The Fandango is a dance that comes from Spain and its origins can be traced to a rural peasant dance. In the 18th century, the dance spread across the whole areas of Europe. The use of the Fandango by both Mozart and Gluck led to specific formations of tonal and melodic features of the Fandango. Schumann`s Fandango serves as an example of modifying or changing a fixed model of the dance, and also of redefining compositional characteristics, which mean the title of the dance suggesting its true origin. Entries made in Schumann`s diary suggest that the composer took the characteristics of Spanish folklore dance from a vivid Fandango scene in Malkolm, a book written by Heinrich Stefens.
This article is concerned with the theory of mimesis that had impact on the history of art from the antiquity to modern times. It tries to show its connection to the historical change of the poiesis concept, and purposes thus to approach a hitherto little known background of music history. Furthermore it seeks an answer to the question for which reason the theory of mimesis influenced the history of art for so long and so broad in the historical discussion on the legitimacy of art.
근대 한국 문학에서 구여성은 무식하고 관습을 좇으며 간혹 분에 넘치는 욕심을 부리지만 대체로 선량한 하층민으로 표상되었다. 현진건, 이기영, 강경애의 작품에 등장하는 대부분의 여성이 그렇거니와 이로써 이들은 '불행한 조국'을 상징하는 알기 쉬운 환유가 되었다. 그들의 고난과 희생은 수난당하는 조국의 운명과 동일하게 읽혔기 때문이다. 그러나 따져보면 여기에는 분명 의아한 구석이 있다. 구여성은 대관절 언제부터 문학사에 등장했을까. 한국문학에서 이들 구여성이 계급성을 획득하는 시기는 카프(KAPF)의 등장과 맞물려 있지만 사실 이들은 어느날 혜성처럼 문학사에 신여성이라는 강력한 존재가 등장하면서 저절로 특정한 의미로 자연화된 측면이 있지 않을까. 예컨대 근대일본문학의 기원을 논하며 가라타니 고진은 일본 근대 문학에서 근대 문학이 자연화되어가는 과정을 '풍경의 발견'이라는 발상으로 설명한 바 있다. 고진의 설명처럼 기원이 사후적으로 구축된다면 구여성이라는 '슬픈' 기원 역시 신여성이 등장한 후 이와는 대조적으로 구축된 근대적 관념이기도 할 것이다. 이러한 관점에서 노신의 소설을 보면 노신이 바라본 하층민, 특히 구여성의 모습에서는 이제 막 재현되기 시작하는 '중국적인 것'의 기원으로 그 의미가 안착되고 있는 구여성의 존재가 감지된다. 서술자의 시선은 이들을 집요하게, 그리고 꾸준히 따라간다. 흥미로운 것은 이들이 종종 익숙하기보다 기묘하게 낯선 존재로 다가오는 점이다. 병든 아이를 돌보는 어머니(《내일》)는 한국 소설의 어머니보다 더 늙고 체념적이며 비합리적이다. 근대 한국 문학에 비해 어딘가 지나친 측면이 있는 것이다. 이 논문은 이 지나침의 배후로 의학도의 시선을 되받아치는 응시를 지목했지만 여기에는 또한 노신의 개인사도 개입하고 있다. 노신이 《광인일기》에서 의학도의 감각으로 이 슬픈 기원을 해부하기 시작했을 때 이미 그는 성숙한 장년이었던 것이다. 떠나온 자였으되 한편으로 여전히 고향의 이런저런 풍속을 기억하고 그곳에 아내를 둔 내부인이기도 했던 그의 처지는 노신의 문학에서 의학이 가치중립적 지위를 넘어서 그 시선의 권위를 감지하는 자기반성적인 기제로 전환되는 것을 설명해준다. 주체의 시선과 응시가 뒤엉키는 곳에서 의학은 문학이 되는 것이다. 그러므로《축원례》에서 이 슬픈 기원이 가르쳐 준 것은, 뒤늦었지만 주체이기 전에 이미 대상이었던 의학자 자신이다. 반면 이광수는 이 점에서 훨씬 자유로웠다. 동일한 이유를 붙이면, 십대에 유학을 떠나 문명을 날리면서 춘원에게는 이 슬픈 기원이 제대로 보이지 않았다고 할 수 있다. 춘원을 추동한 것은 무에서 유를 창조하는 연금술의 이상이었고 그것은 귀국한 춘원이 창조해야 할 근대문학 자체이기도 했다.《개척자》에서 춘원은 희귀한 주체, 화학도를 내세워 그 가능성을 열렬하게 타진했지만 정작 춘원이 만들어낸 창조의 꽃은 그의 모순적인 근대성을 모조리 흡수해 용해시키는 '새로운 기원'-신여성이었다. 이로써 춘원이 창조한 한국 근대문학의 주체들은 과학(자)의 젠더지향성에 쉽사리 포섭된다. 그러나 이에 대한 정밀한 분석은 구여성이 등장하는 춘원의 다른 작품을 보아야 하므로 여기서 다룰 바는 아니다. 이 논문은 근대 초기 한국과 중국에서 과학과 문학이 만나는 현장에 대한 문제의식에서 출발한 시론일 따름이다.
