
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 186

        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The temperature effects of the KNU UBV photometric system are investigated, using the HAMAMATSU 1P21 data. The variation of the passband width of V-band with temperature is about 5\AA/∘C while those of B-band and U-band are negligible. This large effect of V-band causes a significant variation of V-mag. and (B-V)-color with temperature such as ∼0.02mag/∘C ∼0.02mag/∘C in both cases. This result strongly suggests that in the photometric observations of binary stars, the temperature effects of the response of photomultiplier and the passband of filters must be considered to avoid the systematic variation in magnitude and color particularly at the minimum of light curve.
        1990.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전남 지방의 단감나무에 기생하는 짝지벌레 중 우점종인 뿔밀깎지벌레의 기주범위 발생소장 및 각 태별 생육특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 기주식물은 총 34과 66종이 조사 되었으며 그 중 나팔꽃, 명아주, 콩, 망초, 들깨, 사철베고니아등 6종이 새로이 조사되었다. 각 태별 발생소장은 난이 5월 상순-6월 하순까지 발생하였으며 최성기는 6월 상순이었고 유충은 6월 중순-10 월 중순까지 존재하고 최성기는 7월 상순-8월 중순이었으나 화학적 방제가 가장 효과적인 시기는 6월 하순으로 추정된다. 산란수는 평균 1,073 177.3개 이었고 부화율은 평균 97.3%로 광주기 및 처리온도에는 크게 반응하지 않았다. 각 태별 기간은 란이 23.4일, 유충이 128.3일, 자성충은 213.3일이었다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        낱별의 광전측광 관측을 위하여 두 가지 컴퓨터 프로그램을 개발하였다. 하나는 자료수집 (data aquisition), 자료의 표시, 통계처리, 오차추정, 대기상태의 모니터링 등을 다루는 실시간(實時間, real time) 측광제어 프로그램이고, 다른 하나는 하룻밤 관측의 도중 또는 관측 종료 직후에 수집된 자료 전체를 입력 파일로 만들어 주면 대기소광계수 결정과 표준계 변환 및 오차 추정을 해 주는 자료분석(資料分析, data reduction) 프로그램이다. 두 프로그램은 모두 임의의 다색측광계(多色測光系)에 대해서 입력 과일에 필터의 갯수, 색지 수의 정의 등 필요한 자료만 써주면 수행 가능하도록 일반화되어 있다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We present recent data of absolute measurements of flux emmitted in the visible continua of some galactic Wolf-Rayet stars, carried out by means of a two-channel scanner built up cooperatively by the Observatoire de Lyon and the Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale. Our measurements lead to the determination of stellar angular diameters which enable us to compute log L∗/L⊙ L∗/L⊙ and to locate the WR stars in the HR diagram: The WR stars are cooler than the zero age main sequence (ZAMS) and the WN7, WN8 types appear more luminous than other subclasses. The stellar wind terminal velocities, V∞ V∞ , deduced from the empirical relation of the effective temperatures by Underhil1(1983) and V∞ V∞ adopted from the work of Willis(1982) show about 2,000km/s. We derived the rate of mass loss for the program stars from the formula, ˙ M=ε(Teff)L/V∞⋅c M˙=ε(Teff)L/V∞⋅c by using the obtained effective temperatures, luminosities and V∞ V∞ in this work. Their values range from ˙ M=1.4×10−5 M˙=1.4×10−5 to ˙ M=5.8×10−5 ˙ M⊙/yr M˙=5.8×10−5M˙⊙/yr .
        1988.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effective temperatures and the bolometric corrections of 0-G type stars and derived from de-reddened monochrometric and integrated fluxes obtained by absolute spectrophotometry on the ground and satellite (IUE, 1985, OAO : Code and Meade, 1979 ; Code et al., 1980), using the method simillar to that of Code et al.(1976) with the LTE model atmospheres by Kurucz(1979). The effective temperatures and the bolometric corrections derived from this work are found to be in good agreement with those of Code et al. (1976), Morossi and Malagnini (1985), Malagnini et al. (1985) etc., being significant for basic astrophysical quantities.
        1981.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Making use of log T e f f − M b o l diagram along with Stohers' stellar evolutionary tracks (1972), we estimated the masses of 107 O stars in HII regions, which were selected from the catalogue compiled by Goy (1973). It is found that our estimated masses of O stars range from 20 M ⊙ t o 120 M ⊙ and about 20% of them falls in the mass range above 60 M ⊙ in agreement with earlier findings of Conti et al. (1975).
