Cotesia plutellae has been known as a natural enemy against the Diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella via laying eggs into a larva. When the larva hatches from the egg, teratocytes also are released and expected to work as immune suppressor via secreting immune suppressive factors such as venom proteins, teratocytes and polydnavirus. In order to identify immune suppressive factors from teratocytes, we collected the supernatant from serum-free culture media of teratocytes. Concentration of secreted proteins from teratocytes was successfully performed with using centricons among tested methods such proteins precipitation and electrophoresed in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel. The gel slices were directly digested with trypsin using in-gel digestion method and analyzed via LC-Ms-Ms. Molecular weight of peptide fragments were compared with protein database predicted by full-genome sequences of C. plutellae. We identified two immune responsive proteins, which are calreticulin, host cellular response-related gene and neprilysin 2, immune regulator. This result suggests that host immune response is suppressed or regulated by the immune suppressive factors of teratocytes.
파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua)의 전사체 연구를 통하여 비티 독소단백질의 수용 체인 캐드헤린(cadherin) 유전자의 염기서열이 밝혀졌다. 파밤나방의 캐드헤린 유 전자는 11개의 캐드헤린 반복부위(cadherin repeat: CR)과 1개의 막통과영역 (transmembrane domain: TM)으로 구성이 되어있으며, NCBI GenBank no. KC907716.1로 등록이 되어있다. 확보된 파밤나방의 캐드헤린 유전자를 대상으로 비티 독소단백질과의 살충력 상승효과를 조사하기 위해 캐드헤린 유전자의 각 영 역별 재조합 단백질의 발현을 시도하였다. 캐드헤린 유전자의 영역은 각각 CR1-5, CR6-11, TM-C terminal로 구성이 되었으며, 살충력 상승효과는 조사하기 위해 파 밤나방 유충 1령과 3령에 대한 LC20 농도의 Cry1Ac와 Cry1Ca 독소 단백질을 대 상으로 각 캐드헤린 재조합 단백질을 질량비율(1:0, 1:1, 1:10, 1:20)로 인공사료에 침지하여 파밤나방 1령과 3령에 섭식시킨 후 5일 뒤에 살충율을 조사하였다. 본 연 구 결과는 캐드헤린이 비티 독소단백질의 수용체이며, 이러한 수용체의 증가가 비 티 살충력을 높일 수 있다는 근거를 제시하여 주고 있다.
톱다리개미허리노린재는 대표적인 흡즙형 곤충으로 콩의 잎, 줄기, 꼬투리, 종 실을 가해하여 콩 생산량 감소에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 해충으로 알려져 있다. 특히, 톱다리개미허리노린재는 콩 꼬투리 안쪽의 종자에 구침을 찔러 넣은 후 종자 내의 영양분을 흡즙함으로서 콩 착협기에 주로 피해를 입히므로 인해서 종자가 제대로 발달하지 못하거나 기형이 된다. 이때에 콩 꼬투리 표면에 뚜렷한 섭식흔이 남는 다. 따라서 이들 톱다리개미허리노린재의 콩 꼬투리 섭식행동을 EPG를 이용하여 관찰하고 특성을 파악하고자 한다. 콩 꼬투리에서의 톱다리개미허리노린재의 EPG 파형은 크게 7가지로 분류할 수 있었다. 톱다리개미허리노린재가 섭식하지 않고 있을 때 아무런 전압의 변화를 보이지 않는 경우에 waveform NP, 섭식할 장소 를 물색하기 위하여 잎 위를 배회하는 경우에는 불규칙한 전압변화 패턴을 보이는 데 이는 waveform Z, 톱다리개미허리노린재가 흡즙을 하기 위하여 콩 꼬투리의 콩 깍지에 구침을 삽입할 때 나타나며 파형의 진폭이 큰 waveform PA, 구침을 삽입하 면서 feeding sheath를 형성하기 위한 타액을 분비하는 waveform PB, 유관속관다 발조직에 구침을 꽂고 섭식하는 waveform PC, 구침이 콩 꼬투리를 통과하여 종실 부분을 침투할 때 나타나는 것으로 추정되는 waveform PS(Penetrating Seed), 콩 꼬투리 안의 미성숙 종실로부터 흡즙 할 때에 나타나는 것으로 추정되는 waveform SS(Sucking Seed) 등의 EPG 패턴을 확인하였다.
