
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3,159

        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to determine free radical scavenging capacity and oxidative DNA damage protecting activity of methanol extract of red tea stem. The extract was subjected to assess their antioxidant potential using various in vitro systems such as DPPH•, ABTS•+ , super oxide and nitric oxide free radicals and it exhibited IC50 values of 68.88 ± 1.1, 12.08 ± 0.65, 404.38 ± 1.6, 93.6 ± 2.7, µg/mL respectively. Red tea extract also showed ferric reducing ability (FRAP) with 2606.85 mmol Fe (II)/g of extract. Furthermore, Methanol extract of red tea stem showed significant DNA damage protecting activity in concentration dependent manner against H2O2+UV induced photolysis on pUC19 plasmid DNA. Results of this study showed that the methanol extract of Red Tea stem has strong antioxidant potential along oxidative DNA damage protecting capacity that would be the significant sources of natural antioxidants, which might be helpful in preventing the progress of various oxidative stress generated diseases. Further study is necessary for isolation and characterization of the active antioxidants, which may serve as a potential source of natural antioxidant.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a novel and flexible recommender system was developed, based on product taxonomy and usage patterns of users. The proposed system consists of the following four steps : (i) estimation of the product-preference matrix, (ii) construction of the product-preference matrix, (iii) estimation of the popularity and similarity levels for sought-after products, and (iv) recom- mendation of a products for the user. The product-preference matrix for each user is estimated through a linear combination of clicks, basket placements, and purchase statuses. Then the preference matrix of a particular genre is constructed by computing the ratios of the number of clicks, basket placements, and purchases of a product with respect to the total. The popularity and similarity levels of a user’s clicked product are estimated with an entropy index. Based on this information, collaborative and content-based filtering is used to recommend a product to the user. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach, an empirical study was conducted by constructing an experimental e-commerce site. Our results clearly showed that the proposed hybrid method is superior to conventional methods.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the anti-osteoclastogenic effects of baicalin on receptor activator of NF-kB ligand (RANKL)- induced RAW264.7 cells. Baicalin is a flavonoid that is produced by Scutellaria baicalensis and is known to have multiple biological properties, including antibacterial, anti- inflammatory and analgesic effects. The effects of baicalin on osteoclasts were examined by measuring 1) cell via- bility; 2) the formation of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) (+) multinucleated cells; 3) RANK/RANKL signa- ling pathways and 4) mRNA levels of osteoclast-associated genes. Baicalin inhibited the formation of RANKL-stimu- lated TRAP (+) multinucleated cells and also suppressed the RANKL-stimulated activation of p-38, ERK, cSrc and AKT signaling. Baicalin also inhibited the RANKL-stimu- lated degradation of IĸB in RAW264.7 cells. In addition, the RANKL-stimulated induction of NFATc1 transcription factors was found to be abrogated by this flavonoid. Baica- lin was further found to decrease the mRNA expression of osteoclast-associated genes, including carbonic anhydrase II, TRAP and cathepsin K in the RAW264.7 cells. Our data thus demonstrate that baicalin inhibits osteoclastogenesis by inhibiting the RANKL-induced activation of signaling molecules and transcription factors in osteoclast precursors.