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        검색결과 3,159

        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서 해양플랜트 구조물에 주로 사용하고 있는 알루미늄 합금 A6082-T6의 재료특성을 반영한 사각형 판에 대한 패치 로딩의 구조 안정성 문제를 검토하였다. 구조 안정성 문제를 검토 시 네 가지 패치 로딩 형태와 종횡비 효과, 주변지지조건을 적용하여 임계 탄성 좌굴하중을 산출하였다. 고유치 좌굴해석 간 사용한 요소는 4절점 쉘요소 shell181을 적용하였다. 패치 로딩을 받는 판은 균일 축 압축하중과 비교 시 상이한 탄성 좌굴거동이 발생되는 것을 관찰할 수 있었으며 하중형태와 위치, 종횡비 효과 등과 같은 변수에 대해 상당히 영향을 받고 있는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 또한, 종횡비(a/b) 1.0, 하중길이(rb) 200 mm 단순지지 사각형 판에서 패치 로딩 형태에 따른 임계 탄성좌굴하중은 67 %(하중 I), 119 %(하중 II), 76 %(하중 III), 160 %(하중 IV)이 각각 산출되었으며 하중 I과 III은 하중 II와 IV보다 훨씬 더 탄성 좌굴거동에 강한 것으로 판단할 수 있다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠는 음양의 조화를 방편으로 사용하여 존재의 통합에 도달하는 과정을 제시했다. 이러한 조화는 무용수가 긴장과 갈등의 단계를 거쳐서 육체와 정신이 융합되는 남녀의 성행위를 통해 양성이 하나로 통합되는 정점의 시점에서만이 성취되는 지복의 상태이다. 성행위를 상징하는 춤 이미지에서 1)화자는 무용수가 춤을 추는 꿈을 꾸고, 2)그 춤은 성행위를 하는 이미지로 재현되고, 3)무용수는 탑의 나선형 계단을 따라 선회하여 탑의 정상에 도달한다. 이러한 것은 4)조각상, 미인, 태양과 달의 결합과 같은 상징으로 시에 발현된다. 예이츠는 존재의 통합에 이르는 다양한 방법 중에서 이와 같이 성행위를 상징하는 춤 이미지를 사용하여 자신의 핵심사상에 도달하는 또 다른 과정을 제시했다. 이처럼 무용수가 춤을 추면서 육체와 정신이 하나로 통합된 상태는 불교에서 열반에 이르는 단계를 연상시켜주고 있다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한려해상국립공원 동부지역에 위치한 5개의 특정도서지역(소치도, 장도, 세존도, 솔섬, 학섬)의 관속식물상을 2011년 4월부터 2012년 10월까지 총 50회에 걸쳐 조사를 실시하였다. 장도에서 관속식물의 출현은 특산식물 1분류군, 귀화식물 10분류군, 희귀식물 1종을 포함하여 총 52과 102속 11종11변종 2품종 124분류군 이 조사되었으며, 학섬에서는 44과 73속 76종 8변종 84분류군이 출현하였고 특산식물 3분류군 귀화식물 5분류군을 포함하고 있었다. 소치도에서의 관속식물은 38과 51속 51종 8변종 59분류군이 출현하였고, 귀화식물 3분류군, 희귀식물 3분류군이 조사되었다. 솔섬에서는 귀화식물 1종, 희귀식물 2분류군을 포함하여 28과 28속 24종 4변종 28분류군, 세존도에서는 귀화식물 1종, 희귀식물 1종을 포함하여 15과 19속 16종 4변종 20분류군이 출현하였다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 I등급 46종, II등급 1종, III등급 16종, Ⅳ등급 2종, Ⅴ등급 4종이 출현하였다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The magazine (Bulletin) of “Seikou” was made by conservation engineers to exchange information about the survey and repair work of historic buildings in Japan before World War II. This magazine has 26 volumes in total, and was published periodically four times a year from April 1937 to December 1943. Publisher is Nindokai that is supposed to the forerunner of Bunkenkyo (the Japanese Association for Conservation of Architectural Monuments). Only 3 or 4 organizations except personal possession have it now. And it has a limit to use the contents of the article as a general historical material. So, it was rare that experts and researcher used to the “Seikou”. However, this study focuses on the articles of the Korean historic building, which is sometimes appeared in it, although there are few. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the fact-finding of the conservation for the Korean historic building in Japanese colonial period by analyzing the articles in historical records of “Seikou”.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 지리산국립공원 4개 계곡지역의 관속식물상을 2012년 5월부터 2013년 11월 까지 총 40회 조사를 실시하였다. 본 연구 대상지역에 분포하는 관속식물의 출현은 대성골에서는 103과 339속 367종 4아종 42변종 6품종 419분류군, 피아골에서는 98과 267속 385종 5아종 51변종 8품종 449분류군, 칠선계곡에서는 105과 302속 448종 3아종 45변종 7품종 503분류군, 뱀사골에서는 98과 252속 361종 3아종 43변종 9품종 416분류군으로 모두 117과 391속 647종 5아종 74변종 9품종 735분류군이 출현하였다. 4개 계곡 지역에서 산림청지정 희귀멸종식물은 30종이 출현하였으며, 특산식물은 14과 18속 20종 20분류군이 출현하였고, 식물구계학적 특정식물은 Ⅰ등급에서는 53종, Ⅱ등급에서는 24종, Ⅲ등급에서 는 29종, Ⅳ등급에서는 12종, Ⅴ등급에서는 10종, 총 128종류가 출현하였다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Noh, Bo-kyung & Ban, Hyun. 2014. Deciphering Ideological Representations in Editorials of Two U.S. Quality Newspapers. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(2), 23-44. The United States federal government entered a shutdown due to the ideological dispute between Democrats and Republicans from October 1 through 16, 2013. This paper attempts to elucidate ideological representations through a thorough analysis of editorials in two elite newspapers, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. In particular, we examined how an in-group and an out-group were formed, and how the formation was reinforced in terms of in-group homogeneity and out-group exclusion, by means of linguistic features such as naming choices, the so-called editorial we, and lexical selections, following van Dijk's (1998) ideological square. The results are as follows: (i) the Wall Street Journal emphasized “their” bad properties more aggressively than the New York Times, while the New York Times emphasized both “their” bad qualities and “our” good qualities in a more moderate way than the Wall Street Journal; (ii) the two strategies of emphasis and mitigation enabled both newspapers to reinforce in-group homogeneity and out-group exclusion: The Wall Street Journal openly framed Republicans as the in-group and Democrats as the out-group, whereas the New York Times posited Americans and Democrats as the in-group, in relation to Republicans. (191)
