
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5,319

        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to clarify the effects of the environmental education system focusing on the knowledge, attitude and practice in relation to environmental education to the students in Mokpo middle school. The study is accomplished by the survey which includes a total of 268 inquiry lists sampled from four groups of the middle school, one of which composing of two middle schools having the environmental curriculum, hereafter referred as 'the case group' and the other group of two middle schools without the curriculum, hereafter referred as the 'the control group'. From the results of the average scores on the environmental knowledge, attitude and practice between the two groups, the case group showed better knowledge scores than the control group (p<0.05). The case group with environmental education were relatively high to the control group without environmental education to the attitude(p<0.05), and did not showed signifiant differences in the environmental practice. From the results of stepwise multiple regression analysis, the factor affecting the environmental knowledges was the interest in the environment problems (R2=0.130), economic status, academic achievement and the necessity of environment conservations in order. The factor most affecting to environmental attitude and practice were the interest in environmental problems of the parents.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        세계 제조 산업의 국제 분업화는 아시아 지역 특히, 동북아 컨테이너 시장의 성장을 주도하고 있다. 이와 더불어 항만산업의 대외적인 환경도 변화하고 있는데, 글로벌 선사 및 터미널 운영사는 대형 M&A 통해 시장 점유율과 지배력을 강화하고 아시아 지역으로의 진출을 가속화하고 있다. 동북아 지역은 이러한 환경변화와 중국항만의 성장으로 그 경쟁이 심화되고 있으며, 부산항은 성장률과 점유율이 지속적으로 감소하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 동북아 지역의 항만 집중도 변화과정을 살펴보고, 부산항이 지역내 경쟁에서 어떠한 위치를 차지하고 있는지를 분석하였다. 분석결과 부산항의 경쟁적 포지션은 지속적으로 약화되고, 많은 물동량이 경쟁항만에 빼앗긴 것으로 나타났으며, 이를 기반으로 지속 가능한 경쟁력 확보를 위한 글로벌화 전략을 제시하였다.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 저수량 지역 빈도분석(regional low flow frequency analysis)을 수행하기 위하여 일반최소자승법(ordinary least squares method)을 이용한 Bayesian 다중회귀분석을 적용하였으며, 불확실성측면에서의 효과를 탐색하기 위하여 Bayesian 다중회귀분석에 의한 추정치와 t 분포를 이용하여 산정한 일반 다중회귀분석의 추정치의 신뢰구간을 비교분석하였다. 각 재현기간별 비교결과를 보면 t 분포를 이용하
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study ultimately aims at suggesting the improvements for community development policy in Korea. In order to do so, this carried out field surveys for two rural villages and tried to find out the current institutional situation of rural villages. Reviewing conceptual debates on rural, village, community and organisation theory, it sets up a typology of four groups as follows: voluntary expressive group, involuntary expressive group, voluntary instrumental group, and involuntary instrumental group. Based on this typology, this study conducted field surveys for two rural villages; Pyeongchon-Ri in Chungnam and Noolmi-Ri in Kyoungbuk. From the analysis on the field surveys, it finds some features on Korean rural groups. First, the residents in rural villages have very strong identity for their living areas. Second, the number of rural groups are tend to decrease recently. Third, the actions of instrumental groups are determined by the organisations operating nearby. Fourth, the function of groups within rural villages only carry out some village festivals, but other friendly relationship among rural residents are expanded out to wider areas called Myeon. As a result, this study suggests that we should recognize the diversity in rural communities in Korea and deals with them in different ways of public policies.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        경북 봉화군 소천면의 선캠브리아기 변성퇴적암 내에는 석회규산염층이 산출되며, 이 석회규산염층은 두께 14~18 m 정도로 층리면에 평행하게 협재되어 있다. 이 암층에는 방해석, 백운석, 사문석, 투각섬석이 주로 포함되고, 일부에서 활석이 소량 포함된다. 사문석은 석회규산염층의 중상부에 다량 함유되고 투각섬석은 하부층에서 주로 산출한다. 