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Neuronal differentiation is a complex biological process accompanying cytoskeletal reorganization, including neurite outgrowth and growth cone formation. Therefore, neuronal differentiation is critically regulated by actin-related signaling proteins, such as small Rho GTPases, guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), and myosins. This study will demonstrate the change in activity of three small Rho GTPases, Rac, Cdc42, and Rho A, by treatment with blebbistatin (BBS), a specific inhibitor for myosin, during bFGF-induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. Treatment with BBS induced morphological changes in growth cones and neurites during differentiation. A marked increase in protrusion and filopodia structures in growth cones, the shaft of neuritis, and cell membranes was observed in the cells treated with BBS. Activity of Rho GTPases showed the alterations in response to BBS. Activities of both Rac and Rho A were inhibited by BBS in a time-dependent manner. By contrast, Cdc42 activity was not changed by BBS. These results suggest that inactivation of myosin II by BBS induced morphological changes in neurites and growth cones and distinct regulation of three Rho GTPases during differentiation of PC12 cells.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011년 형법개정법률안(이하 ‘개정법률안’이라 한다)은 기본권보장에 관한 헌법정신의 구현이라는 개정의 기본방향을 구현하기 위해 상습범과 누범(제35조) 규정을 삭제하기로 하였다. 그러나 이들로부터 사회를 보호할 수 있는 특별한 처분이 필요하므로, 형법총칙에 보안처분을 도입하기로 현재 치료감호법에 의해 시행되고 있는 치료감호처분과 보호관찰처분 이외에 보호수용처분을 새로이 규정하기로 하였다. 개정법률안은 보안처분의 비례성의 원칙을 규정하고, 강도를 제외한 재산범죄를 보호수용 대상범죄에서 제외하고, 보호수용의 집행유예와 보호수용자에 대한 정기적 가출소 심사 등을 규정하였다. 보호수용처분이 구 사회보호법상의 보호감호처분에 비해 인권침해의 가능성이 적은 것은 사실이지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 보호수용처분의 도입은 다음과 같은 문제점이 있다.첫째, 보호감호제도가 폐지된지 10년도 채 지나지 않아 이와 유사한 보호수용처분을 도입하려는 실질적 이유는 최근 발생한 흉악범죄를 계기로 범죄인에 대한 강력한 처벌을 요구하는 여론을 반영하기 위한 것이라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 보호수용처분을 도입해야 할 정도로 이전에 비해 범죄상황이 악회되었다고 결론을 내릴 수 있는 근거가 부족하다. 둘째, 현행형법 제42조는 유기징역의 상한을 30년, 50년으로 이전에 비해 2배 가중하였고, 개정법률안도 이러한 입장을 따르고 있는데 이러한 상황에서 보호수용이라는 자유박탈적 보안처분을 도입해야 할 필요가 있는지 의문이 있다. 셋째, 개정법률안에는 보호수용시설의 인적, 물적 구성, 구조, 교화와 사회복귀를 위한 프로그램 등이 구체적으로 제시되어 있지 않다. 이는 보호수용처분도 과거의 보호감호와 별 다르지 않게 운영될 가능성이 농후하다는 것을 의미한다. 이렇게 되면 이중처벌의 논란 속에 폐지된 보호감호제도가 다시 부활하는 것이나 마찬가지이다. 넷째, 개정법률안은 형벌과 보호수용처분을 동시에 선고할 경우 대체주의를 택하지 않고 병과주의를 택하고 있는데, 이는 이중처벌이라는 비판을 받았던 보호감호제도와 동일한 잘못을 반복하는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 다섯째, 보호수용처분은 재범위험성을 요건으로 한다. 그런데 현재로서는 재범위험성 판단의 기초가 되는 범죄인에 대한 정보를 충분히 확보할 수 있는 방안이 마련되어 있지 않고, 또한 재범위험성을 판단할 수 있는 정확한 기준도 마련되어 있지 않다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study is to evaluate the feasibility of using the alkali activated cement concrete for application of partial-depth repair in pavement. METHODS : This study analyzes the compressive strength of alkali activated cement mortar based on the changes in the amount/type/composition of binder(portland cement, fly ash, slag) and activator(NaOH, Na2SiO3, Na2CO3, Na2SO4). The mixture design is divided in case I of adding one kind-activator and case II of adding two kind-activators. RESULTS : The results of case I show that Na2SO4 based mixture has superior the long-term strength when compared to other mixtures, and that Na2CO3 based mixture has superior the early strength when compared to other mixtures. But the mixtures of case I is difficult to apply in the material for early-opening-to-traffic, because the strength of all mixtures isn't meet the criterion of traffic-opening. The results of case II show that NaOH-Na2SiO3 based mixtures has superior the early/long-term strength when compared to NaOH-Na2SiO3 based mixtures. In particular, the NaOH-Na2SiO3 based some mixtures turned out to pass the reference strength(1-day) of 21MPa as required for traffic-opening. CONCLUSIONS : With these results, it could be concluded that NaOH-Na2SiO3 based mixtures can be used as the material of pavement repair.