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is designed to a) confirm Lang’s theory on mediated message processing (LC4MP; Lang, 2006) and b) explore the possibility of applying this theory to business practice (advertising). Coding system Information Introduced (ii), which is based on LC4MP, is a way to index the amount of information included in any given video message (Lang, Bradley, Park, Shin, & Chung, 2006; Lang, Park, Sanders-Jackson, Wilson, & Wang, 2007). Early studies tested the validity of this measure by measuring memory test results and comparing them with secondary task response time (STRT) data. To take this line of research further, this study has collected psychophysiological responses (heart rate and skin conductance) as measures of cognitive information processing. Also collected was recognition memory data and other self-reported data, which shows too much information (indexed by ii) in television advertisement leads to cognitive overload. Relationship between advertisement’s ii and other measures (e.g., attitude toward ad) will be reviewed as well.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Brazilian luxury market has been rising since 2006, between 2010 and 2011 the growth rate was 33%. The stabilization of the currency, opening to imports and improving the population's purchasing power has given impetus to the growing demand for luxury brands that has grown steadily over the past 10 years with a rate of 10% per year. This growth is important indicator of the future of this market still represents only 0.7% of the demand for luxury items. (Brazil, 2010) Major luxury brands belonging to multinational corporations have already opened their own stores in Brazil. Some Brazilian luxury brands like H. Stern (jewelry) have operations in another countries. Other luxury companies are Fasano (hotel and food service), Osklen (fashion), Francesca Romana (jewelry) and Carmen Steffens (fashion). The company Trousseau focuses on homeware and differentiates the uniqueness of their products, enhancing the quality of fabrics and finishes. It has 21 stores and is present in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia and Salvador, and the virtual store (www.trousseau.com.br). The chocolate company Chocolat du Jour exists since 1987 underscores the high quality raw material and care in the preparation (http://www.chocolatdujour.com.br/) The “Les Lis Blanc” is a very expressive brand in this market, which has started with women wear and currently is a corporate group with the brands “Noir” (male wear), “Les Lis Blanc Beauté”, “John John” (casual wear), “Bobo” (fashion). Until the 1990s, some traditional luxury brands were operating in Brazil with a limited number of product lines and only through representatives. The decision to change the mode of operation in Brazil coincided with some factors of the national and global context. Locally, there was the opening of importation and stabilization of the economy, which until then had high inflation rates: between 1990 and 1994 the average rate of inflation was 764% a year (http://www.brasil.gov.br/sobre/ economic / financial market / inflation). In addition, there was an increase in the purchasing power of the population. In the external environment, the low rates of growth in the European market and the terrorist attacks that have diminished the flow of tourists in Europe and negatively affected the market at the beginning of the XXI century. The first flagship stores of international luxury brands in Brazil came to the city of São Paulo in the neighborhood of Jardins. The first street to get luxury brands was the Oscar Freire road (in São Paulo) and surroundings where these stores were concentrated in the first time. Even today, this region has a large number of stores of luxury brands. However, there was a migration of them to the shopping malls or malls - businesses closed as high street stores are considered less safe for the majority of the population. Nowadays the concentration of new luxury stores is in malls of the main capitals. In the state of São Paulo there