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        검색결과 411

        2002.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        최근 동북아지역에서는 상호경제협력이 증가되고, 대외개방 및 고도성장 등 경제활동이 활성화되고 있으며 단일경제권의 형성이 점차 가시화되고 있다. 특히 이 지역에서는 중국의 고도 성장에 따른 물동량 증가가 예상되는 가운데 수심 등 항만의 물리적 조건과 사회간접 자본이 열악한 중국상해 이북과 극동 러시아 등 동북아 지역의 환적물량을 유치하기 위해 우리나라, 일본, 대만이 경쟁하고 있고 우리나라도 국가적인 정책으로 부산항을 동북아 중심항으로 육성하고자 하는 동북아 물류기지화 전략을 추진하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 부산항이 동북아에서 경쟁적 우위를 차지하게 하기 위한 전략방안을 제시하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위하여 첫째, 화물유치 경쟁 하에 있는 동북아 항만들의 고객 선호도와 경쟁력을 분석하고 둘째, 항만선호요인의 중요도 평가를 수행하였다. 본 연구 결과 첫째, 부산항은 항만시설을 집중적으로 확충해야 할 것이다. 고객 선호도를 고베나 카오슝 수준까지 올리기 위해서는 컨테이너 선석을 확장하고 CY의 능력을 늘리고 선진하역장비를 확보하여야 할 것으로 판단된다. 둘째, 부산항은 선사나 대형포워더를 대상으로 적시성을 강조하고 클레임에도 친절히 반응해야 하며 화물이 손상되거나 멸실되지 않도록 노력하여 전체적인 서비스의 질을 높일 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. 셋째, 부산항의 요율은 상해항과 더불어 경쟁항만과 비교할 때 매우 낮은 실정이므로 탄력성 있는 요율정책을 세우거나 일정비율 요율을 높임으로써 요율을 통한 수입을 증대시켜서 그것을 시설이나 서비스 향상을 위하여 투자하는 전략도 검토해 볼 필요성이 있다고 생각된다. 심각 하였으나, 최근 2년 (2001-02년)사이에 수도권과 지방의 격차가 거의 없었다. 4. 공단지역은 인천, 경기 안산 시화, 울산 광역시 등에서는 오염도가 낮은 반면, 전남 광양, 경북 구미공단 지역의 오존 오염은 높게 나타났다. 특히 광양과 구미 공단의 오존 오염은 수도권 이외 지방의 300개 지점 중 1-5위안에 드는 대표적인 고농도 관심 대상 지역이다. 5. 식생보호 지표인 SUM06와 AOT40을 1년 자료와 여름철 3개월(6, 7, 8월)자료로 나누어 분석하고 또한 연간 100ppb가 넘는 시간수, 95 퍼센타일, 99 퍼센타일, 연간 최고농도 등 여러 오존 지표를 상호 비교한 결과, 식물의 오존 피해를 직접적으로 표현할 수 있는 3개월 간의 식생보호 지표들과 법적 기준치인 100ppb를 넘는 연간 시간수를 상호 보완하여 오존에 의한 식생 피해를 추정하는 것이 바람직하다.tly different in flatfish and porgy. The number of bacteria tended to decrease in each time-differential sampling (P<.00l). The final food products showed no food-poisoning bacteria in all the time-differential tests and in all the samplings, which proves that the CCP of the HACCP system is under control. After the SSOP program was applied, no pathogenic ba
        2002.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 경쟁불안이 강도와 방향으로 구분될 수 있음을 가정하고, 정서지능이 경쟁상태불안의 방향을 예측하는 예언변인으로 작용할 수 있음을 증명하는데 그 목적이 있다. 남·여 고교 양궁선수 115명을 대상으로 조사하였으며 조사 도구로는 방향차원이 부가된 경쟁상태불안 검사지(CSAI-2: Martens, Burton, Vealey, 1990)와 이수정과 이훈구(1997)의 TMMS(Trait Meta-Mood Scale: Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey, 및 Palfai, (1995)을 사용하였다. 자료처리는 경쟁상태불안(인지와 신체불안)의 강도와 방향 그리고 정서지능의 하위 차원인 정서명확, 정서주의, 정서개선의 평균과 표준편차를 산출하였고 각 변인간의 상관관계분석 및 중다회귀분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 인지와 신체불안간에는 정적 상관, 강도와 방향간에는 부적 상관을 나타냈다. 정서지능이 경쟁상태불안의 방향차원을 더 잘 예측할 수 있는 변인임이 드러났고, 구체적으로 정서지능의 정서개선 요인이 경쟁상태불안 중 신체불안의 방향차원을 예측하는 변인이 될 수 있음을 증명하고 있다. 새로운 경쟁불안 척도 개발의 필요성과 체험정서와 표현정서간의 차이 등에 대해 논의하였다.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although the ports are actually competing with various strategies, the definition and structural understanding of port competitive power are not known very much. Therefore this study has launched from this fact, and has the objective of obtaining the structural model of the competitive power, and understanding the components of the port competitive power. The following are the results of the study. First, the process began by abstracting the components that composed the port competitive power through recent research, and grouping it by the most core components using the KJ method. Also, by using the FSM(Fuzzy Structural Modeling) method to understand the structure of the grouped components, and the structural model of the port competitive power was able to obtain as the result. Second, when analyzing the obtained structural model, port expenses, main trunk location, port congestion and port facility came out to be the most important component groups, and especially port expenses was the most effective component that effected all the other components overall. Third, the component groups that were relatively less important, effected by most of the other components, and located on the top level of the structure model were the hinterland accessibility, port ownership, customs duties speed, and large ship port entrance possibility etc. Fourth, the results of this study will be able to be used when establishing competing strategies for our country's ports by proposing the relatively important components with the port competitive rower considered.
