
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 372

        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Protected horticultural complexes would increase crop productivity but would adversely affect the groundwater recharge function in the area because the impervious area would increase. Further, they would limit the movement of living beings, affecting biodiversity. Therefore, this study evaluated the groundwater ecosystem services provided by protected horticultural complexes in terms of consistent utilization of water. The estimated amounts of groundwater loss obtained through quantitative assessment of groundwater infiltration showed that a higher impervious area results in higher losses. We, therefore, predict a much higher loss if similar changes in land use are realized on a nationwide scale. A plan to promote groundwater recharge in impervious areas is actively being discussed for urban areas; however, this plan is not yet applicable to farming areas. We consider it is essential to develop groundwater infiltration facilities for horticultural complexes, infiltration trenches, permeable pavements, surface water storage facilities, water purification facilities, etc. Further research and development of groundwater infiltration facilities is important for consistent utilization of water and the improvement of ecosystem services.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed business ecosystems in 4 case regions(Yeongdong, Seocheon, Sunchang, and Hadong) that carry forward the regional 6th industrialization. The analysis aimed to draw implications to build a healthy ecosystem for the sustainable development of the regional 6th industrialization. As a result of the analysis, 4 districts show different characteristics for their growth stages, and these results provide implications for policy directions for the development of the regional industry. The following basic direction was set for the sustainable regional 6th industrialization based on the healthy ecosystem. First, policy support should be differentiated by considering each region’s growth stage. Second, to improve the regional innovation capacity, it is needed to lay the foundation continually and strengthen diverse support for it. Third, a stronger and efficient implementation system is necessary for the regional 6th industrialization.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        가상현실은 현재 게임 산업에서 가장 주목하는 기술 중 하나다. 그럼에도 불구하고 가상현실 기술 자체가 극복해야 할 문제점과 시장가능성에 대한 의문으로 게임 산업에서 이에 대한 투자가 활발히 이루어지기 어려운 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 가상현실 게임 시장의 미래 가능성을 다각도로 타진해보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 과거부터 현재까지 국내의 게임시장 발전 양상을 살펴보고, 시나리오네트워크매핑(SNM)을 활용하여 이해관계자 구조를 통한 미래예측을 시도하였다. 그 결과는 장·단기적 미래전망을 제시하고 이를 바탕으로 가상현실 게임 산업의 핵심이 될 이해관계자들에게 필요할 활동과 전략에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다는 데 공헌점이 있다.
        2017.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The interest on rural ecological landscape has recently grown on the part of policy makers for rural development. While considerable efforts and resources have been invested to preserve and utilize rural landscape, we still lack a systematic means to quantify and evaluate ecosystem service value of the rural landscape and management status. So this study suggests rural ecological landscape management indicator considering ecosystem service value. It consists of 28 criteria and 107 subcategories, which can be applied to rural village. And We have applied ecosystem service value assessment and resident’s management status on three villages, Moondang village, Yonggye village, and Sesim village.