        1980.12 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        1977.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Stromgren -system colors for 23 OV stars compiled by Crawford have been compared with colors calculated by Mihalas from non-LTE model atmospheres. In this way, effective temperatures of these stars have been determined and plotted against spectral type, c1 (u-b), (b-y), (U-B), and (B-V). Within the accuracy of the observations, effective temperatures derived from the photometry for these 23 main-sequence stars are found to be in good agreement with Contiis spectroscopical temperatures.
        1974.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The position and magnitude of 1449 stars listed in "Seoung Kyung" (by Byung Kil Nahm, 1861) are compared with those in modern western star catalogues for their identification. 923 stars out of 1449 stars were identified within the range of accuracy. Δ α ≤ 20 s .0 , Δ δ ≤ 1 ′ .0 a n d Δ m = 0 o r ± 1 . When Δ α a n d Δ δ increased to Δ α ≤ 1 m . 0 , Δ δ ≤ 15 ′ .0 a n d Δ m = 0 or +1, 399 more stars could be included in the list.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Korean Institute of Technology Satellite (KITSAT-1) is the first satellite developed by the Satellite Technology Research Center and the University of Surrey. KITSAT-1 is orbiting the Earth’s orbit as space debris with a 1,320 km altitude after the planned mission. Due to its relatively small size and altitude, tracking the KITSAT-1 was a difficult task. In this research, we analyzed the tracking results of KITSAT-1 for one year using the Midland Space Radar (MSR) in Texas and the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) in Alaska operated by LeoLabs, Inc. The tracking results were analyzed on a weekly basis for MSR and PFISR. The observation was conducted by using both stations at an average frequency of 10 times per week. The overall corrected range measurements for MSR and PFISR by LeoLabs were under 50 m and 25 m, respectively. The ionospheric delay, the dominant error source, was confirmed with the International Reference of Ionosphere-16 model and Global Navigation Satellite System data. The weekly basis orbit determination results were compared with two-line element data. The comparison results were used to confirm the orbital consistency of the estimated orbits.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 주요 배유전자원 43 accession을 대상으로 육종소재로 활용할 수 있는 배 유전자원 선발과 종내 또는 종간 5개 교배 집단 609 seedling에서 배 검은별무늬병 저항성 발현을 확인하고자 수행하였다. P. pyrifolia, P. bretschneideri, P. ussuriensis는 검은별무늬병 병든 과실률이 각각 59.5, 73.4, 63.0%, P. pyrifolia와 P. bretschneideri 종간 교잡으로 얻어진 품종은 77.7%로 병든 과실률이 비교적 높았으나 P. communis, P. pyrifolia × P. communis 종간교잡에 속하는 품종들은 15% 미만의 병든 과실률을 보였다. 검은별무늬병에 대한 저항성을 종별로 구분하여 Duncan 검정한 결과, P. bretschneideri, P. pyrifolia, P. ussuriensis, pyrifolia × P. bretschneideri 종이 P. communis, P. pyrifolia × P. communis 두 개 종 그룹보다 검은별무늬병 병든 과실률이 유의하게 높았고 이러한 경향은 교배집단에서도 동일하였다. P. pyrifolia 종내 교배집단은 80% 이상의 검은별무늬병 감염률을 보인 반면, P. pyrifolia × P. communis의 종간교배 집단은 2% 수준의 낮은 배 검은별무늬병 감염률을 보였다. P. pyrifolia 와 P. communis를 종간교배 하면 서양배의 저항성 인자가 우성으로 작용하여 그 후대에서 배 검은별무늬병에 강한 개체들이 대부분 얻어지기 때문에 P. communis는 배 검은별무늬병저항성 품종 육종소재로 적합하다.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Radish sprouts or young seedlings are important nutritional vegetables in Asian countries. In the present study, we investigated plant growth and levels of glucosinolate accumulation in radish sprouts in response to treatments with different carbon sources. Plant growth and accumulation of glucosinolates were inversely correlated in treatments with different carbon sources. Methods and Results : All the carbon sources used in this study inhibited the growth of shoot and root in radish sprouts and facilitated significantly the accumulation of glucosinolates. Seven different glucosinolate compounds were detected in radish sprouts treated with different carbon sources. The total as well as individual amounts of all the identified glucosinolates increased after treatments with different carbon sources, except for 4-methoxyglucobrassicin and glucoiberin. In particular, the supplementation of sucrose, galactose, and glucose resulted in highest glucosinolate accumulation in radish sprouts. Radish sprouts treated with sucrose showed