        1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Since the mid 1980s, the concept of logistics has become more important to the enterprises in strategic sense because it had aggrandized itself to more comprehensive and integrative concept. Therefore study on the service organization of the logistics system for customer’s satisfaction from the management’s point has been focused as one of the major subject in order to improve the logistics quality which would ultimately increase the value of logistics service. This study has been focused on what the port logistics functions and the factors of the port logistics quality are those Korean port managers acknowledge as important factor. And examins these port logistics quality levels and the port logistics value (port productivity, service results) obtained by the results of these activities while reviewing the relation of the custom value which the port managers evaluate in order to evaluate and promote the competitiveness of the Korean port. According to the study results the port logistics function which the Pusan Container Terminal managers recognized as important were customer service management the flexibility of the port facilities and curtailment of the original operation cost of the port. It also indicated that the managers recognized the importance of the customer-oriented terminal management as it showed a close relationship with the port quality level.
        1999.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper aims to derive the strategies for the container terminal in Pusan. So it has focused on analyzing the current conditions of Pusan container terminal while evaluating the difficulties arising from the existing facilities/equipment and the operating system in the Pusan Korea Container Terminal through the workers at the container terminal and at off-dock CY. The object of this study is to assist the existing terminals to operate the facilities/equipment reasonably and to contribute shaping the ports policy which will be the basis of constructing new ports that will remain competitive while maintaining superiority over the ports in northeast area. According to the analysis 68% of the supplier answered that their terminal services which are the most important factor in running a terminal were superior to the other while only 28% of the user answered that they thought the current services were superior. For the areas of supplementing the terminal the people working at the terminal answered in the order of business operation equipment the number of berth service and management ability while the user answered in the order of service computer system transportation system and equipment. According to the regression analysis it became clear that there should be more effort toward improving or supplementing the facility scale facility usage charge transportation facilities which will assist in developing competitiveness of the terminal. It was also noted that management ability and business ability were mentioned as the important factors in operating a terminal.
        1999.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Capital cost of ships for advanced maritime countries is generally regarded as an international cost, which is, or can be, irrelevant with respect to the nationality of shipowners. However, Korean shipowners have been not only forced by national laws and regulations to build their ships at Korean shipyards, but also restricted to access to foreign financial markets. Having said that, as far as Korean shipowners are concerned, the capital cost has become a national cost. Consequently, it causes them to lower International competitiveness. This paper aims to identify the causes deteriorating international competitiveness of Korean shipping with reference to capital costs and suggest constructive proposals.