is the “Shopping Iguatemi”, “Cidade Jardim”, “JK Iguatemi”. In Rio de Janeiro luxury points of sale are at “Fashion Mall”, “Shopping Leblon”, “Village Mall”. In Brasília (the capital) most important ones are “Iguatemi” and “Magrella”. The first Mall in Brazil was opened in 1966: "Iguatemi" in São Paulo. It was soon seen as the natural successor of the specialized street and the first to receive international luxury brands. It is part of a large business group called Jereissati, which one area of activity is called Premium malls, facing socioeconomic classes A and B. In 2012 the group released another shopping mall called JK Iguatemi (related to its location on Juscelino Kubitschek Avenue) although it calls itself Premium several luxury brands are present: Chanel, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Carolina Herrera, Christian Louboutin, Chanel, Goyard, Longchamp, Miu Mil, Prada, Rimowa, Tod's, Tory Burch. Also in Sao Paulo in May 2008 another mall was opened “Shopping Cidade Jardim”, positioned as an upscale mall it is part of the venture group JHSF. The origin of the company is in construction sector and has other shopping centers in Brazil, but not using luxury concepts. The interior and exterior architecture can be seen in the design presenting natural lighting and gardens. The stores mix combines brands Louis Vuitton, Valentino, Red Valentino, Cartier, La Martina, Canali, Prada, Gucci the biggest of Latin America, Tag Heuer, Dior and Miu Miu, Fendi, Tod's and Repetto. These malls play an important role in the luxury market in Brazil. They are poles of attraction for international brands by offering an atmosphere consistent with their image and also pulling a large flow of consumers looking for a safer environment, greater convenience and glamour for their shopping. Before the emergence of these poles of luxury, the distribution of luxury goods in Brazil relied mostly on multi-brand stores, amongst which was the pioneer Daslu. Currently been supplanted by other projects of the same type as the Magrella Brasilia and NKStore. NK store is a clothing store that also has multi own brands (Talienk, Nk and Nkfitness) located in the Jardins neighborhood of São Paulo. Founded in 1997 by Natalie Klein daughter of a great Brazilian business, the shop features international brands: Stella Mccartney, Marc Jacobs, Marc By Marc Jacobs, Lanvin, Balmain, Givenchy, Issa, Alaïa, Catherine Malandrino, Malandrino, Blumarine, Celine, Pucci , Phillip Lim, Alexander Wang, Isabel Marant, Maison Michael, Aurélie Bidermann, Fiona Paxton and Moncler. Lim, Alexander Wang, Isabel Marant, Maison Michael, Aurélie Bidermann, Fiona Paxton e Moncler. There is one Brazilian Association of Luxury (ABRAEL), recently created. The aim is to gather participants operating in Brazil and to support the development of activities related luxury. (http://www.abrael.org.br/abrael.php). Audi, A | X Armani Exchange, Breitling, Cartier, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Salvatore Ferragamo, Tiffany & Co. and Swarovski are associated and also Brazilian brands are present in the premium segments of fashion, homeware and services. Not all luxury brands are part of the Brazilian Association. Challenges Luxury companies established in Brazil have many challenges. The major challenge is to deal with the fluctuation of the exchange rate, the dollar trade is strongly linked to the situation in the Eurozone. (Cenarios FGV, 2013). Euros and Dollars can be freely purchased in exchange offices, banks or from individuals, the price depends on the market. Upper classes use to travel and make price and product comparisons, aware of product characteristics and prices levels outside the country these consumers need to fell advantages when purchasing in Brazil. Another challenge to be faced is the inefficiency of the infrastructure. The transport of cargo is mainly done by road transport. With dimension of 8,515,767.049 km ² (IBGE, Nov/2012) Brazil has only 96,353 km of paved roads (Portal Brazil, 2013). Ocean Ports are one bottleneck in international trade and the delivery of imported goods is undermined. Imported products must present legal wording on the packaging as the registration number of the legal entity (one number per company), and depending on their nature should get a registered number with the Ministry of Health or Agriculture. The complex taxation system is based on triggering events, such as the physical entry of a product in