집권정당과 관련하여 개인투자자들은 자신이 지지한 정당이 집권을 하였을 경우 경제상황이 좋아질 것이라는 기대감(expectation)을 갖게 된다. 이에 따라 미국의 경우공화당을 지지하는 개인투자자들은 민주당정부가 들어섰을 경우 자국 경제에 대하여 비관적인 태도를 취하게 되고 반대로 민주당을 지지하는 개인투자자들은 공화당정부가 들어섰을 경우 자국 경제에 대하여 비관적인 생각을 갖게 된다. Jones(2009)는 갤럽조사를 인용하여 오바마 민주당정부가 들어선 이후 민주당원의 85%가 향후 1년 안에 경제가 좋아질 것이라고 응답하였음을 지적하고 있다. 반면에 공화당원의 50%와 양쪽 정당을 지지하지 않는 사람들 중의 57% 만이 향후 경제에 대하여 낙관적(optimistic)인 견해를 보였다고 보고 있다.
Heath and Tversky(1991)에 따르면, 투자자들은 자신들이 잘 안다고 느끼는 확실한투자자산에 투자를 하는 경향이 강하다고 주장한다. 그리고 이러한 경향은 해외분산투자(internationally diversified portfolio)와 거래빈도에서도 여실히 나타나고 있으며, 성향으로는 주로 남성과 소득수준이 높거나 교육수준이 높은 투자자들 사이에서 발생되고 있다. 반면에 여성과 소득수준이 낮거나 교육수준이 낮은 투자자들은 거래빈도도 상대적으로 적고 스스로의 확실성이 부족하기 때문에 해외분산투자의 경향도 적은 것을 알 수 있었다. 이에 대한 연구로는 French and Porteba(1991)이 대표적이다. 따라서 모호성의 회피(ambiguity aversion) 정도가 투자자 자신들이 잘 안다고 느끼는 확실한 자산에 대한 투자와 연결되는 것이다.
This study analysed impact of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty in the take-out coffee shop. The switching barrier was also studied as a moderating effect. Particularly, this study focused on relationships between customer loyalty and switching barriers. A lot of previous studies interest only in customers satisfaction. This study also analysed relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction, switching barriers and brand loyalty. Eventually, service quality significantly affects customer satisfaction, moderating effects, brand loyalty and marketing performance. SERVQUAL model which was established by PZB (1988) was used as a service quality factors. The impact on customer satisfaction was analysed using multiple regression analysis. Simple regression analysis was used to find effects of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Additional factors of switching barriers was classified based on previous studies. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was used to find factors of customer loyalty among switching barriers. In the result, we can find that the importance of tangibles, responsiveness in service quality factors and contract cost, search cost and continuous cost in moderating effects.
In the future, smartphone convergences are not only based on the on/offline integration, but also with the integration between mobile communications and broadcasts. Therefore, there is a need to search for new direction of mobile device that enables variety user applications that are different from the existing size and application issue. The aim of this reserch is to improve user interface of smartphone's functional attribute. The survey results in this paper showed that the most preferable attribute of smartphone among the 8 was the wireless internet 25.3%, followed by messaging 20% and application 19.8%, which totaled to 62.5%. But the samples used were mostly limited to those aged 20 through 30. So the results are not considered as a representative preference of all smartphone users, and should be considered otherwise before materializing them to a product. Therefore, for the more liable results the further research should be conducted to gather data from a variety of users of all ages, and the functional attribute should be analysed through QFD.
This study carried out surveys for 197 nail shop practitioners and 195 customers 1) to study the real condition of their hygiene awareness and safety consciousness and 2) to grasp their awareness of the necessity of legislating a related bill so as to build an independent domain of business and to propose data on the national qualification system of nail care. As a result, it was found that the level of the nail care practitioners’ experiences of safety education was very low, and that the customers attached importance to the necessity of nail salon practitioners’ certificate and license and the nail treatment-related bill more than the nail care practitioners themselves. In conclusion, the preparation of a nail art-related bill is required at the state level for the management of the safety and hygiene of national health, and systematic and regular education related to hygiene should be carried out.
Courier and logistics services such as customer contact employees (customer-contact employee) of the attitudes and behavior of the customer satisfaction level of service quality evaluation and a very big impact. In this study, using a typical customer contact employees, and to target the delivery service industry employees the organization's service orientation and customer orientation by examining the impact on the quality of companies within the organization for growth and development needs and the importance of service orientation will be trying out for. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the chief executive of the organization to configure a service orientation and a detailed understanding of the factors that determine this by managing the organization to effectively come up with a way to make and ultimately the organization's service orientation, organizational culture can be positioned as effort should be taken. Second, service companies through regular training and education to maintain a certain level of service quality should be. Third, the service organization's service orientation is not a fad or a means of sustain and develop the company's survival strategy is to get out. To do this, good communication between the field and management can be achieved by a variety of channels to be established, and management's willingness to provoke sympathy for the employees should be provided.
In this paper, we summary known suggestion system which is useful a small and medium enterprise. We don't think suggestion system of a small and medium enterprise active. We reflect 2 points of suggestion system. We propose the Active Plan to Suggestion System for small and medium Enterprise which are (1) suggestion direction for enterprise future, (2) suggestion body for all employee included, (3) suggestion methods for all information shared.