        1999.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Port competition is generally classified into two type of inter-domestic ports and intermational ports and the latter is measured how to secure the function of intermediacy for foreign cargoes among competing parts. In the Northeast Asia top 20 world container ports such as Pusan, Kobe, Yokohama and Kaohsiung are struggling to induce transshipment containers generated in the North China region. This paper aims to analyze and evaluate the competitive factors of the said ports such as port site facilities expenses service level and flexibility of management and operations and suggest the feasible strategies that the Pusan Port to be viable transshipment center in the region. The evaluation is attempted twice. First attempt is evaluated by present conditions of each port and second attempt by upgraded conditions of evaluation value such as port service level and flexibility of port management and operations resulted from the implementation of the ON-DOCK service system. The results of evaluation are as follows; (1) Port competitiveness of first evaluation is ranked in Kobe=Kaohsiung >Pusan>Yokohama. (2) Second evaluation is resulted in Kobe> Pusan= Kaohsiung>Yokohama. According to this results the competitiveness edge of the Pusan Port is able to strengthen by implementation of the ON-DOCk system.
        1999.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Although many studies on modelling of port competitive situation have been conducted, both theoretical frame and methodology are still very weak. In this study, therefore, a new algorithm called ESD (Extensional System Dynamics) for the evaluation of port competition was presented, and applied to simulate port systems in northeast asia. The detailed objectives of this paper are to develop Unit fort Model by using SD(System Dynamics) method; to develop Competitive Port Model by ESD method; to perform sensitivity analysis by altering parameters, and to propose port development strategies. For these the algorithm for the evaluation of part's competition was developed in two steps. Firstly, SD method was adopted to develop the Unit Port models, and secondly HFP(Hierarchical Fuzzy Process) method was introduced to expand previous SD method. The proposed models were then developed and applied to the five ports - Pusan, Kobe, Yokohama, Kaoshiung, Keelung - with real data on each ports, and several findings were derived. Firstly, the extraction of factors for Unit Port was accomplished by consultation of experts such as research worker, professor, research fellows related to harbor, and expert group, and finally, five factor groups - location, facility, service, cargo volumes, and port charge - were obtained. Secondly, system's structure consisting of feedback loop was found easily by location of representative and detailed factors on keyword network of STGB map. Using these keyword network, feedback loop was found. Thirdly, for the target year of 2003, the simulation for Pusan port revealed that liner's number would be increased from 829 ships to 1,450 ships and container cargo volumes increased from 4.56 million TEU to 7.74 million TEU. It also revealed that because of increased liners and container cargo volumes, length of berth should be expanded from 2,162m to 4,729m. This berth expansion was resulted in the decrease of congested ship's number from 97 to 11. It was also found that port's charge had a fluctuation. Results of simulation for Kobe, Yokohama, Kaoshiung, Keelung in northeast asia were also acquired. Finally, the inter port competition models developed by ESB method were used to simulate container cargo volumes for Pusan port. The results revealed that under competitive situation container cargo volume was smaller than non-competitive situation, which means Pusan port is lack of competitive power to other ports. Developed models in this study were then applied to estimate change of container cargo volumes in competitive relation by altering several parameters. And, the results were found to be very helpful for port mangers who are in charge of planning of port development.
        1998 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        By the rapid expansion of containerization and intermodal transportation in international shipping since the 1970's, the larger containerships have emerged and concentrated their calls at a limited number of ports. Moreover, large-scale container terminals have been built to accommodate the ever-larger containerships, and the mordernization of terminal facilities and many developments in information technology etc. have been brought out. Thus, unlimited competition has been imposed on every terminal with neighbouring ports in Japan, Singapore, Hongkong and Taiwan etc. The purpose of this study is to suggest how the container terminal operators cope with unlimited competition between local or foreign terminals. The results are suggested as follows : First, transshipment cargoes, which the added value is high, is to be induced. Second, the function of storage is given on On-Dock Yard. Third, Berth Pool Operation System is to be introduced, especially in Gamman Container Terminal and Kwangyang Container Terminal. Fourth, the cargo handling charges is to be decided by terminal operator.
        1998 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The evaluation of port competition could be applied to determining the selection of a calling port. A few fundemental attributes of port competition were adapted by the 'brian storming'method. The criteria used for evaluating a port's competitiveness were as follows : efficiency of port operations, competitive power of each port's industry, economic activity of the hinderland associated with each port and capability of globalization. The weight of each criterion was 30%, 40%, 20% & 10%, respectively. And the most important factors that were considered in choosing each of the above criteria were profitability, port information system, cargo volume & inducement of foreign capital. The results of this study seemed to suggest that factors which influence port competition varied according to port circumstances, such as computer and communication systems and access to the global trade within the World Trade Organization.