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of the study was to review ecosystem service researches and show the trend to guide researchers who want to study ecosystem service. Ecosystem service has been a theoretical base for conservation of nature such as grand mountains, rivers and so on. Moreover, reviewed studies showed economical, social, environmental values of ecosystem service in nature as well as in urban to support ecosystem service theory. By leading metropolitan governments in America, Canada and european and asian countries, the urban tree canopy(UTC)s’ ecosystem services have been evaluated quantitatively and accumluated as urban forestry data. This global trend has an implication that the study of UTC and its ecosystem service can support the provision of urban forestry and green spaces and especially, Korean cities should realize UTCs’ values on ecosystem services and start to apply them institutionally to enhance their urban environment.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agriculture, rural landscapes are accompanied by a variety of environmental issues. Therefore, it is necessary to study on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Horticulture complex is low groundwater recharge function, it can be evaluated as a facility that biodiversity is impaired. The ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes were obtained 19 kinds of functions. Experts survey Groundwater recharge function (4.13) teeth chapter higher, Water storage (4.05), Amphibian & Reptile habitat (3.96), Aquatic insect habitat (3.92), Flood control (3.87), Water purification (3.86), Avian habitat (3.76 ), Creating landscape (3.74), Vegetation diversity (3.71), Experience, Education (3.69), Biological control (3.48), Fishery habitat (3.42), Climate regulation (3.30), Mammal habitat (3.30), Air quality regulation (3.25 ), Mainenance of genetic diversity (3.25), were analyzed in order Rest area (3.14). Improving capabilities in the Detention Pond, Wetland, Green space, Corridor, Non-Chemical, Program development, Green spaces, Rainwater storage facilities, Water cycle system, Surface water storage facilities, Infiltration trench, Water purification facilities, Permeable pavement. Environmentally friendly, and to contribute to sustainable agricultural development through ecological planning.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The value of rice-fields is being graded down in Korea because it has been estimated only from the size. The purpose of this study is to suggest a management plan in which the location and the size of valuable rice-fields for conservation are based on the results of appraising the worth of ecosystem services of rice-fields in Chungcheongnam-do region. The study is as follows; ①selecting the indicators for evaluating the ecosystem services of rice-fields considering both general functions and special functions in the regional environment conditions, ②classifying the grades of rice-fields in ecosystem service values, ③suggesting the location and the size of valuable rice-fields for conservation, ④calculating the total economic value of the ecosystem services of rice-fields. The results of this study are that the valuable rice-fields’ locations for conservation are the grade I rice-fields and their total area is 100,000ha. Also, the value of the ecosystem services of rice-fields in Chungcheongnam-do region was equivalent to 32.8 trillion won. This amount is over 18 trillion won more than the amount obtained if the total rice-fields in Chungcheongnam-do region were to be transformed to other land-use types. The value of ecosystem services should be considered in the future when appraising the worth of rice-fields, and methods of estimating the ecosystem services of rice-fields need to be developed with a more objective and suitable index.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 판교를 포함하는 성남지역을 세계적인 게임 산업 클러스터로 육성하기 위한 정책과제를 제안하기 위하여, 산업생태계 이론에 근거 하여 성남 지역의 게임콘텐츠 산업생태계를 분석하였다. 먼저 성남 가치사슬 구조를 분석한 결과, 중핵 업종과 확장된 네트워크의 상호작용을 활성화하기 위한 정책과 노력이 요구 되었다. 두 번째 기업 간 연관 관계를 분석한 결과, 지역 내 강소 게임 업체 지원을 통한 건전한 생태계 육성 정책이 요구 되었다. 마지막으로 혁신 자원과 환경을 분석해본 결과, 산업인력양성을 위한 교육적 생태계 구축이 시급히 요구 되었다. 본 연구의 의의는 산업생태계 이론을 활용하여 게임콘텐츠 산업을 분석할 수 있는 기반을 마련 한 점과 정책적 과제를 도출함으로서, 지역산업 분석 연구에 대한 새로운 가능성을 제안했다는 점을 들 수 있다.