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cobalt (Co) compounds have been used for centuries to impart rich blue color to glass, glazes and ceramics. Cobalt monoxide (CoO), an oxide of Co, is an inorganic compound that has long been used as a coloring agent in the ceramic industry. Unlike other coloring agents, CoO can be used to develop colors other than blue, and several factors such as its concentration in the glaze and firing condition have been suggested as possible mechanisms. For example, CoO produces a typical blue color called "cobalt blue" at very low concentrations such as 1 wt% in both oxidation and reduction firing conditions; a higher concentration of CoO (5 wt%) develops a darker blue color under the same firing conditions. Interestingly, CoO also develops a purple color at high concentrations above 10 wt%. In this study, we examined the applicability and mechanism of a novel purple glaze containing cobalt(II, III) oxide, one of the well characterized cobalt oxides. Experimental results show that an Augite crystal isoform (Augite-Fe/Co) in which Fe was replaced with Co is the main component contributing to the formation of the purple color. Based on these results, we developed a glaze using chemically synthesized Augite-Fe/Co crystal as a color pigment. Purple color glaze was successfully developed by the addition of 6~15 wt% of Co3O4 to magnesia lime.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 최근 미국 연방대법원이 Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 133 S.Ct. 1351 판결을 통해 긍정하는 취지의 결론을 내리면서 논쟁이 재점화 되고 있는 저작권의 국제적 소진 이론(Doctrine of international copyright exhaustion)에 대한 종합적 검토를 위하여 첫째로, (i) 저작권의 국제적 소진 쟁점에 대해 가장 풍부한 논쟁을 펼쳐왔던 미국에서의 논의 상황을 최근 2013. 3. 19. 선고된 미국 연방대법원의 Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 133 S.Ct. 1351 판결(이하“Wiley 연방대법원 판결”) 내용을 중심으로 검토해 보고 (ii) 나아가 일본에서의 논의 상황과 (iii) 우리나라에서의 종래 논의 상황까지 망라적으로 점검해 보았다. 나아가 둘째로, 그 검토 내용을 기초로 (i) 미국에서의 논의, 특히 Wiley 연방대법원 판결의 입장에 대해 비판적으로 평가하면서, 해당 판결 중 한국에서의 논의에 참작할만한 시사점에 관해 제시해 보고, (ii) 일본에서 저작권의 국제적 소진 처리 방향을 평가하고 역시 우리나라에서의 논의에 참고할만한 시사점을 제안해보면서, (iii) 더불어 우리나라 종래 논의의 문제점에 대해 비판적으로 검토해 보았다. 그리고 마지막 셋째로, 이상의 검토 결과들을 바탕으로 (i) 한국에서 현행 저작권법상 국제적 소진 쟁점에 대한 타당한 처리 기준을 제시하면서, 나아가 (ii) 추후 우리나라 저작권법에 대한 입법론까지 제안해 보았다. 최근 영화∙음반∙컴퓨터 프로그램 등 창작 과정에 막대한 자본이 투입되면서 산업적∙객관적 효용성이 주된 성격을 차지하는 저작물들이 증가하게 됨에 따라 저작권의 국제적 소진 이론이 논의되는 영역은 급격히 확대되고 있는데 반하여, 저작권의 국제적 소진과 관련해서 저작권법에 명확한 규정을 두고 있는 일본과 달리 우리나라의 경우에는 그와 같은 규정을 두고 있지 않아 그 인부나 기준 등에 대하여 최근까지도 통일적인 해석에 이르지 못하고 논란이 계속되어 저작권법 체계의 법적 안정성에 심각한 위협이 되어 왔다. 이에 따라 최근 미국 연방대법원 판결 선고를 계기로 미국, 일본 및 한국에서의 현재까지의 저작권의 국제적 소진 이론 논의 전반에 대해 종합적으로 검토하고, 우리나라에서 추후 문제될 수 있는 저작권 국제적 소진 관련 쟁점들에 대한 타당한 처리 기준을 제시해보고자 한 본 논문의 연구결과가 향후 저작권 법체계의 안정과 인류의 문화 및 관련 산업 발전에 미력하나마 기여할 수 있기를 희망한다.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Electrochemical surface treatment is commonly used to form a thin, rough, and porous oxidation layer on the surface of titanium. The purpose of this study was to investigate the formation of nanotubular titanium oxide arrays during short anodization processing. The specimen used in this study was 99.9% pure cp-Ti (ASTM Grade II) in the form of a disc with diameter of 15 mm and a thickness of 1 mm. A DC power supplier was used with the anodizing apparatus, and the titanium specimen and the platinum plate (3mm×4mm×0.1mm) were connected to an anode and cathode, respectively. The progressive formation of TiO2 nanotubes was observed with FE-SEM (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy). Highly ordered TiO2 nanotubes were formed at a potential of 20 V in a solution of 1M H3PO4 + 1.5 wt.% HF for 10 minutes, corresponding with steady state processing. The diameters and the closed ends of TiO2 nanotubes measured at a value of 50 cumulative percent were 100 nm and 120 nm, respectively. The TiO2 nanotubes had lengths of 500 nm. As the anodization processing reached 10 minutes, the frequency distribution for the diameters and the closed ends of the TiO2 nanotubes was gradually reduced. Short anodization processing for TiO2 nanotubes of within 10 minutes was established.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 경주국립공원(남산, 토함산, 단석산)의 관속식물상을 밝히고 주요 식물들의 분포를 조사하였다. 2011년 7월부터 2012년 5월까지 총 7회 조사하였다. 