the highest levels of total glucosinolates, which was 1.22-fold higher than that of untreated sprouts. Furthermore, sucrose treatment resulted in higher production of gluconapoleiferin, glucoerucin, glucoraphasatin, and glucobrassicin compared with that in untreated sprouts, and the treatment of galactose and glucose similarly enhanced glucosinolate production when compared with untreated sprouts. Conclusion : seven glucosinolates were identified by HPLC and great differences in glucosinolates levels were observed in radish sprouts in response to different carbon sources. The glucosinolate production was positively affected by most of the stimuli used in this study. The results presented herein provide information about optimal cultivation conditions, particularly the suitable carbon sources, that will enhance glucosinolate production in radish sprouts.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Agastache rugosa (A. rugosa), belonging to the Lamiaceae family, is a medicinal plant mainly distributed in Korea and contains various phenolic compounds revealing anti-fungal and anti-HIV properties. This study is aim to investigate change in phenylpropanoid content of flowers at different developmental stages using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Methods and Results : The variation in the transcriptional level of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic genes and phenylpropanoid contents in the flowers of A. rugosa at different developmental stages was analyzed. The transcript levels of phenylpropanoid biosynthesis genes, including ArPAL (phenylalanine ammonia-lyase), ArC4H (cinnamate 4-hydroxylase), and ArCHS (Chalcone synthase), were high in flowers at 1st stage compared with flowers at 2nd and 3rd stages. On the other hand, the expression levels of flavonoid biosynthesis genes, including ArTAT (tyrosine amino transferase), ArHPPR (hydroxyl phenylpyruvate reductase), and ArRAS (rosmarinic acid synthase), were higher in flowers at 3rd stage than those of flowers at 1st and 2nd. These results were consistent with HPLC analysis revealing that most phenolic compounds were higher in flowers at 1st and 2nd stage but the level of rosmarinic acid was the highest in 3rd stage. Conclusion : Our findings provide the information on change in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis in A. rugosa flowers at different developmental stages.
        2018.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Atractylodes japonica koidz. (AJ) and Atractylodes macrocephala koidz. (AM) belong to Atractylodes genus (Asteraceae) and their rhizomes are used as traditional medicine ‘Baek-chul’. The ‘Baek-chul’ is considered to be effective for the treatment of stomach disorder, virus, diuresis, inflammation, arthritis and Atractylenolide I, Atractylenolide II and Atractylenolide III are the major active ingredients of these. Previously, we developed 8 hybrid cultivars with disease resistance, high yielding ability and high active ingredients by interspecific hybridization between AJ and AM. In this study, growth characteristics of 8 hybrid cultivars were investigated in RDA experimental field. Methods and Results : Growth characteristics of 8 hybrid cultivars were investigated in RDA experimental field. Among these cultivars, ‘Sanwon’ had the highest fresh weight of rhizome (149.5 g/plant), followed by ‘Dachul’ (145.8 g/plant). Most of hybrid cultivars showed higher fresh weight than and AM (108.7 g/plant). In addition, active ingredients (Atractylenolide I, Atractylenolide Ⅱ and Atractylenolide Ⅲ) were investigated using HPLC. As a result, The sum of active ingredients were the highest in ‘Dachul’ (0.40 ㎎/g) that was 2 times higher than AM (0.22 ㎎/g). Conclusion : In this study, hybrid cultivars showed higher agronomic performance than AM. Particularly, ‘Dachul’ could be the superior cultivar with high atractylenolides as well as high yield ability.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        오늘날 인구밀도의 증가와 산업 활동의 증가로 하・폐수처리장이 급속하게 증가하였고, 이에 따라 하・폐수슬러지의 발생량이 많아지고 이를 감량 및 처리하기 위한 연구 및 개발도 증가하는 추세이다. 고함수(함수율 80%)의 특성을 가지고 있는 슬러지에 대한 처리 및 에너지화는 이전부터 많이 진행되고 있으나, 고형연료화에 있어서 높은 에너지 소비비용을 줄이기 위해 수열탄화의 공정에 대한 연구가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 2012년부터 런던협약에 의해 유기성폐기물의 해양투기가 금지되면서 하수슬러지 뿐만 아니라 가축분뇨, 음식물류폐기물 등이 육상처리 및 에너지화의 방향으로 진행되어야 할 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 유기성폐기물 종류에 따른 수열탄화의 반응특성변화를 평가하고, 수열탄화 반응물의 탈수성, 고형연료 생산수율, 발열량, 탈리여액의 메탄포텐셜 등을 평가하여 종류별 최적의 수열탄화 반응온도를 평가해보았다. 