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        검색결과 419

        2011.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        가막만은 여수반도와 돌산도, 고돌산반도 로 둘러싸인 반폐쇄성 해역으로 남북방향 길이가 약 15km, 동서 방향 길이가 약 9km인 타원형 내만이며, 평균 수심은 약 9m인 천해로 총면적은 112km2이고, 용적은 10.2×108m3으로 알려져 있다(수산진흥원 전라 남도, 1982). 만 내부의 해저지형을 보면 북서 내만 역은 대형 웅덩이 형태로서 저층해수가 고여 있는 정 체 현상을 보이고 있다. 중앙부는 수심 6~7m 내외이 며, 북서쪽은 수심이 9~11m로 육지로부터 유입되는 생활하수 등 여러 가지 물질들이 수렴되는 지역이다. 가막만의 북쪽과 중앙해역에는 수하식 패류(진주담치 와 굴) 양식장이 많고, 만 입구에서는 해상 가두리 어 류 양식장이 많이 분포되어 있어 과도한 양식, 양식장 의 장기사용 및 생활하수의 유입증가로 인한 어장환 경 관리에 많은 문제점들이 발생하고 있다. 북서 내만 해역은 해수 정체와 하수 및 폐수의 유입으로 부영양 화가 진행되고 있으며, 수온이 높은 하계에는 저층해 수에서 빈산소층이 빈번히 형성된다(해양수산부, 2001).
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the determinants of traditional food perception, by taking the generation effect into account. This study also analyzed the preference patterns of traditional snacks and the strength as well as direction of improvement for traditional foods. Data were collected from 304 housewives living in the Baeong-Nyeong-Do island. Regression analysis showed that the determinants of traditional food perception varied depending on the generation of housewives. In the 30s age subgroup, income and family type were significantly related with the degree of traditional food perception. In the 40s age subgroup, household income, education, and hometown location were significant, whereas household income, family type, number of years of life spent in the Baeong-Nyeong-Do island, hometown location were the significant factors in the 50s and 60s age subgroup. The results of factor analysis showed that there were three preference patterns of traditional snacks. The results of chi-square analysis proved that foods for strength, and direction of improvement for traditional foods were different among the generation groups. In this article, similarities and differences between determinants of traditional foods, the strength and direction of improvement for traditional foods are discussed, and their implications for nutritionists as well as food marketers are provided.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A remote sensing pheromone trap called IT pheromone trap (Korean patent: 10-0982563) was applied to monitor overwintering population changes of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta, for three successive years in apple orchards. Males of the overwintering populations were attracted during April and May. However, the occurrence peak was delayed and extended to early June in 2010, at which the average spring temperature was significantly lower than the previous years. These overwintering populations could be monitored by the remote-sensing pheromone trap. When the remote-sensing pheromone traps were deployed to apple orchards of different provinces in Korea in 2010, the maximal overwintering populations of G. molesta were monitored at May in all areas. However, the population sizes monitored were significantly different among different localities. This study suggests a practical application of IT pheromone trap to monitor G. molesta in field conditions.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed at developing low waist slacks pattern with high satisfaction measurements and beauty for the tween generation girls. For this study, the research method was as follows. By extracting and analyzing industrial and educational slacks pattern, beautiful and motion-suitable slacks pattern will be created. This study presents the ideal slacks pattern that has great fit to tween generation girls by comparing and analyzing the previous 2 slacks pattern studies and the real clothing test. The constructed pattern in the 1st step was modified and adjusted from the best industrial patterns' the location of waist line, waist line gradient, rear waist bottom crotch, hip bottom crotch, dart length, the ease of hip girth, the fitness of rear bottom crotch line which were not well-estimated. The 2nd step was appearance and movement test based on the 1st study. In The 3rd step, the 2nd step was chosen as the final slacks study pattern for its superior appearance & movement satisfaction comparing with other patterns.