Traditional Korean architecture and traditional ships maintained a close relationship with carpenters and tools because wood, the material, was common. This close relationship may have been from the time of ancient architecture and ancient ships. In previous studies, researchers proved the relationship between these two sides through historical records of traditional architecture and traditional ships. This study attempts to prove the structural association using existing remains. As a result, three structural similarities between traditional architecture and traditional ships could be found. First, the types of wood used are similar, and the tools and terms used are similar. Second, the method of distinguishing horizontal and vertical materials and the structure of wood and the method of forming wood are similar. Lastly, the ship carpenters mobilized for the construction of the palace mainly worked on long and curved materials such as the eaves and the ridge of a roof, because this was the work done when the ship was built. Therefore, it can be assumed that the roof structure they created resembles that of the ship.
목구조에 있어서 횡력에 저항하는 전단벽의 역할은 대단히 중요하다. 특히 이 목조 전단벽은 다양한 수종의 스터드 와 다양한 판재, 접합철물로 제작되어 재료의 성능을 특정하기가 쉽지 않다는 어려움이 있다. 따라서, 구조설계에서 초기단계에 서부터 적용해야하는 경골목조 전단벽의 환산 전단성능값을 미국, 캐나다, 일본 그리고 국내기준의 설정방법을 통하여 파악해 보고자 하였다. 분석결과 국내 경골목구조기준과 소규모 건축기준에서 기본사양으로 제시하고 있는 2×4의 스터드에 두께 11㎜ 의 OSB를 적용한 기본 전단벽의 허용전단력은 3.5~4.5 kN/m의 범위, 또한 환산 전단강성값으로는 1100~1150 kN/m정도로 설계 하는 것이 가능할 것으로 나타났다. 특히, 국내기준은 국외기준에 비하여 상대적으로 큰 전단내력을 허용하고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 현재 기준에서와 같이 북미기 준과 동일한 전단강성을 활용할 경우, 재료의 비선형거동 때문에 실제 변형량을 과소평가할 가능성이 있어, 허용응력의 설정범 위와 전단강성값의 산정기준을 조정하여야 할 필요가 있는 것으로 파악되었다.
목조건축물에 주로 적용되고 있는 철물 접합 시스템은 모재인 나무와 접합부재인 철재 간의 강도 차이 및 재질의 이질성으로 인한 외관상의 위화감 등이 문제점으로 대두되고 있다. 재료 가공의 편의성으로 프리컷 시스템이 도입되었고, 시공성 을 해결하기 위한 새로운 재료 및 시스템의 개발이 요구된다. 본 연구에서는 자연재료를 그 원료로 하여 미관상 목조건축물에 위화감이 없는 황토 압밀 플레이트를 개발하였다. 황토 및 소석회를 원료로 하여 제작한 시험체의 양생방법(기건 양생, CO2 양 생)에 따른 성능을 평가하기 위해 질량 변화, 지압 강도, 흡수율, 표면상태, 열중량변화 측정 및 SEM을 통한 생성광물의 미시적인 부분을 관찰하였다. 또한 제조과정에서의 온실가스 배출 및 흡수에 따른 환경성능평가를 수행하였다. 기건 양생한 시험체에 비해 CO2 챔버에 양생한 시험체는 원료인 소석회의 탄산화 반응으로 인한 탄산칼슘의 생성으로 역학적 성능이 향상되었다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 원료인 소석회의 탄산화반응으로 인해 생석회 제조시 발생하는 CO2량의 70% 이상을 재흡수 한다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
본 연구에서는 목탑 상륜부 구조물의 진동 특이성을 분석하였다. 목탑 상륜부 구조물은 공예가들에 의해서 만들어지기 때문 에 공학적인 판단을 받지 않고 설치되어 불안정한 상황이 발생될 수 있다. 최초에 설계된 평화의 탑 상륜부는 전체 높이 7,720mm 중 에서 약 2/3높이에 해당하는 5,150mm까지는 스테인레스 스틸을 사용하고 나머지 2,570mm는 황동으로 설계되어 제작 의뢰되었다. 최 초 설계안에 대해 진동해석을 수행하고 모드별 유효질량을 산출한 결과 2차모드의 유효질량이 1차모드의 유효질량보다 크게 산출되 었다. 이런 현상의 개선을 위해 황동 부분을 스테인레스로 변경하여 2차 설계안이 준비되었고 2차 안에 대한 진동해석을 수행한 결과 1차모드가 지배적인 모드로 전환되었다. 본 연구의 결과로, 2차모드의 유효질량이 1차모드의 유효질량보다 큰 것이 전단력 미친 영향 의 정도를 정확하게 판단하기는 어렵다. 이 부분에 대해 추후 연구가 진행되어야 정확한 언급이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