조사결과 관속식물은 96과 284속 385속 4아종 41변종 6품종으로 총 436분류군을 확인하였다. 그 중 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 7분류군, 특산식물은 13분류군이다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 41분류군으로 V등급 1분류군, IV등급 3분류군, III등급 9분류군, II등급 4분류군, I등급 24분류군이다. 한편 귀화식물은 29분류군으로 확인하였으며, 귀화율은 6.65%, 도시화지수는 9.03%이다. 조사된 436분류군의 유용도는 목초용 자원식물이 182분류군(41.7%), 식용 176분류군(40.4%), 약용 147분류군(33.7%), 관상용 52분류군(11.9%), 목재용 18분류군(4.1%), 염료용 16분류군(3.7%), 섬유용 8분류군(1.8%), 공업용 자원식물이 1분류군(0.2%) 그리고 용도가 밝혀지지 않은 식물이 79분류군(18.1%)으로 나타났다.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인천광역시 옹진군에 속한 서해 5도 중 한 곳인 연평도일대에 자생하는 관속식물들을 밝히고 주요 식물들을 파악하였다. 2010년 5월부터 2010년 10월까지 총 4차례 현지조사를 통해 밝혀진 소산식물은 90과 315속 459종 4아종 53변종 8품종의 524분류군으로 조사되었다. 이 중 한반도 고유종은 총 2분류군, 산림청 지정 한국 희귀식물은 8분류군이 조사되었다. 구계학적 특정식물은 V등급이 2분류군, IV등급이 2분류군, III등급이 4분류군, II등급이 3분류군, I등급에 27분류군 등 총 38분류군이 분포하고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 귀화식물은 총 66분류군으로 조사되었으며, 귀화율은 12.6%로 높게 나타났다.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연안생태계의 영양상태와 환경적 질을 평가하기 위하여, 2007년 2월 남해연안의 총 25개 소해역, 131개 정점을 대상으로 표층 퇴적물의 입도조성, 광합성 색소, 총유기탄소, 총질소, 생화학적 조성(단백질, 탄수화물, 지질) 등을 분석하였다. 다차원 분석 결과 4개의 그룹으로 나뉘었으며, 일원분산분석에서 단백질, 탄수화물, biopolymeric carbon 농도의 차이가 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 이를 토대로 퇴적물 내 생화학적 조성을 이용한 영양상태 기준을 설정하였으며, 조사해역의 영양상태를 평가한 결과 산업폐수 및 생활하수 유입이 많은 마산만, 진해만, 행암만을 포함한 I그룹을 과영양 상태, 양식시설이 밀집한 통영, 고성 자란, 거제연안 등의 II그룹은 부영양 상태로 추정되었으며, 가막만, 득량만, 여자만 등의 III그룹은 중영양 상태로, 나머지 신안, 진도, 무안을 포함한 IV그룹은 빈영양 상태로 추정되었다. 본 연구결과로 퇴적물의 생화학적 조성을 이용한 영양상태 구분은 연안역의 영양도 평가를 위하여 유용한 방법으로 사용되어 질 수 있다고 판단된다.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the constituting principle of Hwasajip("Flower-Snake Anthology") and its Christian influence. The consciousness of original sin in the Bible refers to the fall of Adam and Eve that led mankind to a state of corruption. However, the consciousness of original sin in "Self-Portrait," "Flower snake," "Leper," "Daytime," and "Barley Summer" seems to be a longing for something carnal. Mankind's sins were the cause of the Passion and death of Christ. Yet, "From the Hill of Noon," "Goeulna's Daughter," "Rooster(I)," and "Rooster(II)" depict the struggle for freedom from the body and the accompanying limitations of human existence. Christ was resurrected three days after his death. But in "The Sea," "The Door," "Ode to the West Wind," and "Resurrection," Seo Jeong-ju depicts the resurrection of the poetic speaker from the desires of youth. However, this desire for resurrection indicates an Oriental worldview. Therefore, the poet seems to have understood, assimilated, and transformed Christianity into a vehicle for revealing the wanderings and intense mental agony of youth.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Arctiidae belonging to superfamily Noctuoidea, it was divided into three subfamilies: Lithosiinae, Arctiinae, and Syntominae (Kitching and Rawlins, 1999; Conner, 2009). The family include 11,155 species of 750 genera worldwide (Heppner, 2005). About 6000 species distribute in the Neotropics but the family is represented in all the main zoogeographical regions (Scoble, 1992). Taxonomic study of the Arctiidae in Cambodia has been done by a few foreign entomologists. As the results of this study, about 90 species of 40 genera belonging to Arctiidae were recorded from Cambodia, most of them are recorded for the first time in Cambodia. 21 species are briefly redescribed in this study such as: Nyctemera coleta (Boisduval, 1832), Brunia antica (Walker, 1854), Darantasia cuneiplena (Walker, 1859), Eilema longpala (Holloway, 2001), Cabarda sequens (Walker, 1862), Lyclene lutara (Moore, 1859), Teulisna steineri (Holloway, 2001), Cyana obliquilineata (Hampson, 1900), and Cyana quadrinotata (Walker, 1897), etc.