the products requested by the customers. That is, when a company creates a quotation, it is important to structure the quotation according to the performance of the product. Thus, this paper intends to present a quotation management framework and a quotation BOM information model for constructing quotations efficiently in make-to-order manufacturing. And, in order to prove the usefulness of the proposed quotation management framework, we presents an case of the construction of an quotation management system based on the JAVA platform. As a result, the integrated quotation management system based on the proposed quotation management framework and quotation BOM has been successfully operated in a make-to-order company that manufactures marine engines.
The manufacturing companies under Make-To-Order (MTO) production environment face highly variable requirements of the customers. It makes them difficult to establish preemptive production strategy through inventory management and demand forecasting. Therefore, the ability to establish an optimal production schedule that incorporates the various requirements of the customers is emphasized as the key success factor.
In this study, we suggest a process of designing the simulation model for establishing production schedule and apply this model to the case of a flat glass processing company. The flat glass manufacturing industry is under MTO production environment. Academic research of flat glass industry is focused on minimizing the waste in the cutting process. In addition, in the practical view, the flat glass manufacturing companies tend to establish the production schedule based on the intuition of production manager and it results in failure of meeting the due date. Based on these findings, the case study aims to present the process of drawing up a production schedule through simulation modeling. The actual data of Korean flat glass processing company were used to make a monthly production schedule. To do this, five scenarios based on dispatching rules are considered and each scenario is evaluated by three key performance indicators for delivery compliance. We used B2MML (Business To Manufacturing Markup Language) schema for integrating manufacturing systems and simulations are carried out by using SIMIO simulation software. The results provide the basis for determining a suitable production schedule from the production manager's perspective.
This article has shown the actuality of Chinese character teaching activities by using the method of name-choosing with 井. First of all, teachers must design the name question into the curriculum activity. While I started from the question of “assuming Xu Shen’s opening of a bookstore and how to get its name”, the students collectively completed the kanji character on the blackboard. Furthermore, the questioning method is used to promote student thinking, and the teacher is to give students feedback on the knowledge of the Chinese characters, sounds, and meanings. Finally, the teacher will explain the origin and development of the word “彧” in the structure of shape, sound, and meaning. The Chinese character teaching method provided in this article is an innovative and effective learning that can promote the teacher-student interaction. If we can implement this method through the teacher education, we will have a refreshing experience in the dissemination of international character education!
온도 및 습도에 민감한 화물에 대한 수요가 증가하고 있다. 이에 우리나라도 항만에서 온도 및 습도에 민감한 화물을 적극적으로 유치할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 온도 및 습도 민감화물 유치에 대한 해외사례를 분석하여 시사점을 도출하고 우리나라에 유치 가 능한 품목을 선정하는데 목적이 있다.
본 연구는 독서 습관 형성을 위한 책 읽기 프로그램을 통해 독서 교육을 시행한 결과이다. 미래사회가 요구하는 가치나 능력은 일방적인 정보전달을 받아들이기만 하는 것과 달리 스스로 이해하고 사색하고 비판하고 창조하는 과정을 거쳐서 길러지는 것이기 때문에 적절한 독서 활동을 통하여 가르치는 것이 더 적합하다. 책과 친해질 수 있는 책 읽기 환경을 조성하여 자신만의 책 읽기 전략을 세우도록 하였다. 또, 책읽기에 관심과 흥미를 느껴 책 읽기에 몰입할 수 있는 프로그램을 구안·적용하여 책 읽기 능력을 향상시키고, 가정 및 지역사회 내에서 책 읽기를 생활화하여 지속적인 책 읽기 습관을 형성하도록 하였다. 그리하여 학급 아동들이 흥미와 즐거움을 느끼면서 자발적으로 책을 읽는 습관을 형성 할 수 있도록 하며, 독서를 통하여 아동들이 지닌 다양한 능력과 창의성을 기를 수 있는 체계적인 프로그램을 개발하고 실행했다.
In manufacturing companies, engineering information is a central data which defines a product to be produced. This is changed by various factors such as changes of product configuration, changes of drawings information of a technology's licensor, etc, and
Ultra-high voltage transformer industry has characteristic of small quantity batch production system by other order processing unlike general mass production systems. In this industry, observance of time deadline is very important in market competitive
사고예측모형은 도로에서 발생한 교통사고자료를 통계적으로 모형화한 것으로 종속변수는 과거의 사고건수가 되고 설명 변수로는 주로 사고가 일어난 장소의 도로 기하구조 조건, 교통조건, 운영조건 등 도료의 속성자료가 이용된다. 기존의 사고예측모형의 한계를 극복하고자 새로운 방안인 Hauer의 연구를 구체적으로 소개하고 이를 국내 고속도로 사망사고자료를 통해 적용하였다. Hauer의 방법론에 의한 사고예측모형을 구축한 결과 AADT와 종단구배를 통해 사고예측모형의 적합도를 상당히 높일 수 있었으나, 곡선반경은 사고건수와 직접적 인 관련이 있는 것으로 파악되지 않았다. 이러한 사고예측모형은 기존의 모형과 비교 시 여러 설명변수 중 어떤 변수가 모형에 도입되어야 하는지를 결정할 때 분명한 근거를 지니기 때문에 중요한 변수가 누락되거나 혹은 중요하지 않는 변수가 도입될 가능성 이 낮아지는 장점을 지니고 있다.