        2015.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 국내에서 발생한 유해화학물질사고 사례조사와 재난상황 발생시 소셜미디어를 활용한 사례를 분석하여 소셜 방재 생태계 구축을 위한 방안을 도출 하였다. 전국 산업단지의 화학물질 및 화학 제품 제조업체수는 7,341개 업체이며, 전국 산업단지에서 소기업이 차지하는 비율은 93%에 이르고 있어 예상치 못한 곳에서, 예고 없이 화학사고가 발생하는 불확실성을 가지고 있다. 2012년 9월27일(목) 구미4공단 내 근로자 수 7명의 소기업인 (주)휴브글로벌에서 발생한 불산 누출사고는 사망 5명, 부상 18명, 건강검진 12,243건, 임시거주 340명 등 인적 피해가 발생하였다. 이러한 유해화학물질 누출 사고는 현장뿐만 아니라 사고 주변으로 화학물질이 확산될 수 있는 위험성을 가지고 있다. 최근 ICT 무선통신기술이 발달되어 소셜미디어 활용이 증대하고 있으며, 일본 쓰나미, 보스턴 폭탄테러와 같은 재난 발생 시 피해자와 가족과의 안부 확인 수단, 재난상황 파악을 위한 중요한 정보 포탈의 역할과 기부의 창구로써 다양한 역할을 행하였다. 따라서 유출시 인적·물적·사회적으로 큰 영향을 미치는 유해화학물질 사고에 대하여 ICT 무선통신기술 기반의 소셜미디어를 활용하여 산업단지와 근접지역의 사람, 사물을 비롯한 모든 구성요소들이 소통할 수 있는 소셜 방재 생태계 구축이 필요하다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 유기농업에서 생물자원으로서 담수 클로렐라의 활용 가능성을 연구하고자 유기농 생태계로부터 담수 녹조류를 분리, 동정하고, 생물학적인 특성을 조사하였다. 조사 지역의 수온은 12.4~28.2℃, pH는 6.1~8.5이었다. 담수 녹조류를 분리할 때 고체배양법이 액체배양법보다 오염도가 낮고 분리 빈도가 높았다. 전국 9개 지역, 6개 담수 녹조류 서식처로부터 총 115개의 균주를 분리하였다. 담수 녹조류의 분리 및 배양을 위해 질소원으로는 NaNO3과 KNO3, 탄소원으로 Na2CO3를 사용하였고, macro media의 구성 성분 중 MgSO4 · 7H2O과 CaCl2 · 2H2O를 분리하여 제조한 BGMM(BG11 Modified Medium)배지를 고안하였다. 담수녹조류는 배양 후 4일째부터 급격히 흡광도가 증가하였고 8일째부터 흡광도가 감소하였다. 공시한 7개의 균주 중 CHK008 균주가 배양 7일째에 가장 높은 흡광도를 보였다. 담수 녹조류 배양에 적합한 BGMM 배지의 pH는 6~7이었고 조사되는 빛이 강할수록 생육이 증가하였으며 5종류 당류 중에서 Glucose와 Galactose를 첨가하였을 때 클로랄라의 생육이 좋았다. 순수 분리한 16개 녹조류 균주의 균총색은 녹색, 진녹색, 연녹색을 나타내었고, 11개의 균주가 형광현미경하에서 강한 형광 빛을 나타내었다. 녹조류 16개 균주의 형태적인 특징을 조사한 결과 C. vulgalis, C. sorokiniana, C. pyrenoidosa, C. kessleri, C. emersonii, and Chlamydomonas sp.의 2개 속 6개종으로 동정되었다. 담수 녹조류의 세포 크기는 종마다 다양한 변이를 보였다. 대부분의 담수 녹조류의 세포형태는 구형이었다. Chlamydomonas sp.는 타원형이었고 Chlorella sorokiniana는 구형과 타원형이 섞여 있었다. 6개 녹조류 종류 중 Chlamydomonas sp.를 제외한 모든 균주는 편모가 없었다. Chlamydomonas sp. 1개 균주와 C. sorokiniana 5개 균주는 세포에서 점질물을 분비하였다.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        I investigated the river morphology and river naturality according to the environment of the Hwang River. The numbers of flexions at the upstream regions were more than those of downstream regions. The Hwang River showed very low overall diversity of the flow. Materials of river shore at low channel width were mainly boulders or gravel at the upstream regions, and the middle and downstream were silts and clay. Artificial masonry and natural materials were mixed from materials of river levees. The Hwang River was some of the natural herbaceous vegetation to riparian zones. Land utilities for floodplain were extremely overall farmland were predominant, and partly used by natural vegetation in the forest, a soccer field, some park facilities, residential, and commercial facilities. The water was width sleep / rivers beam ratio of 10 to 20%. Currently estimation for river naturality widely used in rivers were consisted of a narrow wide a variety of items and did not reflect the actual.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 수변구역에 분포하는 식물상 및 수생태계의 군집구조 규명과 하천유역의 생태계 변화 예측을 통한 수생식물군락 보전대책 수립을 위해 거창군 위천강 유역을 대상으로 수행하였다. 조사구간을 통틀어 분포하고 있는 관속식물은 총 67과 161속 162종 27변종 3품종 총 192종류로 목본류 보다 초본류의 출현종 수가 높게 나타났다. 정수식물과 부엽식물대는 조성되지 않았으며, 습생식물로는 고마리, 여뀌, 닭의장풀, 산둑사초, 갯버들, 키버들, 달뿌리풀, 미나리 등이 확인되었다. 식물군락으로는 대표적인 우점군락은 달뿌리풀 군락이었고 다음으로 갯버들 군락이 형성되어 있었다. 5개의 조사지점을 분석한 결과, 달뿌리풀, 수크령, 산둑사초 등의 중요도가 높았으며, 종다양성지수는 0.890~1.337, 군집유사도는 0.33~0.60을 보였다. 조사대상지는 농경지, 답압, 가축방목, 돌망태, 콘크리트 옹벽 등의 호한공사 등에 의한 다양한 교란요인에 노출되어 있었으며, 강우에 의해 유실되는 토양이 하상 내 광폭부를 중심으로 일시적인 퇴적지를 형성하는 현상이 발생하고 있었다. 