Plodia interpunctella, Indianmeal moth, is world-widely distributed pest in stored and manufactured agricultural products. Practically, this species seriously damaged by the infestation of most stored and manufactured agricultural products. It is necessary to find useful techniques for the control of stored-product pests insects including P. interpunctella. Recently, heating at 55℃ for 48 h can be practically used to disinfest stored-product insects in the filed of manufactures. To improve efficiency of this technique we conducted combination treatments with heat and diatomaceous earth. At room temperature, wandering larvae, which is most tolerant developmental stage to heat, were not dead regardless of diatomaceous earth (4 mg/L) treatment within 24 h. However, incubation at 40℃, all the larvae were dead with diatomaceous earth treatment while its mortality was 28% without diatomaceous earth treatment. Thus, heating effects was significantly improved by the combined treatments of diatomaceous earth. This effect was increased when temperature was higher and the exposed time is longer. Our results clearly showed that the combined treatments of both heat and diatomaceous earth showed synergistic effects for the control of P. interpunctella.
Food limitation is the most common environmental challenge faced by animals and the capacity of animals to survive prolonged periods of starvation is linked to their diet and nutritional status. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of nutrition on starvation resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Experimental flies were given ad libitum access to artificial diets differing in concentrations and ratios of protein and carbohydrate for 5 days before they were assayed for starvation time, body composition and life-history parameters. Starvation resistance in Drosophila was greatly influenced by the dietary protein:carbohydrate (P:C) ratio, but neither by the caloric content of the diet nor by dietary carbohydrate alone. Starvation resistance was strongest at the lowest P:C ratio and declined with rising P:C ratio. While starving, Drosophila underwent a dramatic transition in the utilization of physiological fuels, switching from the early phase characterized by preferential consumption of non-lipid substrates to the next phase in which they began to mobilize lipids as fuels for enduring starvation. Our results highlight the importance of nutrition as a key factor determining starvation responses of Drosophila.
Early onset torsion dystonia is caused by mutations in DYT1 gene in humans. The molecular and cellular etiology underlying this disorder is not still understood yet. Because vertebrates have more than 4 homologs in their genomes, it is very hard to elucidate the exact in vivo functions of Torsin1A. Instead, Drosophila has only one homolog named Torsin. To investigate the in vivo functions of Torsin, we generated and characterized transgenic flies expressing coding regions of Drosophial Torsin (DTor) cDNA or double stranded inhibitory DNA constructs (RNAi). The transgenic expression of DTor cDNA or RNAi in all tissue induced significant changes in DTor proteins levels as well as ability of motor controls. In addition, DTor over-expressing flies showed increased resistance to H2O2 or paraquat. In the future study, we will found how those phenotypes were accomplished by performing various experiments.
Most insects possess two different acetylcholinesterases (AChEs) (i.e., AChE1 and AChE2). It has been recently reported that both AChEs are equally active in a damselfly species, providing a unique example of the incomplete specialization of one AChE function after duplication (Kim and Lee, 2013). In this study, we investigated the tissue distribution patterns and the molecular and inhibitory properties of two AChEs (i.e., VgAChE1 and VgAChE2) from the Vestalis gracilis damselfly. VgAChEs exhibited almost identical catalytic activity and were expressed in the central nervous system (CNS). The most predominant molecular form of both VgAChEs was a disulfide-bridged dimer, which is associated with the cell membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor. In an inhibition assay, however, VgAChE1 and VgAChE2 exhibited different sensitivities to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides depending on the structure of the inhibitors. These findings suggest that both VgAChEs have neuronal functions. In addition, soluble monomeric and cleaved molecular forms were detected in both the CNS and peripheral nervous system tissues by an AChE2-specific antibody, implying that VgAChE2 probably shares both neuronal and non-neuronal physiological functions in V. gracilis. Our results support the notion that both VgAChEs, paralogous of each other, are involved in synaptic transmission, with VgAChE2 being in the early stage of acquiring non-neuronal functions.
