본 논문의 목적은 『짜라까상히타』에 나타난 마음의 속성 및 작용 등의 분석을 통해 마음의 의미 에 대해 고찰해 보는 것이다. 인도 전통 의학인 아유르베다는 마음과 신체는 행복과 질병의 바탕을 이루는 것으로 본다. 현대 서양의학에서는 오랫동안 방치했던 마음의 중요성을 상기시키는 대목이다. 아유르베다의 3대 의서 중의 하나인 『짜라까상히타』는 내과를 주로 다룬 의서이며, 아유르베다의 우주론과 생명관 등의 철학 사상, 특히 마음에 관한 내용을 많이 다루고 있다. 『짜라까상히타』에서 “인간의 생명은 마음, 신체, 감각기능, 그리고 영혼의 결합”이라고 정의하고, “마음-영혼-신체의 결합 은 모든 것을 이루는 기초이다”라고 본다. 심리적으로 개인의 기질을 이루는 3구나의 우세 정도에 따 라 마음의 유형을 16가지로 세밀하게 분석하고, 정신장애를 다루기 위한 심리치료도 제시한다. 신체 와 마음에 대한 불행은 전적으로 무지 때문이며, 전체적인 행복은 ‘올바른 지식’에 의지한다고 강조한 다
PURPOSES : The purpose of this study was to develop techniques for forecasting black ice using historical pavement temperature data collected by patrol cars and concurrent atmospheric data provided by the Korea Meteorological Administration.
METHODS : To generate baseline data, the physical principle that ice forms when the pavement temperature is negative and lower than the dew-point temperature was exploited. To forecast frost-induced black ice, deep-learning algorithms were created using air, pavement, and dew point temperatures, as well as humidity, wind speed, and the z-value of the historical pavement temperature of the target segment.
RESULTS : The suggested forecasting models were evaluated against baseline data generated by the above-mentioned physical principle using pavement temperature and atmospheric data gathered on a national highway in the vicinity of Young-dong in the Chungcheongbukdo province. The accuracies of the forecasting models for the bridge and roadway segments were 94% and 90%, respectively, indicating satisfactory results.
CONCLUSIONS : Preventive anti-icing maintenance activities, such as applying anti-icing chemicals or activating road heating systems before roadways are covered with ice (frost), could be possible with the suggested methodologies. As a result, traffic safety on winter roads, especially at night, could be enhanced.
EPS(Electric Power Steeing) has been a popular system in the automotive industry since 2000 after the technology and safety was validated. The Korean Refrigerated Carts like Hankook Yogurt Coco was developed for the first time in the world. However this carts system and other small tranporting carts has no EPS. Thus the drivers of carts needed a EPS to avoid the burden when steeing a big weighted cart with 750Kgf as many women drivers complain the pain on their shoulders. This paper describes the application of EPS on Korean refrigerated carts with simulation results and experimental data shows the improvement of steering efforts.
Bellows product is an important part in the area of plant engineering, shipbuilding and petrochemistry. For safety and durability it is necessary to consider lots of factors when designing it. This research developed a metal bellows design software based on EJMA 10th Edition manual. This Bellows software was developed by using Excel software and can be able to design U type of bellows which are Unreinforced Single Bellows, Unreinforced Double Bellows, Reinforced Single Bellows and Reinforced Double Bellows. The already proven bellows model were designed to verify this software. This software would predict the life cycle of a product and produce a company report to be provided to the demanding company. This suggested updated software will be helpful for design engineers to save time and effort.
