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        검색결과 891

        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a ubiquitous protein of eukaryotic and archaeal organisms which undergoes hypusination, and known to play pivotal functions for the synthesis of proteins involved in cell proliferation and cell cycle control. Its nuclear localization has an important implication for the eIF5A functions in nucleus, but the evidence of the nuclear translocation is still in controversy. This study is aimed to elucidate the nuclear localization of eIF5A in the epithelial cells of oral leukoplakia by the immunohistochemistry using trypsin digestion to remove their cytoplasms. The keratinocytes of the acanthotic and basal cell layers in oral leukoplakia showed the complete removal of their cytoplasmic components, but the nuclei of those cell layers were remained on the microsection. The immunostainings using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibody against eIF5A showed the strong positive reaction in the nuclei remained after trypsin digestion. And the immunostaining was more intensely expressed in the nuclei of the basal and suprabasal keratinocytes than in the nuclei of the upper spinous keratinocytes. These data directly indicate the post-translationally modified eIF5A is abundantly localized in the nuclear matrix components including nucleoli, which are resistant to the trypsin digestion. It is also presumed that the nuclear eIF5A localized at the trypsin resistant nuclear matrix, i.e., histone and r ibosomal proteins, may be closely relevant to the control of mRNA production or to the nuclear-cytoplamic trafficking for mRNA transportation.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mucous retention cyst (MRC) is not uncommon in the pathology of maxillary sinus, which should be differentially diagnosed from chronic maxillary sinusitis. The main stream of diagnosis usually depends on the clinical symptoms and radiological findings. Thus it was sometimes puzzling to confirm the histological features of mucous retention phenomenon in the antral mucosa, when the specimen was from a limited portion or much degenerated by inflammatory reaction. This study aims to define the histopathological features of MRC through reevaluation of MRCs (n=19) and maxillary sinusitis (n=65) diagnosed previously. The present study classified three types of MRC, i.e., an extravasation type, a luminal retention type, and a mixed type of MRC. The extravasation type MRC showed clear pseudocyst cavity under sinus mucosa with infiltration of foamy macrophage, and the luminal retention type MRC showed mucous retention in the luminal cavity of maxillary sinus accompanied with inflammatory reaction, and the mixed type MRC showed the both features of extravasation and luminal retention type MRCs. Resultantly, among nineteen cases of MRC only three cases belonged to the extravasation type MRC, eleven cases belonged to luminal retention type MRC, and three cases belonged to mixed type MRC, while two cases were turned out to be postoperative residual cysts of maxillary sinus. The MRCs examined in this study showed different pathological features from ordinary maxillary sinusitis, exhibiting the typical mucin retention phenomenon of extravasation type or luminal retention type with relatively mild inflammatory reaction with infiltration of mucin-pooled macrophages. However, the luminal retention type MRC was predominant among the MRCs (11/17, 64.7%) and each of the extravasation and mixed type MRCs was only three cases out of 17 MRCs (17.6%). The extravasation type MRC characteristically produces a pseudocyst by the overexpressions of matrix metalloprotease-3 (MMP-3) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). Because not only the pathogenetic mechanism but also the prognosis of MRC is different from chronic maxillary sinusitis, we suggest that the MRC of maxillary sinus should be classified into extravasation, luminal retention, and mixed types in the histological observations in addition to the clinical and radiological informations.