To investigate genes differentially expressed in the venom of social and solitary wasps, a comparative transcriptome analysis was conducted. Subtractive expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries specific to the venom gland and sac (gland/sac) of a social wasp species, Vespa tropica and a solitary hunting wasp species, Rhynchium brunneum, was constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization. In BLASTx analysis, 41% and 56% of the total ESTs showed statistically best-matched hits (E ≤ 10-4) in the libraries of V. tropica and R. brunneum, respectively. Although the functional category analysis did not show remarkable differences in the distribution of functional categories between the two venom gland/sac cDNA libraries, perhaps due to the lack of functional information on many of the venom components, there were groups of genes that are specific to either V. tropica or R. brunneum. Venom allergen 5 and serine protease were found to be social wasp-specific venom transcripts. In contrast, venom peptides, metalloendopeptidases, arginine kinase and dendrotoxin were observed in solitary wasp at much higher frequencies.
Abamectin, soil-born bacterial acaricides, has been intensively used to control Tetranychus urticae. Target site insensitivity and enhanced activity of detoxification enzymes have been considered as major resistance mechanisms. Here, we identified the differentially expressed genes after feeding sublethal dose of abamectin for 36 h by RNA-seq analysis. About 4.9 million reads (± 2,630,543 reads) were assembled into T. urticae. Among a total of 75 genes showing differential transcription, 18 and 14 genes were up- and down-regulated over two fold ratio, respectively. In the validation analysis, the calculated fold change of each genes between RNA-seq and qPCR were moderately correlated (r 2 = 0.661). A cuticular protein was shown as the highest up-regulated gene (192.3-fold) and a chitinase was revealed to be the highest down-regulated (-16.4-fold). Further study would be necessary to validate their roles in T. urticae adaptation to acaricides.
The genus Diadegma is a well known parasitoid group and some are known to have symbiotic virus, PDV. A novel IV was discovered from the calyx of D. fenestrale female. D. fenestrale has more than two hosts, including PTM and DBM. The oviposition and survival rate results showed that D. fenestrale preferred PTM to DBM as hosts. Nevertheless, the developmental period and morphology of D. fenestrale were not significantly different between PTM and DBM. To identify these phenomena, DfIV genome expression patterens were compared between PTM and DBM under various conditions. DfIV genes were more widely expressed in PTM than in DBM after parasitized by D. fenestrale, particularly at the initial point. In addition, large numbers of DfIV genes were expressed only in PTM and they showed differential expression patterns between two lepidopteran hosts. This DfIV genome expression plasticity showed a dependency on the lepidopteran host species and parasitization time, suggesting that it may contribute to the parasitoid survival rate increase. This may be one of the key elements that determine the symbiotic relationship between PDV and parasitoid.
화학살충제, 화학비료를 사용하지 않는 농가에서 다양한 해충에 의한 피해가 증 가하여 구기자의 친환경 농법에 어려움을 주고 있다. 본 연구는 충청남도 청양군 일 원의 친환경 구기자 재배지 4 농가를 선정하여 2012년 5월부터 2013 9월 하순까지 2년간 해충의 발생상을 조사하였으며, 친환경재배를 위한 구기자의 작기에 따라 발생하는 주요 해충의 생태조사를 통하여 방제 방법을 마련하고 주요해충에 대하 여 5가지 친환경제제를 선발하여 방제효과를 확인하였다. 그 결과 구기자나무의 초엽기인 5월 하순과 6월 초순에는 복숭아혹진딧물(Myzus persicae)이 피해가 심 하며, 6월 중순부터는 열점박이잎벌레(Lema decempunctata)의 피해가 심하고, 구기자혹응애(Eriophys macrodonis), 큰이십팔점박이무당벌레(Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata), 뿔나방류 (Hedma spp.)의 피해는 연중 계속되었다. 열매가 열리는 7월 하순부터는 갈색날개노린재(Plautia stali)와 썩덩나무노린재(Halyomorpba balys)등 노린재류의 피해가 점차 증가하게 된다. 구기자의 주요 해충인 복숭아혹 진딧물, 열점박이잎벌레, 구기자혹응애에 대한 친환경제제의 효과에서는 복숭아 혹진딧물 과 열점박이잎벌레의 경우 고삼과 멀구슬이 혼합된 제제에서 각각 97.6%, 46.8%의 방제가를 보여주며 다른 제제에 비해 효과가 우수하였으며 혹응 애의 경우 고삼과 멀구슬나무, 양명아주 식물추출물이 혼합된 제제에서 낮은 혹형 성률을 보였다.