Brazil. There are taxes that belong to the federal government, others to the State or County. The Free-on-bord price (FOB) of the product might increase between 30 and 150% depending on the category and, moreover, the taxes overlap each other in what is called cascading effect. On average, there is a charge of 20% above FOB prices called Import Tax (II), 12% on the movement of goods and services (ICMS), 7% Tax industrialization of products, and other fees with lower tax rates, called by the acronyms COFINS PIS, PASEP. Besides the heavy tax structure and insufficient infrastructure, businessmen from luxury companies in Brazil complain about the difficulty in hiring skilled employees, especially to work in retail outlets. There is a lack of sellers with good training and general culture. Brazilian brands have an extra disadvantage comparing to foreign brands because Brazilian consumers tend to put more value on imported brands. This is rooted in the colonialist period, immigration and the prohibition of imports during the dictatorship. Luxury business in Brazil should continue to grow in coming years. The Brazilian consumer would increase his knowledge about luxury brands concepts and become more demanding and comparative in their consumption choices. Luxury retailing is expanding from the original points of sale which might affect the luxury perception of some brands.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although the relationship marketing literature acknowledges the importance of switching costs for increasing customer retention in general, little is known about its relevance in industrial markets. In particular, it is unclear whether switching costs and its dimensions impact relevant behavioral outcomes of buyer-seller relationships in business-to-business (B2B) markets. Against this background, our research intends to make two main contributions: Since we assume differential effects for different types of switching costs, our research first explores the dimensions of switching costs for the B2B domain. Second, it tests the relative impact of the dimensions of switching costs on business customers’ actual purchase behavior. Results suggest that switching costs in B2B settings are a multi-faceted construct, including (i) procedural, (ii) financial, and (iii) relational switching costs. Moreover, we find relational switching costs to be most important for securing B2B buyer-seller relationships since they impact a customer’s (a) share-of-wallet, (b) cross buying behavior, and (c) actual switching behavior. While procedural switching costs only influence share-of-wallet, financial switching costs solely impact customer’s cross-buying behavior across a firm’s product and services categories. These findings contribute to a better understanding about how to secure B2B buyer-seller relationships.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Economic fluctuation has a remarkable influence on firms and their performance (e.g., Deleersnyder, Dekimpe, Sarvavy, & Parker, 2004; Srinivasan, Rangaswamy, & Lilien, 2005). Given the extreme conditions and frequency of recessions (since World War II, recessions have occurred every six years; Srinivasan et al., 2005), understanding what kind of marketing is effective across the different phases of the economic cycle is a crucial question for marketers (e.g., Steenkamp & Fang, 2011; Srinivasan, Lilien, & Sridhar, 2011). In business-to-business markets, characterized by a strong emphasis on long-term customer relationships (e.g., Grönroos, 1997), the ability to gain a deep understanding of customers and their changing needs is a central determinant of firm performance. Therefore, in such markets, market orientation (MO) provides a particularly important source of competitive advantage. During an economic crisis, MO may also serve as an effective shelter against declining firm performance, particularly in industrial markets (Alajoutsijärvi, Klint, & Tikkanen, 2001). The key rationale is that highly market-oriented firms are able to rapidly and accurately identify changes in the marketplace and respond to shifting customer needs and competitors’ actions (Narver & Slater, 1990). While a vast body of literature evidences MO in general to yield performance gains for firms (Kirca, Jayachandran, & Bearden, 2005), some recent studies (e.g., Kumar, Jones, Venkatesan, & Leone, 2011) have questioned this relationship. Recent empirical studies (e.g., De Luca, Verona, & Vicari, 