
문학과 종교 KCI 등재 Literature and Religion

이 간행물 논문 검색


제18권 1호 (2013년 4월) 6

2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study examined the constituting principle of Hwasajip("Flower-Snake Anthology") and its Christian influence. The consciousness of original sin in the Bible refers to the fall of Adam and Eve that led mankind to a state of corruption. However, the consciousness of original sin in "Self-Portrait," "Flower snake," "Leper," "Daytime," and "Barley Summer" seems to be a longing for something carnal. Mankind's sins were the cause of the Passion and death of Christ. Yet, "From the Hill of Noon," "Goeulna's Daughter," "Rooster(I)," and "Rooster(II)" depict the struggle for freedom from the body and the accompanying limitations of human existence. Christ was resurrected three days after his death. But in "The Sea," "The Door," "Ode to the West Wind," and "Resurrection," Seo Jeong-ju depicts the resurrection of the poetic speaker from the desires of youth. However, this desire for resurrection indicates an Oriental worldview. Therefore, the poet seems to have understood, assimilated, and transformed Christianity into a vehicle for revealing the wanderings and intense mental agony of youth.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper examines the intertextual relationsbip between Toni Morrison's Paradise and the Bible, which has been a consistent, inspirational source througbout her works. lt argues that the author deconstructs and restructures the notion of holiness, using the Scriptures, as she suggests building a "paradise" as a solution to the problematics of American society. The privileged residents of Ruby, an all-black town, believe that they are "holy and pure" as a chosen people of God while they have fossilized and idolized their founding fathers' spiritual and religious experiences. It is revealed that their concept of holiness is intertwined with their faith in black racial purity, an unwritten blood rule that determines Ruby citizens' legitimacy. Their exclusivism based on "reversed racism" reaches its climax when they attack the five women at the Convent, who hold the inferior term in Ruby's holy/unholy dyad. Morrison, however, blurs the boundary between Ruby the covenanted community and the Convent when she implies the redemption of these "sinful" women and calls them "holy." Ultimately, the "barefoot walk" of Deacon, who has led the Convent massacre, suggests the possibility of Ruby to be a "shrine," where even the strange and foreign are accepted as God's chosen and holy people.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper focuses on A. R. Ammons's vision of plants and fungi in the light of ecology and post-modernism. Ammons incorporated ecological and post-modern symbol of plants and fungi including lichen, moss, weed and grass into his poetry. He also recognizes values in the seemingly insignificant, and finds the hidden meanings of the common, the little, the small, the unnoticed, and the lowly. Ammons already disclosed the importance and values of these little things in the ecosystem of nature. While looking at what is lowly, he found the absolute and symbiotic relationship among the lowly, the hidden, and the unnoticed. In general, three kingdoms of classification consist of fungi, plants and animals in scientific terms. In this paper, I chose two kingdoms, which have the symbolic meanings. Ammons values the periphery and the dark over the beautiful, which man prefers. To deconstruct the opposites, he ventures to overturn the artificial or man-made hierarchy of nature. The evidence that Ammons overturned the hierarchy is indicated in that he valued those that are common, unnoticed, lowly, and insignificant in his poetry. This ecological vision of Ammons coincides with the deconstructive strategy of Derrida, in that they both resist aqainst the violent unity by which human reason controls in nature.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The aim of this article is to analyze how the characters of Tolstoy's novel War and Peace experience the death of the others. After the death of his wife, Andrey feels very guilty, for he abandoned her, preferring his social ambition to the happiness of his family. Andrey's life in seclusion is the means by which he punishes himself and is itself his social and spiritual death. He is called again to life only after he meets Natasha, the symbol and embodiment of life in this novel. Maria goes through the process of grief after her father's death. Retrospection tums out to be a vital element in the process of grief. After she successfully detaches herself from her deceased father, she meets Nicholas, her future husband and she returns to a normal life. Another heroine of the novel, Natasha also undergoes the process of grief after the death of Andrey, her former fiancé. But life brings her back to itself by arousing love towards her family in her. Pierre learns from Karataev the lesson that everything happens according to God's will or fate and one must receive everything as it happens. He receives Karataev's death as natural, not even grieving over him. Karataev remains in his memory as an embodiment of goodness, truth and simplicity.
2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 논문의 목적은 존 던이 지은 『성시』1, 5, 그리고 19번에 나타난 시적 화자들의 영적 어두움에 대한 종교적인 체험과 화자들이 이러한 내적 불안성에 대해 어떻게 반응하는가를 살펴보는데 있다. 존 던의 작품 전체를 통해 보았을 때 그는 인간의 죄, 두려움, 그리고 죽음의 문제에 대해 진지하게 성찰한 작가이며 이러한 면모는 그의 『성시』를 통해 더 강렬하게 나타나 있다. 특히 화자들의 영적인 어두운 면과 부합되어 복잡 미묘하게 그려지고 있다. 화자들은 신에 대한 믿음과 열정에 대해 불안한 심리 상태를 공통적으로 보여주고 있는데 이는 자신들이 과거에 범한 그릇됨과 이에 대해 내려질 신의 심판에 대한 두려움과 연관되어져 있음을 볼 수 있다. 이러한 유사점 이외에도 세 가지 시들은 시적 화자들이 영적 암흑 내지는 신앙의 어려움에 대해 어떻게 다르게 반웅하고 있는가도 드러내주고 있다. 아울러 화자들은 이러한 신앙의 문제들을 직면함에 있어서 이를 해결하고자 각자 나름대로 노력하는 모습도 보여주고 있다. 이는 그들이 신의 자비와 은총 그리고 죄를 정화시켜 주는 전지전능함에 전적으로 의탁함으로써 가능해짐을 잘 묘사해준다. 존 던은 이러한 궁극적인 신앙의 자세를 잘 그려주고 있지만, 아울러 시적 화자들이 영적인 회개와 강인함올 얻어가는 과정에서 인간의 나약함과 딜레마를 어떻게 대면하는가에 대해서도 다루고 있음을 알 수 있다.