Bemisia tabaci is a serious pest in various horticultural crops in the world. The management of B. tabaci has been typically carried out by chemical pesticides. Due to the development of pesticide resistance and environmental contamination, however, it is necessary to develop alternative biopesticides using natural products from plants and natural enemies. Nicotiana benthamiana is a variety of wild tobacco plants and produce acyl sugars from glandular trichomes in the leaves. Acyl sugars are known to be highly toxic to various plant sapping insects such as whiteflies, aphids and thrips. Here, we extracted acyl sugars in two different ways from the leaves. At first, collected leaves were simply washed with water. Otherwise, collected leaves firstly dried and homogenized into the powder, then extracted with ethanol. Spray of 10% water-extracted solution into adult whiteflies showed 80% mortality. Otherwise, spray of 10% ethanol-extracted solutions showed complete mortality at 48 h after treatment and also strong repellency of adult whiteflies into the treated tomato plants. Our results suggest N. benthamiana is a useful for the control of whiteflies and can be used as an alternative natural pesticide for the whitefly management.
기후변화는 해충의 발생량 및 발생 시기에 변동을 유발시키고 있다. 변온동물인 곤충은 온도 변화에 따라 발육 및 행동에 변화를 보이면서, 이를 기반으로 이론 추 정치인 발육영점온도를 통해 알로부터 성충에 이르기까지 발육에 유효한 적산온 도 산출로 특정 해충의 연중 세대수 및 발생 최성기를 추정하게 된다. 그러나 이 발 육영점온도에 대한 생리 및 생화학적 특징에 대해서는 아직 알려지지 않고 있다. 본 연구는 발육영점온도의 생리적 본체를 찾는 데 궁극적 목표를 두고 수행되었다. 이 를 위해 파밤나방 5령충의 발육영점온도(15℃)를 기반으로 온도 증가(20, 25, 3 0℃)에 따라 유전자 발현 양상을 비교하였다. 동일한 집단을 25℃에서 사육시키고 얻은 갓 탈피한 4령충을 상기의 4 가지 서로 다른 온도로 처리하였다. 이후 발육하 여 5령으로 탈피한 유충을 동일 개체수로 임의 선발하여 전체 RNA를 추출하고, 다 시 각 온도별로 상이한 염기서열 표지를 말단에 연결하였다. 이후 전체 처리 RNA 를 혼합한 시료를 대상으로 Illumina-HiSeq2000으로 염기서열 분석을 실시하였 다. 이후 각 말단 표지를 바탕으로 처리 별 전사체를 구분하고 비교 발현 유전체 연 구를 실시하였다. 총 분석된 전사체의 염기서열은 각 처리가 유사한 전사체량(9.7 - 11.8 Gb)으로 구성되면서 전체 약 40 Gb의 양으로 분석되었다. 이들을 de novo assembly 한 결과 전체적으로 82,642 개의 contig를 얻을 수 있었다. 이 가운데 4 처 리 모두에서 발현된 contig는 27,700 개 이며, 시료에 따라 RNA 추출량에 대한 보 정을 하여 상호 발현 양상을 분석하였다. FPKM (fragments per kilobase of exon per million fragments mapped)으로 유전자 발현량을 표준화하고, 이를 기반으로 유전자별 전체 발현패턴을 군집분석한 결과, 15℃에서 성장된 파밤나방은 다른 발 육 온도에서 성장된 파밤나방과 유전체 발현 양상에서 현격하게 구분되었다. 흥미 로운 현상은 발육영점온도인 15℃에 비해 성장 온도에서 오히려 발현량이 줄어드 는 전사체 종류가 증가하는 전사체 수와 유사하다는 것이다. 이를 기반으로 4 배 이 상의 유전자 발현량을 주는 대표적 유전자들을 선발하였다. 발육영점온도에 비해 증가하는 전사체는 라이보좀 관련 단백질이 포함된 반면, 감소하는 전사체는 휴면 특이적 펩타이드와 유충표피층단백질을 포함하였다. 이상의 결과는 발육영점온 도는 성장유기온도에 비해 파밤나방 5령충의 성장 관련 유전체 발현을 억제하는 특이적 발현유전체 양상을 나타내는 것으로 판명되었다.
The oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) and the plum fruit moth (G. dimorpha) share the same major sex pheromone components, Z8-dodecenyl acetate (Z8-12Ac) and E8-dodecenyl acetate (E8-12Ac) with different ratio. However, these two congener male species were cross-attracted to the counter sex pheromone traps. For development of the specific monitoring lures, the minor sex pheromone components were added to the major components. G. molesta females emit two minor components of Z8-12OH and 12OH and G. dimorpha females emit four minor of 12Ac, 14Ac, Z8-14Ac, and E8-14Ac. For a specific monitoring lure of G. molesta, only Z8-12Ac major component attracted only G. molesta males, but did not any G. dimorpha. For a specific monitoring lure of G. dimorpha, the addition of Z8-14Ac to the major component (Z8-12Ac:E8-12Ac = 85:15) attracted G. dimorpha males with less than 5% G. molesta males. Other with components (12Ac, 14Ac, and E8-14Ac) was not effective in both trapping efficiency and selectivity.
A viral histone H4 (=CpBV-H4) is encoded in a polydnavirus, Cotesia plutellae bracovirus, and symbiotically associated with an endoparasitoid wasp, C. plutellae. It has an extended N-terminal tail consisting of 38 amino acid residues, compared to the host H4 and this extended N-terminal tail has been postulated to play a crucial role in an epigenetic control of gene expression. The (SSH) suppression subtractive hybridization analysis was analyzed in transcriptome by short-read sequencing technology. The SSH analysis provided several target and nontarget genes of a viral histone H4. In this study, we analyzed the effect CpBV-H4 on the expression of two target genes serpins and histone lysine N-methyl transferase. Transient expression of CpBV-H4 by microinjecting recombinant expression vector to non parasitized larvae of Plutella xylostella showed that it was expressed up to 70 h. Under this transient expression condition, we analyzed the effect of CpBV-H4 on the expression of target genes by RT-PCR at different time points. Interestingly, the CpBV-H4 significantly inhibited the expression of target genes after 44 h, while the truncated CpBV-H4 deleting the N-terminal tail did not show the inhibitory activity.
A viral histone H4 is encoded in a polydnavirus called Cotesia plutellae bracovirus (CpBV), which is symbiotic to an endoparasitoid wasp, C. plutellae. Compared to general histone H4, the viral H4 possesses an extra N-terminal tail containing 38 amino acid residues, which has been presumed to control host gene expression in an epigenetic mode. This study addressed the mutational analysis of extra N-terminal amino acid residues of a viral histone H4 and their epigenetic control efficacy. Mutational analysis was performed by serially deleting each of the nine amino acid residues from N-terminal tail of a viral histone H4. Transient expression of each truncated mutants (K1M-K19) in diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, was performed by microinjection of a recombinant expression vector and confirmed by RT-PCR. Under transient expression, we analysed the effect of these mutations on target gene, transferin. Interestingly, we found that truncated mutants (K1M-K15) did not inhibit the expression of target gene but mutations thereafter (K6M-K9M) significantly alter its expression. As expected these truncated mutants (K1M-K5M) also inhibit hemocyte nodule formation and development of Plutella xylostella. This suggest that lysine residue (K6) in the N-terminal tail is very crucial for the epigenetic control efficacy of viral histone H4.