또한, 유기성폐기물 종류별 수열탄화 적용에 따른 고형연료 생산성을 평가하여 유기성폐기물별 연료화 가치를 판단해 보았다.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Tagetes species which belong to Asteraceae show different characteristics including, bloom size, shape, color, plant size, and leaf shape. The color of Tagetes flowers ranging from white to dark orange is due to accumulation of different carotenoids, pathway intermediates, and amount of the same carotenoid. Methods and Results : The carotenoids were monitored in flower extracts from six cultivars of Tagetes that include three T. erecta cultivars, Discovery Orange (DO), Inca Orange (IO), and Inca Yellow (IY), and three T. patula cultivars, including Durango Bee (DB), Durango Yellow (DY), and Safari Red (SR) using HPLC analysis. It showed considerable differences in carotenoid composition depending on cultivars and types of carotenoids. The highest concentration of violaxanthin which represents orange color in plants was showed in IO, whereas the compound was not detected in DB, and DY. Yellow-colored cultivars such as IY, DB, and DY exhibited low levels of lutein. However, others that indicate orange color, DO, IO, and SR showed high levels of lutein. Also, similar pattern was found in the zeaxanthin measurements. α-carotene was significantly accumulated in SR compared to other cultivars. The highest amount of β-carotene was found in SR, followed by IO, IY, DO, DY and DB. Similarly, the highest and lowest amount of 9-cis-β-carotene was showed in SR and DB, respectively. Interestingly, all cultivars except SR in 13-cis-β-carotene showed the same pattern with β-carotene, but no detection indicated in SR. Conclusion : In this study, we determined the differences in carotenoid yields among six Tagetes cultivars. In total, seven carotenoids that include violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, α -carotene, β-carotene, 9-cis-β-carotene, and 13-cis-β-carotene were detected. Among them, all of the cultivars accumulated primarily lutein. In addition, contents of each carotenoid varied in these flowers depending on cultivars.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Tagetes species which belong to Asteraceae show different characteristics including, bloom size, shape, color, plant size, and leaf shape. The color of Tagetes flowers ranging from white to dark orange is due to accumulation of different carotenoids, pathway intermediates, and amount of the same carotenoid. Methods and Results : The carotenoids were monitored in flower extracts from six cultivars of Tagetes that include three T. erecta cultivars, Discovery Orange (DO), Inca Orange (IO), and Inca Yellow (IY), and three T. patula cultivars, including Durango Bee (DB), Durango Yellow (DY), and Safari Red (SR) using HPLC analysis. It showed considerable differences in carotenoid composition depending on cultivars and types of carotenoids. The highest concentration of violaxanthin which represents orange color in plants was showed in IO, whereas the compound was not detected in DB, and DY. Yellow-colored cultivars such as IY, DB, and DY exhibited low levels of lutein. However, others that indicate orange color, DO, IO, and SR showed high levels of lutein. Also, similar pattern was found in the zeaxanthin measurements. α-carotene was significantly accumulated in SR compared to other cultivars. The highest amount of β-carotene was found in SR, followed by IO, IY, DO, DY and DB. Similarly, the highest and lowest amount of 9-cis-β-carotene was showed in SR and DB, respectively. Interestingly, all cultivars except SR in 13-cis-β-carotene showed the same pattern with β-carotene, but no detection indicated in SR. Conclusion : In this study, we determined the differences in carotenoid yields among six Tagetes cultivars. In total, seven carotenoids that include violaxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin, α -carotene, β-carotene, 9-cis-β-carotene, and 13-cis-β-carotene were detected. Among them, all of the cultivars accumulated primarily lutein. In addition, contents of each carotenoid varied in these flowers depending on cultivars.
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