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        검색결과 7,707

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The deployment of drones for targeted killings in recent years has sparked intense debates regarding the ethical and legal implications of their deployment in contemporary conflicts. Through an examination of the complexities surrounding the application of fundamental international humanitarian law (IHL) principles - such as differentiating targets and ensuring a proportionate response – and their deployment, the article aims to illuminate the potential legal ramifications of using drones in targeted killing. It also highlights challenges arising from the ambiguous distinction between combatants and non-combatants, compounded by the remote nature of drone missions. The inclusion of a few relevant case studies enhances the analysis, providing practical insights into the nuanced legal landscape and emphasising the pressing need for a comprehensive legal framework tailored to regulate drone usage. This paper stresses the immediate requirement for an effective regulatory structure to ensure adherence to IHL, thereby upholding humanistic principles and reducing the human toll of conflicts.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, domestic fishing production of Japanese horse mackerel has been continuously decreasing. To achieve sustainable fishing of this species, it is essential to acquire its target strength (TS) for accurate biomass estimation and to study its ecological characteristics. To date, there has been no TS research using a broadband echosounder targeting Japanese horse mackerel. In this study, for the first time, we synchronized an underwater camera with a broadband frequency (nominal center frequency of 200 kHz, range: 160-260 kHz) to measure the TS according to the body size (16.8-35.5 cm) and swimming angle of the species. The relationship between Japanese horse mackerel length and body weight showed a general tendency for body weight to increase as length increased. The pattern of the frequency spectra (average values) by body length exhibited a similar trend regardless of body length, with no significant fluctuations in frequency observed. The lowest TS value was observed at 243 kHz while the highest TS values were recorded at 180 and 257.5 kHz. The frequency spectra for the swimming angles appeared to be flat at angles of –5, 0, 30, 60, 75, and 80° while detecting more general trends of frequency spectra for swimming angle proved challenging. The results of this study can serve as fundamental data for Japanese horse mackerel biomass estimation and ecological research.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Specifically, the matter of coups against governments – particularly those resulting from legitimate democratic elections – requires a more resolute approach. This entails criminalizing such actions and imposing substantial penalties on the individuals responsible. By doing so, the goal is to dissuade potential revolutionaries from attempting this act, given the clear stance and condemnation it would receive from the international community. Furthermore, it is imperative to highlight the international community’s inconsistent response to coups. This inconsistency becomes evident in the varying levels of support for different coups, seemingly influenced by the international community’s relationship with the affected state and, notably, its ousted president. This underscores the necessity for well-defined and unambiguous regulations governing coups themselves. The article aims to address this issue comprehensively and impartially, avoiding selective treatment. The significance of this issue lies in the need to address a legislative gap in international law.
        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research concentrates primarily on the foundation of the China International Commercial Court (CICC), considering the structure and functions of the Court. The main objective of CICC is to develop a dispute resolution mechanism for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Given its predominant Chinese orientation, CICC may encounter various challenges as the BRI’s contracting members possess diverse judicial systems. This article will focus on the jurisdiction of the court and the procedures of enforcement of its judgments, orders, and direction. The authors also discuss the types of legal and administrative changes necessary to make CICC an effective and successful dispute resolution body. The BRI is a crucial element of Chinese strategies to control the global economic system. Therefore, CICC can provide critical insight into the present Chinese goals about international order. This paper finally examines that CICC symbolizes a Chinese ambition to strengthen, modify, or challenge the current international system.