
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 867

        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The area of ginseng cultivation has nearly exhausted in the main ginseng growing area in Korea but virgin fields need for ginseng cultivation due to continuous cropping injury. To count for the decrease of the virgin fields of ginseng cultivation, technical improvement to increase, or maintain the amount of harvest are necessary in ginseng cultivation. The Ginseng Rain-sheltered Shade House is one of the efficient cultivation techniques as reducing the damages caused by natural disaster such as blight, high temperature & humidity, dry, and heavy rain & snow. However a soil description needs to be developed to reduce the period of re-cultivation because ginseng has to be cultivated at the only one ginseng rain-sheltered house without soil or cultivation change. Methods and Results : This study was carried out in the ginseng rain-sheltered house where ginseng had cultivated and harvested one time. Each section of Cultivation of sudan grass+flooding, rice straw+flooding, and flooding was covered with vinyl and then, all areas were solarized through the summer season. The soil temperature was inspected at 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, and 20cm below ground. As a result, the soil temperature of the place with vinyl covered and solarized was approached to 40℃ regularly during the period of high temperature in July and August. After the solarization, the inspection result of Cylindrocarpon destructans spore density checked by Real time PCR was that C. destructans spores were not found at the place where sudan glass+flooding and rice straw+flooding were used. However, the detected number of C. destructans spores in the inspection condition was roughly 9 at the soil samples from the fields which were flooded and solarized, and 33 at those from the repeatedly cultivated fields. The evaluations of aerial part growth by measurements were good in the following order: Sudan grass+flooding, rice straw+flooding, and flooding. Conclusion : The purpose of this study was to reduce the period of ginseng re-cultivation in a ginseng rain-sheltered shade house. The incidence rate of the pathogens distantly decreased by the treatments of sudan glass + flooding, rice straw+flooding, and solarization.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, some of the previous stuies reported that was useful technique on growth and yield of organically grown ginseng transplantation in a rain shelter greenhouse. This study was conducted to investigate the optimum method of greenhouse shading for ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) cultivaton in the northern area of Ganwon, Korea. Methods and Results : We carried out to select optimal shade materials and light-penetrated ratio among polyethylene film with two-layered polyethylene net(PEF+PEN) and blue-white duplicated PE film(BWD-PEF) in the condition of greenhouse for ginseng cultivation. The order of light-penentrated ratio by shade meterials was PEN(75%)+PEF 〉 PEN(85%)+PEF 〉BWD-PEF(85%) 〉BWD-PEF(90%) and the order of air temperature was BWD-PEF(85%) 〉BWD-PEF(90%) 〉PEN+PEF(85%) 〉PEN+PEF(75%). The net photosynthetic rate was higher in PEN(75%)+PEF than other shading material treatments during growth season including summer high-temperature period. The root weight and yield were increased by 31.2~55.0% and 25.6~52.2%, respectively under PEN+PEF(75%) compared to other shading materials. Conclusion : We concluded that the PEN+PEF(75%) could be a good shading meterails of the greenhouse for organic 4-year-old ginseng cultivation in northern area of Gangwon, Korea.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : For increasing saponin content of ginseng cultivated in shaded plastic house, this research was performed to investigate growth characteristics and saponin content of ginseng according to foliar spray of chitosan and water-soluble silicates processing. Methods and Results : The ginseng cultivars to be used this research were Cheonpung, Yeonpung and 1-year-old seedlings of Cheonpung, Yeonpung was transplanted on March 24, 2015. Planting density was 72 plant/3.3㎡and Shading material of plastic house used blue-white shading vinyl. The processing method of organic matter is as follows, we were applied chitosan (40 kg / 10a), silicate (3kg / 10a) to soil scheduled for ginseng cultivation with basal application. Then, we were diluted with chitosan and silicates to 1000-fold and investigated growth characteristics, saponin content of ginseng after foliar spray twice a month from May to September. Conclusion : Photosynthetic rate of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter was higher in the chitosan experimental group compared to the control group and photosynthetic rate of ginseng cultivars was