Motorola which had developed and commercialized wireless telephone and mobile phone for the first time in the world made a decision on the separation of the mobile unit from the Motorola due to the continuous bad performance turn. In addition, the Korean company named Raincom which had developed and commercialized MP3 player have been disappeared since Raincom failed to compete with iPod of Apples. What is the main cause the companies that have been top of the world level weed out of IT product market? For less product life cycle and globalization of market, the company's competitiveness tends to be determined based on company's creative capability, rather than process implementation capability. Thus, companies spent a great amount of time and effort in the introduction of creativity management and R&D activities. However, as company's continuous investment on R&D and innovation activities did not lead to business performance, they starts to pay much attention on the effective R&D and innovation activities. Therefore, this paper tries to solve the limitation of the effectiveness of R&D activities by introducing the concept of 'creative quality'. The creative quality is executed by the creative process, which is designed for getting over the limitation of the traditional brainstorming method. This paper presents the concept so called 'creative quality management' and expects it to be an alternative to conquest the limitation of six sigma management.
Artist-in-residence which gets chances to create by artists’moving and encounteringnew culture is heightening its level in 21th century. Under the circumstance that issue ofcultural diversity and the role of artists which is for city revitalization and sustainability areaffect residency program in the midst of highly proceeded globalization that internationalexchange. Therefore, in the aspect of creative city, a new model is creating by reuse ofabandoned industrial facilities and Asia or Eastern country become the subject in residencyprogram management, the issue of cultural diversity is getting more important, programsbased on project not just residence are managing. Furthermore, it has inter-countrycooperating system in the rage of cultural management. It means that artists’space ofcreating activity has a new, social role in spontaneously we need to approach to followingmodel in Korea, as well.
Recently, product-reliability and process-reliability in product development processes has been regarded as an important issue in many manufacturers. TRIZ which is theory for inventive solving is required to obtain reliability of each process. To solve the technological problems, TRIZ provides problems can be occurred in product development processes as a contradiction matrix based on 40 creative invention principles with alternatives for physical and technological contradiction. This paper suggests the method for inventive solving to ensure the reliability assurance of product development processes based on TRIZ.
As customer needs become diversified, there are many efforts to develop creative ideas on the products to satisfy the customer requirement. Also it is very important to classify the customer requirement to the product's quality. According to the previous study, the idea of the products by collecting opinions and brainstorming is mainly studied in new product development. To create the attractive quality for the product, Kano model has commonly been used. However, the brainstorming in the stage of create ideas has the problem of lower linkage between purpose and idea and lower quality of new idea. Therefore, the paper suggests a way to invent more creative ideas by comparing forced connection method to the brainstorming that is applied to the Kano model.
This paper reports generating creative ideas based on customer needs using Kano Model and Importance-Differentiation Matrix (I-D Matrix). Nowadays, every customer demands creative ideas on product innovations in order to be satisfied her needs. However, most existing methods are limited to get creative ideas that reflect customer needs. Any creative ideas that do not fully reflect customer needs are obviously more difficult to succeed in the market than those that reflect customer needs. This paper distinguishes each quality elements the customer needs in terms of Kano Model. And it presents the effective ways of generating creative ideas by I-D Matrix in order to overcome current uppermost limits.
The CEOs of global companies have been realized the imagination and creativity that can be obtained from the corporate culture is the crucial competitive power for sustainable growth. Thus, most domestic companies take an increasing interest in how to make creativity efficiently. This paper, however, argues that the proper application of performance indicators can engender creativity and innovation in organizations without costly investing on creativity. Assuming that creativity is actually dominated by the emotion of human resources rather than the rationality, this paper suggests the performance indicators developed based on the viewpoint of the characteristics of human needs and the relationship between the human needs and the attribute of works. The performance system which consists of activity, sociality and creativity is presented and the performance indicators for each category are also suggested to improve the spontaneity and creativity of human resources.
This paper suggest the methods when we solve problems by TRIZ before grasp of customer needs by Kano model. Recently, many companies are very interested in TRIZ such as Six Sigma. Especially, the company commences to use TRIZ for solving a lot of problems in which occur by products and services. But It will be happen a lot of time and costs to solve all problems completely. Finally, This paper helps more effective problem definition to avail Kano model for reducing time and costs at solving problems by TRIZ.