The purpose of this study is to comprehend the change of the terms and the structure of the Pungpanbu in the T-shaped wooden shrines in the later Joseon period through the Salleung-dogamuigwes. Following conclusions have been reached through the study. First, the terms in the Salleung-dogamuigwes were similar to Yeonggeon-dogamuigwes but timing difference was verified. The word about the frame of Pungpanbu was different from the current. Second, in accordance with the extended of Pungpanbu, the members of frame of Pungpanbu had been increased and it had been changed to the lattice. The members of Pungpanbu used as plan dimensions and the size of the members had been gradually increased. Third, the Pungpanbu had been extended to protect the side of T-shaped wooden shrines. At the same time, the range of Chukjungbang had been extended. This was the result of the efforts of the era to reduce the range of plaster. This affected the overall elevation change of T-shaped wooden shrines.
This thesis mainly deals with how ‘count of Ryang’ was used in the Daehan Empire. Count of Ryang means how many purlins were used in the building with longitudinal section. As a result, the notion of Ryang in the Daehan Empire does not differ from now one. But the usages of that are different from the Joseon Dynasty, and from the present. In the Daehan Empire, count of Ryang mainly was appeared with another word, count of Kan. In the Joseon Dynasty, they used the count of Ryang combined with Kan. Count of Kan had the meaning of purlin-directional length. By doing that, count of Ryang indicates the size of flank, count of Kan indicates the length of front. But in the Daehan Empire, count of Kan, especially the beam-directional length was considered at first, and then count of Ryang. Separately they used another count of Kan meaning the area of building. By using the combined words, count of Kan and Ryang in the beam direction, they got focused on the frame of wooden structure than before.
This thesis mainly deals with how ‘count of Ryang’ was used in Joseon dynasty. Count of Ryang means how many purlins were used in the building with longitudinal section. As a result, the notion of Ryang in Joseon dynasty does not differ from now one. But the usages of that are slightly different to the present day. In Joseon dynasty, count of Ryang mainly was appeared with another word, count of Kan. Count of Kan has two meanings. One is the length, and the other is the area of building. When they used the count of Ryang combined with Kan, count of Kan had the meaning of length. By doing that, count of Ryang indicates the size of flank, count of Kan indicates the length of front. In the 19th century, count of Ryang looks similar to the past, but count of Kan shows another aspect. It did not indicate the length but the area of building. Through this study, although the usages of Ryang were different to the present, the concepts of Ryang were similar in Joseon dynasty.
본 연구는 불탑 중 백제 말기 건립된 익산 미륵사지 석탑과 조선 중기 보은 법주사팔상 전과의 계통사적 구조체계의 상관성을 고찰한 것으로 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다.
첫째, 익산 미륵사지 구층석탑은 내부에 심초석(心礎石)이 설치된 것으로 보아 심주와 사천주가 코어구조체계(core structure system)인 누각형 탑파로 상층기둥의 위치에 따른 체감율이 큰 것으로 보아 퇴칸은 칸물림방식의 전각형이 채택된 절충형식이라는 추정이 가능하다.
둘째, 보은 법주사 팔상전은 목탑의 기본적인 구성요소인 옥심주와 사천주가 코어 구조 체계로 채용되고, 주변 협칸과 퇴칸은 전각형 칸물림방식의 중층구조기법을 부차적으로 채택하여 익산 미륵사지 석탑과 같은 계통의 체감율이 큰 특징의 절충형 목탑이라고 할 수 있다.