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the human mixed saliva plays important roles for the protection, regeneration, immunity, and molecular transfer/ signaling in the oral and gastro-intestinal mucosa, the salivary contents have great implications for the general health of human body. Nevertheless, the analysis method of human saliva has not been well developed up to date, because the proteins of mixed saliva are rapidly interacted with each other and easily degraded by proteolytic enzymes and microorganisms. This study aims to develop an immunoprecipitation-based high performance liquid chromatography (IP-HPLC) for the analysis of human mixed saliva. The representative IP-HPLC analyses were performed to compare among different subjects in variable general conditions. Compared to the normal control the subjects suffered from bacterial infections of gastro-intestinal enteritis, chronic periodontitis, and acute necrotizing gingivo-stomatitis showed dramatic increase of LL-37 level depending on the severity of diseases, while the subject suffered from Herpes stomatitis, a viral infection showed great increase of β-defensin 2. These data indicate that LL-37 in human mixed saliva is more responsible to the bacterial infections of gastro-intestinal enteritis, chronic periodontitis, and acute necrotizing gingivo-stomatitis, while β-defensin 2 is more responsible to the viral infection of Herpes stomatitis. This study also suggeststhat the IP-HPLC be easily applicable to the wide range of biological samples for the quantitative analysis of an objective protein.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most propionic acid is added to food (especially breads) as preservatives and its form is sodium or calcium salt. Most countries admitted propionic acid as food preservatives but a tolerance limit is somewhat different according to countries. Recoveries of the official method for propionates reported as 50.0~60.0%. Accordingly new rapid determination method for propionates was developed using formic acid added sodium chloride (5 g) and ether (formic acid : ether = 1 : 2) as the extraction solvent to improve the official method with the complex processes. Propionate was dissolved from the samples with formic acid omitting steam distillation and ion exchange procedure. Then propionate in formic acid was extracted with ether and sodium chloride again. A 1 μl aliquot of the filtrate of ether was analyzed by gas chromatograph. Recoveries from sample A and B fortified with propionic acid sodium salt were 85.0 % and 90.0 %, respectively.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도시정책 패러다임의 변화에 따라 도시의 계획 및 개발위주의 정책은 기존의 도시와 마을을 가꾸고 정비하는데 관심이 높아지고 있다. 이러한 정책의 흐름과 더불어 주민참여의 중요성이 높아지면서 참여형태가 다양해지고 참여도도 활성화되고있다.최근들어 지자체, 시민단체, 중앙정부를 중심으로 다양한 주민참여 도시․마을만들기가 시도되고 있으며, 국토해양부에서는도시․마을만들기 계획수립과 더불어 주민역량을 강화하기 위한 교육프로그램의 일환으로 도시대학을 운영하고 있다. 도시대학의영은 사전준비단계, 프로그램 진행단계, 사후평가단계로 구성된다.본 연구에서는 중앙정부인 국토해양부에서 주최하는 스튜디오형 도시대학의 운영과정 특성을 살펴보고, 2009년도 호남권도시대학 실제 운영사례와 경험을 바탕으로 운영과정의 한계점과 과제를 도출하였다. 또한, 2009년도 호남권 도시대학의운영과정별 결과에 대한 평가를 통해 도출된 문제점에 대한 (정책적)해결방안을 제안하였다.중앙정부주최의 도시대학 운영은 규모에 있어 전국을 대상으로 운영함에 있어 참여자의 관심 및 결과물에 대한 의의가매우 크다. 이에 전국적 형평성을 고려한 도시대학이 운영되기 위해서는 권역설정 및 스튜디오 구성의 한계점을 해결하기위해 권역별 광역․기초자치단체와의 협력이 병행되어야 한다. 또한, 결과물의 실효성(사업성)을 높이고 평가의 객관성을 확보하기위해서는 프로그램 운영단계의 실습프로그램에 대한 범주화가 이루어져야할 것이다
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the competitive strategy of service quality in financial industry Service quality has been suggested as the approach for service organizations to be service and customer oriented Recently, the issue of internal service quality has been