사문석이 많이 포함된 암석일수록 짙은 녹색을 나타낸다. XRD 및 FT-IR의 분석결과, 이곳의 사문석광물은 안티고라이트에 해당하는 것으로 나타났으며, SEM의 관찰에서도 안티고라이트의 판상 형태가 잘 나타났다. EPMA에 의한 이 사문석의 성분 분석의 결과, 안티고라이트의 이상적인 조성(SiO2: 44.3 wt% and MgO: 40.8 wt%)에 가깝게 나타났으며, 이를 통하여 계산된 구조식은 Mg2.82Al0.04Fe3+0.04Si2.05O5(OH)4으로 나타났다. 석회규산염층은 구성 광물 및 산상 등을 검토해 본 결과, 퇴적 당시 환경에 따른 퇴적물의 광물 및 화학성분의 차이를 가지는 석회질 퇴적암이 변성작용을 받아 형성된 것으로 보인다. 안티고라이트가 다량 함유되는 상부층은 투각섬석이 포함되는 하부층에 비해 상대적으로 Mg이 더 풍부한 퇴적암으로 구성되었을 것으로 사료된다.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        경북 봉화지역의 선캠브리아기 홍제사 화강암 내에는 견운모 광상이 분포한다. 이 지역의 대현광산과 성황광산에서 산출되는 견운모에 대하여 현미경 관찰, X-선회절분석, 전자현미분석, X-선형광분석, ICP분석 등을 통하여 지화학적 및 광물학적 특성을 조사하고 그 형성과정을 검토하였다. 이 지역 견운모광상은 열수변질작용에 의해 화강암을 모암으로 한 견운모화작용에 의해 형성되었다. 이곳에 나타나는 광물조합과 그 산출상태로부터 4가지치 변질대로 구분되었다. 이러한 변질대는 점이적인 열수변질작용에 의해 형성된 것으로 나타났다. 이곳에서 산출하는 견운모는 광물화학적으로 모두 일라이트에 해당되는 것으로 나타났으며, 다구조형도 모두 2M1으로 매우 단순한 형태를 보였다. 거의 순수한 견운모 광석은 여러 색을 나타냈으나, 주화학성분이나, 결정구조에서의 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 미량성분을 검토한 결과 진한 녹색을 띠는 것은 Cr이 상대적으로 다량 함유되고, 흑색의 것은 Ti이 상대적으로 많은 것으로 나타났다. 모암인 홍제사 화강암내에서 견운모 광상이 발달하는 것은 단층과 같은 단열구조와 관련되는 것으로 나타났다. 엽납석 및 고령석 등의 다른 변질광물은 나타나지 않으며, 열극대를 따라 변질된 단순한 형태의 열수광상인 것으로 나타났다.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Producing Korean organic beef cattle costs a great deal because it needs breeding conditions like the organic feed, an uncontaminated breeding farm and so on. So the price of Korean organic beef (KOB) is more expensive than that of Korean general beef (KGB). To overcome this adverse price condition, a case production organization in Asan will choose direct marketing routes for consumers or the shop under direct management of the organization, or franchise shops. As a result, these marketing routes are expected to narrow the price gap between KOB and KGB. And consumers will accept the price of KOB if quality of KOB is very high level, for example the first grade++.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Groundwater recharge characteristics in a fractured granite area, Mt. Geumjeong, Korea. was interpreted using bedrock groundwater and wet-land water data. Time series analysis using autocorreclation, cross-correlation and spectral density was conducted for characterizing water level variation and recharge rate in low water and high water seasons. Autocorrelation analysis using water levels resulted in short delay time with weak linearity and memory. Cross-correlation function from cross-correlation analysis was lower in the low water season than the high water season for the bedrock groundwater. The result of water level decline analysis identified groundwater recharge rate of about 11% in the study area.
        2008.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Aquatic and riparian vegetation of river ecosystems are very important both in ecological and management perspectives. Vegetation surveys were conducted to understand the characteristics of riparian vegetation in the mid and lower reaches of the Nakdong River, Korea. A total of 68 families and 260 species were identified at eleven survey sites. The numbers of taxa were similar to those reported in a previous survey in 1996,but the percentage of naturalized plants increased more than two times compared to that in the previous survey. Survey sites near Yangsan Bridge and Nambu Park in Yangsan showed the highest percentage of naturalized plant species. Urbanization indices of the survey sites were high at 18.8% on average. Therophytes were the most dominant plant life form at the survey sites with 39.2% of total plants identified, followed by phanerophytes (19.2%), hemicryptophytes (18.9%), aquatic plants (13.9%), cryptophytes (5.8%), and chamaephytes (3.1%). The relative composition of hemicryptophytes decreased whereas those of therophytes and chamaephytes increased compared to those in the survey in 1996. This may be due to increase in dryness of riparian soils or degradation of riparian areas. Plant compositions at sites near Jeokpo Bridge and Hwoicheon suggest that the composition and distribution of riparian vegetation are affected by land use pattern surrounding riparian areas or human accessibility to the areas.