the highest in Cheonpung’s silicate group(3.70 μmole CO2/㎡/s). The growth characteristics in above-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the organic matter treatments compared to the control group. Above-ground part’s growth characteristics of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter showed a good trend in plant height, stem length, stem diameter of chitosan experimental group. The growth characteristics in under-ground part of 2-year-old ginseng was a good in the organic experimental groups. In Yeonpung of the chitosan experimental group, fresh root weight per plant was 9.2 g/plant that increased by 46 % compared to the control group. In Cheonpung of the silicate experimental group, fresh root weight per plant was 8.3 g/plant that increased by 56 % compared to the control group. In the chitosan experimental group, crude saponin content of under-ground part was Cheonpung(10.38 ㎎/g), Yeonpung(12.29 ㎎/g), control(11.53 ㎎/g), respectively. In the silicate experimental group, crude saponin content of under-ground part was Cheonpung(11.73 ㎎/g), Yeonpung(14.21 ㎎/g), respectively. Crude saponin content of ginseng according to treatment of organic matter was. generally higher in Yeonpung than Cheonpung.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Upon harvest in the summer, seeds of Panax ginseng are unmatured and need further maturation, dehiscence and cold-stratification, for germination. For the cold-stratification, the seeds should be stored in the cold temperature for 90-100 days, however no further description about the storage condition have been described even though there have been many problems in emergence rate and quality of ginseng in the spring-sowed filed. Methods and Results : Thus here we tested 3 different storage temperature(2℃, -2℃, and – 20℃) in combination of 4 different seed water content(59%, 54%, 31%, and 7%) as cold-stratification condition. After 100 days of storage, seeds were placed on the filter paper after watering with distilled water in the petri dish and incubated at 10℃. Fifty percent of seeds stored at 2℃ with 59% water content had already germinated even in the storage room before germination test. Seeds with 59% and 54% water content stored at 2℃ and –2℃ germinated in a similar rate, but emergence of above ground part was higher in the seeds with 54% water content. Seeds with 31% and 7% water content stored at 2℃ and –2℃ showed low germination rate, because of fail in stratification or death. Seeds stored at –20℃ scored even lower germination rate and fail in emergence of above ground part. Conclusion : Seed water content and temperature during the cold-stratification period of ginseng seeds affected on the seed viability and germination rate, thus control of seed water content and storage temperature might improve the emergence rate of spring-sowed ginseng filed.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Despite the presence of various bioactive compounds in ginseng, there is lack of study about the phenolic metabolites in ginseng especially depending on the cultivation soil and the fertilizer types. Therefore, this study aims to develop an (-)ESI-LC-MS/MS analytical method for the measurement of selected phenolic compounds in the ginseng root. Methods and Results : Total phenol content in ginseng root was measured with the Folin-Ciocalteau method using UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Then, the 56 selected phenolic metabolites in ginseng root were measured with the (-)ESI-LC-MS/MS. The brief LC-MS/MS analytical conditions were as follows; Thermo Scientific Syncronis C18 HPLC Column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) was used. Optimized instrument settings were as follows: Curtain gas 20 psi, collision gas 2 psi, ion spray voltage –4500 V, nebulizer gas 40 psi, heating gas 70 psi, and its temperature 350℃. Total phenol content was higher in the ginseng cultivated in the paddy-converted field than that in upland. In particular, the total phenol content was about 6% decreased in the ginseng root cultivated with the food waste fertilizer compared to the control (p < 0.05). Six phenolic constituents including caffeic, chlorogenic, p-coumaric, ferulic, gentisic, and salicylic acids were found in the ginseng root by using the LC-MS/MS in MRM (multiple reaction monitoring) Mode. These six phenolic compounds occupied approximately 20% of the total phenol content measured in the corresponding ginseng root. The chlorogenic acid was the most abundant phenolic metabolite found in the ginseng root, accounting for ≥ 95% of the sum of six phenolic compounds, in this study. Conclusion : This preliminary study can be useful for the study on content and composition of phenolic metabolites in ginseng root with the aspect of metabolomics. We plan to further optimize the LC-MS/MS analytical method and then provide the extended understanding on the phenolic metabolism in the ginseng root with respect to the ginseng cultivation conditions.