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국내의 줄눈 콘크리트 포장설계에 주로 사용되는 다웰바 설계 기준은 국외 기준과 검증되지 않은 경험에 의해 사용되고 있다. 또한 다웰바의 설치는 길어깨나 하부층의 조건 등을 고려하지 못한 상태에서 슬래브 폭에 대하여 일률적으로 적용되고 있다. 이에 다웰바를 합리적으로 설계하기 위해서는 다웰바 거동에 대한 고찰이 요구되며, 이를 3차원 유한요소해석을 이용하여 수행하였다. 다웰바의 거동에 대한 3차원 유한요소해석 결과의 타당성을 검토하기 위하여 Timoshenko이론의 다웰바 거동을 비교하였다. 또한 실제 도로에서 교통하중이 여러 개의 다웰바에 분산 전달하는 다웰바의 그룹작용(Dowel Group Action)을 3차원 유한요소해석을 통하여 다웰바 그룹작용 적용범위를 산정하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 다웰바 그룹작용 범위는 Friberg의 그룹작용 범위와는 상이한 결과가 나타났으며, 비교적 최근 연구 결과인 Tabatabaie의 그룹작용 범위의 연구결과와 유사한 결과가 도출되었다.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Krox-25, a Kruppel type zinc finger protein, may play an important role for the morphogenesis of tooth in ectomesenchymal interaction between enamel epithelium and odontogenic mesenchyme. The interrupted expression of Krox-25 by antisense inhibition is supposed to affect the abnormal development of tooth germ similar to the deranged proliferation of odontogenic tumors. This study was performed to know the histomorphogenetic effect of Krox-25 antisense inhibition in tooth germs of mouse embryos and to understand the abnormal expressions of Krox-25 in different odontogenic tumors which proliferate in aberrant direction of ecto-mesenchymal interaction. Total 95 tooth germs obtained from pregnant mice in the 13th day of fertilization were cultured with antisense oligonucleotides targeting mouse Krox-25 gene, and their histological patterns were compared with those of different odontogenic tumors, i.e., ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (n=5), ameloblastoma (n=8), and ameloblastic carcinoma (n=2). Resultantly, the cultured tooth germs treated with antisense oligodeoxynucleotides produced primitive dentine and enamel by odontoblasts and ameloblasts, respectively, but they aberrantly grew and formed abnormal tooth organs. Especially, the harmonious growth of enamel and dentine formation was greatly deranged by the antisense inhibition in the organ culture system. These findings were much similar to the abnormal growth of odontogenic tumors. The relatively well differentiated enamel epithelium of ameloblastic fibro-odontoma showed irregularly strong reaction of Krox-25, while the poorly differentiated enamel epithelium of ameloblastic carcinoma showed weak reaction. These data suggest that Krox-25 may play important roles for the histomorphogenesis of tooth germ by signaling the ecto-mesenchymal interaction between odontoblasts and ameloblasts in normal tooth germ development of mouse embryos as well as in cytodifferentiation of odontogenic tumors.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A patient complaining of severe pain in the right submandibular area showed a huge sialolith in radiogram. During the operation, the submandibular gland was much indurated, and large amount of pus was discharged out at an incision of the salivary gland. The removed salivary gland contained a huge sialolith in the major excretory duct of submandibular gland, which had an intact grayish-white surface in ovoid shape. In the histological examination its excretory ducts were extensively dilated without extravasation of saliva, and the involved salivary gland was almost destroyed by the granulomatous r eaction. Most of a cinar cells were d isappeared and r eplaced by ductal cells filled with exudative materials. The microsections of sialolith showed typical laminar structures of calcification containing amorphous basophilic material in the center, in which a lot of Gram positive and Gram negative microorganisms were found. In the center of sialolith numerous microorganisms were admixed with mucinous materials which were strongly positive for the antibody of mucin-1, and formed multiple colonies. In the periphery of the bacterial colonies proline rich proteins (PRPs) were condensely localized, and followed by the consistent positive reaction of transglutaminase 4 (TGase-4). These data suggest that the sialolith of this study is formed from the primary nidus of bacterial colony aggregated with salivary mucin-1 and PRPs by the crosslinking reaction of TGase-4.