A nuclear receptor, Met, mediates juvenile hormone (JH) action to control gene expressions associated with metamorphosis in many insects. In this study, we showed that RNA interference (RNAi) of the Met or Kruffel homolog 1 (Kr-h1) induced the precocious metamorphosis of Tribolium castaneum larvae. JH significantly inhibited cellular immune response of T. castaneum hemocyte by suppressing hemocyte-spreading behaviour and nodule formation in response to bacterial injection. However, either RNAi of Met or Kr-h1 expression did not prevent the JH-inhibitory effect on hemocyte behaviors. However, several inhibitors specific to JH membrane action significantly inhibit the JH action hemocytes. These results suggest that JH responsiveness of hemocyte is not mediated by the nuclear receptor.
Juvenile hormone is the most important hormone inside the insect, but its circulating titer should be under tight control. Then enzymes involved in JH metabolism, especially juvenile hormone esterases (JHEs) play critical roles in insect metamorphosis and reproduction. Within a set of 11 JHEs predicted in the diamondback moth (DBM) genome, Plutlla xylostella (Linn.) we identified one gene that contained the main functional motifs of insect JHEs. Its expression and transcript levels during egg, different instar of larvae, prepuae, pupae and adult stages were measured. Also, its expression in the epidermis, midgut and fatbody of the 4 th instar larvae was compared. The changes in enzyme activity in the 4th instar larvae were determined.
Putative cadherin genes, which are a receptor of the Bacillus thuringinesis toxins, were predicted from a whole genome sequencing data from the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella. After the sequence and expression analysis, a Bt receptor cadherin gene was selected. The P. xylostella cadherin gene (PxCad1, GenBank Accession no. GU901158.1) encodes 11 cadherin repeats and a transmembrane domain. The PxCad1 gene was expressed in all developmental stage specifically in gut tissue by RT-PCR analysis. Expression of PxCad1 gene was suppressed by feeding of its specific dsRNA PxCad1 in 4th instar larval stage. The suppression of PxCad1 expression did not significantly feeding of its specific dsRNA PxCad1 in 4th instar larval stage. The suppression of PxCad1 expression did not significantly influence on pupal and adult development of P. xylostella. However, the larval treated with dsRNA PeCad1 (150 ng/larva) significantly reduced susceptibility to B. thuringiensis Cry1Ac (4.83 μg/ml). By contrast, the dsRNA PxCad1 -treated larvae did not show any change in susceptibility to B. thuringiensis Cry1Ca (0.24 μg/ml). These results suggest that PxCad1 is a specific receptor of Cry1Ac toxin from B. thuringiensis in P. xylostella.
옥수수 포장에서 발생하는 Trichogramma 속(genus) 조명나방 알기생벌의 종 (species) 분포를 조사하기 위해 홍천 외 7개 지역에서 6 ~ 8월에 수집된 알기생벌로 부터 핵내 리보솜 RNA 유전자의 ITS2(internal transcribed spacer 2) DNA 염기서 열 정보를 213 개 해독하였다. 종 구별을 위한 참고정보로서 GenBank 데이터베이 스에 등록되어 있고 종이 명확하게 확인된 Trichogramma 속 ITS2 염기서열 정보 를 58 종 총 404 개 확보하여 MEGA 5를 이용하여 국내에서 조사된 결과와 비교 분 석하였다. ITS2 DNA 염기서열 정보를 이용한 phylogenetic tree 결과들을 통해서 GenBank에 등록되어 있는 같은 종들이 여러 가지(branch)의 그룹에 흩어져 있어 일부 종들을 제외하고 명확한 구별이 어려웠다. 국내의 결과는 3 개의 가지(branch) 그룹으로 나눠졌으며 조명나방 알기생벌로 Trichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura 를 포함하여 최소한 3 개의 종이 있을 것으로 추정되었다. 앞으로 조명나방 알기생 천적을 이용한 생물적 방제 방법을 개발을 위해서는 명확한 종 동정이 되어야하며 그러기 위해서 수컷의 생식기에 관한 형태적 분석들이 필요할 것으로 보인다.