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The natural stable isotope ratio of common bio-elements like carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), or sulfur (S) varies with diverse isotope fractionation processes in nature. Therefore, measuring the variation of these stable isotope ratios in ginseng roots can be a feasible tool to discriminate the geographical origins of ginseng in Korea. Methods and Results : The 3-year-old six Korean ginseng cultivars were cultivated at the five regions in Korea, and then used for measuring the stable isotope ratios of C, N, O, and S by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS). The mean C, N, O, and S stable isotope ratio values in the ginseng roots significantly differed according to the cultivation regions (p < 0.05). However, these isotope ratios in ginseng roots had relatively weak discriminative power against to the ginseng cultivars at each cultivation region. The interaction of the cultivation region and ginseng cultivar type also significantly affected to the C, N, O, and S stable isotope ratio in ginseng roots (p < 0.0001). The two-dimensional plots associated with the N stable isotope ratio can effectively separate the ginseng roots in Jinan compared to those in the other regions. The partial least squares-discriminant analysis showed more significant separation between ginseng geographical origins compared to the principal component analysis. Conclusion : Our findings improve our understanding of how the isotope composition of ginseng roots varies with respect to cultivation regions and cultivars, and suggest that the analysis of the stable isotope ratios combined with chemometrics can be used as a feasible tool to discriminate geographical origin of ginseng in Korea.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This experiment was carried out to improve the labor-intensive task to construct of the traditional ginseng shading system in Korea. In this experiment the selected shading materials was new 6 kinds that HDPE - knitted- monofilament and taped PE Net, with taking into account of the amount of light and the amount of leakage to screen the UV stabilized 0.3% - 0.6%. Compared with the traditional shading material, the black-shading material (wt. 200g/㎡) and the yellow shading material (wt. 300g/㎡) was suitable for the ginseng growing environments in Korea. Methods and Results : The installation of shading system was the 45 degree slope -2 meter height from the ground with the selected shading materials for the wide structure ginseng cultivation. Temperature and light intensity was measured with a week interval from the surface to a height of 30cm. The two kinds of the 1st selected materials and the traditional black + blue two layer shading materials, aluminum screen, Canada Gintec shading material, total 5 kinds of materials were installed in wide structure. The growing environmental analysis was measured using data logs (watchdog 1600series). Conclusion : In the first selection of shading materials for Ginseng wide structure, the levels of light intensity were higher in order of blue-shading> Aluminum- shading> black-shading order. The temperatures of the under wide structures were lower in order of the black-shading< aluminum-shading screen< blue-shading order, especially the temperature of the black shading material was lower than the outside temperature. For the second selection of shading material of the ginseng wide structure, the black and yellow shading material were superior to the other materials, in the amount of light shading material and growing conditions and the degree of leakage etc. The temperatures of mid-May in wide structures of ginseng cultivation were higher in order of aluminum-screen> Canada shading materials (Gintec Co.) 2 layer material> Yellow shading> black shading order, and also the amounts of light intensity also was shown to be with the same manner
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, some ginseng has been greenhouse production within the purse of fresh vegetables. The chemical of bed soil is very important because this leads to the stabilization of production in ginseng cultivation. The objective was to investigate the effects of composition of bed soil type on the growth. Methods and Results : Bed soil was commercial bed soil to the control and compared bed soil in 5 types. Culture nutrient solution was modified from Korea Wonshi nutrient solutions. Nutrient solution supply system has been applied to sub-irrigation system. Light intensity and photoperiod were 100 μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1 and 16 h, respectively; and air temperature was maintained at 25 ± 5℃. Nutrient solution was supplied after transplantation 20 days. Soil sampling was investigated every 30 days, and shoot growth were investigated from 60 to 150 days. Bed soil analysis result, the content of NO3 and P2O5 were significantly changed after 60 days in all types soil. The quantity of NO3 and P2O5 decreased with increase growth period. Also, Growth of roots showed a large influence of the soil pH. Conclusion : Results for ginseng hydroponic culture will enable the production of stable soil environment and efficient ginseng fresh vegetables.