        2009.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        인터넷을 통한 상거래가 활성화되면서 상표가 기존의 상표권 제도하에서는 예상할 수 없었던 새로운 형태로 사용되고 있다. 이 글에서는 포털사이트의 큰 수익모델이 되고 있는 키워드광고(인터넷 이용자가 검색어를 입력하면 그 검색어에 광고를 연결해줄 것을 미리 신청한 광고주의 광고가 검색결과를 보여주는 화면에 나타나게 해주는 광고기법)에 대하여 다룬다. 타인의 상표를 검색사이트를 통하여 소비자에게 쉽게 접근할 수 있는 매개수단으로 사용한 경우 상표권 침해 또는 부정경쟁행위에 해당하는지에 대하여 광고주와 검색사이트로 나누어 검토한다.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to know the degenerating state of postnatal cleft lip tissue, total 23 cases of lip biopsy obtained from cleft lip surgery were collected and examined pathologically. The cleft lip tissues characteristically disclosed epithelial hyperplasia (13/23), stromal myxoid degeneration (20/23), salivary gland degeneration (1/23), muscular degeneration (11/23), and sebaceous gland hyperplasia (15/23), melanocytic infiltration (5/23). The epithelial hyperplasia was marked with hyperkeratosis and basal hyperplasia, which was usually coincident with the myxoid degeneration of underlying connective tissue. The myxoid degeneration was diffuse in the deep connective tissue with chronic inflammatoryreaction, and followed by extensive muscular degeneration. The sebaceous gland hyperplasia was usually predominant in the skin area of the cleft lip. In this study the lip biopsy from 30years old patient still showed remarkable retrogressive degeneration of lip tissue. Therefore, it is considered that the postnatal cleft lip tissue is continuously degenerative, and its retrogressive change gradually affects the deterioration of perioral muscular structures, consequently resulted in the failure of lip functions as well as further bizarre malformation of oro-facial shape during the postnatal period. These data also indicate that the biopsy of postnatal cleft lip should be recommended to know its variable degenerating status and to perform the proper rehabilitation surgery of cleft lip.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A case of chronic osteomyelitis caused by prolonged intake of bisphosphonate showed multiple recurrences involving extensive area of mandibular body. After saucerization the removed bony fragments were decalcified, microsected in 4 ㎛ thickness, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Masson trichrome, von Gieson, and periodic acid Schiff reaction. The inflammatory lesion contained fragile osteophytes easily propagated into sequestra. Histologically, this osteomyelitis was relatively less suppurative but almost granulomatous, highly infiltrated with small round cells and macrophages. The osteophytes were frequently deposited on the old lamellate bone, but their ossification was extremely immature and frequently filled with sclerosed collagen bundles positive for von Gieson stain. In the polarizing microscope observation under Masson trichrome stain the newly deposited osteophytes were lack of birefringence image of Haversian system contrast to the old bone nearby. Therefore, we presume that the prolonged intake of bisphosphonate may induce the immature osteophytes lack of Harversian system, which are partly filled with sclerotic collagen bundles, and the immature bone is easily undergone extensive degeneration and necrosis, resulted in the inflammatory foci for multiple recurrent osteomyelitis.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to develop the unique native local foods of Namwon and to provide basic data needed to reinvigoratethe tourist industry and local economy. Perception and satisfaction with native local foods of Namwon were surveyed in 483 tourists (246 men and 237 women 53% visiting Namwon for the first time). Of the participants, 41.2% did not stay or eat in Namwon. Most tourists visited with other family members and spent approximately 20,000 won per capita on food. Of the foods sampled for the first time, preferred foods were (in order of preference and intention to order again) Chueo-tang, Hanjeongsik, wild edible greens-jeongsik, and black pork. The degree of food satisfaction was relatively favorable (3.54±0.08 points on a 5-point satisfaction scale), with taste being the most important factor affecting the degree of satisfaction for 92.9% of the subjects. However, willingness to revisit Namwon on the basis of the local foods was not as high as the degree of satisfaction with the foods. Insufficient information and publicity concerning Namwon local foods were cited as impediments, and suggested improvements included taste, sanitation and food-based tourism. The degree of satisfaction was higher in men than in women. Age, residence, and occupation were not related to the degree of satisfaction. But, the willingness to revisit Namwon to sample local foods was related with gender (men more willing) and occupation (public service personnel, business owners, salaried employees, professionals, and housewives more willing, in order). Women in general and housewives in particular were most critical in food assessment.
        2009.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the unit process parameters in spherical kernel preparation. Nearly perfect spherical microspheres were obtained from the 0.6M of U-concentration in the broth solution, and the microstructure of the kernel appeared the good results in the calcining, reducing, and sintering processes. For good sphericity, high density, suitable microstructure, and no-crack final microspheres, the temperature control range in calcination process was , and the microstructure, the pore structure, and the density of kernel could be controlled in this temperature range. Also, the concentration changes of the ageing solution in aging step were not effective factor in the gelation of the liquid droplets, but the temperature change of the ageing solution was very sensitive for the final ADU gel particles