본 연구에서는 국립공원에서 자연의 소리는 생태계의 구성요소임과 동시에 탐방객들이 공원을 체험하는 중요한 요소이다. 따라서 국립공원 내 소음 분포 특성을 파악하고 자연의 음환경(Soundscape) 보존 및 복원을 위한 노력은 국립공원 관리 차원에서 중요한 과제 중 하나이다. 그러나 여전히 국내 국립공원에서는 소음 관리 및 음환경 보존에 대한 관심이 미약한 것이 사실이다. 무등산국립공원은 호남지역에서 가장 중요한 자연보호지역 중 하나로 계절별 동물이 우는 소리, 물소리, 바람 소리 등 탐방객들에게 자연의 소리를 제공할 수 있는 최적의 장소이지만 대도시에 인접해 있고 공원 내부로 도로 및 대규모 시설지가 인접해있는 등 소음이 발생하여 공원 내 음환경에 위협이 되고 있는 상황이다. 따라서 본 연구는 소음지도, 탐방로 소리등급도, 주요 지점의 음환경 녹음 데이터, 소리자원 분포도 등의 분석을 통해 무등산국립공원 내 소리 분포 특성을 파악하고 광범위한 소음의 영향을 나타냄으로써 음환경 관리의 필요성을 시사하고 있다는 중요성을 지니고 있다. 반면 본 연구에서는 연구 인력과 장비의 한계로 인하여 소음지도, 탐방로 소리등급도, 소리자원 분포도의 속성 데이터 수집 기간이 상이한 점이 한계점으로 남는다. 그러나 본 연구의 결과는 탐방 만족도 및 자연의 음환경 보존 등을 목표로 향후 지속적인 음환경 보존 및 관리를 위해 활용될 수 있는 기초자료가 될 것으로 판단된다.
생물다양성협약(CBD)에서는 전 지구적으로 발생하는 환경문제의 대응방안으로 육상의 17%를 보호지역으로 지정 하도록 할 것을 권고하고 있다. 우리나라도 국제적 수준에 맞춰 보호지역을 지정하고 보호지역 지정이 가지는 의미를 설명할 필요성이 생겼으며, 이에 따라 생태계서비스에 관한 연구의 필요성이 요구되고 있다. 우리나라는 보호지역 지정을 자연공원법에 의해 위계별로 국립공원, 도립공원, 군립공원으로 지정하고 있다. 그러나 정치, 행정적 측면이 우선시되면서 생태계서비스 가치평가 연구 및 서식지 관리가 국립공원에 편중되어 도립 및 군립공원은 다소 미비하여 연구의 필요성이 있다. 본 연구에서는 국립공원에 비해 서식지 관리 및 생태계서비스 가치평가 연구가 미비한 가지산도 립공원을 대상으로 InVEST 모델 중 InVEST Habitat Quality 모델을 사용하여 서식지 질을 평가하고, 분석 결과를 16개의 산악형 국립공원과 비교하였다. 분석 결과 가지산도립공원의 서식지질 값은 0.83이었으며, 주변 지역에 비해 서식질 질이 높게 나타났다. 3개 지구별 서식지질 차이를 분석한 결과 통도사지구와 내원사지구가 0.84, 석남사지구가 0.83으로 나타났고 용도지구별로는 자연보존지구, 자연환경지구, 문화유산지구, 공원마을지구 순으로 서식지질 값이 높게 나타났다. 기존 국립공원 서식지질 분석 결과와 비교한 결과 가지산도립공원은 무등산국립공원 수준의 자연성을 나타내었다. 이러한 결과는 추후 도립공원의 생물다양성 보전 및 생태계서비스 증진을 위한 정책 수립과 관리방안 수립의 객관적인 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
본 연구는 환경측정용 센서 위치에 따른 온실 환경의 공간· 수직적 특성을 조사하고 온실 종류에 따른 온도, 광도 및 CO2 농도 간의 상관관계를 구명하고자 수행하였다. 벤로형 온실의 공간적인 5지점을 선정한 후 각 지점에서 대표적 작물의 수 직적 높이 4지점과 지면부, 지붕 공간에 온도, 상대습도, CO2, 엽온 및 광센서를 설치하였다. 벤로형 온실과 반밀폐형 온실 에서 온도, 광도 및 CO2 농도 변화의 관계성을 Curve Expert Professional 프로그램을 이용하여 비교하였다. 벤로형 온실 의 공간적 위치에 따른 편차는 CO2 농도가 다른 요인보다 큰 것으로 나타났다. CO2 농도는 평균 465-761μmol·mol-1 범 위였고, 편차가 가장 큰 시간대는 오후 5시였으며, 최고 농도 는 액화 탄산가스 공급장치의 메인 배관(50∅)과 가까운 위치 인 중앙 후부(Middle End, 4ME)에서 646μmol·mol-1, 최저 농도는 좌측 중앙(Left Middle, 5LM)에서 436μmol·mol-1이 었다. 수직적 위치에 따른 편차는 온도와 상대습도가 다른 요 인보다 큰 것으로 나타났다. 평균 기온의 편차가 가장 큰 시간 대는 오후 2시대이며, 최고 기온은 작물 위 공기층(Upper Air, UA)에서 26.51℃, 최저 기온은 작물의 하단부(Lower Canopy, LC)에서 25.62℃였다. 평균 상대습도의 편차가 가장 큰 시간 대는 오후 1시대로 나타났으며, 최고 습도는 LC에서 76.90%, 최저 습도는 UA에서 71.74%이다. 각 시간대에 평균 CO2 농 도가 가장 높은 수직적 위치는 지붕 공간 공기층(Roof Air, RF)과 시설 내 지면(Ground, GD)이었다. 온실 내 온도, 광도 및 CO2 농도의 관계성은 반밀폐형 온실의 경우 결정계수(r2) 가 0.07, 벤로형 온실은 0.66이었다. 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, 온실 내 CO2 농도는 공간적 분포, 온도와 습도는 작물의 수직 적 분포 차이를 측정하여 분석할 필요가 있고 환기율이 낮은 반밀폐형 온실의 경우 목표 CO2 시비 농도가 일반 온실과 다 르게 설정해야 할 것으로 판단된다.