셋째, 백제시대 불탑구조는 누각형(평좌층식, 포구조식)과 누각형에 전각형을 채택한 절충형으로 대별된다. 불탑은 필요에 따라 탑신의 높낮이를 비례적으로 조절하여 완성미를 높였으며, 처마길이를 충분히 확보함으로써 건축물의 볼륨감(massing)이 풍부한 기능성이 강한 건축물을 축조하였다.
넷째, 백제시대에 창안된 새로운 불탑형식으로서의 절충양식은 백제 말기에 시원하여 문화통치기인 통일신라시대와 지방문화를 정책적으로 장려한 고려시대를 거쳐 조선 중기 보은 법주사 팔상전으로 끊임없이 이어져 계승된 백제 고유의 불탑양식이라고 할 수 있다.
The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the wooden frame structure of Buddhist temple, Kumdang in Youngamsaji which assumed to be built in the 9th century of Unified Silla Dynasty. The remaining site of Kumdang in Youngamsaji is investigated thoroughly with a particular attention to bay size and column distribution. The five ancient Buddhist temples which were built in the same period also have the same frame type as Youngamsaji Kumdang. These five ancient Buddhist temples and Kumdang in Youngamsaji are meticulously investigated in terms of their bay sizes and measuring modules. The framework schema is devised as a conceptual tool to conjecture wooden frame structures of Buddhist temple. A theoretical differentiation between frame type and frame structure is attempted to formulated a wooden frame structure as a stepping-stone for the reconstruction of traditional wooden building. The wooden frame structure of 9C Kumdang in Youngamsaji mainly follows the oldest Korean wooden pavilion, Muryangsujeon in Busuk temple, with a hip and gable roof. The wooden frame structure of 9C Kumdang in Youngamsaji is reconstructed through 3D computer modeling to such an extent that every wooden components of the structure can be 3D printed. The reconstruction also takes reference from the Cai-Fen system in Yingzao Fashi.
This paper presents an investigation on dynamic characteristics of Heunginjimun through both ambient vibration and impact hammer tests. Heunginjimun, treasure No. 1 in Seoul, Korea, is a traditional wooden structure. Ambient vibration test is performed and spectrum analysis of time history is carried out to identify dominant frequency contents of Heunginjimun. Impact hammer test is undertaken to find the natural frequency of Heunginjimun with frequency response functions and phase information. Test results show that natural frequencies are 1.lHz, l.5Hz, 3.2Hz and 4.2Hz in two principal axes. Natural frequencies obtained by the tests are used to find the lateral stiffness of Heunginjimun. Simple dynamic models for Heunginjimun are suggested based on the moment resistance from joint beams and the restoring force due to column rocking. Lateral stiffness is found with identified natural frequencies and simple dynamic models.
The purpose of this study is to discover the characteristics and the change of the framed structure with triple beam. 61 existing buildings with the triple beam structure were selected and analyzed extensively. The result of this study could be described in detail like below. The triple beam structure is used in the highly graded and symbolized building like the Buddhist sanctum and the Confucian sanctum. And the triple beam structure was chiefly used in $1600{\sim}1800's$. Generally, 1 Koju-type with Toikan(退間) is applied to the triple beam structure. Despite of the sameness of framed structure, there is a tendency that the rear Toikan(後退間) is used in the Buddhist sanctum and the front Toikan(前退間) is used in the Confucian sanctum. This different application of the Toikan(退間) resulted from the different spatial characteristics which reflect function and grade of the building. The application of Sangjungdori(上中道里, upper purlin) and two Danyeon(短椽, short rafter) is a necessary consequence, because Jungbo(중보, middle beam) is located between Daebo(대보, beam) and Jongbo(종보, small and high located beam) as an additional member of frame. And these are essential characteristics of the framed structure with triple beam. The triple beam structure is formed in a transitional period, as the result from eliminating the inner high-column from the 2 Koju and double beam structure. Though the Daebo is longer, the structure is more stable. But the rate of application of the triple beam structure is low, because it does not exceed the double beam structure in merits. Some of buildings with the triple beam structure has the asymmetrical characteristic in design, which is appeared in the latter period of Joseon Dynasty.
