
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 382

        1999.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 서로 다른 수명 패턴을 갖고 있는 누에성충 중 두가지 타입을 이용하여 수행되었다. 장명품종(성충 수명이 15일 이상, LLS), 단명 품종(성충 수명이 5일 미만, SLS). 누에성충의 노화 생리를 밝히기 위해 장단명 암수에 있어서의 지방체 미세구조를 비교해 보았다. 단명품종에 있어서는, 암컷에는 조면소포체 및 글리코겐 과립이 세포질내에서 다량 확인된 반면, 수컷에는 활면소포체만이 세포질내에서 발견되었다. 또한 단명품종에 있어서는, 성충 3일째 이후 미토콘드리아의 용적이 비대해지는 경향을 보였으며, 많은 지방구 퇴화가 관찰되었다. 단명품종에 반해 장명품종에서는, 성충 5일째의 암컷은 비교적 정상적인 미토콘드리아와 핵막이 관찰되었다. 성충 15일째에 이르러서야 대부분의 세포막이 사라졌고 미토콘드리아가 비정상적으로 비대해졌다. 장명품종 수컷(성충 10일째)의 세포질내에서 다량의 지방과립이 관찰되었으며, 이 개체는 성충 15일째에 세포내용물이 모두 고갈되어 사망하였다. 따라서, 금후 수명에 관한 조직 연구를 위해서는 조직의 변화상을 관찰하기 용이한 단명품종이 적절할 것으로 사료된다.
        1999.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 돼지 정액의 동결과정동안 flow cytometric 분석에 의한 정액내 생존정자의 비율을 조사하여 주관적으로 평가되는 활력 및 정상첨체율(normal apical ridge ; NAR)과 비교하여 정자의 손상과 생존성에 대한 적절한 평가법을 찾기 위하여 실시하였다. 동결과정 중 정액채취, 냉각, 예비동결 및 동결융해 후에 flow cytometric 분석에 의한 정자 생존율은 각각 93.03.6, 85.13.9, 28.96.8 및 26.15
        1998.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 소 체외성숙, 체외수정 유래 배반포의 초자화 등결 시 동해방지제의 평형방법과 응 해 후 동해방지제의 희석방법이 수정란의 생존성에 미치는 영향을 검토하고자 실시하였다. 초자화 동결액은 20% FBS(Gibco)가 첨가된 D-PBS에 20% glycerol, 20% ethylene glycol, 3/8 M sucrose, 3/8 M deftrose 가 함유된 GESD를 사용하였다. 동결 전 평형방법은 3단계 (El), 2단계 (E2), 1단계(E
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to evaluate the embryonic development ability and the appearance of blastocysts of bovine in vitro fertilized oocytes cultured in different culture media, and also to evaluate survival rate after thawing of frozen embryos by using 1.5 or 1.8M ethylene glycol(EG) with sucrose or trehalose. Fertilized oocytes were divided into three groups; i ) monolayer of cumulus /granulosa cell prepared by TGM 199+5% calf serum(TGM199), ii)GRlaa+5% CS, iii)SOF+5% CS, and they were cultured after insemination for 9 days, at 39˚C, under 5% in air, but SOF+5% CS was cultured at 39˚C, under 5% 02, 5% GO2, 99% N2. Blastocysts derived from GRlaa + 5% CS on day 7~8 after insemination were frozen by using 1.5M EG or 1.8M EG with/without 0.2M sucrose or O.1M trehalose. The development rate of blastocysts on day 7 after insemination in SOF+5% CS was significant higher than in TCM199 or CR1aa(P<0.05). The appearance rate of blastocysts on day 7-8 after insemination was higher than in TCM199, when fertilized oocytes were cultured in GRlas or SOF. The survival rate of frozen blastocysts after thawing tended to increase, when blastocysts were frozen by using 1.8M EG with 0.2M sucrose or O.1M trehalose. These results indicated that SOF or CRlaa media with amino acids was superior to TCM199 with monolayer in terms of blastocyst development in culturing of in vitro fertilized bovine nocytes, and sucrose or trehalose was supposed to prevent embryos from the freezing shock.