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thanks to both developments in various media such as the internet and TV and China's economic growth, the fashion market in China has gain a lot of attention by global businesses as a newly-raised spending market. Fashion companies in Korea have entered into the china since the late 1990s. For them to get competitive edges, they have to differentiate their brand by creating new design based on the culture becoming mega-trend in fashion market. So in this research, I try to create fashion designs based on Hallyu Stars' fashion styles and images, who come on as a new culture code in China and other Asian. For this, I conducted theological consideration on what the Hallyu is, and looked into fashion styles in soft dramas which 5 Hallyu Stars started in and street fashion in Shanghai in China. Based on the outcomes of analysis, I figured out those star's fashion style and created products targeting young generation born after 1980s in China. The conclusion of this study is as follows. Firstly, the very definition of Hallyu which can be described as a phenomenon in which Korean movies, soap operas, and pop music have become immensely popular throughout Asia—has been expanding to signify the proliferation of Korean culture as a whole. Secondly, having selected the 5 female stars representing Hallyu, we were able to analyze and categorize their fashion styles on the basis of their music videos, movies, and soap-operas. Thirdly, In order to explore the level of influence of Hallyu fashion industry, we studied the street fashion of Shanghai The result was that we could observe both the slim and feminine cool casual style and the cute and affectionate pretty casual style simultaneously.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        역병(Phytophthora capsici)과 세균성점무늬병(Xanthomonas euvesicatoria)에 복합저항성인 핵유전형 웅성불임계(Genic male sterile line, GMS)를 육성하기 위하여 역병 저항성 핵유전형 웅성불임계에 역병-세균성점무늬병 복합저항성 계통을 교배하여 작성한 조합의 와 세대에 대하여 두 가지 병에 대한 저항성 선발을 실시하였다. 역병 저항성은 잘 알려져 있는 KC294(CM334)와 KC263(AC2258)에서 도입하고, 세균성점무늬병 저항성은 KC47(PI24467)에서 도입되었다. 역병에 고도의 저항성을 지닌 GMS 계통이 얻어졌으며, 이들은 세균성점무늬병에도 양적으로 저항성을 나타낼 것으로 기대된다.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To maximize effectiveness of standardization activities, it is essential to set priorities for determined standardization work items in the next generation internet protocol television (NG-IPTV) technologies. In this study, the analytic hierarchy process(
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the environment of 450mm wafers production known as the next-generation semiconductor production process, one of the most significant features is the full automation over the whole manufacturing processes involved. The full automation system for 450mm
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been a huge progress in semiconductor manufacturing processes such as reduction of the design rule(DR) and development of multi-processes. And, semiconductor industries have steadily extended its business and market share by reducing the design rule(DR) and enlarging the wafer size as well as by resolving many difficult technical problems through various noble approaches in order to reduce the production cost and to improve the yield. In semiconductor manufacturing, there is a significant difference in the number of memory chips produced according to the wafer size, wafer yield, and the level of the design rule even though the same number of wafers were put to the manufacturing process. So, almost all semiconductor manufacturing companies reach the conclusion that the enlarged size of wafer should be adopted in order to enhance the productivity and reduce the production cost. Thus, in this study, we investigate the specifications of the key functions and capabilities of the necessary modules in the yield analysis and improvement system required to acquire the stationary wafer yield with considering the 450mm wafer manufacturing system. Then the results of this research will be helpful for constructing the advanced yield analysis and improvement system called Real-Time Fault Monitoring and Detection (RTFMD) system.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 450mm wafers production environment for next generation Fab, one of the most significant features is the adoption of full automation to the whole manufacturing processes involved. The full automation system will prevent the workers from intervening the manufacturing processes as much as possible and increase the importance of each individual wafer noticeably, and thus require a more robust scheduling system for entire semiconductor manufacturing processes. The scheduling system for 450mm wafers production also should be capable of monitoring the status of each individual wafer and collecting useful Fab data in real time. In this study, we first analysis of cluster tool in 450mm wafers production environment, and then propose a real-time scheduling algorithm based on timetabling algorithm.