        2008.02 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이글은 제2언어로서의 한국어교육 상황에서 학습자 입장에서 본 훌륭한 한국어교사의 자질을 규명하는데 목적이 있다. 기존의 교사 자질 연구들이 대부분 외국어 교육영역에서 이루어진 반면 한국어 교육영역에서는 여전히 논의가 되지 않은 점에 주목하여 설문지를 이용, 훌륭한 한국어교사의 자질 목록을 추출하고자 하였다. 우선 지역 3개 대학 중국인 한국어 학습자 241명의 설문지 조사를 통해 총 1,148개의 분석항을 추출하였다. 여기에 핵심어 분석을 통해 추출된 자질들을 1) 교육자로서의 인성 및 태도와 관련된 자질, 2) 교육자로서의 기술적 지식과 관련된 자질, 3) 교육자로서의 교육적 기술로 범주화하였다. 이 결과를 통해 훌륭한 한국어교사들은 단순히 목표어에 대한 지식을 안다는 것과 잘 가르쳐야 한다는 것, 이상으로 교육자로서의 인성 및 태도를 갖추어야함을 제안하였다.
        2008.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The frequency analysis and the probability plot were applied to heavy metal contents of soils collected from the Goseong Cu mine area as a statistic method for the determination of the threshold value which was able to partition a population comprising largely dispersed heavy metal contents into the background and the anomalous populations. Almost all the heavy metal contents of soil showed a positively skewed distributions and their cumulative percentage frequencies plotted as a curved lines on logarithmic probability plot which represent a mixture of two or more overlapping populations. Total Cu, Pb and Cd data and extractable Cu and Pb data could be partitioned into background and anomalous populations by using the inflection in each curve. The others showed a normally distributed population or an largely overlapped populations. The threshold values obtained from replotted frequency distributions with the partitioned populations were Cu 400 mg/kg, Pb 450 mg/kg and Cd 3.5 mg/kg in total contents and Cu 40 mg/kg and Pb 12 mg/kg in extractable contents, respectively. The thresholds for total contents are much higher than the tolerable level of soil pollution proposed by Kloke(Cu 100 mg/kg, Pb 100 mg/kg, Cd 3 mg/kg), but those for extractable contents are not exceeded the worrying level of soil pollution proposed by Ministry of Environment(Cu 50 mg/kg, Pb 100 mg/kg). When the threshold values were used as the criteria of soil pollution in the study area, 9~19% of investigated soil population was in polluted level. The spatial distributions of heavy metal contents greater than threshold values showed that polluted soils with heavy metals are restricted within the mountain soils in the vicinity of abandoned mines.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Heavy metal concentrations in the soil were investigated for the abandoned Samkwang metal mine, Cheongyang-Gun, Chungnam Province, Korea. The concentrations of heavy metal(As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) were determined in mine soils collected at the abandoned mine sites to obtain a general classification and specification of the pollution in this highly polluted region. The results estimated with the normal test and basis statistic on the central tendency and variation showed that the distribution of heavy metal concentration had significantly different at the range of all locations. The range of spatial distribution on the relationship of heavy metal concentration and pH was 4.8∼8.8 and heavy metal concentration on the type of land use was highest in forest land, and also Ni and Zn in farm and rice field showed the high concentration. The distribution of heavy metal concentration on the depth of a soil showed that the metal concentrations in subsoil were higher than of those in surface soil, while the concentration of Cu and Ni had no significant difference on the depth of soil. Results from the correlation analysis using the data except the extreme and unusual data revel that Zn-Cd(r=0.867), Zn-As(r=0.797), Zn-Pb (r=0.764), Cu-Cd(r=0.673), Cu-As(r=0.614) and Zn-Ni(r=0.605) were the most important parameters in assessing variations of heavy metal in soil. To discriminate pattern differences and similarities among samples, principal factor analysis(PFA) and cluster analysis(CF) were performed using a correlation matrix. This study suggests that PFA and CF techniques are useful tools for identification of important heavy metal and parameters. This study presents the necessity and usefulness of multivariate statistical assessment of complex databases in order to get better information about the quality of soil and gives the basis information to clean up the abandoned mine sites.