Among migratory insect pests, Mythimna seperata and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis are invasive pests introduced into South Korea through westerlies from southern China. M. seperata and C. medinalis are insect pests that use rice as a host. They injure rice leaves and inhibit rice growth. To understand the distribution of M. seperata and C. medinalis, it is important to understand environmental factors such as temperature and humidity of their habitat. This study predicted current and future habitat suitability models for understanding the distribution of M. seperata and C. medinalis. Occurrence data, SSPs (Shared Socio-economic Pathways) scenario, and RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) were applied to MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy), a machine learning model among SDM (Species Distribution Model). As a result, M. seperata and C. medinalis are aggregated on the west and south coasts where they have a host after migration from China. As a result of MaxEnt analysis, the contribution was high in the order of Land-cover data and DEM (Digital Elevation Model). In bioclimatic variables, BIO_4 (Temperature seasonality) was high in M. seperata and BIO_2 (Mean Diurnal Range) was found in C. medinalis. The habitat suitability model predicted that M. seperata and C. medinalis could inhabit most rice paddies.
Hepatic diseases are divided into two types: alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Non-alcoholic liver injury finally induces fatty liver and damages liver function. Many studies have demonstrated that Ecklonia stolonifera has antioxidative, antiinflammatory, and hepatoprotective activities. We conducted a 12-week double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial to examine the efficacy of E. stolonifera extracts (ESE) on biochemical markers of hepatic function. Sixty-five subjects with mild or moderate liver injuries were randomly allocated to receive either 420 mg/d of ESE or a placebo for 12 weeks. Fifty-five participants completed the trial. No significant adverse events were observed among the subjects during the study. The primary end points were changes in plasma levels of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), and γ-glutamyltransferase (γ-GT). The secondary end points were changes in lipid profile levels, including total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL). Compared with the baseline, AST and ALT levels decreased significantly in the ESE group compared to those in the placebo group (P<0.001). In addition, γ-GT levels in the ESE group were significantly lower than those in the placebo group (P=0.016). There were no differences in the TC, TG, HDL, and LDL levels between groups. In conclusion, ESE consumption for 12 weeks improved liver parameters in subjects with liver injury. Regular consumption of ESE could maintain liver health in individuals at risk of hepatic damage.