2010; Noble, Sinha, & Kumar, 2002) also propose that the different components of MO (i.e., customer orientation, competitor orientation and interfunctional coordination) may result in different performance outcomes. Furthermore, recent studies have shown the economic environment to play an important role in determining the performance outcomes and, thus, effective forms of MO (cf. Smirnova, Naudé, Henneberg, Mouzas, & Kouchtch, 2011). In this study, using panel data of 140 firms from before and after the great financial crisis, we examine the performance implications of distinct forms of MO 1) over the changing economic cycle 2) among different types of business-to-business focused firms. Employing ordinary least squares regression analysis, our findings suggest that MO and its distinct components yield varying performance impacts from economic upturn to downturn. Specifically, the impact of MO increases during downturn, with interfunctional coordination boosting performance and competitor orientation becoming detrimental. Subsequently, employing configurational analysis (fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis), our findings further indicate that the role and the most effective forms of MO vary across industry sectors, with MO having a particularly strong impact among firms operating in business-to-business services. We also conclude that, in a growing economy the role of MO has become more of a cost of competing (Kumar et al., 2011), whereas in an economic downturn MO still provides a valuable shelter against performance declines. Finally, our empirical findings are in line with contingency arguments, and suggest that the successful ways for a firm to relate with its markets depend on the dynamic firm- and industry-specific settings.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Market potential for a line of retail trade within a geographic market has been defined as the difference between (i) actual sales of the line of trade in the geographic market and (ii) potential sales based on the marketing environment, current retailers’ marketing efforts, and competition from related lines of trade and nearby geographic markets (Ingene and Takahashi 2012). In this current research we examine the rate of change of retail market potential in Japan over a sixteen year span (1991-2007).We theoretically address, and empirically estimate, key factors that affect the rate of change of retail sales per household in four major lines of retail trade: frequently purchased consumables (food and drink), less frequently bought non-durables (apparel, shoes and dry goods), and infrequently acquired durable goods that range from moderately costly (furniture) to truly expensive (autos). Information on these lines is drawn from the Japanese Retail Trade Censuses of 1991 and 2007 at the Industrial Classification (IC) level. We examine Dry Goods, Apparel and Accessory stores (largely clothing, shoe, linen and accessories (IC 56; Share of retail trade in 2007: 8%)); Food and Beverage stores (primarily grocery, liquor, and specialty food stores (IC 57; Share of retail trade: 30%)); Furniture, Household Utensils, and Appliances (IC 59; Share of retail trade: 9%); and Motor Vehicles and Bicycle stores (IC 58; Share of retail trade: 12%). Note that because our measure is sales, autos dominate in the IC 58 category. These four lines of trade collectively comprise about 60% (1991: 62%, 2007: 58%) of all retail sales. We previously explored determinants of the absolute value of retail sales per household in these lines of retail trade (Ingene and Takahashi 2013). However, this research deals with the rate of change of retail sales per household. Thus, we explain differences in change of retail market potential among 528 Japanese cities, in all 47 prefectures, that are home to over 75% of Japan’s people. According to our previous study (Ingene and Takahashi 2013), retail sales are determined by three fundamental factors: the Market Environment (which is beyond the control of retail managers), Intertype Competition (which is influenced, but not controlled, by managers in the line of trade), and the Marketing Mix in each line of trade (which is set by managers). The essence of our argument is that the Market Environment determines a base level of rate of change in sales per household. Intertype Competition takes sales away from the focal lines of trade. Finally, the Marketing Mix in each line of trade augments sales (a) by