“국군은 국가의 안전보장과 국토방위의 신성한 의무를 수행함을 사명으로 한다.”고 우리헌법 제5조 2항은 명시하고 있다. 그러므로 군에서 발생하는 범죄행위는 곧 인적요소인 전투력을 손실시키게 된다는 것을 의미하게 되므로 군내 범죄예방에 노력하고, 발생된 범죄행위에 대해서는 철저한 수사활동을 통해 해결하여 범죄발생을 억제함과 동시에 낙오된 수용자에 대하여도 보다 적극적이고 합리적인 교정교화 업무를 수행함으로써 무위의 전투력 손실을 방지하는데 중점을 두어야 하겠다. 따라서 현재 진행 중에 있는 군행형법 전부개정안에 관한 검토와 연구는 이러한 측면에서 매우 중요한 의미를 내포하고 있다 할 수 있겠다. 특히 군행형법 개정안은 2005년도부터 사법제도 개혁추진위원회에서 군사법제도 개혁일환으로 추진하여 온 군형법 개정안 등 총7개 법안 중1) 하나로서 그동안 국방부에서는 군사법제도 개혁 건의문을 존중하면서 군의 특수성 보장을 위한 군내외의 다양한 의견수렴 절차를 거쳐 군행형법 개정안을 사법제도 개혁위원회에 제출하였으며 이를 토대로 최종 입법안을 의결(현재 국회계류 중) 하였다고 주장하고 있다. 그러나 군행형법 개정방안 중 일부사항은 다른 군사법 개선방안과 같이 관련부서간의 이해관계로 인해 충분한 논의가 아직도 미흡한 감이 없지 않은 실정으로 군의 특수성과 장병 인권보장이 구현되는 측면에서 개정이 이루어지도록 좀 더 신중하게 접근해 나가는게 바람직하다고 생각한다.
The revised Bill of Prison Act was introduced into National Assembly by government on 26. april 2006. This bill surpasses Korean current Prison Act both in the protection of prisoners' rights and the improvement of correctional treatment. nevertheless with many regrets there are some problems to solve in our bill between guaranteeing prisoners' Fundamental Rights and maintaining order and safety in the penal institution therefore this studies were concentrated on making up for the week points in this bill. focusing on the imprisonment, contact with the outside world of the prisoners (the right to ask an interview with , and to correspond with) and disciplinary punishment in prison in view of the fundamental rights of prisoners. Discussing the inmate rights are frequently seen by the public as un necessary expenses and luxuries but all persons are dignified although they are criminals. therefore Prisoners' fundamental rights should be respected in order to confirmation their human dignify. The following is the suggestions of these studies. 1. Contact with the outside world of the prisoners is guaranteed to the utmost for the purpose of both re-socialization and prisoners' human rights. 2. Prison overcrowding issues should be solved as soon as possible for prisoners' human dignify. 3. Surveillance by cctv to maintain order and safety there must be a great danger to violence the prisoners' privacy rights. so the surveillance of prisoners' cells by cctv must not be permitted. 4. Prohibition of writings, prohibition of mail and visit, prohibition of autdoor exercises does not appropriate for the disciplinary punishments. 5. Solitary confinement in the most critical disciplinary punishments so it should be limited to maximum 30days.
A company wishes to obtain a competitive edge by adopting an efficient logistics information system to control the logistics management process. The elements of the competitive edges a company targets are to maintain good quality, reduce cost and on-time delivery and those competitive edges are closely related to the cycle time of a product. The logistics information system in a company is also closely tied with other business activities than the logistics itself. Therefore it is essential to choose a system that will help rationalize the logistics but also overall business operations along the supply chain from manufacturing to distribution of the products. This paper aims to research and analyze a problem with a logistics information system through case study and to suggest a logistics information system with RFID in place adopted to eliminate problems such as damages, loss and defect rates.
본 연구는 실제 현장에서 적용할 수 있는 보다 구체적인 감성 데이터를 제공하기 위한 시도로서, 메이크업의 주요한 색채특성을 평가변인으로 하여 칼라 시뮬레이션 실험 및 분석을 실시하여, 최종적으로 색채감성 분석기법에 의한 이미지 유형별 예측모델을 작성하였다. 그 결과, 「품위있는.귀족적인」, 「깔끔한.여성스러운」, 「강렬한.도발적인」, 「캐주얼한.경쾌한」, 「수수한.부드러운」의 5가지 이미지유형이 추출되었고, 이미지유형별로 이미지와 색채특성간의 정량적 예측모델을 작성한 후, 그 결과를 토대로 이미지유형별 색채팔레트를 제시하였다.
The present paper study investigates the relationship between social exclusion and donation intention among specific social groups in Korea. Social exclusion refers to non-participation in social experiences by the socially disadvantaged. Data were analyzed using two sources; first was the evidence of behaviors arising from social exclusion of the university students and then socially excluded reactions of the elderly responses from the survey were compared with the first research findings. The reason of using multi-sources of data is that the outcome from the experimental design of the university student is imperative to clarify what the conclusions will be the same result with the other demographic characteristic of the elderly. The research design was three excluded elderly individuals of a self-excluded group and two other excluded groups divided such as “ignored” and “rejected” individuals to compare the differences among three groups of different sources of exclusion. The conclusion of this study is that those with high social exclusion exhibited a more negative donation intention than those with lower social exclusion, but that those who perceived themselves as self-excluded were more likely to give donations than those excluded by others, regardless of the level of their social exclusion.
The purpose of this study is to examine whether cementitious powder separated from waste concrete can be used as the alternative raw material for limestone and reducing the usage of natural resource (limestone) and CO2emission based on recycling cementitious powder from waste concrete.
Therefore, to reduce waste and CO2 emission in the cement industry and develop recycled cement, mix design was deducted by multi-objective optimization.