This study examines the trend of research on food and culture in papers published in the Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture from 1986 to 2020. The journals published a total of 329 papers, which we classified into 5 main categories and 13 middle categories. Of these, 204 articles were on “Korean traditional food culture.” The most studied topic in the entire period was “Perception of Koreans towards traditional food, preference, satisfaction, and usage.” A total of 76 studies related to “Korean contemporary food culture.” The most advanced topic researched concerned “Recognition and attitude”; these studies were consistently carried out throughout the research period. The main classification of “World food culture” encompassed 32 studies, with major research focused on “World's Modern Food Culture” and the most advanced being “Comparison of Food Cultures of Foreign and Korean Food Cultures.” All studies were consistently spaced out during the study period. These studies provide an integrated knowledge in the field of food and culture and can be used as a basic material for related research in the future.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by recurring symptoms, airflow obstruction, and bronchial hyper-responsiveness. The onset of asthma for most patients begins early in life, and current asthma treatment with anti-inflammatory agents can have adverse effects, eventually leading to impaired quality of life. In the pathogenesis of asthma, macrophages and basophils play a vital role during progression. Macrophages not only induce inflammation by secreting inflammatory cytokines but also promote DNA damage and mucus production through nitric oxide (NO) production. Basophils enhance eosinophil recruitment and aggravate asthma through the FcεRIα receptor with high affinity for histamine and IgE. Therefore, in this study, we investigated whether the activation of macrophages and basophils is suppressed by the individual extracts of 28 natural products. RAW 264.7 cells (mouse macrophages) were treated with the natural products in LPS, and 4 natural product extracts resulted in decreased NO production. In β-hexosaminidase assay using RBL-2H3 cells (rat basophils), 19 natural product extracts decreased β-hexosaminidase production. In NO production and β-hexosaminidase assay using macrophages and basophils, 3 natural product extracts (Plantago asiatica, Centella asiatica, and Perilla frutescens var. japonica) significantly inhibited NO production and β-hexosaminidase release. Overall, we examined the inhibitory effects of 28 natural product extracts on macrophage and basophil activity, and the findings demonstrated the potential of natural product extracts for treating asthma and macrophage- and basophil-related diseases.
The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries promoted the installation of eel-ladder for the purpose of creating inland water resources. Currently, eel-ladder have been installed and operated at the Geumgang Estuary Bank (2018), Yeongam Embankment (2019), and Asanman Embankment (2020). In this study, the number of glass eels in eel-ladder in 2021 was monitored and factors affecting the rise that from ocean to river of eels were investigated. Glass eels in eel-ladder were found when the salinity was relatively low, and they started when the freshwater and seawater temperatures were above 20℃. Comparing the number of occurrences by year, the largest number of glass eels was observed in 2021, but it is judged that this is not according to the distribution of glass eels in sea, but rather as a result of the investigator’s eel-ladder repair and guidance on illegal fishing.
This study evaluated the migrant and residue tests of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), and antimony (Sb) in 70 tumbler samples. The migration levels of hazardous metals in all the samples were within the migration limits outlined in the Korean standards and specifications for utensils, containers, and packages. Moreover, in all the tumbler samples, only Ni was detected in 0.5% citric acid solution of a food stimulant. The maximum level of Ni 0.0144 mg/L was 14.4% of the migrant specification (not more than 0.1 mg/L), which was relatively safe. The 0.5% citric acid solution was eluted at 4oC, 70oC, and 100oC for 30 min, and only Ni was detected while testing for migration levels according to the temperature variations; all temperature conditions conformed to the standards. The level of Ni migration increased significantly with increasing migration temperature. Regarding the residue level outside the paint-coated tumbler samples, the Pb level was found to range from N.D. to 20638.1323 mg/kg. The risk of Ni was further estimated to be at a safe level of 0.00 to 0.01% compared to the %TDI as a result.
Pancreatic cancer can arise in the background of chronic pancreatitis (CP). The relative risks for pancreatic cancer in CP vary considerably according to other contributing factors such as disease duration, excess alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption, eating habits, physical activity, and late-onset diabetes. The incidence of pancreatic cancer is estimated to be about 10 per 105 per year, and the incidence and prevalence of CP are estimated to be 5-12 per 105 and 50 per 105 per year, respectively. The pooled relative risk estimates for pancreatic cancer in CP patients range from 2.7 to 13.3. Subsets of CP subjects with a family history of pancreatic cancer or those with newly developed diabetes over the age of 50 have a higher risk for pancreatic cancer. However, the prevalence of pancreatic cancer is not high enough to justify general screening of the adult CP population. Thus, it is necessary to select subsets of CP cohorts with a significantly high risk of pancreatic cancer. We need a better overall disease model that can define the interaction of multiple risk factors and their cumulative or potential effects on pancreatic cancer.