        1998.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of in vitro fertilization, culture and embryo development according to in vitro maturation rate, protectant composition and equilibrium time after frozen /thawing of bovine immature oocytes. This results obtained in studies on the effect of different cryoprotectants on the viability, maturation and development of in vitro bovine oocytes were as follow: 1.The post-thawing of immature oocytes matured to metaphase II during culture time for 0 to 26 h, and those group (62~3%) were low than control group (76.7%). The optimal maturation time of frozen-thawed immature oocytes was at 24 h. 2.The viability of cryopreserved immature oocytes was not affected by sort of cryoprotectants. The developmental competence of frozen4hawed oocytes was not affected by cryoprotectants. These results indicate that an optimal maturation time of frozen /thawed immature oocytes was at 24h. Furthermore the viability of cryopreserved immature oocytes was not affected by sort of cryoprotectants and developmental competence of frozen /thawed oocytes.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken in an effort to develop a cryopreservation system of immature and mature porcine oocytes. For this aim, the experiments were designed to examine the effect of cryoprotectants and equdibration time on the viability of frozen-thawed oocytes by using trypan blue(TB) and fluorescene diacetate(FDA) test. The viability of frozen immature oocytes evaluated by TB test was slightly higher than that of frozen mature oocytes. The viability(25.O%) after IVM of frozen-thawed immature oocytes greatly decreased that(42.9%) of oocytes just after thawing, but it was higher than frozen-thawed mature oocytes(15.8%). When immature oocytes were equilibrated for 10, 20 and 30 minutes before freezing the oocyte viability was 20.0, 31.3 and 42.9%, respectively. There was a tendency for long equilibration before oocyte freezing to be more effective for the immature oocytes and a short equilibration time for mature oocytes. Although there was no difference in viability index of frozen oocytes hetween the viability test methods, the index of TB test was slightly higher than that of FDA test. The viability(FDA test) of frozen-immature oocytes with 3 different crtoprotectants was 22.2% for propylene glycol(PG), 9.3% for polyehtylene glycol(PEG) and 65.6% for PG+PEG, in which PG+PEG was more protective against freezing effect.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiments were conducted to assess the effect of quality and viability of bovine blastocysts derived from in-vitro culture(IVC) of in vitro matured and fertilized(IVM-IVF) oocytes during their transport 2 hours. Follicular oocytes were collected form ovaries obtained at a slaughterhouse and were cultured for 24 hours in TCM-199. The IVM oocytes were fertilized in vitro with caudal epididymis spermatozoa. Fertilized oocytes were cultured for 7 to 9 days, and embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage were used for the experiment. The blastocysts, packed in straws with storage medium that consisted TCM-199 with HEPES equilibratd in air and supplemented with 10% FCS were transported at 39~(2.0 h). The quality of blastocysts was assessed and ranked as A(excel-lent), B(Good), fair or poor after transportation. The percentages of A and B grade blastocysts after transport duration for < 1 hours(97.7%) were similar to the result from transport duration for 1~2 hours (92.9%) and 2~3 hours(89.6%), but