This study examines the joint and splice of wooden structure at Geunjeongjeon Hall of Gyengbok Palace, which was constructed in the late Joseon Dynasty. The scope of the study is on the part of columns, the bracket sets, and the frame structure. This research also deals with the relationship between vortical load and horizontal load. Firstly, the examination of the joint and splice methods between the pillar and penetrating ties is on the joint and splice methods of the outer and corner. Through the investigation, it is verified that the joint methods between pillar and penetrating tie on the outer and corner pillars is the method of Sagal joints(cross joints, 사개맞춤). Joints used between pillar and penetrating tie are dovetailed tenon joints, between columns and Anchogong(안초공), between columns and Choikgong(초익공) are tenon joint(장부맞춤). Secondly, the examination of the joint and splice methods of the bracket set is on that of Salmi and Cheomcha(첨차), and Salmi and Janghyeo(장혀). Joints used between Salmi and Cheomcha, Salmi and Janghyeo are halved joint, and between each Janghyeo are stepped dovetailed splice. It is Cheomcha that is used the Jujang-Cheomcha(주장첨차) on center line. Therefore it is connected with each bracket set, which gets to is the strong system, easy and convenient on the construction of that. Thirdly, the frame structure of wooden architecture in royal palace is consist of purlins and beams, Janghyeo(장혀, timber under purlin), tall columns, king posts, etc. Through the investigation, it is verified that the joint and splice methods between purlins and beams are used with the methods of Sungeoteok joint(숭어턱맞춤). It is verified that the joint and splice methods between beams and high columns are used with methods of mortise and tenon joint(장부맞춤), is highly related with tensile force. To reduce the separation of parts, sangi(산지) and tishoi(띠쇠) are used as a counterproposal, which were generally used for architecture in royal Palaces in the late Joseon Dynasty and continued to be used until these days common wooden architecture.
Korea is closed to China in the geographical position and is related to China as two countries have developed similar culture, art, and social systems. Architecture is a kind of culture and has advanced in the wooden architecture with a considerable change. The study investigated a phylogenetic relationship between two countries based on characteristics of architectural universality. With comparison and analysis on the common feature and difference of the beam and structure in the wooden architecture from the Koryo and Zhejiang Province(China), the systemicity of the wooden architecture was examined. The beam is a part of timber which is consist of the wooden structure frame and also a crucial subject to understand a development process of the wooden architecture.
The purpose of this study is to clarify the characteristics of the ancient architectures of the Yuan Dynasty(元代). The result is expected to efficient for a basic data to research history of the Koryo(高麗) architectures. This study was focused on the architecture of the Yuan dynasty in Hancheng city, because the buildings of the Yuan Dynasty were remained in Hancheng city(韓城) of Shanxi province(陝西) in the largest numbers through all China territory. And the study was especially analyzed in the angle of the system of wooden structures among various architectural points. It was looked into, in large, views of form of whole structure and, in detail, joining method of detail parts. As a result of the study, the characteristics of architectures of the Yuan Dynasty in Hancheng city were summarized as follow a reduction of the unit size, a shifting of columns, a removal of columns and a simplicity of ornaments. These are different with architecture of other empire periods. Also, these are the characteristics of the Korean tradition at architectures. This study of the Yuan's architectures of Hancheng is expected to be the basis of the advanced study about the relationship between Koryo(高麗) architectures and Yuan(元) architectures.
삼국시대 이후 근대까지 민가의 가장 보편적인 형태였던 초가삼가의 평균적인 상세 구조를 제시하였다. 목조 프레임이 주로 사용되었으며 프레임의 조인트는 사개맞춤이 일반적이었다. 초가삼간을 구성하는 평주 및 고주 프레임의 정적 수평내력을 1:1 실험모델을 통하여 평가하였다. 기둥 상부 조인트의 형태 및 심벽이 수평내력에 미치는 영향과 조인트의 파괴모드를 분석하였다. 실험결과 평주 프레임의 극한 수평내력은 1,090N, 파괴시 최대 수평변위는 400mm(1/6 rad)이었다. 고주 프레임의 경우 이들 값은 각각 4,160 N 및 250 mm(1/9.6 rad)이었다. 프레임의 거동은 모두 조인트의 거동에 지배되었으며 매우 큰 비선형을 보였다. 조인트의 파괴모드는 평주 프레임의 경우 화통가지의 전단파괴, 고주프레임의 경우 화통가지의 휨파괴가 주요한 모드였다.