In this study, the adsorption/desorption performance of toluene was evaluated using zeolite adsorbent to replace activated carbon with one-off and ignition characteristics. For the proper operation of the VOCs adsorption/desorption and condensate recovery steps, the operating range by various adsorption/desorption temperatures was selected. The adsorbent is a bead-type zeolite, which was put into an adsorption tower of 10 LPM scale. As a result, it was demonstrated that 0.079 mg/g was adsorbed at a low temperature (20°C) during adsorption. In the case of desorption, it was found that VOCs adsorbed on the adsorbent were completely recovered after the desorption operation at 220°C for about 160 minutes. However, in the heating rate step for desorption, it was not possible to maintain an appropriate heating rate by filling the tower with zeolite. This was complemented by applying a copper plate with high thermal conductivity, and it was shown that the time was shortened by about 10 minutes or more. When VOCs are emitted at high concentrations during the desorption process, they can be reused as energy resources through low-temperature maintenance, and a condensation method was attempted. The efficiency of condensing chiller (cooler) with temperature control and liquid nitrogen condensing was compared. It was found that the chiller condensing efficiency increased as the temperature decreased. In the case of liquid nitrogen condensation, the liquid nitrogen temperature was maintained at -196°C, showing a stable efficiency of 90%.
This experiment was conducted to establish the technology for artificial hay preparation in Korea. Using far-infrared heater, a device that can control temperature, airflow, and far-infrared radiation was produced and conducted on the fourth harvested alfalfa. The drying conditions were carried out by selecting a total of four conditions. For each condition, the radiation rate was set to around 40% (33-42%), and the temperature was set at 58~65℃, and the speed of the airflow was fixed at 60m/s. The overall drying time was set to 30 min in the single and 60 min (30-30 min) and 90 min (30-30-30 min) in the complex condition, and the radiation rate and temperature were changed by time period. In the case of drying condition 1, the final dry matter (DM) content was 46.26%, which did not reach a DM suitable for hay. However, all of the alfalfa corresponding to the remaining drying conditions 2 to 7 showed a DM content of 80% or more, resulting in optimal alfalfa hay production. In power consumption according to the drying conditions, the second drying condition showed the lowest at 4.7 KW, and the remaining drying conditions were as high as 6.5 to 7.1 KW. The crude protein content was found to be high at an average of 25.91% and it showed the highest content in the 5th drying condition (26.93%) and the lowest value in the 6th drying condition (25.16%). The digestibility showed a high value with an average of 84.90%, and there was no significant difference among treatments (p>0.05). Considering the above results, it was judged that drying condition 2 was the most advantageous.
Power generation construction projects involving large amounts of capital can affect the survival of a company along with huge economic losses in the event of a business failure. In general, private companies are organizations with challenging risk taking tendencies while public companies have a risk averse tendency to avoid risk, so these differences in organizational tendencies make it difficult to respond to risk. In particular, public companies are more likely to fail than private companies because they choose the contradiction of risk picking to enter overseas markets with high uncertainty despite their tendency to risk averse due to the nature of the organization. Therefore, these organizations need risk management techniques that reflect a risk-averse strategy. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the risk management research papers of the existing overseas development EPC business in order to find the risk management techniques related to the organizational tendencies of public companies and proposes “establishing a performance audit system for risk management of the organizational tendencies of public companies” as a way to extract the risk factors through the examples of overseas development projects of public companies and to manage the organizational tendencies of public companies that affect them.
본 연구에서는 고등학교에서 경제교육 수요 자체가 급감하고 있는 상황에서 교육부의 필수 과목의 최소화, 학습 내용의 축소, 선택과목 증가, 고교학점제 도입, 자유학기제 도입, 비교 과 창체 활동 확대 등을 지향하는 교육과정의 개정 방향에 부응하여 사회탐구 일반선택 ‘경 제’를 ‘경제생활’로 대체할 필요가 있다는 것을 밝혔다. 경제생활의 교육과정은 소득과 소비, 재무와 금융, 진로와 직업, 시장과 경제생활, 국가와 경제생활 등을 주요 내용으로 한다. 이는 일상에서 직면하게 되는 개인의 경제 문제에 합리적으로 대처하고, 개인의 경제생활 영위를 위해 필수적인 기초 지식을 습득하며, 건전하고 안정적인 경제생활을 유지하는 태도 를 지닐 수 있도록 구성되었다는 특징이 있다. ‘경제생활’ 교육과정으로의 개편은 ‘어려운 경제’, ‘현실과 동떨어진 이론 경제’에서 ‘쉬운 경제’, ‘생활 경제’, 그리고 ‘학생 중심 경제’ 를 지향하는 학교 경제 교육과정 개정으로의 첫 걸음이라 할 수 있다. 이를 통해 ‘어려운 경제’라는 인식으로 인해 학생들로부터 기피되어 왔던 문제를 극복하여 고등학교에서의 경 제교육을 활성화할 수 있기를 기대한다.