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In recent years, as the ginseng cultivation area using vinyl house is increasing, the demand of farmhouses for the studies of appropriate direct sowing cultivation and ginseng varieties for vinyl house cultivation is increasing, and there is a necessity to produce high quality clean ginseng in vinyl house in tandem with the consumers’ demand for pesticide-free ginseng. Thus, the goal of this research is to determine appropriate ridge height and width when growing ginseng in the vinyl house using direct sowing cropping system. The research was also done to choose ginseng breed for direct sowing cultivation. Methods and Results : The ground part of 4 years old ginseng grown in the vinyl house using direct-sowing cropping pattern was the type that grew well in 100 ㎝ wide ridge rather than 90 ㎝ wide ridge. It also tended to grow well in 20 ㎝ or 30 ㎝ long ridge as opposed to 10 ㎝ long ones. The root weight of the underground part was superior under 90 ㎝ × 20 ㎝(ridge height×ridge width), 90 ㎝ × 30 ㎝, 110 ㎝ × 10 ㎝ and 110 ㎝ × 20 ㎝ cultivation area. The root diameter was longer, the longer the ridge height. The volume per 1.62 ㎡ was superior for 100cm, 120 ㎝ × 10 ㎝ cultivation area. The ginseng whose ground part was superior in the vinyl house were Chungsun and Seonweon. Seonweon and Gumpoong had superior root weight in underground parts. The root length was superior for Geumsun. The ginseng that were direct sowing in the vinyl house did not have rusty ginseng problem regardless of ridge height and kind. The root injury was greatest in the cultivation area with ridge width of 90 ㎝. Conclusion : According to the results above, the growth in vinyl house using direct sowing cropping pattern was best when ridge width was 100㎝ and 110cm in ridge height of 30 ㎝. The best selection was Chunpoong and Seonweon. The root weight of the underground part was superior in 110 ㎝ × 10 ㎝ cultivation area, the best variety was Seonweon and Gumpoong.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng root rot caused by soil-borne pathogens, Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani, is a major factors of replanting failure in ginseng cultivation. Some of the phenolic compounds detected in the soil of commercially cultivated American ginseng could inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of American ginseng. Our study is to investigate the causes of replanting failure of ginseng by overhead flooding treatment and soil incorporation of ginseng fine root in soil infected with root rot pathogens. Methods and Results : To make soil occurring continuous cropping injury, 2-year-old ginseng infected with Cylindrocarpon destructans replanted in soil cultivated ginseng for 5 years. Treatment are as follows: 1) control, 2) water of 2ℓ was irrigate infected soil of 20ℓ, 3) ginseng fine root of 20g was mixed with infected soil of 20ℓ. Soil pH was increased, while other inorganic components were significantly reduced by overhead flooding treatment. Soil incorporation of ginseng fine root decreased soil pH, but increased EC, NO3, P2O5 and K, meanwhile, did not affected changes in organic matter, calcium, magnesium, sodium. Irrigation treatment in soil occurring replanted failure promoted distinctly above-ground growth of ginseng, and inhibited the occurrence of root rot because inorganic nutrient like NO3, P2O5 and K were decreased to optimal levels, and the density of soil pathogens could be reduced. Growth of ginseng was not inhibited, while root rot was promoted by soil incorporation of ginseng fine root. Conclusion : Irrigation treatment was effective in promoting the growth of ginseng and inhibited root rot distinctly. Ginseng fine root remaining in the soil after ginseng harvest did not affect the above-ground growth of ginseng, while promoted the occurrence of root rot.