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Pristomerus Curtis, 1836 is one of among 36 genera belonging to the subfamily Cremastinae. This genus is a large genus with 100 worldwide species distributed (Yu et al., 2012). Also, from this genus have been reported 15 species in Eastern Palaearctic, eight species from China, seven species from Japan and three species from Korea. Subfamily Cremastinae is known as koinobiont endoparasitoids of solitary larval-pupa mostly Lepidoptera and Coleoptera (Fitton & Gauld 1980). Spectrum of host species of Pristomerus include various small Lepidoptera living in tunnels, leaf rolls, buds and other hidden areas (Rousse et al., 2011). Genus Pristomerus can be easily distinguished from other genera by the following characters: hind femur with ventral tooth; deep gastrocoelus on tergite II. Three species from this genus, Pristomerus chinensis Ashmead, 1906, P. erythrothoracis Uchida, 1933, and P. vulnerator (Panzer, 1799), have been reported from Korea previously. In this study we report three newly recorded species, Pristomerus rufiabdomenalis Uchida, 1928, P. parilis Kusigemati, 1984, P. kendarensis Kusigemati, 1984, and described three new species. Here we provide the descriptions and photographs of six species of genus Pristomerus, and species key.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Crystals of proteinaceous insecticidal proteins, Cry proteins, produced by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been generally used to control insect pests. In this study, through the 3D structure prediction and accompanying mutagenesis study for the Mod-Cry1Ac, 7 and 16 amino acid residues from domain I and II, respectively, responsible for its insecticidal activity against larvae of Spodoptera exigua and Ostrinia furnacalis were identified. To construct novel cry genes with enhanced insecticidal activity, we randomly mutated these 23 amino acid sequences by in vitro muti site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in totally 24 mutant cry genes. For further characterization, these mutant cry genes were expressed as a fusion protein with polyhedrin using baculovirus expression system. SDS-PAGE analysis of the recombinant polyhedra revealed that expressed Cry proteins was occluded into polyhedra and activated stably to 65 kDa by trypsin. When the insecticidal activities of these mutant Cry proteins against to larvae of P. xylostella and S. exigua were assayed, they showed higher or similar insecticidal activity compared to those of Cry1Ac and Cry1C. Especially, among them Mutant-N16 showed the highest insecticidal activity against to both of P. xylostella and S. exigua. Therefore, Mutant-N16 is considered to have the potential for the efficacious biological insecticide.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Hyphantria cunea is a fall webworm is considered an agricultural pest. It is a major pest of many board-leaved trees. H. cunea nucleopolyhedrovirus (HcNPV) and H. cunea granulovirus (HcGV) were isolated from the fall webworm cadavers in Korea. To better understand HcNPV and HcGV, their genomic sequences were determined, analyzed and compared to two viruses together. The entire nucleotide sequence of the HcNPV genome was fully sequenced using 454 pyrosequencing. The genome of the HcNPV was 131,302 bp with a 45 % G+C content. Computer assisted analysis predicted 146 open reading frames (ORFs) of 50 or more amino acids that showed minimal overlap. Further more, when the phylogenetic relationship was analyzed, HcNPV was closely related to Orgyia pseudotsugata MNPV (OpMNPV) which belong to Group I NPV. The HcGV genome was 114,557 bp with a 39% G+C content and contained 130 putative ORFs of 50 or more amino acids. When phylogenetic relationships were analyzed, HcGV was closely related to Xestia c-nigrum granulovirus, which belong to the Type-II GV. HcNPV shares 48 ORFs with HcGV. The most significant difference between HcNPV and HcGV is fgf gene. HcNPV contains one fgf gene, whereas HcGV contains three fgf genes. The presence of fgf reduces the time and efficient systemic infection it takes the virus to kill its host. The difference of fgf number from HcNPV and HcGV suggested that different affect for the speed of systemic infection.