appealing to customers and (b) by countering the negative impact of Intertype Competition.Turning to our empirical model (Figure 1), we include seven variables in the Market Environment that are measured by their rate of change between 1991 and 2007: per capita income, home size in square meters (a proxy for household wealth), population growth, daytime population relative to residential population, auto ownership per capita (a proxy for mobility), distance to the prefecture’s capital city (a proxy for out-shopping), and newspapers per capita. We expect each of these independent variables to increase our dependent variable: retail sales per household.For the Marketing Mix we measure three variables in terms of their rate of change in the same time period: average square meters of selling space per store (a proxy for assortment), employees per square meter of selling space (a proxy for service), and number of stores per 1000 people (a proxy for locational convenience); each of them should increase retail sales per household in its line of trade, but not in other lines (e.g., the marketing mix for Food stores should only affect food sales per household).For Intertype Competition we use General Merchandise Stores (largely department stores and supercenters (IC55; Share of retail trade in 2007: 12%)) that, in Japan, directly compete with Clothing, Furniture and Food stores. We focus on the same three variables (assortment, service, and access); they are expected to be inversely related to the rate of change in sales per household in the lines with which they compete. There is no intertype competition in our Motor Vehicle regressions. In the first stage of our analysis we use the change of the Market Environment to explain the variation in the rate of change in retail sales per household and four lines of trade (i.e., four regressions). The Market Environment generates adjusted R2’s of 2% (Clothing) to 25% (Autos).In our second-stage analysis our dependent variable is the residuals from the first-stage regressions. Here we include the Marketing Mix and Intertype Competition variables as explanatory; they account for 2% (Autos) to 43% (Clothing) of the variation in the first-stage residuals. Taking the two stages together, we are able to explain26% (Autos) to 54% (Food) of the variation in retail sales per capita across the four lines of trade. We make four contributions with our empirical research. First, we investigate data from two censuses that span a sixteen year period; few previous studies have examined changes in retail structure over time (e.g., Hall, et al. 1961). Second, we demonstrate the time-variant stability of the Marketing Mix variables. Third, we show the importance of intertype competition – although in our data it appears that only the Food and Beverage category experiences significant intertype competition. Fourth, we examine retailing in Japan; the world’s third largest economy has rarely been the focus of retail trade studies.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research is to investigate the performance analysis of fuel cell for flow channel with four different types of the channel (Serpentine I, II, Inter-digitated, Parallel) in the fuel cell stack. Velocity, pressure. and temperature distributions of fluid over the flow domain of the flow channel are numerically calculated for the optimum design of flow channel with unifrom inlet velocity. According to the calculations of low pressure drop between inlet and outlet in the flow channel, Serpentine I type is of highest performance of the flow channel shapes in the present fuel cell model.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Axiom propeller is a unique 3 bladed propeller and it enables to generate the same amount of thrust going ahead as it does going astern because of its ‘s’ type skew-symmetric blade section. A earlier variant of the design (Axiom I propeller) performed a low propeller efficiency, maximum 35 % efficiency, and further blade outline design was carried out to achieve a higher efficiency. The optimized new blade outline (Axiom II propeller) has more conventional Kaplan geometry shape than Axiom I propeller. Model tests of open water performance and propeller cavitation for both propellers were conducted at Emerson Cavitation Tunnel in order to compare their performances. Experiment results revealed that Axiom II propeller provides a maximum 53 % efficiency and provides better efficiency and cavitation performance over the Axiom I propeller under similar conditions.