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Glycosylation of natural compounds results in great diversity of secondary metabolites. Glycosylation steps are implicated not only in plants growth and development but also in plant defense responses to various environmental stresses. This process is mediated by members of a multigene superfamily glycosyltransferase (GT), which catalyze the transfer of single or multiple activated sugars to a wide range of substrates, thus influences their chemical property and bioactivity. Although its activity has been recognized for a long time and genes coding UGTs in several higher plants have been identified, specific function of GTs in detail still remains elusive. Methods and Results : Spatial and temporal expression patterns of a ginseng UDP-dependent glycosyltransferase, was analyzed by qRT-PCR. It was expressed highly in rhizome, upper root and youngest leaf compared that of other organs. Spacial expression was observed by GUS histochemical assay after generating promoter::GUS fusion. Noticeably, it expressed axillary branch as well as other organs tested by qRT-PCR. Overexpression of PgUGT in Arabidopsis resulted in fused organ in axillary branch. Stress responsiveness against various abiotic stresses and subcellular localization in Arabidopsis are also addressed. Conclusion : PgUGT phylogenetically closed to PgUGT71A27 involved in ginsenoside compound K (C-K) production. Considering that the C-K is not reported in raw ginseng material, further characterization of this gene may shed light on the biological function of C-K in ginseng growth and development. Organ fusion phenotype could be caused by defective growth of cells in boundary region, commonly regulated by phytohormones such as auxins or brassinosteroids, which in needs to be analyzed further.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of the present study was to perform a comparative analysis of the chemical properties of the cultivation site soil and growth characteristics of organically and conventionally cultivated ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer). Organically and conventionally cultivated ginseng samples (4-, 5-, and 6-year-old) were collected from 52 fields at 14 locations throughout Korea. The samples were collected over three years from 2013 to 2015, with the collection period between October and November of each year. In order to increase the yield of organically cultivated ginseng, the amount of nutrients was increased to match that of the conventional cultivation system, which highlights the need for proper management in accordance with the standards for chemical properties of soil. Growth duration of organic ginseng was ≥60 days shorter than that of conventional ginseng and its average yield per 1ha was 60% than that of conventional ginseng. Root weight of organically cultivated ginseng was approximately 54% that of conventionally cultivated ginseng. Rhizome diameter and body shape index of organically cultivated ginseng were lower than those of conventionally cultivated ginseng, indicating that organically cultivated ginseng was thinner and longer than conventionally cultivated ginseng. Root length was greater in 5-year-old conventionally cultivated ginseng with a low percentage of paddy-upland rotation fields. The number of rootlets was lower in 5- and 6-year-old organically cultivated ginseng with a high percentage of direct seeding cultivation. Dry weight was distinctly lower in 5- and 6-year-old organically cultivated ginseng with early defoliation than that of conventionally cultivated ginseng. Incidences of notched belly and root rot tended to be higher in conventional cultivation, with the incidence of notched belly being distinctly higher in 4- and 6-year-old roots and root rot being more prevalent in 5- and 6-year-old roots. Red discoloration and eelworm damage, which are highly affected by soil moisture, were most common in the organically cultivated 4-year-old roots. Organically cultivated ginseng showed early defoliation than conventionally cultivated ginseng, as a result, its yield and weight were low, while the incidence of physiological disorders was low. In order to increase the yield of organically cultivated ginseng, studies on cultivation technology that can overcome early defoliation, as well as soil moisture management that can minimize physiological disorders, are required.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Crop rotation plays an important role in improving soil chemical properties, minimizing the presence of disease pathogens, and assists in neutralizing autotoxic effects associated with allelochemicals. Methods and Results: Five rotation crops of sudan grass, soybean, peanut, sweet potato, and perilla were cultivated for one year with an aim to reduce yield losses caused by repeated cropping of ginseng. In 2-year-old ginseng grown in the same soil as a previous ginseng crop, stem length and leaf area were reduced by 30%, and root weight per plant was reduced by 56%. Crop rotation resulted in a significant decrease in electrical conductivity, NO3, and P2O5 content of the soil, whereas organic matter, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn content remained-unchanged. Soil K content was increased following crop rotation with sudan grass and peanut