이를 해결하기 위해 퇴적토사를 제거하고, 미나리, 갈대, 부들 등 수질정화수종 조성 및 수변구역 식생안정화 유도 및 수질을 정화하는 등의 대책이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper is performed to study for the plants ecosystems for the rural community forest of designated as natural monument. In addition, it is also proposed the plan of the rural community forest's conservation and restoration for avoiding to the destroy of indiscriminate development such as land-use, cultivation. The rural community forest is a mirror that reflect the regional culture and history, as well as environment. According to this view, undoubtedly, we need to recognise the formative background of rural community forest, the relations between the environment around and the characteristic of plants ecosystem comprehensively. For the purpose of proposing to the plan of rural village forests' conservation and restoration, therefore, this study is: 1) reviews the previous research and ancient documents, and 2) surveys the vegetation structure and the growing conditions in rural village forest directly.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 온라인 게임이 어떻게 정부 및 기업과 같은 공급자 차원에서 의도적으로 부상하지 않고, 수요자 차원에서 자연발생적으로 부상하였는지를 지식생태계적 접근을 통해 분석하였다. 본 연구는 온라인게임 부상의 요인으로서 첫째, 소비과정을 통해 학습된 리드유저들이 효과적인 사회 환경적 기반들(국내외 기술 교재, 대학, 외부 교육기반, 기업 등)과의 상호작용 속에서 신산업 부상을 이끄는 지식생태계의 참여자로서 참여할 수 있었던 조건, 둘째, 이들 개발인력이 조직화된 제작 경험을 얻을 수 있는 온/오프라인의 창조적 공동체 활동을 통해 창업 조직들로 성장할 수 있었던 조건을 제시한다. 이러한 연구 결과는 신산업 부상이 단절적이고 인위적인 물리적 환경 조건이 아닌 다양한 행위자들 간의 강력한 상호작용이 작동하는 지식생태계가 선행되어야 한다는 정책적 함의를 제공한다.
        2010.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to elucidate the relation between water quality and structure of the aquatic ecosystem in the agriculture reservoir Otae-ji from January to December in 2009. The proportion of forest was 46.98%, which means that non-point sources are major contributor of water pollution in this area. The annual mean COD(Chemical Oxygen Demand) in Otae-ji was 3.6 ㎎ L -1 , indicating, level Ⅱ of environmental standards and the trophic state was mesotrophic. Although total phosporus concentration in the reservoir was high in August due to large inflow of nutrients from outside the reservoir during monsoon season, there was no break out of significant algal bloom in the summer. The seasonal succession of phytoplankton showed that the dinophyta dominated in the the spring, chlorophyta in the summer, chrysophyta and chlorophyta in the autumn and chrysophyta in the winter. In case of zooplankton, rotifers dominated in the most seasons, but cladoceran(Bosmina longirostris) dominated in June and copepod(Nauplii) in August. The macrophyte plants showed diverse species compositon consisted of 3 varieties, 24 species, 23 genera, 15 families and 14 orders. The macroinvertebrates also showed various FFG(Functional Feeding Groups) such as GC(Gathering-Collector), P(Predator), SH(Shedder), FC(Filter-Collector) and PP(Plant-Piercer). Ecosystem stability analysis using aquatic insects was classified as Group Ⅰ, which has high resilience and resistance indices. A total of 14 species of fish was collected but exotic species such as Lepomis macrochirus and Micropterus salmoides were not found in Otae-ji. In conclusion, the preservation of healthy food wed in the reservoir ecosystem is closely related to water quality management as well as effective prevention of algal bloom by helping good material circulation in aquatic ecosystems.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Building a dam that is not considering the environmental impact and human social impact can cause the loss of entire ecospheres such as fragmentary green network, disturbance of plants ecosystem, the destruction of social and cultural indigenous resources, therefore, it can occur the environment change and distortion of ecosystem. The purpose of this study is that presenting the methods of ecosystem maintenance and ecosystem damage compensation about for environmentally direct impact i.e. the ecosystem change in the intended place for building a dam. According to the planning progress, the study was proceeded to planning site examine, assessment, conception plan. As the results of examine and assessment, it must be necessary to offered the maintenance and damage compensation if the site where include the 1st degree of biotope area, the 2nd degree of biotope and the 8th degree of green naturality area were damaged by being submerged and constructing road. In addition, according to the conception plan, we suggest the mitigation proposals such as plant communities transplant, planning of connecting green network against for influencing direct impact ecosystem that is destroying plant communities, damaging inhabitants, noise pollution, water pollution, etc.