The purpose of this paper is to answer to the question that how the leader of an organization can creatively solve his (or her) problems under the rapidly changing circumstances of knowledge-based society. Before arguing how to embody creative leadership, it explains the meaning of leadership compared with management and presents what creativeness means. Then it shows why creative leadership is necessary in the 21 st century of knowledge and information society. In the third section, it identifies six elements of leadership and then explains how to realize creative leadership element by element. It is a theoretical work, previous stage of an empirical research. Theoretical framework presented here must be useful in evaluating how much an organizational leader exercises creative leadership, comparing and identifying who is the most creative leader among several leaders, and analyzing the reasons why an organization fails to achieve its goals in the aspect of leadership.
미학적인 디자인이 상품가치를 갖게 될 현재 사회에서 디자인은 기존의 개념을 탈피하고 파괴하는 반동의 에너지와 부드럽고 유연한 감성을 불어넣는 것이어야 한다. 이러한 디자인 목표에 이르기 위한 '창조적 발상'은 디자이너가 갖추어야 할 가장 중요한 능력 중의 하나이며, 형태적 접근이나 이미지 개발은 물론 기능이나 성능 등 상품 컨셉(Concept)까지 관여하는 디자인 문제해결에 있어서의 총체적인 개념이다. 본 연구에서는 창조성의 정의, 디자인의 환경변화와 그에 따른 디자이너가 갖추어야 할 조건, 선행연구 된 창조적 디자인 발상법 등을 살펴보고 휴대폰을 대상으로 창조적 디자인 사고를 위한 디자인 방법을 제시함으로써 창조성의 중요성과 디자이너의 창조적 가치 향상에 기여하고자 한다.
The Two Kings, based on the myths of Edain in the ancient pagan Ireland, is Yeats’s long autobiographical narrative poem. This poem expresses not only the poet’s private love story but also his deep concern in the national affairs with realistic consciousness of responsibility. Therefore, in spite of its mysteriousness it shows that Yeats has traveled far into the actual world since his earlier narrative poems. In this poem Yeats adopted only the main part of the original story and changed its plot and reversed its ending on purpose. He reconstructed the original story and recreated it as a “universal” private mythos through imaginative embellishment and creative modification. Furthermore, by clothing each mythical character with multi-roles and -symbols, he succeeded in making the poem a piece of work with both individuality and universality. Through the symbolical behaviors of the characters, Yeats states his firm conviction that a man’s life should be determined by his own free will, and that the lovers’ happiness should dwell in their earthly life, not in their union after death. And the poet asserts that nothing is more important than the reliance and morality between human beings for our true life and happy love. In addition, the poet contends that a leader of a nation must deliver his subjects from their chronic oppression and poverty.
경기도 시흥시 정왕동 시화공업단지 내 주식회사 진도종합건설 시화소각장 주변을 생태적으로 건전하게 유지하기 위한 수단으로 생태적 설계에 바탕을 두고 복원사업을 실시하였고, 서울시 노원구의 수락산에 인공 조림된 아까시나무 임분을 복원생태학의 원리에 바탕을 두고 관리하여 그 효과를 평가하였다. 생태학적으로 창조된 숲은 조경 방법을 적용하여 조성된 숲과 비교하여 주변의 자연림과 더 유사한 종 조성을 나타내었고, 종 다양성도 높아 생태적 복원의 효과가 확인되었다
Baile and Aillinn, based on a pagan myth of ancient Ireland, is a long narrative poem which expresses Yeats’s private love story along with his deep interest in his fatherland and its national literature. Naturally, Yeats enlarged the simple plot of the story which tells about the two lovers’ death and their going to live in Aengus’s land among the dead. He also partly created his own private myth in order to transmit his many-folded intent. By clothing each mythical character with a role and symbol appropriate for his purpose, he succeeded in making his poem overcome the limitation of private utterance and making it a poem with both individuality and universality. The death of Baile and Aillinn has a duplicate symbolic meaning. Firstly, their death is an inevitable ritual process to get an eternal beatitude through the union after death and a sort of sublimation of a tragic love, in which we can glimpse at the poet’s plaintive love for Gonne. Secondly, their death is a kind of ritual murder symbolizing a Messianism of the Irish desiring for liberation from inveterate poverty and oppression over time. In conclusion, Baile and Aillinn is an excellent piece showing Yeats’s seasoned poetic technique of creating a poem with new meaning through mythologizing with great subtlety not only his own autobiographical elements but also the national feelings of the Irish people.