only. Rotation with all alternate crops increased subsequent ginseng aerial plant biomass, whereas root weight per plant significantly increased following crop rotation with perilla only. A significant positive correlation was observed between root rot ration and soil K content, and a significant negative correlation was observed between ginseng root yield and the abundance of actinomycetes. Crop rotation affected the soil microbial community by increasing gram negative microbes, the ratio of aerobic microbes, and total microbial biomass whereas decreases were observed in actinomycetes and the ration of saturated fatty acids. Conclusions: In soil exhibiting crop failure following replanting, crop rotation for one year promoted both soil microbial activity and subsequent ginseng aerial plant biomass, but did not ameliorate the occurrence of root rot disease.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Developing new ginseng cultivars is a significant time-consuming process owing to the three years of growth required for ginseng to flower. To shorten the ginseng breeding process, it is necessary to establish rapid progression through each generation. In this study, we examined it was possible to rapidly break ginseng seed dormancy using gibberellic acid (GA3) treatment and alternating temperature. Methods and Results: Seeds were obtained from local variety. Seeds were treated with either GA3 at a concentration of 100 ㎎/ℓ, constant temperature (−2℃ and 2℃), alternating temperature (2℃ followed by −2℃, followed by 2℃) or a combination GA3 and temperature treatment. Following experimental treatment, seeds were sown into trays and placed in a greenhouse. Low germination rates were observed in seeds that did not receive GA3 treatment, which were similar following 2℃ and −2℃ constant temperature treatment. Germination rates increased in proportion to GA3 and more so when combined with alternating temperature treatment. In additon, stem and leaf lengths of the resulting ginseng plants were increased following GA3 treatment, although no synergistic effect was observed with alternating temperature treatment. Conclusions: These results suggest that a combination GA3 and alternating temperature treatment enhances ginseng seed germination, which can contribute to shortening the time required to progress through a single ginseng generation for breeding.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: The photosynthetic efficiency cool-season, semi-shade ginseng is normal at low morning temperatures, but drops at high afternoon temperatures. Therefore, optimal plant performance would be ensured if it were possible to control daily light transmission rates (LTR). Methods and Results: Plants were grown in a controlled light environment that replicated 11 AM conditions and comparatively analyzed against plant grown under normal conditions. Growth in the controlled light environment resulted in a 2.81 fold increase in photosynthetic efficiency with no change in chlorophyll content, although LTR were high due to low morning temperatures. Increased aerial plant growth was observed in the ginseng plants adapted to the controlled light environment, which in turn influenced root weight. An 81% increase in fresh root weight (33.3 g per plant on average) was observed in 4-year-old ginseng plants grown in controlled light environment compared to the plants grown following conventional practices (18.4 g per plant on average). With regard to the inorganic composition of leaves of 4-year-old ginseng plants grown in controlled light environment, an increased in Fe content was observed, while Mn and Zn content decreased, and total ginsenoside content of roots increased 2.37 fold. Conclusions: Growth of ginseng under a favorable light environment, such as the condition which exist naturally at 11 AM and are suitable for the plant's photosynthetic activity creates the possibility of large scale production, excellent-quality ginseng.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        백삼과 홍삼의 추출수율은 각각 33.56%와 48.79%로 홍 삼의 추출수율이 높았고, 산성다당체의 경우 1~4차 추출단 계까지는 홍삼군이 백삼군보다 높았으나, 5차 추출단계에 서 백삼군이 6차 추출단계에서는 홍삼군이 높게 나타났다. 백삼과 홍삼의 추출단계별 농축액의 조사포닌 함량은 백삼 (56.44 mg/g)에 비해 홍삼(53.15 mg/g)이 약 5.8 % 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 이들을 혼합한 선택적 홍삼농축액 모델 4종의 기호도 평가 결과 1, 2, 6차 추출물이 혼합된 RGB-4가 가장 높은 기호도를 나타내었고 시판 홍삼 농축액 3종에 대해 비교한 결과에서도 RGB-4가 쓴맛, 떫은맛, 인삼향 강도가 약해지 고 종합적 기호도에서 높은 평가를 받았다. 본 실험에서는 추출방법을 달리 함으로써 추출수율 및 조사포닌 함량을 감안하여 인삼 쓴맛과 향의 강도를 낮출 수 있다는 것을 확인하였다. 이 추출방법을 이용하여 쓴맛 을 저감시키고 인삼향미의 강도를 저감시킨 제품을 개발하 여 좀 더 편하고 자연스럽게 홍삼제품을 접할 수 있도록 더 많은 연구가 진행 되어야 할 것이다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        방사선에 의해서 유도된 간 손상에 대한 백삼과 발효인삼추출물의 보호효과를 비교 연구하였다. ICR계 생쥐에게 코발트-60 감마선의 5Gy조사 7일 전부터 백삼과 발효인삼추출물(150㎎/㎏/day)을 각각 투여하였 다. 대조군은 생리적 식염수를 투여하고 방사선조사군은 생리적 식염수를 투여하면서 5Gy를 조사하였다. 