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper was studied CO2 respiration rate with physicochemical properties of soils at wetland, paddy field and forest in Nongju-ri, Haeryong-myeon, Suncheon city, Jeollanam-do. Soil temperature and CO2 respiration rate were measured at the field, and soil pH, moisture and soil organic carbon were analyzed in laboratory. Field monitoring was conducted at 6 points (W3, W7, W13, W17, W23, W27) for wetland, 3 points (P1, P2, P3) for paddy field and 3 points (F1, F2, F3) for forest in 10 January 2009. CO2 concentrations in chamber were measured 352∼382 ppm for wetland, 364∼382 ppm for paddy field and 379∼390 ppm for forest, and the average values were 370 ppm, 370 ppm and 385 ppm, respectively. CO2 respiration rates of soils were measured -73∼44 mg/㎡/hr for wetland, -74∼24 mg/㎡/hr for paddy field and -55∼106 mg/㎡/hr for forest, and the average values were -8 mg/㎡/hr, -25 mg/㎡/hr and 38 mg/㎡/hr. CO2 was uptake from air to soil in wetland and paddy field, but it was emission from soil to air in forest. CO2 respiration rate function in uptake condition increased exponential and linear as soil temperature and soil organic carbon. But, it in emission condition decreased linear as soil temperature and soil organic carbon. CO2 respiration rate function in wetland decreased linear as soil moisture, but its in paddy and forest increased linear as soil moisture. CO2 respiration rate function in all sites increased linear as soil pH, and increasing rate at forest was highest.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To find proper water quality management strategy for oxygen consumption organic matters in Jinhae bay, the physical process and net supply/decomposition in terms of COD was estimated by three-dimensional eco-hydrodynamic modeling. The estimation results of physical process in terms of COD showed that transportation of COD was dominant in loading area from land to sea, while accumulation of COD was dominant in middle~bottom level. In case of surface level, the net supply rate of COD was 0~60 mg/m2/day. The net decomposition rate of COD was 0~-0.05 mg/m2/day(-5~-10 m, in depth) to 2 level, and -0.05~-0.20 mg/m2/day(10 m ~) to bottom level. These results indicate that the biological decomposition and physical accumulation of COD are occurred for the most part of Jinhae Bay bottom. The variation of net supply or net decomposition rate of COD as reducing land based input loading is also remarkable. Therefore, it is important to consider both allochthonous and autochthonous oxygen demanding organic matters to improve the water quality of Jinhae Bay.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The three-dimensional eco-hydrodynamic model was applied to estimate the autochthonous COD caused by production of phytoplankton in Jinhae Bay. A residual current was simulated, using a hydrodynamic model, to have a sightly complicated pattern in the inner part of the bay, ranging from 0.001 to 5 cm/s. In the outer part of the bay, the simulated current flowed out to the south sea with a southward flow at a maximum of 25 cm/s. The results of the ecological model simulation of COD levels showed high concentrations, exceeding 4 mg/L, in the inner bay of Masan, an area of wastewater discharge, and lower levels, approaching less than 1 mg/L, closer to the outer part of the bay. The simulation results of Autochthonous COD by two methods using ecological modeling, showed high ratio over 70% of total COD. Therefore, it is more important to consider nutrients than organic matters in the region for control COD standard.
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