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        EMS(ethyl methansulphonate)는 alkylalting 물질로 초파리를 비롯하여 꼬마선충, 애기장대, 모기 등에 single-site mutation을 일으키는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 자외선은 노출량을 쉽고 정확하게 조절할 수 있어 곤충의 돌연변이 유발에 사용된다. 본 연구에서는 무당벌레의 번데기에 0.1과 1%농도의 EMS를 처리한 것과 UV-A(360mm)에 1시간과 12시간 노출시킨 것을 대상으로 발육기간과 성비, 색상패턴별 출현비율을 조사하였다. 이와 더불어 돌연변이원 처리가 무당벌레의 자손세대에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 돌연변이원을 처리한 번데기에서 우화한 성충의 자손세대를 처리농도, 처리시간별로 동일한 진딧물을 공급하여 F2세대까지 사육하여 결과를 얻었다. EMS-1%와 UV-A 12시간처리구의 경우, 우화 세대의 성충이 산란한 알이 부화되지 않는 경우가 있었으며, 발육기간은 EMS-0.1%처리구와(무처리: 20.24±1.90; 0.1%: 23.39±1.83; P=0.00), UV-A 1시간, 12시간 처리구에서 무처리구에 비해 발육기간이 증가하였다(무처리: 21.43±1.79; 1Hr: 22.30±1.68; 12Hr: 22.75± 1.76; P=0.00). 우화 세대의 성비는 EMS와 UV-A에 따른 차이없었고, 생존율은 EMS-1% 처리에서 크게 감소 하였다(무처리: 95.23±8.24; 1%: 42.70±19.15; P=0.05). EMS와 UV-A 처리를 하면 발육기간동안 비정상적 탈피현상이 많았다. UV-A를 처리한 비멜라닌계통 모세대의 자손세대는 모든 개체가 비멜라닌계통으로 출현된 반면, EMS-1% 처리구에서는 비멜라닌계통의 출현비율이 70%로 EMS에 의한 자손세대의 색상패턴의 변화를 확인하였다
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis, which involves honest life stories of members of the ìtraditionalî Korean generation that lived through the turbulent times of the first half of the twentieth century, assesses the meaning and import of Korean cuisine during an individual Korean’s lifetime, as well as the relevant properties of the culinary culture of the traditional generation and how those properties continue to influence the present generation of Koreans. Thus, traditional Korean culinary culture was subdivided into the following four aspects, each of which were exemplified by representative examples. The first of these is slow-food dietary life, which is exemplified by fermented foods. The development of side dishes (panchan) based on fermentation - kimchi, different types of soy and bean paste, salted seafoods, dishes of dried radish or cucumber slices seasoned with soy sauce, and so on - made the quantitative and qualitative supplementation of food possible for traditional Koreans. The second of these aspects, referred to as friendly dietary life, is exemplified by self-sufficiently produced foods. The system of many species and small production suitable with the season made it possible to produce food from sustainable ecological systems and to maintain locally grown food-cultures, each of which was distinguished from others by a local specialty product. The third aspect of the traditional Korean culinary culture involves the same use of medicinal roots and plant materials for foodstuff, and this is exemplified by the use of foods to cure and prevent diseases. The notion, for example, that ‘boiled rice is an invigorant’ is characteristic of the notion that diet can function in a preventative medical context, and other similar Korean notions illustrate the importance, also, of the curative properties of food. The fourth and final aspect of traditional Korean culinary culture identified herein is creative dietary life, which can be viewed essentially as a Korean adaptation to the turbulence of life during the early 20th century in Korea. This trend is exemplified by many Korean foods that were created in response to foreign influences, such as onions, cabbages, curry, etc. which found their place in overall Korean culture through the age of Japanese settlement, as well as the Korean war.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Y generation born between 1981 and 1995 is the largest consumer group in the United States. This study is to provide an insight of understanding Y generation’s decision factors of purchasing Jeans and the fit issues. This study investigated their purchasing decisions factors, including fit, cost, brand, color, and the media/internet influences. It is revealed that the Y generation might have access to the internet, but they still rely more on their peers and savvy skills to decide what they purchase. They preferred to shop from the land based retail stores rather than the internet. The fit was the most important factor of their purchasing decision, but less concerns of the brand. In this study, 87% of them chose “fit” as the reason to buy a pair of jeans. Fit problems were related to the price category. This study suggests apparel manufacturers should understand Y generation’s fit issues in the global market.