그리고 각각의 실험군에서 간조직의 H2O2, catalase, MDA를 측정하였다. 그 결과 방사선조사군과 보다 백 삼과 발효인삼추출물 투여군에서 catalase함량이 유의성 있게 증가하여 간의 보호효과가 있었으며 H2O2와 MDA함량도 유의성 있게 감소하였다. 백삼과 발효인삼이 간 조직에 대한 방사선조사로 부터 매우 우수한 방호제라고 할 수가 있다.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: This study aimed to investigate the flowering and fruits formation characteristics of Korean Panax ginseng varieties. The results will provide basic data for ginseng seed production and breeding program. Methods and Results: The characteristics investigated included flowering date, seed setting rate, seed type and seed production. The ginseng variety Chungsun had the earliest emergency and flowering dates, whereas Sunhyang showed late emergence and flowering dates. The emergence date of Chunpoong was not later than that of the other varieties, but the flowering date was delayed. The seed setting rate was 64.6%, 75.8%, 78.5% and 74.4% for three, four, five and six-year-old varieties, respectively. The ratio of double seed (RD) for Sunhyang and Chungsun were higher than those for the others, whereas the RD for Chunpoong was the lowest. Yunpoong and Sunone had many stems per plant and a high seed production rate. Seed production was 21.7, 67.7, 74.4 and 89.0㎏/ 10 a in three, four, five and six-year-old varieties, respectively. Conclusions: The emergence date ranged from April 15 to 25, and the flowering date was from May 10 to the 19 for the new ginseng varieties. The average seed multiplication of the ginseng varieties was about 8.5 and 21.1 times a year for varieties in which, seed-production occurs once a year for over four years and four times over six years, respectively.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH are important features of nutrient solution, affecting both growth and quality of crops by altering nutrient uptake. Methods and Results: The pH values of nutrient solutions were controlled at 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and EC values were controlled at 0.68, 0.84, 1.23, 1.41 dS/m. Gingesng root weights were higher during the initial growth period when the plants were treated with low pH and low EC nutrient solutions. However, the higher pH and EC levels, the greater the increase in the rate of root weight between the initial and middle growth periods. The highest ginsenoside amount changed during growth period. The total ginsenoside amount was highest in the root, and the lowest in leaves at 45 and 90 days after treatment, respectively, with solution at a pH of 6.0. After 135 days of treatment, the highest total ginsenoside amount was detected in root treated with soluton with EC values of 1.23 dS/m. Conclusions: For the cultivation of ginseng using a nutriculture system, the pH and EC values of nutrient solutions should to be controlled based on the stage of growth and targeted plant organ (root or leaves).
        2016.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : New ginseng variety “Geumwon” is appropriate for the cultivation in Chungnam. As an effort to develop new ginseng variety for regional specialization, it was collected from the Geumsan ginseng fields, selected and fixed and then was registered as new ginseng variety in 2015 through the verification of production capacity, farm demonstration and regional adaptation test. It is excellent in underground growth, disease-resistance and yield-ability compared to candidate varieties. Methods and Results : Regional adaptation tests were conducted for new ginseng variety “Geumwon” in 3 regions(i.e. Geumsan, Gochang and Icheon). The results suggested that the leaf length and width of 2-year old ginseng was 7.9cm and 4.2cm in 3 regions on an average basis. Anthrax incidence rate was about 2.5%, which was smaller than that of candidate variety(3.6%), and the underground root weight was 5.6g, which was 34% higher than that of candidate varieties. The leaf length and width of 3-year old ginseng was 9.4cm and 4.5cm, and anthrax incidence rate and leaf soot incidence rate was 0.8% and 1.2% respectively, which was lower than that of candidate varieties. The the root weight, root diameter and hull length of “Geomwon” were superior to that of candidate varieties by about 24%, 6% and 9% respectively. In addition, red discoloration and root rot incidence rate were also lower than that of candidate varieties. The growth of 4-year old ginseng was also superior to that of candidate varieties in the order of Geumsan, Ichoen and Gochang, and the anthrax and leaf soot incidence rate was also lower than that of candidate varieties(about 2.2.% and 2.3 %, respectively). Conclusion : The results of this study suggested new ginseng variety “Geumwon” is easy to cultivate in Chungnam because of its superior underground growth and excellent quality, and it was also evaluated to be an excellent variety that would contribute to the specialization of the ginseng cultivated in Geumsan.