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study summarizes the relations among PM2.5 concentration, water-soluble ions concentration, metallic element Components characteristics and SPSS in negative ion and metallic element of PM2.5 particle in Miryang.(By the urban area, the industrial complex area and the suburban area according to the season) PM2.5 concentration of total 72 samples collected from 3 sites turned out to range from 3.47 to 34.7 μg/m3 , and the average concentration was the suburban area-the kin nup(16.00 μg/m3 ) > the urban area-the roof of the old Miryang university(10.32 μg/m3 ) > the industrial complex-Sapo industrial complex(10.29 μg/m3 ). In particular, the suburban area had PM2.5 concentration 1.5 times those of urban area, industrial complex. It was thought although the site was suburban and farm-side without pollutants around, it had a higher concentration value influenced by external factors including the brickyard, small-scale incinerator, driving range construction, construction on the Daegu-Busan express and the widening of the four-lane road between Miryang-Anyang nearby. As for water-soluble ions among PM2.5 particle collected in Miryang area, SO42− accounted for 60% and NO3−, was 30% in spring and summer. And NO3− accounted for 50% and SO42− was 35% in fall and winter. The AI value of metallic Components among PM2.5 particle collected in Miryang area had a high value influenced by the apartment complex construction and the extension work of road. The industrial complex area had Zn concentration 3 times, and Fe concentration 2 times those of urban area and suburb area. When it comes to the relation with metallic elements in urban area, the highest coefficient of correlation was between Cr-Fe with 0.85, and Pb-Cd turned out in the reverse correlation. Among metallic elements, the coefficients of correlation between Zn and Cr, Mn, Fe, NI were high in industrial complex area. The highest coefficient of correlation was between Mn-Zn with 0.88, meanwhile Ni and Cu, Cd turned out in the reverse correlation in the suburb area. These coefficients of correlation are attributed to the difference in pollutant sources, rather than difference in pollutant and non-pollutant.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 부산 해안지역에서 친수공간벨트를 계획하기 위해 친수공간벨트 및 이에 관련된 친수공간클러스터의 개념을 제시하고 개별 친수공간들을 워터프런트 그린웨이를 통해 체계적으로 연결시켜 친수공간벨트를 계획하는 방안을 제시하며 부산 해운대구 해안지역을 대상으로 구체적인 적용사례를 제시한다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        산채자원 및 신선나물류의 개발과 산업화를 위한 기초자료 확보 측면에서 2007년 5월부터 6월까지 강원도 태백, 홍천, 횡성과 전남 나주, 담양, 장성의 오일장에 출하된 신선 나물류의 유통실태를 조사하였다. 오일장에서 신선 나물류를 판매하는 곳은 나주 22개소를 제외하고는 34개에서 49개소까지 다양하였다. 신선 나물류의 출하 품목은 강원도는 27-29종류였는데 산채 종류가 많았다. 반면에 전남은 15-19종류였는데 원예식물의 종류가 많았다. 참
        2007.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 주부 소비자들의 유기농산물에 대한 인식을 조사함으로써, 소비자들의 합리적인 유기농산물 소비생활을 유도하고 나아가 유기농산물 구매행동 연구에 필요한 유용한 기초자료를 제공하고자 수행되었다. 연구를 위한 조사는 서울지역 거주 20세 이상 주부 364명을 대상으로 이루어졌다. 조사결과, 유기농산물에 대한 인지도는 3.40으로 그다지 높지 않았고, 유기농산물에 대해 '건강에 좋은 것'(4.05), '가격이 비싼 것'(3.92), '화학비료를
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        테다소나무의 생장은 포지에서는 산지간에 차이가 없었으나, 조림지에서 30년생에 이르면 수고, 흉고직경, 재적 등 모든 특성에서 산지간 차이가 있었으며 비교수종인 리기테다소나무에 비하여 재적생장이 약 1.3배 정도 우수한 것으로 나타났다. 평균생장은 수고 15.6 m, 흉고직경 25.0 cm, 재적 0.369 m3으로 나타났으며, 특히 Worcester, Greene, Berkeley산지는 0.4 m3이상의 재적생장을 보여 형질이 우수한 산지로 나타났다.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        According to the survey, having access to a green environment in hospital building acts as an attractive element when visiting an obstetrics & gynecologist hospital. People want an open space where they can experience landscape-like features, even though they are faced with such limiting circumstances. A variety of conditions have to be met in order to compose a good indoor landscape design, from variety in plant selection, to flowers with great scents. In order to attract more patients, investment in creating an attractive indoor landscape will soon become a requisite for all medical facilities and local clinics that are to be built.