significantly(P<0.05) higher than transpot duration for 3~4 hours(76.3%). The percentages of A and B grade blastocysts after transport duration for two hours from developed blastocyst at 7day(100%) and 8day(85.0%) were higher 9day(96.6%) and >9day (40.0%). And early to expanded blastocyst produced in vitro were transferred to recipient cow by additional embryos at 7 and 8th day after AI. Three of them were pregnant to term and produced four twin calves, and two calves was premature birth. The gestation lengths of male to female and female to female twin were 282 and 281 days, respectively. And birth weight of twin calves were male to female(22.Skg) and female to female twin(20.3Okg), respectively.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella ser. typhimurium are pathogens involved in food poisoning in numerous countries. This study aimed to obtain knowleges on the survival of E. coli O157:H7 KSC 109 and S. ser. typhimurium ATCC 14028 in fermented milk products which were on sale in Suwon Yakult supplier. To the final concentration of 10³-10⁴ cfu/ml of E. coli O157:H7 KSC 109 or S. ser. typhimurium ATCC 14028 in the fermented milks, Metchnikoff, Ace, Yakult, Mastoni and Super100 were inoculated with these pathogens and then were stored at 4 and viable cells of these pathogens were periodically counted. The results showed that the survival of two pathogens differed in the different types of fermented milks tested. Number of surviving E. coli O157:H7 KSC 109 and S. ser. typimurium ATCC 14028 cells (initial inoculum, 10³-10⁴ cfu/ml) were decreased to 10', 102 cfu/ml in Ace after 100 hours, and were decreased gradually to 10¹ cfu/ml in Yakult after 250 hours. In the other fermented milks, viable cells of E. coli O157:H7 KSC 109 was not drastically decreased but those of S. ser. typhimurium ATCC 14028 was decreased gradually to 10² (Mastoni), and to 10¹ cfir/ml (Super100) after 250 hours. It appeared that S. ser. typhimurium ATCC 14028 was more susceptible than E. coli O157: H7 KSC 109 at low pH. Vibale cells of E. coli O157:H7 KSC 109 was not drastically decreased in most of fermented milks tested except Ace and Yakult, but in general, S. ser. typhimurxum ATCC 14028 was drastically decreased in most of the fermented milks. The major inhibition factor against these pathogens in the fermented milks during storage at 4℃ appeared to be the acidity and the metabolites produced by the starters bacteria used in fermented milk products.
        1997.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        치밀 난구세포로 둘러싸인 소 난자를 . 5% 배양기에시 5% superovulated cow serum(SCS)이 첨가된 m-TCM 199 medium 으로 시간 배양하였으며, 수정능이 획득된 정자와 체외수정하였다. 7일8일경의 수정란을 1.3M methyl cellosolve(MC), 1.1M diethylene glycol(DEG), 1.8M ethylene glycol(EG), 1.6M propylene glycol(PG) 및 1.1M 1,3-butylene glycol(BG) 용액에서 10분간 평형시킨 후 0.25 ml 스트로내에 장전하였다. 스트로를 의 alcohol bath freezer에 넣고 까지 /분 속도로 냉각, 식빙 후 10분간 정체시켰으며, /분 또는 /분으로 까지 냉각 후 스트로를 액체질소에 침지하여 보관하였다. 수정란이 들어있는 스트로를 온수에서 융해하였으며, 수정란을 TCM 199 medium 으로 옮긴 후 5% SCS가 첨가된 TCM 199 medium 에서 48시간 배양하였다. 수정란이 양호한 형태를 유지하며 나중의 발육단계로 진행된 것을 생존한 것으로 간주하였다. 각 종류의 동해방지제에서 동결된 수정란의 일부는 융해 후 동해방지제를 제거하지 않고 직접 비외과적으로 이식하였다. 동결-융해 후 동해방지제의 종류에 따른 탈출배반포 발달율은 EG 50.0%, MC 53.6%, DEG 56.9%, PG 58.0% 그리고 BG 11.5%였다. /분 또는 /분 으로 냉각한 수정란의 생존율은 두 그룹간에 유의적인 차이가 없었으나 (P<0.05), 탈출배반포 발달율은 -0.5분 /분(22.6%, 12/53)보다 /분(64.6%, 31/48) 냉각시에 유의적으로 높았다(P<0.01). 동해방지제의 종류에 따른 수정란의 수태율은 MC 48%(10/21). DEG 30%(3/10), EG 74%(20/27) 및 PG 40%(4/10) 였다. 이러한 결과로 보아 MC, DEG, EG 그리고 PG는 소의 체외수정란의 동결을 위한 동해방지제로서 이용될 수 있음을 보여주었다.