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seasonal characteristics of water and sediment qualities and potential effects of the freshwater discharge from a small tide embankment interior in a coastal area in Goheung county were investigated from May to September in 2012. Chemical oxygen demand values (COD) were mostly higher than 2 mg/L in summer ebb tide, which exceed the standard value of water quality criteria II of acceptable level for aquaculture activities. Nitrogen and phosphorus were found as the limiting nutrients for algae growth in summer and fall and in spring, respectively. Nitrogen was the limiting nutrient for diatom growth in the whole studied period. The sudden high values of COD, ammonia, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) were found in water sample collected from station 5 which located in front of the tide embankment sluice gate during spring ebb tide. The freshwater discharge form the tide embankment interior maybe affected the survey areas during a short time interval. Mean values of eutrophication index of the surveyed coastal region in spring, summer and fall were all bigger than 1. Water quality was mostly considered at level II which acceptable for aquaculture activities. Sediment quality in this study was generally in the range of standard for fisheries environment.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 포화지방산과 불포화 지방산 첨가가 반추위 발효성상과 효소활력에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 Piromyces communis 곰팡이를 이용하여 in vitro 발효 시험을 실시하였다. 시험 Ⅰ과 Ⅱ의 대조구에는 지방산을 첨가하지 않았고, 처리구는 시험Ⅰ에서 palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid를 첨가하였고, 실험 Ⅱ에서는 linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid를 첨가하였다. 두 실험 모두 39℃에서 7일간 (2, 3, 4, 6 및 7일) 실시되었다. 시험 Ⅰ의 가스발생량은 불포화 지방산인 oleic acid에서 가장 많이 생성되었고 H2가스의 비율은 가장 낮았다. 시험 Ⅱ의 linoleic acid 첨가구에서 2일에서 6일까지의 가스 발생량은 대조구에 비해 높았지만 이후에는 낮았다. 수소가스 생성비율은 linoleic acid 첨가구에서 가장 많았고 linolenic acid 첨가구에서 가장 낮았다. 또한 시험 Ⅰ의 pH는 6.63에서 5.85로, 시험 Ⅱ에서는 6.59에서 5.40으로 낮아졌다. Carboxymethylcellulase 활력은 발효시간(day) 경과에 따라 증가하는 경향이었고, 특히 arachidonic acid 첨가구의 증가폭이 컸다. 본 실험의 결과는 반추동물의 사료에 불포화지방산을 첨가하면 반추위곰팡이가 생성하는 수소를 불포화 지방산이 이용하여 메탄생성 억제에 도움이 될 것으로 기대된다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was designed to observe the oestrus responses in the indigenous ewe induced by cloprostenol sodium manufactured by two different companies (Ovuprost®, BOMAC, Newzealandand Prostenol®, Techno, Bangladesh). Twelve local ewes were divided into 3 groups (n= 8). The ewes in Group I and II were induced by intramuscular injection of 100 μg (0.4 ml) of cloprostenol sodium (Ovuprost® and Prostenol®), respectively. The 2nd injection in each group was given at 9 days apart. The ewes in Group III were kept as control for observing natural oestrus characteristics and comparing the responses with induced oestrus. Hundred and 75% ewes showed oestrus following 2nd injection of Ovuprost® and Prostenol®, respectively. The average time of onset of oestrus following 1st and 2nd injection of Ovuprost® and Prostenol® were 50.5 ± 3.5 vs 48.0 ± 0.0 h and 49.9 ± 1.9 vs 49.5 ± 1.7 h, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two types of cloprostenol sodium group on the onset of oestrus. The average duration of oestrus was 27.5 ± 0.7 vs 27.5 ± 0.0 h and 25.9 ± 3.3 vs 24.2 ± 0.3 h in Ovuprost® and Prostenol® treated ewes, respectively. For natural oestrus, the duration of oestrus was 25.2 ± 3.3 h. There was no significant difference among the cloprostenol sodium produced by two different companies and natural oestrous ewes on the duration of oestrus. The higher percentages of cornified cells were present in induced oestrus (90 and 85%) compared with natural oestrus (80%), although there was no significant difference among them. The pregnancy rates were 75, 66.7 and 100% in Ovuprost®, Prostenol® and natural oestrous ewes, respectively. The above results indicate the suitability of using cloprostenol sodium for synchronization of oestrus in indigenous ewes in Bangladesh.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        감자 가공용 신품종‘새봉’의 무병주 대량생산을 위하여 microponic system에서 배양액의 농도변화가 감자 소식물체 생육에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행 하였다. 조절한 감자 배양액의 농도는 EC 0.2, 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 14.0dS·m−1수준 이었으며 감자 조직배양묘는 생장점과 잎을 2개 포함한 1.5cm길이로 잘라 50mL 유리병(glass vial) 에 1개씩 치상하여 18일, 또는 21일간 2회에 걸쳐 하였다. 