
대한안전경영과학회 학술대회

이 간행물 논문 검색


2016년 대한안전경영과학회 추계학술대회 (2016년 11월) 37

2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Pumps for hazardous materials handling areas of self service stations are still scattered in the country, generator room, engine room of the small vessels, etc. are installed inside buildings against big is the risk of fire extinguishers are installed only. These facilities are in severe climate change because it is an open space area, as well as a water based fire extinguishers may not be suitable for that type of gas extinguishing system is also adaptable. This study features a compressed air port operation principles and characteristics, equipment, fire extinguishers, which can minimize the casualties and property losses from fire against hazardous substances in small business, design requirements, domestic contain fire extinguishers laws and foreign Compression Four fire extinguishers through the air and foreign regulations comparative analysis of the compressed air port installations such as fire extinguishers and applied to study the measures to be included are fire extinguishers installed in the country. Climate change is a big country review In winter, water based fire extinguishers are also concerned about the freeze, but compared to the foreign installations were exploring ways to work in the country. CAF is especially preferred that the fire extinguishing performance and to demonstrate the protective space as there is a risk of frost risk significantly less compressed air port digestion plant.
2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In spite of the development of the service industry, research on measuring customers' service satisfaction is far insufficient. Therefore, ways to measure the service quality accurately need to be established due to the ambiguous types of service business. This research classifies the types of service business into service factory, service shop, mass service, professional service by using Schmenner's Service Process Matrix and conducts research on domestic literature that measured service satisfaction with Servqual and ServPerf. This study intends to suggest guidelines to measure customer satisfaction according to types of service business by researching ways to measure service satisfaction according to the types of service business and analysing the actual application methods based on a table that summarizes previous research on Servqual and Servperf.
2016.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Safety accident in Building construction work in the process of preparation and implementation of the insecure human, material status is often caused by combining the reality is that many things. Accident rate is a similar level in the case of Korea and foreign countries than any country in the measures by the higher fundamental prescription is needed. In this paper, construction safety management of subcontracting work and small construction plan to apply through a survey to reach a sensible alternative. I did In conclusion, the educated workers know well, and so on the work schedule then quickly if safety management personnel in disaster will be able to reduce the rate to a miracle appeared.
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