배양액량은 용기 당 2mL씩 넣고 10일 후 1 mL를 첨가 하였으며, 환경조건은 일장 16시간, 온도 23 ± 1oC, 40mmol−2·s−1의 백색 LED에서 실험 I의 배양액농도는 EC 0.2, 1.0, 14dS·m−1였으며, 실험 II의 배양액농도는 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8dS·m−1로 조정하였다. 치상 7일 후 소식물체의 생존율은 0.2dS·m−1에서 90%, 0.6dS·m−1에서 100%, 1.0dS·m−1에서 100%, 1.4dS·m−1에서 0%, 1.8dS·m−1에서 0%, 14.0dS·m−1에서 0% 이었다. 배양액의 전기전도도를 1.0dS·m−1으로 조절한 처리에서 이식 2일 후 뿌리가 발육 되어 소식물체 생육이 왕성하게 생장하여 18일 만에 7개 의 엽, 길이 5cm, 생중 0.5g이상의 식물체로 생육하였다. 배양액의 농도를 0.6dS·m−1으로 조절한 처리에서는 이식 4일 후부터 뿌리가 발육되어 21일 후 5개의 엽, 길이 4cm, 생중 0.2g을 가진 식물체로 생육하였다. 따라서 microponic system에서 무병 감자 묘 대량생산을 위해서는 감자배양액의 전기전도도를 0.6~1.0dS·m−1 조절하여 관리하는 것이 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taste is an important sense in survival and growth of animals. The growth and maintenance of taste buds, the receptor organs of taste sense, are under the regulation of various neurotrophic factors. But the distribution aspect of neurotrophic factors and their receptors in distinct taste cell types are not clearly known. The present research was designed to characterize mRNA expression pattern of neurotrophic factors and their receptors in distinct type of taste cells. In male 45-60 day-old Sprague-Dawley rats, epithelial tissues with and without circumvallate and folliate papillaes were dissected and homogenized, and mRNA expressions for neurotrophic factors and their receptors were determined by RT-PCR. The mRNA expressions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin-3 (NT3), receptor tyrosine kinase B (TrkB), exclusion of nerve growth factor (NGF), neurotrophin-4/5 (NT4/5), receptor tyrosine kinase A (TrkA), receptor tyrosine kinase C (TrkC), and p75NGFR were observed in some population of taste cell. In support of this result and to characterize which types of taste cells express NT3, BDNF, or TrkB, we examined mRNA expressions of NT3, BDNF, or TrkB in the PLCβ2 (a marker of Type II cell)- and/or SNAP25 (a marker of Type III cell)-positive taste cells by a single taste cell RT-PCR and found that the ratio of positively stained cell numbers were 17.4, 6.5, 84.1, 70.3, and 1.4 % for PLCβ2, SNAP25, NT3, BDNF, and TrkB, respectively. In addition, all of PLCβ2- and SNAP25-positive taste cells expressed NT3 mRNA, except for one taste bud cell. The ratios of NT3 mRNA expressions were 100% and 91.7% in the SNAP25- and PLCβ2-positive taste cells, respectively. However, two TrkB-positive taste cells co-expressed neither PLCβ2 nor SNAP 25. The results suggest that the most of type II or type III cells express BDNF and NT3 mRNA, but the expression is shown to be less in type I taste cells.
        2014.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to determine the beneficial effect of propofol on human keratinocytes that have undergone hypoxia reoxygenation (H/R) injury and to investigate whether autophagy is associated with the protective mechanism. Thus, we evaluated how propofol influences the intracellular autophagy and apoptosis during the H/R process in the HaCaT cells. The cultured human keratinocyte cells were exposed to 24 h of hypoxia (5% CO2, 1% O2, 94% N2) followed by 12 h of reoxygenation (5% CO2, 21% O2, 74% N2). The experiment was divided into 4 groups: (1) Control=Normoxia ; (2) H/R=Hypoxia Reoxygenation ; (3) PPC+H/R=Propofol Preconditioning+Hypoxia Reoxygenation; (4) 3-MA+PPC+ H/R=3-MA-Methyladenine+Propofol Preconditioning+ Hypoxia Reoxygenation. In addition, Western blot analysis was performed to identify the expression of apoptotic pathway parameters, including Bcl-2, Bax, and caspase 3 involved in mitochondrial-dependent pathway. Autophagy was determined by fluorescence microscopy, MDC staining, AO staining, and western blot. The H/R produced dramatic injuries in keratinocyte cells. In our study, the viability of Propofol in H/R induced HaCaT cells was first studied by MTT assay. The treatment with 25, 50, and 100 μM Propofol in H/R induced HaCaT cells enhanced cell viability in a dose-dependent manner and 100 μM was the most effective dose. The Atg5, Becline-1, LC3-II, and p62 were elevated in PPC group cells, but H/R-induced group showed significant reduction in HaCaT cells. The Atg5 were increased when autophagy was induced by Propofol, and they were decreased when autophagy was suppressed by 3-MA. These data provided evidence that propofol preconditioning induced autophagy and reduced apoptotic cell death in an H/R model of HaCaT cells, which was in agreement with autophagy playing a very important role in cell protection.